behold, the effects of Marxist colleges on the female brain
We were following social distancing before this virus even existed.
fuck me this world is done
I don't need social distancing rules, I'm not a normie.
>thats not just hey or how are you
Why do women feel that this is okay? It is extremely arrogant in my mind
i give you social distancing you Backpfeifengesicht
Thank you for that meme. I actually managed to laugh.
You're welcome
>t. 2013
I've had a pretty rough couple of days and it managed to make me laugh. Yeah I thought I'd seen it before
>mbti first word
>I want someone to cuddle with me
>Also stay 6 feet away from me
This is your brain on feminism.
straight up mind control
Sorry doll; ain't real.
> Entretain me
Fuck this arrogant bitches. Most of the time they dont have something interesting to say
Women are entitled children.
High forehead and a fat ass.
Pfft. Pass.
I work in a school with a bunch of retards just like this dumb cunt
Don't send your kids to public school...
She's looking for guys like pic related.
Women all have penis envy, it makes them insecure, hyper sexual and dumb. Thats exactly why feminism exists
I fucking hate these people
Why are people trying to date/fuck during a pandemic?
>Please entertain me
this person has a blacked cuck fetish
Please entertain me
But she's ugly as fuck and not worth the price of admission.
It's all they've ever had in their lives.
>that’s a plus
She doesn’t even really have feminist convictions. Perhaps there’s still hope for her.
its cope
they can't say "i'm desperate for dick but scared of rejection" so they pretend they're there for fun
>that schnoz
You must understand. Normalniggers are not programmed to process a crisis. They're trying their best. They will be ripe for the picking in about a week.
She seems nice.
disgusting girls
>t. virgin
>Covid-19 era
A year or so tops doesn't really constitute an era.
Why do these cunts not respond to "Hey, how are you?" Thats the perfectly normal thing to say to someone. What should someone say? "Oh hey bitch, i noticed your cross eyed, how many times has the laser surgery failed because your eye keeps turning inward you degenerate fuck? Do you think that will be a necessity in our household budget if we move in together? Because it wont be, i willtake you out the back and flog the dogshit out of you if you look at me sideways again you miserable cunt"
Protip! Most men are as vapid as most women.
>currently in electrical engineering college in a university in a blue state overrun with spics
>my two favorite professors happen to be women. not because they’re women but because they’re simply good at their job
>one of them organizes her course properly, is all-around pretty chill, and is white
>the other is also pretty chill, keeps pushing me towards success despite how massively autistic and useless I am, is singlehandedly building my resume, and is also white although russian
Don’t let a few cunts like in the OP pic related wear you down, /larp/. It’s not hopeless
Also below:
>It's OK to be fully committed to an open relationship
Those posters are crying out to be defaced. Perhaps with a message of your own?
Why do they all have that style of glasses? The style is awful. Don't they realize they make them look like they have no sense of humour, 15 cats and a bad attitude?
>If you read it in reverse you can see how he actually stole the bicycle.
Surreal, desu.
>entertain me
>Covid-19 era
>Post #METOO era
>trump era
Do Kiki birds run around out there? Do they fly, and can you feed them. Do they bite? Any help appreciated.
kek that image
Well... if the shoe fits...
Not everyone can be out every night smashing that sideways poontang, jonzu sensei.
kek'd irl
>please entertain me
The hallmark of a boring person.
nice flag i like your style.
I guess I’m the only one who’s confused what everybody is so upset about. She seems like a normal woman.
women I swear
>please entertain me
Braces are so hot damn.
A lot of them push their ideals on their students.
This is mass mental illness brought on by unlimited social media and easy living. Hopefully it all gets destroyed soon - I want to see these people in abject terror.
>inb4 'incel'...I'm a family man with wife and kids
This always drives me nuts. I've noticed women like this ever since middle school and its always pisses me off. Its not my job to entertain you. Get a fucking hobby.
Provide a picture of the bird if you are not just calling me cuckoo as in crazy subvertly
It's not every night mate. I take Sundays off
It's a teacher.
She needs to be kidnapped, butchered and chucked down a ravine.
Piece of fucking shit
I love how the ugliest women on Tinder can still have the highest standards for a man but men can't be picky at all. Actually, I hate that.
>if you're not following the social distance rules I don't want you
Watch these retards brand you as a rapist if you trespass within 1.5 metres of them
>Entertain me
Only if you FEED me. If you can't cook then I am not putting on a clown show for you.
She's in space looking for penis.
When you see the patterns in the information they offer, I kind of understand why star signs ain't far from the truth with women
I am the person who warned everyone first and I’ve been in lockdown wearing hazmat to go outside for 5 weeks.
I am in isolation from ugly little critters like that one too and have been all my life. She’s all yours OP, the disgusting little monkey.
Ugly is a real state of being. Yes it's possible not to be good looking. Some ugly women have a hard time understanding that they are in fact such.
Check this devil out.
And I definitely can be picky.