770 USA deaths in one day

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Fake and gay, Chang.

Attached: 1585063181900.png (683x633, 224.79K)

True and straight, Kike.

Attached: shill.png (590x200, 3.07K)

no u

Attached: C-658VsXoAo3ovC.jpg (800x450, 46.32K)

Orange man bad
Yellow man good, gibs mony

monkey man bad

More americans die every day from a list of other things. Why should i care about this hyped up flu?


>Why should i care about this hyped up flu?
i dont wanna get permanent lung damage for israel

Dont forget your gender pronouns when you practice social distancing

lol, faggot! you should know from your shithole that 10x that much die per day just from everyday life. In the case of Brazishit 700 deaths is your normal afternoon.


I didnt know this many people in brazil had the internet

yeah sucks not living in a nonshithole like costa rica

im posting from my computer and my phone also

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What ever you say spam bot.

Trump supporters are uneducated shitbagz who unironically vote against their own economic interests

CR is a shithole but 100x better compare to Brazil. You'd think with all that money and land you'd be in Top 5 of the World.

No incel

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Chinese virus.

Attached: OP Gargles Balls.png (653x800, 568.75K)

Nice try, winnie the pooh chink shill, you will never live down the Chinese Virus.

>chink admits to samefagging

Attached: GIDF Is Upset.jpg (520x390, 43K)

I wish I was born in rich ass Costa Rica :(


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So what if I wanted to bump my own thread by posting from the computer?

>ching Chong ping pong poster

Imagine posting in a thread where every single poster is shilling

Mendacity and queer as fuck.


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Kill yourself shrimp-dick bat-eating filth.

Don’t be mad
Be sad

CHICOM shills are so obvious and dumb. Where did the "Asians have the highest IQ" stat come from?

I’m not chink I’m monki

fuck off ching chong

Attached: berniespeaks.jpg (439x594, 149.45K)

More like /DRUMPF VIRUS/ General amirite?
Geddit? Drumpft? Kek!

I've always had a soft spot for Trump but watching him at these press briefings is incredibly embarrassing. The US is going to really struggle. Watching your best people on stage laughing, not social distancing, sharing and lectern and even hugging is literally insane.

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Costa Rica is fucking awesome, I know you have issues with poverty but the country is unironically better than Canada

OP is a dick sucking nigger faggot with a monkey dick up his ass as he posts.

Sounds based

How many Costa Ricas can you fit inside brazil?

Attached: 69DChess.png (913x679, 647.09K)

that's the point.. You can't even see CR when zoom out to see Brazil on the map. Yet with all of the corruption and very limited resources it still beats Brazil any day of the week. If only you spik niggers would allow White man to take control of your lives, you'd be living upper middle class lifestyles like before 90s

>USA deaths
Oh no all my cares i dropped them. Add some zeroes to that and maybe the golem nation can learn some fucking humility.

I can fit many Costa Ricas inside my state alone
Spics speak Spanish spic
We speak Portuguese spic

keep licking the door knobs chingchangdoo

Up yours Chink

Attached: 20200331_144526.gif (346x258, 816.37K)

4 more years, pardo.

>ching chang chong
>ping pang pong
kys ccp shill

How many dicks can Xi Jinping fit inside his ass?

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700+ deaths in one day in usa yes its true

> i was totally a supporter of x until i found y is much better
please call your college and ask for forgiveness and bring back your gender studies diploma.

Their sloth based economy is on the rise. I know I'm getting one once this ends.

785 now
15 people more since this thread started
I’m not happy about it I don’t hate americans I just hate migatards saying it’s a nothing burger

see how dumb you are... you can't understand what I am trying to say that being a tiny blip on the map it still comes out on top compare to your shithole.

this brazil kike is still here shilling kek
quite a persistent one arent you

Tiny countries shouldn’t exist you should be part of Mexico imo

I agree.. also explain to me what Portugal is, where it is and how the fuck such small country is in charge of such large piece of land full of retarded niggers such as yourself?

I’m pro independence of Brazil
Portugalfags should not rule brazil anymore imo

lol! once again you point out why Brazil is such a shithole. When Portugal was in full control, land was mostly whites and everyone lived a middle class lifestyle. Then 90's and faggots like you demanded independence and now you are paying the price. In 10 years Africa is going to appear more modern.