After all this coronavirus shit started happening, I’ve slowly started to lose faith in God. Now it is obvious to everyone here that this virus is a giant hoax, and as the days go by it seems more and more obvious to be that this is project Zephyr in effect. They are going to arrest all of us and detain us in fema camps for knowing to much. Now, why would God do this to us? Why would he allow these evil degenerate people who literally preform rituals and sacrifices to run amuck? I mean if he’s all powerful why does he allow his children to be hurt and killed in the name of the devil? Why is he allowing us to be killed and detained in camps for looking into the evil of the world? I don’t understand if Gods all loving why would he do all this? I feel I have been forsaken like Jesus did before his death it just feels so wrong and cruel someone please prove me wrong
Losing faith in God
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>Now it is obvious to everyone here that this virus is a giant hoax
God isn't a micromanager OP. Just don't let them take you alive. It's all you can do besides trying to wake up others.
Show your flag kike
Ok but why would he do that to me? I praise him and thank him and pray and he rewards me by dragging my ass to a fema camp? What about my family? Is he going to punish them as well?
Put it this way, it's like the story in doom eternal but in real life and without the need for a demonic invasion.
user, you arent in a fema camp. you are at home typing on a computer. take a breath and just realize that these are the times where you are being tested the most. keep the faith.
God is in control, brother. Keep carrying the fire.
What the other user said. The night is darkest before dawn. That being said, a war is coming. Prepare yourself. Arm yourself. If the lights go out, do not sleep. Do not go quietly.
>you aren’t in a fema camp
Not yet, but we know it’s only a manner of time. They are going to drag you and me to a fema camp to die during these blackouts and what’s God doing about it? He’s just going to let us die? Even though we have been faithful? So I see through the evil in the world and my reward is a fucking bullet in the head? Real loving
The fall of man, user. It wasn't like this until that whore eve ate the forbidden fruit and cursed humanity.
A small price to pay for eternal life though user
No one will belive this but I worked with the writers of the game and we tried to sneak as many red pills into the game we could.
Yeah and my dad works at Microsoft.
>Not yet, but we know it’s only a manner of time. They are going to drag you and me to a fema camp to die during these blackouts and what’s God doing about it?
Alex Jone said the same thing about the fema camps in the early 2000s. He was wrong then and you're wrong now.
Fuck off memeflag. Alex Jones has been controlled (albeit loosely) opposition from the beginning. Things are legitimately different this time around.
>Now it is obvious to everyone here
Liar. You are human garbage. I stopped reading there. I would honestly be happy to know that you killed yourself
So me and everyone else on this gay ass earth has to suffer for the sins of someone that we have NO control over? Why do I have to suffer because Eve ate the fruit? How is that fair?
Still doesn’t explain why God would let this happen to us in the first place. They’re going to arrest and kill me because I realized the evil in this world and now God is going to let them hurt me wow what a guy
Did you ever read the bible user? Faith only matters in a storm. If you fail at the critical moment, you never had faith at all. Conviction will take you to heaven, but only if you take it to the grave
I don't know why but that pic resonates with me. Anyway, God or not, you're stuck here until the day you die or get brain dead, make it count, every thing you do is forever written in the chain of events succeeding these actions, every instant could be considered a unique hash and could be traced back to a seed of actions.
Ok so why does he do this? What’s the point? It’s like I’m a pawn in some immature game between satan and God. Why is God even allowing satan to do this shit? If he was all good he would get rid of all the suffering and evil
I’m starting to gain faith in god
Exactly this, God seems so unjust. He demands I worship him and if I don’t he sends me to hell, but he made me in the first place? What kind of loving God demands me worship him or burn in hell forever? Doesn’t seem like a “perfectly good” god to me
Free will isn't just freedom to do the right thing. Free will also allows you to make the wrong choices. That applies to everyone. There are casualties in war. Are you willing to die for your god user? He did it for you
First comes (((satan’s))) wrath, then the Lord’s wrath. If we don’t see how evil satans children are, how would we rejoice at His coming? Think about all the martyrs in the first century. It’s what spread Christianity with all the miracles at the time. We learn righteousness through suffering.
Yes I am but I’m starting to think that a God who demands I worship him or sends me to hell isnt all just. It’s like I’m his literal slave and if I don’t bow down to him he’ll send my ass to the block. He even killed the first born children during the plagues, what kind of loving God does that? Kills children and allows satan to spread his degeneracy everywhere? Doesn’t seem so amazingly good to me if he does this kind of stuff
Of course god isn’t real, don’t know why so many people continue to believe that crap. If god was real he’d be the most narcissistic sadistic fuck to ever exist
>I’ll make your life hell and reward the evil, worship me
Hell isn't "the lake of fire" everyone imagines. Not at all. All of this is stuff you need to weigh for yourself user. Shitty life now, or shitty life forever?
The lake of fire is permanent death. Soul death. Like a bug.
Dude you’re completely missing the point I’m trying to make. If God was perfectly good he wouldn’t allow the children to die during the plagues. He wouldn’t flood the world and kill everyone. What kind of loving God does that? He’s obviously able to do some evil fucking shit (and he has) and yet everyone says he’s the ultimate good I don’t understand
>Degenerates and heretics start getting sick in droves
>This somehow disproves God's existence
>Now it is obvious to everyone here that this virus is a giant hoax
Why would he allow them to exist in the first place? It’s like gas has a stupid bet going with satan or something and I’m a pawn in it weather I like it or not it’s really unfair and not loving at all
We are all just worms forever toiling and crawling on this world as we are undeserving of salvation. Through the son of God we are offered a chance to be with him. Kingdoms shall rise and fall. All is ordained to the plan; on Earth as it is in Heaven. Life is finite while life after death is the true goal.
Your faith was superficial to begin with. What you're saying is essentially the crux of an age old theological and philosophical debate that any true believer would have already engaged with at a younger age.
You assume that this life is the best thing that there is. We are here to learn. If the survival of our earthly vessels serves no further benefit to our learning then why would it need to continue?
I think for an all-encompassing God, an unlimited and infinite being, there is simply no way it could be either good or evil, it must be both.
Personally I believe the ratio is 2/3 good, 1/3 evil, as satan convinced 1/3rd of the angels to sin and rebel against God.
Good and evil are imperfect abstractions. From God's perspective, it's wholly irrelevant. God isn't good or evil. He simply is. He offers you a choice to side with or against him.
You’re literally not answering anything that I asked you’re just preaching. Why would I worship a God who literally sends anyone who dosent worship him to hell? Why would I worship a God who kills children? Why would I worship a God who allows elites to sacrifice children to satan?
Your faith is based around an idea that God is ONLY a good thing. It is a good thing. But, God also has ultimate power. Pain and suffering is one of the only things we could consider 'objective' or let's say 'constant' across all cultures and beings. Pain, being a part of life is a part of God's creation. Unfortunately, your strawman idea of God comes from a pop-culture liberal idea and conceptualization of 'God'. Not the God that is reality. The God that is and always was. The God that has the power to sweep the rug from under your feet at any moment and show you who really is in control. The moment you accept you are weak and under the thumb of reality, AKA God, is the moment things will get easier.
Because he gave them a chance to make the right choices of their own accord and they refused.
>Why wouldn't God just seize direct control
Because authoritarianism is the realm of degenerates and heretics.
Cars was terrible. Fucking VW commercial rip offs lol
While we’re on this plane, we live under the laws of sin and death. God doesn’t look at death like we do.
Ive decided to open my bible in a long time and I opend to the book of jerimah where he preaches about the coming destruction of isreal. During parts you read about the people, like how god wont destroy isreal by sending babalyon, and they don't belive it but it happens.
Same thing happens with Babylon, they are told their empire will be destroyed by nations in the north and they don't belive it. But it happens.
Point is God says himself nothing is impossible for him and no one can challenge him, so why worry about what you see when its in Gods hands. Hope this helps, God bless.
He doesn't send nonbelievers to hell. He takes believers to heaven (and the majority of people end up in purgatory anyway). And read what I said in
Look man I don’t want to be disrespectful to God. In fact it hurts me to even think about this kind of shit but just the fact that he says no one can challenge him makes him come across as some kind of tyrant to me. I was raised Christian and I still consider myself to be one but I’m having a really hard time right now trying to comprehend why he allows this evil shit to happen please pray for me
What do you mean? So God killing children and allowing satan to run things dosent seem evil or at least weird to you?
Everything makes much more sense in this world if you look at it through a Gnostic lens - the God you currently pray to is a tyrant, a petty & insecure child, we're stuck here as its playthings, it doesn't give a shit about you. The evil degenerate people make deals with its subordinates, much like bribing or currying favour with the guards in a prison so they look the other way while you get raped/shanked. There is a higher true God, one of love & light from which Jesus was sent as a path of escape for us, maybe trying praying to him instead of God.
Satan and God physically perform no tasks on this plane. It is men’s hands that create in this world and men’s hands that destroy. Their wills are carried out by the men whose hearts are open and listening to them. You see the situation for how it is which is a consciousness the majority do not know. God is showing you Lucifers move in this game. His success is not just Gods failure but you’re failure as a Christian.
Your eyes are open, user. But the ball is in your court. You are the device God needs to prevail here.
God is the evil mastermind all along.
Sounds like you guys need a reminder of my might. Keep an eye on Yellowstone tomorrow.
t. GOD
I don't really think about it. On the whole, humans are evil. Get over it
based trips
So, what do we do?
Don't worry op, we all have these moments. I thought the same way a while back and when you get older you realize you were stupid. You are not as smart as you think you are op, that took me a while to figure out. Also the fact God knew the thought of their thoughts and knew every action on the people he destroyed. He knows a lot more about them than me. And when you say that no one being able to challenge him is tyrant, I viewed it complete opposite. I saw it that no devil, no evil can destroy him. You can completely trust him because nothing can destroy him. So know whos more powerful in this life, and its not the Jews.
There's actually a good passage when you think why does God allow evil nations to keep going. Read Jeremiah 43:7- 46:8.
The evil people we see now will be judged, if god did it more than 2000 years ago, he will do it today. I will pray for you OP. Godbless
>Ok I'll give you two choices human, my way or the highway. If you choose highway, I'll keep punching you until you regret it. Do you feel free yet?
Christian belief in a nutshell
OK jew. You won't convince us to give up christ like your forefathers did
Me too
Kek, zoomer begins to understand the world.
Why do so many innocent, good people die so many tragic deaths?
>God works in mysteries ways
Okay... but it seems like the worst sinners enjoy the most riches, and the best countries have less religion, why is that?
>God works in mysterious ways
Right but hang on-
All that you physically can. It may not be much at all, but you do neither yourself nor the world situation any service by surrendering yourself to fate. You see the round ups coming, you raise awareness and get your people out now. Ditch the grid, leave the cities and take your family with you where you can drop off the map. Arm yourself if need be. But whatever is in your power and what the voice in your heart is telling you follow it.
If they still get you you died on your feet.
If people weren't allowed to carry out their intentions fully then they can't be judged fully.