I have an actual extremely attractive petite skinny sexy Asian high income Dentist who wants to try a relationship with me and I’m too embarrassed and ashamed to actually go through with it because all I can think about is the whole “white male asian female” memes and hapa memes, and how it’s considered laughable and pathetic for a European man to be with an Asian woman.
She is attractive, has a kind heart, very friendly, has a good career and high income, likes me a lot, and I can’t seem to go through with it because she Asian.
All the white women are fucking fat cunts or giga sluts....but I’ve been brainwashed by this place into only being allowed to go for those women. Why do we do this to ourselves? Do you know how rare a non-fat nice white woman is? Especially in Australia?
I recently created a website for orphans and it does not have a home page.
Sebastian Wright
You should go for it user.
Carson Ramirez
If you want kids then she may not be for you. If you want to raise kids (adopted from white countries) then she might be perfect. At the end of the day only you can decide if you want to be happy when you die, and what that means for you.
Jackson Morgan
What kind of cuck let’s the internet decide who he dates
My ex of 7 years is a dentist. I left her a year ago because she was fucking nuts. Dentists have a high rate of mental health problems. And an even higher rate of divorce.
Proceed with caution
Landon Torres
But also why wouldnt he have kids with her. That would be a slow move to adopt before having
William Fisher
She’d be more satisfied with a big black cock anyway.
Cooper Hall
>you meanies made me It was never going to be, regardless.
Kevin Cook
>She is attractive, has a kind heart, very friendly, has a good career and high income, likes me a lot, and I can’t seem to go through with it because she Asian. For fucks sake user just go for it. The white race is doomed anyway.
Christopher Barnes
Nice blog, zhang
Ryan Mitchell
do it but watch out for the Tea ceremony.
Connor Jackson
Brandon Ortiz
Reminder that real chads don't give a fuck what some virgin working at McDonald's has to say about who they should date.
The single gayest post ever posted. I bet you have real soft fingers. Want me to hook you up with my gay cousin? I know you'd be into because you're a faggot.
What the fuck are you doing, date her immediately and make babies. You are literally listening to chang brainwashing.
Owen Cruz
Balls deep and breed her
Stop being a faggot pollute other races with white seed
Nathan Gray
i fucking hate these larp threads, did not use to be like this, this is turning to fucking /x/
Matthew Miller
>Living his life according to Yas Forums You deserve to be alone and sad user
Xavier Gray
>Do you know how rare a non-fat nice white woman is? Duh, you're looking for women, you don't want a woman, they've been subverted and destroyed, damaged goods my friend. Go for a girl and guide her.
Brody Roberts
I live in Boston and wmaf is by far the most common mixed race relationship I see.
The white guys almost always look like fucking losers too. Every now and again you see a good looking white guy with a good looking asian girl. But mostly it is ugly/average white guys with mediocre asian chicks lmao.
Pretty sure a lot of people, even so called leftist people, find it pathetic. They have been conditioned to hate white men so how could they not see this as pathetic? Normal white guys know it's cringy as fuck too.
Jordan Russell
Itnis funny because he isn't British himself.
Tyler Cox
If that’s what she looks like, you should be eating her ass good morning goodnight everyday. You shouldn’t have time to think about what the internet thinks while you penetrate every orifice she has with you fingers, tongue, and cock ya fucking retard
Levi Foster
I'd worry more about the fact that high status female, low status male pairings are often doomed to failure than the hapa memes. Of course, people aren't statistics, and it could work out for you.
Dominic Sanchez
Dude , so what . Cant you understand that when we say : mexicans are criminals pr some shit it doesnt actually mean 100% of them? You are a fucking grown up man , you can understand when someone breaks the rule. For example my wife has alot of tattoos which I certainly dont like as most of Yas Forums would but so what , she is a great and loving partner and in the end thats what counts.
Colton Evans
Probably a good idea to stay brainwashed and find you a white woman, start fat-shaming people, make fat-shaming a thing again. Fat stupid white women deserve to be shamed for being the death of our race.
>For example my wife has alot of tattoos YUCK how do you put up with that?
Adrian Williams
was she hot? bet she fucked pretty good too eh?
Zachary Carter
The sad thing is that if you want a relationship with a modern young woman, you won't have the chance to pair bound unless both of you give up sex until after marriage.
Orgasms induce oxytocin. Oxytocin pair bonds you. The more you fuck around, the less chance you create to pair bond for yourself.
Levi Miller
Thanks, this makes white whores easier for me. Why can't all white cucks just breed with bugwomenz and we can have our way with white whores?
Nathaniel Wood
I used to work in a dentist office when I was in college. There was another dentist who would come in and get work done. She was a mature indian woman in her 40s. Pretty assimilated here. She kept hitting on me but was embarrassed to do anything. Looking back I should have railed her like no other. I 1000% regret it. Just saying, just get laid. Fuck the memes.
Hunter Brooks
Lol you fucking idiot, leave this place and go plow that asian. Only incel losers care about race.
Jose Gomez
>1 post by this id tits or gtfo you are acting like a woman or a larp so prove it
Camden Ward
go for it, breach her
Connor Cruz
Don't listen to any of these actual kikes trying to talk you into race-mixing, they couldn't give two shits less about you or the perils of your potential offspring.
Hudson Watson
1 post by this Id
Hudson Howard
>Yas Forums - my blog kys
Mason Kelly
Imagine not getting pussy because you care what people will think.
Adrian Harris
If you and your feelings can be swayed that easily then you're a punk ass bitch anyways and you don't deserve her
Kys, class war is where its at not race war. Fuck the rich, class war now!
Caleb Garcia
If you care about the white race you won't, if you care about settling for a foreigner then do it. Life doesn't give a fuck how hard things are, me and many Anons are content with making the sacrifice to find the remaining trad girls in a sea of degenerate pozzed retards. Everyone comes to a moment of moral crisis in their lives and your choice here will show more than any words who you actually are. With how you completely misconstrue the issue and just do the "muh yellow fever" bit I'll take the benefit of the doubt and say you're a shill. If you somehow aren't, quit being a lazy faggot and make your own life choices. As if what we say will matter to you.
Faggot my cousin is in Australia, she is white, prime as hell in regards of look (no incest meant, she just looks great) and still wants to settle down. You are fukced if you are trying with western women or non-whites if you are white.
Parker Nelson
dont be retarted op, at least go on a date and try it out, if it clicks, then fuck it, have some slant eye poon tang
Samuel Adams
The stereotype is for dudes who get mail order brides who only pretend to love them because they own a house with a yard.
Jayden Davis
>letting Yas Forums make life decisions for you here's one you should try: never breed
Michael Thompson
Hit it then faggot
Samuel Gonzalez
user you can do it Asians are acceptable
Sebastian Davis
This. Never feel bad about fucking any women, all women thoughout the world NEED white seed. While white wombs are to be protected and reserved for white men at all costs, it really doesn't matter where white seed goes.
Even from every other race on the planets prespective, they would all benefit in every way, aesthetically, logically, you name it. Every woman on the planet would have a healthier and more good looking offspring with a WHITE male rather than any other race on the planet. The world needs WHITE SEED. If you're not gonna pound any white chicks, you might as deliver your seed
Bentley Thomas
I do this to my asian gf but my tongue tickles her taint, so I have to kind of hold her down to take it. Is there a fix for this?
Christopher Hill
>me and many Anons are content with making the sacrifice to find the remaining trad girls in a sea of degenerate pozzed retards. >remaining trad girls Good luck with that user
Christian Hall
If she’s Christian, marry her. I did similarly. Elliot Rodgers only happens if you’re of the (((tribe))).
Ryder Martin
You are a cucked pimp
Mason Reyes
If you can really love her, then go for it man. Why resist your nature? Nature takes care of itself. It's Darwinism. Your children (or lack of them) will reflect your choices in life.
Kevin Anderson
The Mercury they work with poisons the brain
Anthony Anderson
Try cognitive dissonance. You know, like the crusaders killing in the name of god. It will do you a whole lot of good, I promise.
Dominic Collins
A wise man just typed... "You can't spell Caucasian without slapping a cauc on an asian."
Ethan Rogers
>Elliot Rodgers only happens if you’re of the (((tribe))). Do you have children?
Bro, we are all fucked at this point anyway, just go for it. Bang that slut, live happily, have 3 kids (2 daughter and one son) that themselves go on to marry whites and have kids of their own that are European enough to satisfy even the Führer. Might even breed out some of those biopolar autist genes you're likely to be saddled with.
Brayden Reed
Trust your gut and go with that. If your gut says yeah then take her out. If your gut says nah then forget her.
I would also like to add that if you're picking girlfriends based on what a bunch of losers on the internet have race baited you into thinking then you're an absolute dumb cunt.
Pro tip: stop giving a shit what npcs and betas think.
Luke Cooper
no, really, we can always tell.
Juan Cox
Don’t have kids
Blake Collins
by the time u marry ur asian and have kids, the asian white thing will already be gone and replaced with something else.
Chase Fisher
This absolutely
Nolan Edwards
Go for it user Ik what your saying, the brainwashing has sunk in deep to most white women. I have to say that you shouldn’t have kids with her (but ik how that goes), consider adopting an orphaned white child?
Angel Morris
Congratulations. You've been cucked by Yas Forums
Joseph Green
Once again fuck off nigger
Jaxon Stewart
>and hapa memes, Yas Forums saved you from Hapa fatherhood.
You should thank us. You want a carbon copy of you or a demonspawn Elliot Rodger?
Adam Martinez
>he can still get turned on by asians nigger just do it and adopt white kids, it's really not hard to figure out
Liam Kelly
To be honest man , yeah it bugs me out but as I said its not the most important thing . Its not even in the top 10 most important things that I look for in a woman. She is faithful ( as far as I know lol) , caring , loving and supportive. And hot as well . So she has some ink , big whoop.
Bentley Richardson
So much cope kek
Andrew Wilson
Typical weak Australian. You are culturally and ethnically incompatible.
Colton Cruz
mixed kids have terrible health problems and lack a racial identity
Jayden Parker
Tattooed biker wife your opinion is worthless until you bleach the bitch or get rid.
Jaxson Bennett
Go for it and drop this jaded schizo place full of retards, you'll be happier for it.
Christopher Smith
Ehh I guess we all have our deal breakers. I can't stand tatoos personally. Then again I'm a 25 year old virgin so who am I to talk huh?
Daniel Morales
>cope any tattoo is an indication that the woman doesn’t understand purity and this will extend from staining her body to staining your relationship with infidelity. enjoy your stupid geometric tattoos though
Noah Torres
non-fat white women still exist but you're going to have to make an effort to search for them.
Evan White
What's the source on that big titty hoe?
Jackson Sullivan
I think that woman is more central asian than south east, kind of a whole different bag