Why do Nazis in current year look like this?

Why do Nazis in current year look like this?

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Muh superior race

People at the bottom of society have less to lose and consequently are the ones you see express their socially unacceptable beliefs the most.

Because people who identify as "white" are pathetic empty pigs with no culture, history, or pride in their heritage. The nazi ideology appeals to men and women with nothing else.

if he lost weight he still wouldn't look as fucked up as the average jew

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Oh look, a shill containment thread.
Have fun with your Reddit circle jerk.
Can't wait to gas you kikes.
Ta ta.

Because the user doing the self improvement general thread bailed on this place around 12 months ago

How old is this picture? At least get some new material

Because only incels become nazis nowadays.

Why do Jews in current year think Nazi memeflags will fool anyone?

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Because all right wing orgs are run by the feds so anyone with more than two brain cells stay away. I would imagine that there is some psyop element to it too since it is pretty easy to take photos and project an image of right wingers being troglodytes.

Yeah they come in all shapes and colors now

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no they don't

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>Oh look, a shill containment thread.
>Have fun with your Reddit circle jerk.
>Can't wait to gas you kikes.
>Ta ta.

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I feel like some ideologies carry over when the cultures all blur together. Individualism is a big one. Or use to be...

a lot of nazis look like normal people, but they have enough brain not to get caught saying anything offensive. we call it "tarntechnik" here in germany

Shitty people don't worrry about the consequences of their actions, regardless of their politics.

modern society is degenerate as fuck. they dont have any morals. bring back the good old days

kike spotted.

offence is subjective and germany is cucked. start to stand up for your nation again or enjoy been remembered as the nation who willingly let there people get replaced by the third world

Because only real fuckin' losers gravitate to extremist cringe fringe political ideologies

Far lefties and far righties are both too stupid to realize why both of their systems are hot failed garbage

Though they each have merits, neither facism nor socialism could last long outside of a bubble.

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Real german Herrenmenschen look like pic related.

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Proud aryan pagan, lmao

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Those people obviously have nothing to lose, don't care if seen throwing roman salutes in public.

German Prussian ethnicity I assume

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because if they had any personal accomplishments to speak of they wouldn't need to fall back on 'muh superior race'

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this guy probably has a book on nihilism, believes in virtue and at the same time claims virtue has no benefit.
Meanwhile his constant snacking has turned him into an incel. Thoughts?

I dont know why do chinese not like to talk about the tiananmen square massacre?

They're depressed and stress eat because epidemic seems so grim

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Because the people with something to lose don't want to remind everyone they believe in things normies want to kill them for, it's really not that hard to understand unless you're retarded.
White is the new word for American, since now we have niggers and spics being called Americans. White Americans, whose ancestors gave their nationalities up to create a new one, that being American, have nothing to refer to themselves by aside from "White." They instinctively separate themselves from the trash that stole their identity, because even if they don't want to admit it, they understand they're not the same. It doesn't hurt that the rest of the world sees an ethnic European and just calls him White, either. But please, tell me more about why we're in the wrong for adopting the terms everyone refers to us by. I'm sure you can explain it.

Because only ugly, fat, loveless inceloids become nazis.

To be fair most americans are that fat.

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Now say the same about any other race in public.

not completely, there are still many people with an intact moral compass, but being surrounded by an enemy who is vicious without end means we need patience, even through dishonor shame and suffering we will not bow! only pressure can make diamonds and we nee hardened weapons. be assured that there are giants lurking :-)

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>Now say the same about any other race in public.

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nice rebuttal

checked, also probably looks even fatter today


Fat guys can run a crematorium too.

Because the jews used the corona hoax to close the gyms so we can't get fit.

>Hi Yas Forums pleasure to be here from Reddit! I just wanted to remind ya'll that its OK to punch Nazi's! And remember folks, there's literally no other belief in the world worse than nazi.

Edit: a word >

Attached: antifa.jpg (2000x988, 1.29M)


Why are pagans so hedonistic? May the Lord Christ exact His revenge on you jews soon.

>all these scooters
got bles us of gotdang a

There was no good old days

>ein Wurst
>ein Burger
>ein Hähnchen

>Colourized: American Armoured Brigade landing on Omaha beach, Normandy c. 1944.

Wignats are scumbags.

Work out.
Stop watching jew media.
Read Hitler.
Eat healthy.
Fuck alcohol.
Fuck drugs.

Why does OP look like this?

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Yeah, the guy in OP's pic was fit as fuck 3 weeks ago. Gained all that weight since the gyms were closed.

in past years they looked like this

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That pagan neckless is the cherry on top. Take the christpill

Successful people have better things to spend their time on, and have things to lose.

Nazi philosophies mostly appeal to losers with nothing else going on, who want to feel better about themselves by blaming others for the fact that they can't get out of the trailer park or mom's basement (or off their insulin shots, like the obese diabetic heart condition featured in OP's pic)

Nice fanny pack

wtf pol told me pagans were handsome ubermensch

This fat fuck's personal gravitational field seems to have pulled one of his eyes to face the wrong way.

He’s got Jew in him
pic related is an undercover Jew who pretended to be right wing for decades too.

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There are some lads with shaven heads and tattoos active within the same party as I do, but a lot of them aren't as bad as how they look like, they know their history and politics very well.

the master race concept is a meme, has never been used by the nsdap

...and yet despite being fat, still manage to succeed at life enough to not end up as some incel nazi faggot with megadiabetes

Being nazi and woman means you are a degenerate horny bitch. Because nazism and fascism consider women's only use to be being baby-making factories and house tenders. Which is fine by me; fuck them silly, impregnate her every time and shoulder none of the responsibility because the state and the woman will take care of it.

are you implying nazi is a race?

Patrick Schröder chad, perfect example for neo nazis in Germany. He is trying to influence other neo nazis to adopt the same style as him.

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Checked and based

Go back niggerfaggot!

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Com'n I've been telling you shills for years.
At least update your image database from time to time.
