"HARD TIMES AHEAD. VERY TOUGH TWO WEEKS. SEE SOME REAL LIGHT AT THE END OF THE TUNNEL. VERY VERY VERY PAINFUL TWO WEEKS!!!! Military people going into battle. Going into war." Lots of graphs. Sounds like shit is about to get real bad.
Honestly you people laugh at toilet paper hoarders, but you really dont have enough toilet paper yourselves. The average person uses 1 roll per day. If you have a family of 4, that's 28 rolls a week. Over 100 a month. TP will be worth its weight in gold in a few months, because everyone needs it.
It entirely depends on one thing for me. Can you get reinfected multiple times? If you can't, then I don't give a fuck and let the boomers die. If you can, then this virus will kill 80% of the planet.
Lucas Wood
>2 more weeks
Isaiah Russell
Logan Walker
This will kill 15k in the US, tops.
The whole 200k-2mil will be memoryholed.
Gabriel Powell
So they're saying if we follow instructions and do what they say, we'll only lose one or two hundred thousand people? Fug.
Wyatt Roberts
>SEE SOME REAL LIGHT AT THE END OF THE TUNNEL. Sometimes that light at the end of the tunnel is a train.
>highly contagious >high mortality rate >possibly could mutate to make it deadlier >lockdowns in place, quarantines may take place next. >unemployment is rising through the roof. >”duh r people takin dis virus seriously??” Christ you’re retarded.
>Can you get reinfected multiple times? youtube.com/watch?v=PU2ut5Ark3Q The lad who had this in wuhan said he got worse and better for about a MONTH. Sounds like reinfections or possibly ONE LONG INFECTION OR It could be like HIV
Kevin Young
Real number will be far less. They’re using the worst case scenario so afterwards Trump can claim he did the best job, bigly.
Michael Morgan
They don’t know wtf they are talking about. Death rate is much lower than they show.
No, best case is approx 30,000 when they died of corona and not some comorbidity.
Bentley Hughes
Sorry kid but the big hoax is over, there's not going to be a boogaloo. The hysteria was way overblown, only the old and weak are dying. time to go back to work now, you had enough days to stay home and watch cartoons. Grown ups have businesses to run, and the world needs to get moving again. Flatten the curve cultists would have us flatten the economy. See you next week. Don't be late, there's a lot of people looking for jobs right now if you know what I mean.
A timeline of 1 year with attributing all Influenza-Like-Illness deaths to COVID-19?
Okay I can see how they can stretch that to maybe get to 100k-ish. Maybe.
Alexander Reyes
stop fear mongering. they literally said 30 times 200k is worst case, they are trying to get it down much less.
Brandon Butler
Journalists don't fucking care about working people.
Aiden Powell
>possibly could mutate to make it deadlier
evolutionary that would not be beneficial for the virus but if it's really a bioweapon then that could be a possibility
David Sullivan
he is like fuck this im gonna lift all the sanctions
Parker Watson
Not that's the worst case. It's all about data those two experts brought to him, of course they're going to talk about it ffs. Plus it's them who will be fucked over if these projections are fake and gay.
Alexander Lewis
>we'll only lose up to 200,000 >no, nigger, at most 200,000 Oh, ok. Thanks.
Carter Martinez
That's fake news you miga nigger.
Just cause you want it to be true doesn't make it so.
He's letting them say the numbers because you faggots wont belive them otherwise, because they are bullshit.
James Lopez
that's right goy get back to work how else will you pay your landlord?
Jaxon Reed
They're claiming it will peak in weeks. Why? Unless you get R0 below 1 through a total lockdown, how do you prevent most of the population from being infected? >inb4 most people already have it That's been debunked by the antibody test in Telluride.
Lucas Butler
>>lockdowns in place, quarantines may take place next. >>unemployment is rising through the roof. Those aren't symptoms of the virus. They are symptoms of retards like yourself
Luke Thomas
trump needs to let those other people take questions. its not his data and not his ballpark. let the experts stand up there and explain the data / projections
Xavier Moore
Ethan James
great film
Ian Young
fucking whhhhhhyyy is he still talking about the same shit. He's just rilling up the general public! Can someone tell this mother fucker to shut up for like a week, unless he has actual new info? I'm just wildly confused why people are letting him say the same this dumb shit. Like, what the fuck. Come fucking on. Dude like fucking ugh... I wish he were handling this a little better. And on the same note, I wish I was. I'm basically panicking. Somebody calm me down.
Why is Pence so useless? Is it because of him being so religious? Like it reveals his low IQ and thus low utility? Trump knew this would be a disaster from the start, so he made Pence the fall guy. And like a cuck Pence accepted >Oh thank you mister president, I'll do a good job, I'll just ask god to cure it, but first I have to rant to him for 4 hours about how the gays are bad Gross
We will have to start to see 2-3k deaths a day for over a month to get around 200k. We are closing in on 1I and I dont see how it can possible expand much past that.
Cameron Sanders
This. Underpromise and overdeliver, baby.
Hudson Roberts
We have the best tests, they’re fucking awesome. I’ve seen these tests and let me tell you, if I had two hats on I would take them both off and eat some chicken legs on Main Street. The best.
>It entirely depends on one thing for me. Can you get reinfected multiple times? The problem is the test kits developed to this point (China, and the first round of CDC tests and others out of the EU) have been total dogshit. They give false negatives / only 30% accuracy at best. The new round of tests out of the US are purportedly better.
So all these people who were "cured" of it were not -- they simply relapsed.
Trump's response to this is effectively Obama's. Fuck this. Unlimited bailout again, cash for clunkers 2, go back to work instead of starting a family, more money for Israel
Fuck off, Chang. Don't you have some animals to murder?
Cooper Kelly
Parker Hall
He's honeydicking Jim Acosta
Alexander Ross
being the fall guy is his job. he's a complete moron.
Sebastian Young
the end of the pandemic
literally fall. its NOT a big deal
Charles Lewis
They are not factoring in air pollution.
Dylan Green
He realizes they made a mistake. Destroying the economy and by extension the lives of 100% of the country is not worth saving the lives of 0.3% of the country, most of whom are sick boomers. Unless they know something we don't (e.g due to virus mutations the inevitable mortality rate is 80%), then he is mathematically making a wrong decision.
from the data from countries (besides china) the average age of death is mid 80's
this is a nothingburger that trump got played into taking action against. now ANY numbers that is shown on TV, whether 10k, 50k, 300k it will look like half of america died.
Italy stands at >500 deaths per day in the last 2 weeks. Adjust for population and it stop sounding impossible.
Aaron Lopez
Dr Deborah 'fugggg muh dick" Birx
Henry Hughes
Josiah Ortiz
>30 days >20 days too late
Brayden Harris
I'm sure I'm wrong, but I just don't understand why there is such a huge push for tests. Shouldn't any reasonable person be able to decide if they have corona after everything we've learned until now? If you break out into a fever and start having respiratory symptoms, do you really need to fight with people on the phone and go driving around to get a test? Just seems like a huge waste. Everyone just has to assume they have it regardless of symptoms. Once you get symptoms, then there is all the confirmation you need.
>models are always right When this is all over, and the models fall-through (for the US and most first world countries) and the death rate is FAR less there will be a post-mortem of all this fear mongering and infectivity modeling and what sort of crazy assumptions they rely on (eg, relying on high urban population density, low sanitation... third world and chinks).
This is global cooling/acid rain/ozone/global warming/climate change level of biased assumption/(((big science))) bullshit.
Bentley Lee
imagine using new york as a template for what will happen in other states
nyc is literally nothing like the rest of the usa
Isaiah Sanders
Based Repo Man poster
Nathaniel Turner
It’s to get better data and contact trace
Logan Moore
He is probably getting the second dose of the rona. It hits hard about TWO WEEKS after your first dose.
Parker Johnson
>We are fucked aren't we? Nope. >They all seem so hopeless Nope. >America is probably done for. Nope.
Levi Moore
this They were doomed with at least a million dead mutts from weeks ago. Probably more. They are also dying young as predicted.
Jeremiah Fisher
She's not going to be a VP nominee for Biden because she's white, but would, what a MILF. They're not his estimates, but you are right and that's why he's getting them to make the estimates lmfao.
Lincoln Morales
wow where did all the "it's a nothing burger" people go , did kung flu get them ?
Robert Nguyen
yes, they been saying exactly this since day 1. ppl are fucking weirdos and clog up the system because they want to feel special.
Charles Anderson
Yeah, everyone who has above room temp IQ already knows this is now something around forever like spanish flu.
Germany fuck off.
Jaxon Wood
Those graphs are total BS. Testing hasn’t been and isn’t available everywhere. It’s a crock of shot.
It's always going to be two more weeks until months have passed and normies realize things aren't going back to normal Then the real shitshow begins
Juan James
right here meme flag
this is still a nothingburger
Evan Campbell
>Mr. President, what is the relevancy of this slide?
William Thomas
kek pence made a move
Christian James
Yes, there are tons of stupid people. Also, lots of shills.
Noah Morgan
Ehh. The difference is in 08 the banks completely fucked themselves up, then asked for a handout, and Obama failed to prosecute anybody.
This really isn't the fault of corporate America. Yeah I get this was due to all the offshoring of manufacture but everybody was doing it, you had to do it if you wanted to have a business. When it is a systemic problem like that it falls back on government to alter the playing field (and they didn't).
Jayden Stewart
can someone brief me on everything thats been said? ive been too busy to tune in
Nolan Carter
>Germany has got this shit handled (citation needed)
Eli Peterson
Christian Diaz
Need more testing for accurate mortality rate I think. If you only test the critical cases who probably will die, it makes it look worse than it really is
Ryder Gonzalez
Gimme a sec I'm drunk
William Jones
Noah Miller
Raman! You just guzzled all that kool aid didn’t you.
Tyler Nguyen
>responding to a virus is the same as bailing out companies for their own failures
aliens attack friday. qtards think internet goes down tomorrow. kfc has a sandwich with donuts as buns.
Jose Long
>trump is very tired and quiet, looking like a beta >they said prepare for hell for next 2 weeks >after that peak should go down >some states are doing very good, NY and NJ is not >italian peak is going down >30 more days to stop spread, big scary graph >you are here
Jordan Long
Trump continually deferring to Pence / Birx / Fauci is smart. He's stronger when he looks like the smart executive who brings experts together instead of trying to answer things he's clearly out of his element in.
>I'm sure I'm wrong, but I just don't understand why there is such a huge push for tests. This shows what the real mortality rate is (not just severe cases), shows the true level of the spread.
What if this has already been with us in the US since Nov-Dec, and has been classified as influenza like illness? Hint: it has.
I also just thought that there are probably insurance hoops to jump through with tests being one. Also prescriptions. I don't know, I'm holed up in my house and don't plan on leaving even if I somehow get sick.
Lincoln Rodriguez
With how promising the Hydroxychloroquine treatments I could see this being an outcome. Then Trump looks even better for pushing it from the beginning and allowing it to get approved through his FDA process.
Joseph Powell
770 people died late night and they are saying those are the low numbers...why do you hate us corana chan
People dying on planes.... Does he even have a brain?
Dylan Garcia
Elijah Russell
I'm sure this is as true as the previous 4,420 times this rumor was posted.
Never, but it sounds like we might if the coronachan goes full blast.
Justin Barnes
>TOP SECRET QUARANTINE >Feel free to share with your friends!
Matthew Roberts
>Reporter: How duo you push it under 100k deaths? >Doctors: HAHAHAHAHAHAHA (seriously)
Mason Collins
you don't want that
That lying psychopath waited waaaay too long to quarantine MI and now we've got a huge outbreak. Ohio had 1/3rd the cases MI did and went on lockdown, this dumb failure took a full week longer after Ohio locked down and now we're in all sorts of a mess.
Owen Butler
Are these people really too stupid to know how to interpret data
Asher Reyes
Hudson Sullivan
No. 200k is high end with mitigation, and 2 million was the high end for no mitigation.
Lucas Collins
>(((MORE DATA)))
Hunter Harris
>believing this bullshit nobody here got tested and germany reports way lower numbers cause people dont get tested AFTER they die like italy. So if you are a boomer who goes to the hospital or maybe dies at home they wont test you to see if it was corona lol
actually it was Cuomo who crashed the economy in 2008. He pushed all the HUD bullshit through when he ran it. This is his second attempt to destroy an economy
Yup. Which is why there is such a fight against HC. (((Big Tech and the MSM))) are censoring it and trying to black it out, but the kikes fucked themselves by pushing Trump to do these daily pressers. The truth gets out. This is why there's such a panic to now SHUT IT DOWN for these briefings.
This will backfire, like everything else, and in the process wake up just a few more people, and push even more to the "right" / nationalistic (ie, normal). Pic related.
Saying "the model isn't right" isn't an argument. You have to provide a reason this epidemic doesn't work like past epidemics so the model doesn't apply or an alternate model that better explains it. Making predictions that presuppose it's a nothingburger isn't an argument either.
cant they fucking understand a graph? jesus christ. ask something else fools
Juan Ward
woah thats the one... fuck
Henry Hernandez
>I want Dr. Birx to confront me and humiliate me for wearing her panties with her sexy voice Just don't look at her teeth. Her dentist must live in England.
Dominic Turner
Continental US is 3,706,269sq miles 1,000,000 troops is barely enough to enforce 1/1000th of that
People dying on plane, people dying on trains, and some, who I assume, are good people we're going to have a pandemic and Mexico is going to pay for it
Agreed. All of the February models turned out to be bullshit and people say it’s because of the shutdowns yet all these graphs have a “do nothing” trajectory that’s still far below those earlier models.
Bill Gates and his friends had that exercise in November involving a Coronavirus that killed 60 million in their best case scenario. These data projections and models are completely worthless. They’re not even as accurate as a stopped clock because they’re never right
Ok, but remember that things don't mutate because the mutation would benefit them. It's random. If it randomly mutates and somehow becomes deadlier, then we all have to deal with that somehow. Hopefully if it does, it does it like Ebola and burns through a person too fast for them to spread it before they die.
LOL this is dumb because people would starve... this doesn't make sense from a policy standpoint.
Jonathan Adams
Trump sounds like such a retard
Jackson Parker
wow you're dumb
Jonathan Hughes
You think they fuck when all the journalists leave?
Ian Long
You can actually see the dementia here
Ryan Taylor
One of the key reasons why [Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac are] bankrupt today, and why the government is spending hundreds of millions of dollars in supporting them, is because of the edicts pushed through by Mr. Cuomo," said Bove, of Rochdale Securities, in a live interview.
"It's also thought by many that the hundreds of thousands of people who are losing their homes, are [doing so] to a great degree because of the actions taken by Mr. Cuomo at HUD," Bove added.
Cuomo, who was secretary of Housing and Urban Development from 1997 to 2001, has been blamed in some quarters for helping to trigger the financial crisis by pushing Fannie and Freddie to buy more subprime mortgages to increase home ownership among the poor. Many of those homeowners eventually defaulted, and the mortgage-backed securities market later collapsed.