Not only do you lie about jews on a constant basis, you also used unsourced infographs to prove your points even though one of them was a political poll that you photoshopped to how blacks cause major crime?
Is this place filled with retards?
Why are you lying Yas Forums?
>reddit says
Discarded, no bump, kys.
Your not going to find any intelligent life fotm.
Just ignore the other hundreds of cases where reliable information was provided.
Are you saying you know more about their religion than they do?
Yas Forums claims to know everything.
Kike thread? Kike thread!
What does this have to do with the op?
Jews lie, now fuck off
yes 100%
The thorn in our side since the beginning
>You are wrong about Talmud, because this is not obeyed, and on page 353 paragraph 57 line 7 it says that something is not used in this situation and so on.
Fuck off. It is sufficient to know that Jews separate themselves from goyim.
>posted by a jew
Prove it.
>b-but this version we found had a less obvious choice of words for the english version so the goy wouldnt know
you semites sure have been busy shilling this week for some reason
>If we reinterpretate, pilpul, and cut off what we don't like it's not true
You're entire religion has caused enough to warrant extinction
>Crime stats are unsourced and photoshopped
Now that's a blatant lie
>blue and white
>gold represents the star of Remphan
Hi, I remember you swine from QResearch.
Actual JIDF.
All of these unsourced info graphs yet not one debunk of the op found?
Sloppy job Bibi
>If I just blanket coin this to be false I win
Prove each one false then
If you are apart of a think tank operation we will execute you and your family on television
that's because no one read it but me
and i just want to call you a faggot i'm not interested in pilpul
Checked, you deserve a (You)
>47 replies to a slide thread
I’m not a kike!
Oh look, a bunch of jews took it upon themselves to rules lawyer through their rules lawyering.
Fuck off.
It’s a redpill thread now.
You made the kike thread im just contributing
ngl, that's pretty based
> waaaaah mean white people said mean things about kikes that aren't even true
no one else is like this, kikes
Checking some of these out, and apparently, some of the things the writer claims are not in the Talmud are actually in the Talmud.
And I've only checked three so far. Three in and these are all there in the Talmud.
Why are you lying?
Personally, I haven't seen a SINGLE case where Yas Forums has given legit info. Not once. It's not because they always give wrong information, but because by the hundredth infographic yet again making references to documents that don't even exist, I got sick and tired of trying to vet them. If Yas Forums has indeed given hundreds of correct assessments, then they are giving millions of false ones.
The lines in the black pic of his are actually mostly fake which is why its hardly posted anymore.
Here's your first one then :^)
Thanks for yet again proving me right.
Literally every post is
I can do that as well.
Therefore irish are the ones behind the world's ills according to my infograph.
? The document is literally in the jewish archives site. So easy to find, but each time I show it here you lot stop replying instantly and I have no idea why :^)
>Complains about using unsourced infographics
>Uses unsourced infographic
Peak Reddit.
Why are you here then? Are you being paid? Does Israel have a nuclear arsenal?