Why are Italo*ds so violent and agressive?

Why are Italo*ds so violent and agressive?


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Manlet rage and suppressed homosexual feelings

Because they have a soul and actually hate kikes like the faggot recording.

they're all manlets

I fucking hate faggots who record.

t. beta

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Is frank hassle 6’3 thought he was around 6

If you thought Sam looked disgusting and dishevelled, wait til you see Chad King.

LOOOL, he will get raped by these manlets LMAO. He is some skinnyfat bitch who has more estrogen than testosterone. I'm sure he chokes on sam's dick on the down low.

cuz we be sand jews

>guy is an absolute asshole
>comments actually support him and make fun of Italians
please Corona, take what is yours

He is a jew.

Based Italians should have just clocked him

Why aren’t you?

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I just want to say thank you for your service, Mr. Hassle. You are a true american hero.

Absolutely, could even use him as a trophy. Won't it be funny to have some shreklike feminine golem.

I have no words to describe the "person" that did this video ,or this types of video.
They call this funny?

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I condone violence on people like OP and all other pranksters not a lot but a good punch or slap and a couple on the ground works well

He makes men tremble and cry in his presence


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stop posting this unfunny cringe shit

This is why I own weapons. If nature made you strong and you overstep your boundaries, bullets and electric shocks can render your strength meaningless.

The mind rebalances what nature made cruel and elitist.


>If nature made you strong and you overstep your boundaries, bullets and electric shocks can render your strength meaningless.

But what if strong people also own weapons? check mate

>be an asshole for no reason
>lol why do people get so aggressive
gee chang, I wonder.

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Oh look, another Sam Hyde ripoff.

well I am not a human or men
and that creature is really pathetic



Fuck off kike shill

Too heavy to draw a weapon, lmao. You won't even realize when you're on the ground.

He was mentored by sam all the great ones had great teachers.

Biggest manlet screeching I've read in a while. If I knew where you lived I would have informed the authorities.

max zoz I just saw that one but the guy getting harrassed somehow made it creepier

Well the guy in the vid does look like a kike and if some Jewboi was messing with my food I would punch his hook knows in

kek that's unfair I'm average but probably a turbomanlet in your country

Its funny because the baldy was scared from some ogre, if he owns the gym he is the biggest cuckold in the universe. He got in free to harass the people who make him money.

Nothing wrong with manlets per se, but this guy gave off vibes of manlet rage.
"The mind rebalances what nature made cruel and elitist"
Sounds like Elliot Rodger.

He’s not as funny or original honestly feels cringe when this Sam wannabe does it

literally true, im 6'2, there's always a bigger guy, guess what if some 6'5 dude tries to mess with me i will stab him or shoot him, and i would expect any manlet to do the same. if youre being an asshole and abusing your strength/size youre gonna get whats coming to you

oh yeah they're just Amerisharts on a power fantasy, he probably bought a gun and is trying hard to convince himself he's gonna use it some day

is this guy sam hyde's biggest fan?

Comments are just his ironybro faggot fans and MDE irony faggots

anyone who watches this channel and enjoys it should be shot twice in the back of the head, including frank

He's based just for the fact he's releasing footage of Sams shit that he was suppose to show years ago


>manlet rage
But you're artifically tall, all of you're gay and let morrocans do what they want with your owmen. If you didn't drink milk with hgh and have literal hgh treatment(we know about this, you can't lie) from you age you will be below average. Its why you shiver the second you hear about the slavic and actual nordic chads.

He has like 1000 viewers, so you are this yourself right?

I salute Chad King o7 and thank him for his service!

Kill him and take his little fucking camera.

based, gym fags BTFO

>Thanked a veteran
Youre blessed

Great shilling Jew

You clearly havent been registered.

This desu. There’s also martial arts and the like. Quick strikes to the joints tends to render your opponent slightly staggered and opens up opportunities for further attacks. If I ever get into a fight with a guy that’s around your height I’d just go for knee kicks, elbow hyper extensions, and then run as quickly as possible away.
T. 5’3” manlet

>suppressed homosexual feelings
mostly this, and its unfortunate. we need to revive the openness of the Roman Empire

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Geez i wonder why i shouldn't be angered that a fat ass complete stranger sits at my table and have familliarities with me that i wouldn't even allow my children to have with proper education, i'm wondering why people would legitimately feel their privacy totally violated by a fucking obnoxious asshole.

I hate fights and it seems to become the norm this days , guess I will start carry a syringe with acid

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cope manlet

Why doesn’t anything fun like this happen to me?

OK Chang.

What's with the cyborg POV. He's supposed to be connected to cyberspace of something?

Insecurity: the post


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You guys realize the fat no name neckbeard is creating these threads himself for more views and subs right? I suggest reporting all his videos for bullying and harassment.

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This. Pic related was italy before christcucks came in and ruined everything

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No, he needs more exposure so people can see what a malicious jew he is. How else is he going to recieve his justce.

Jesus, this guy REALLY needs to have his lights punched out. I mean REALLY a permanent-brain-damage-level beating with fists and boots. If he ever wanders up to a table where I'm eating with my family and starts pushing us around and mocking us so his snot-nosed little internet bffs can snigger over it, he'll leave with a fucking carving knife through his oesophagus.

This guy was being an asshole and the Italians staff didn't even made a scene about it.
This guy was pushing his limit if i was on the staff i would probably kick his ass right then and there