Why is there a Tent Hospital in Central Park?

The existing hospitals are not being over run with the Wuhan Virus. Also the Navy Hospital docked in NY down the street from the Clinton Foundation. WTF is going on there? It does not compute.

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the same reason there's a giant light on the empire state building. Fear mongering.

Every 72 hours the death toll is doubling.
Fitting an exponential curve, it's determined that the probability of hospital overflows is enough to warrant triage and physical separation of patients.

You don't want to be in the hospital, because that's where the deadliest strain goes.

>yank emergency hospitals are third word tents
>the chad UK NHS made a 4k bed hospital in 3 weeks
lmao yanks

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That's just to take care of the usual rape and mugging victims in central park.

>math is hard

Samaritan's Purse is volunteer work by people who just want to help. They set up tents just in case

Drumpfie is going to kill millions

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That's where Bernie Sanders and his supporters are going to finally put an end to Chris Matthews. He was right all along, unfortunately.

>set up beds in a warehouse instead of tents
>this is better cause reasons

It's an exhebition centre with 4k beds vs 20 beds in tents

America has five times more ICU beds per capita than your country. Your field hospital won't even make a dent.

go inside and find out?

trump got cucked by cuomo and had to force the army engineers to construct 4 more hospitals even though he already paid CDC bonus 500mill and gave NY 4x the budget that every single other state gets.

He also sent 30,000 masks and 30000 ventilators that they have in storage

it's a private christian organization setting up beds and saying gays are bad with the publicity they're getting

Because they don't want sick homeless people at the real hospital. Keep them separated.

Do you want them to wait until hospitals are overwhelmed and people are dying?

Yas Forums was taking this virus seriously throughout january and february when it was obvious that the chinks were lying, its shameful to see that they've succeeded in propagandizing that this is a hoax.

You're all useful idiots and don't even realize it. You deserve this pandemic.

I would not say trying to save lives is cucking anyone, get your head out of your ass retard


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>In two weeks, America will hit the peak and hospitals will be overwhelmed
>In 12 years, climate change will end the planet

Why aren't you panicking Yas Forums?!?! Why aren't you listening to technocrats and experts? Why don't you just blindly accept everything they say?!?!?

surely that will be enough

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The "normal" house in Ameirca is made of glue, rotten wood chips and styrofoam

They cant go much lower

inb4 windstorm blows them all away

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Nothing about this computes.

Literally nothing. For example, try tracking down original sources for any of the corona virus data you see on websites. You’ll fund a wide a variety of weirdnesses. Like no state health department is systematically reporting numbers of people who recovered from coronavirus illnesses. Neither is the CDC. And apparently many states are reporting “presumptive” diagnoses as confirmed cases.

So basically if you have more or less any serious respiratory illness right now, you have coronavirus. No need for pesky actual test. Just add it to the official stats list.

As best I can tell, recovery rates are based anecdotal evidence so percentages of death vs recovered for resolved cases are mostly bullshit.

> * Data include both confirmed and presumptive positive cases of COVID-19 reported to CDC or tested at CDC since January 21, 2020, with the exception of testing results for persons repatriated to the United States from Wuhan, China and Japan. State and local public health departments are now testing and publicly reporting their cases. In the event of a discrepancy between CDC cases and cases reported by state and local public health officials, data reported by states should be considered the most up to date.


You do understand that America is 3000 miles wide and consists of 52 states, and not all of them are going to be infected at the same time, right?

This isn't a difficult concept to grasp. What's going on in NY, CA, etc (also happen to be the cities with large Chinese populations, almonds activated...) is literally what was predicted.

because us being italy x 6 or so isn't that hard a system to understand.

Because everyone is fucking incompetent and this country has been rotting for some 3 decades.

this is what happens when 3rd wave feminism convinces two generations of women that the life of a housewife is menial and subservient and they need careers (so let's double the worker pool without changing the amount of work that needs to be done!)

This is what happens when your schools spend 3 decades taking resources from achievers and handing them to tyrone who doesn't give enough of a shit about school to learn anyway.

This is what happens when two generations of children are exposed to bussing programs which fail to bring brown minorities up but succeed in bring everyone else down.

This is what happens when the #1 and #2 past times in your country are handegg and niggerball and people don't have any useful skills or hobbies outside of their shitty jobs.

This is what happens when an intellectually neutered population spends 3 decades voting in popularity contests.

This degenerating country needs this plague. These are the hard times that will forge the next generation of strong men.

Not a whole lot would be lost of Covid-19 killed everyone in NYC, really.

This is an open public forum you know that right?These are not the same people who were at the forefront of this, suddenly having some awful change of mind (though they will say otherwise, it's a fucking lie) They're the nothingburger/just a flu fags.
Personally I got burnt out and depressed and I'm just trying to live in real life now that the threat is here, finally. At this point, those stupid enough to cling to the nothingburgerflu and now hoax narrative can perish. Out here in reality, the people who are operating in good faith, who want to live and are struggling to do so are the only ones who deserve to be helped and engaged with in a serious manner. Not a board full of CCP astroturfers and contrarian retards who want to waste your energy and health.

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Also from the CDC site.

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Fit it to a bell curve, you know Ae^(B*(x-C)^2)

I saw something similar being built in melbourne yesterday

>This degenerating country needs this plague.

That’s the point, there really isn’t much of a plague.


>52 states. American education system BTFO
>I live in California. Shit is boring. ER is empty.

You don't sound like a man. You sound like a hysterical cat lady begging for the government to keep you under house arrest for longer to keep out the Corona. Honestly, this is pathetic. Considering that top-technocrat shill Dr. Faucci says this practically a bad flu that only kills geryatrics, you are in the cat lady camp.

shut the fuck up retard, nowhere has the growth been exponential for any significant time

Global warming ain't going to do shit for centuries.

Airborne SARS is real.

:sharpens icepick:

Perfect digits for a perfect post.

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>erect a shitty box to house a mere 4000 hospital beds

rofl but at least its not a tent


Yes, this shit is useless. Only Iceland has done proper sampling of their whole population. It’s a start at least. We can blame WHO for failing to give leadership such as consistent reporting.

There are ways to model the real infection rate, however nobody wants to trust some math guys these days, despite what they say being fairly obvious to an intelligent person, because in a time when everyone is going insane, speaking sanity puts you in exile.

surely it's all of these things that d&c shills are constantly posting about and not the obvious answer that's in your face, that you're being lied to.

reeducation camp cuomo whats more libtards

We're in the mist of a pandemic and NYC is the Hot Spot. Everyone in NYC are dropping like flies, and the hospital staff on the "frontline" have been spreading the message on TikTok by dancing around. Don't you get it yet? This is a crisis spreading around like Wildfire and we haven't seen anything yet. Ignore Statistics and Facts, this is beyond comprehensive for the average American. As people, we need to continue to spread fear in the hopes the economy collapses and people will rise up and riot. This is the UN, I mean American Dream.

until the announcement of 2 more weeks, then it'll be july, and before you know it everyone will have forgotten about Corona and embraced the brave new world

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Project Zifter

the freemason circus is in town

If you want some entertainment go to the NYS heath dept site is pretty much Cuomo sucking his own dick.



>We can blame WHO for failing to give leadership such as consistent reporting.

No we can blame ourselves for not doing this. It’s obvious for anyone who needs data to drive policy decisions. I’m no tinfoil hat guy, but it’s almost that we’ve gone out our way to not know what the true mortality/hospitalization rate for this is.

is this one of those sarcastic posts. I cant tell

You can't spread fear to millions without a siren whaling from the Empire State Building, empty tents, and a sick brother. Governor Cuomo really outdid himself. It's fancy, but since when is NYC not over dramatic and over the top?

Excuse from Gov Cuomo: "I'm Italian" it's what we do.

I live an hour outside of NYC. There also have been an insane amount of commercials on TV that the Red Cross REALLY NEEDS YOUR BLOOD. Even mentioned how younger people can donate. Uh Anons adrenochrome is real isn’t it?

We also have these Corona commercials that are telling people to “ONLY TRUST UPDATES FROM THE CITY AND (((OUR))) EXPERTS”. I think this Corona episode is to Red Pill everyone.

The CDC and friends know it is going to get a lot fucking worse before it gets better. They are lying to the public to stop panic because 1)once word gets out everyone is going to band together along tribal lines and anarchy will take over the streets and 2) to stop the panic buying by the public on materials the government needs, such as face masks and whatnot.

Adrenochrome is generated under extreme stress, like torture. At least get your conspiracy theories straight if you're going to shill for them.

>Build 4k beds that will never be used
>Double the government jobs because now you need to pay for teardown.
Paying one man to dig a hole and another man to fill it up, all on the taxpayers dime. Useless retards.

We have a lot of RedCross, donate plasma commercials commercials. My husband (he's from Latvia) is very against this and thinks they have ulterior motives. He grew up in Communism, I will trust him over the RedCross any day.

Remember that time they raised almost $500 million dollars to help hati after the earthquake, and built them 6 houses and fucked off with the rest of the money? Sounds trustworthy to me, just donate your blood!

Why would anyone need a blood transfusion for a virus that has been proven to be fought off by a drug older than our own parents?

It's a morgue for victims of the Fort Detrick Virus.

Since when did Corona require blood transfusions? What the fuck?

When you serve in the military they "make" you donate blood. Not sure why there would be a shortage when no one, I mean NO ONE, has survived with a blood transfusion. The virus gets deep inside your tissue, and rhis makes no sense. I understand the plasma antibodies, but do we need a commercial every hour in areas not highly infected?

Because those that end up in a coma and on a dialysis machine needs it you brainlet. Your organs literally shut down unless your hooked up to a machine.

Nothingburgerfags in absolute denial untill the end. You build these makeshift hospitals to PREPARE for whats coming you absolute mongs

Everyone who is younger than 30 can’t shut up about “muh anxiety” “muh depression”. Maybe the mental anguish and despair people feel is to keep them emotional and impulsive therefore are easier to control. Maybe the life of a liberal New Yorker who is always scared and angry and thinks everyone is mean and hurting their feelings is stressful enough to the individual that there is enough adrenaline in the blood, especially in a pandemic. Maybe that’s why they tell us we’re all gonna die and the hospitals are overflowing so they can fear you as if you are gonna die even if nobody is physically harming you.

Think big retard.

Japan didn't shut down their country and their hospitals are not overwhelmed. This narrative that one day, the hospitals will be full of choking patients is absolute hotseshit.