Don't cut that schnozz!

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they can have a schnozz as big as they like if they stop putting niggers everywhere

My cousin's best friend in HS was Jewish and she got a nose job at age 15

It wouldn't matter if she did. If anything it would make her other features look worse. She'd have to have a ton of work done.

jesus then have surgery to make the rest of your face bigger

I agree

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imagine being born such an abomination

I'd jizz all over that big schnoz.

Imagine stroking that beautiful kike face

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What if they really ARE the chosen people?...

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And teaching our kids to be schizo transfags with no national identity

I like her body positivity. Shouldn't alter something you were given by God just to appeal to other people. Everyone looking the same isn't mandatory.

>t. katie grant posting from new york

my brother in digits

but why do you want jews to all get surgery to blend in? wouldn't you want them to be more easy to identify anyway?

Chosen for an ass-kicking.

i dont give a shit about them, i'm just shitposting. Jews here are easy to recognize and i'd like to keep it that way

That kind of nose on women is actually kind of sexy tbqh senpai.

and yet
>why I won't be mutilating my son's genitals to make his 'Goyish' penis smaller
would be antisemitic

jewish double standards are rampant, fren

Good luck getting most of Korea to get onboard the "Live your natural looks" thing.

Nice. Makes them easy to spot. Good as a yellow badge star of david on her coat.

Couldn`t (((they))) make something useful out of it,like sniffing away ants and termites ?
Mein JUDEN-Radar ist on.

good noses for sniffing up all of that cocaine

Not a jew, I just think it looks hot on some (not all) women.

Babs is so fucking kino her nose makes her special and she defines beauty in every way humanly possible.

I spot them via their kazar milkers

getting a nose job is more hygienic

>it's too expensive
Don't even need to read the article

Nah, she realized it wouldn't do any good to her round chinless face.

indeed, you wouldnt have to shower every day and get smegma in those nose folds, and it reduces chance for rhinoviruses

Plus it's more attractive.

yes, 3/4 american men prefer the cut look

agree. but then again spicks and mideast types turn me on so of course I would like that nose

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>jewish features
Dachau oder Bergen-Belsen for (you)

Come and get me, mohammed.

She's not the type of kike who'd look human without the nose

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>t. Seth Rosenstein

this is a good thing
men have the right to know what they're getting into and what their kids are gonna be like

On the right face it's kawaii desu

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Dear god, she looks like she is from the island of the goons on Popeye

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I wish that happens too

she'd look like an ayylmao whatever kind of surgery she had, desu

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you're gross

looks turkish

brave and stunning
all jews should keep their elephant trunk

She's one of those stupid Jews. They don't give themselves nose circumcisions to look pretty, they do it to blend in.

Same. That's not to say I don't also like Caucasian features too, because I like all types. As an added bonus, it really puts the nazi larper's knickers in a twist knowing there's nothing they can, or ever will do about it.

Thank god so many of these hebes got gassed.

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you fall for repulsive facial features? NAZIS BTFO

I thought these wallet-goblin women loved things half-off

So NOW they’re against cutting the tip off?

Yep lol. I like what I like and I make no apology for it.

how about head transplant

Damn you got shit taste. I bet youre a kike hollywood faggot

She's got a big beautiful Jewish nose And its there two minutes early Wherever she goes

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whatever floats your boat, coomer

This shouldn’t be legal

Same chick straight on with no smile shes kinda cute.

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Underrated post, surprised it wasn't first



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