Starting to support Biden now

Anyone else here starting to think that Biden is based? Former Trump supporter here...

>confident, proud, old white man. A product of a time when men really were men. Not a boomer, but a member of the unappreciated Silent Generation

>deported more illegals in his Vice Presidency than Zion Don

>got elected Senator of Delaware at the super young age of 29, had an attractive family to help him like an uber old school chad

>cynically exploits the nigger vote despite helping lock up millions of them since the 1990s. He literally made our country much safer and suffers no political consequence from niggers. Trump meanwhile begs for the nigger vote but will not get it

>tough on Russia, not a puppet. Will be tough on Israel as well given his record of being tough on middle eastern countries (Iraq, Afghanistan, Libya, Egypt, Syria)

>has the balls to feel up women without asking like a pathetic little cuck. Trump made up a story about how Trump can "grab em by the pussy." Biden just sniffs, grabs, gropes, and holds. The real deal. He's the guy to actually get shit done rather than talk about it, and the women like it too. Look at how the vast majority of them aren't saying anything about it or are even saying it was ok.

>succeeds despite being inarticulate as fuck through the sheer power of his confidence, self-assuredness, and decency. Will restore the SOUL of America

Attached: bidenwillllwin.png (725x800, 644.56K)

Other urls found in this thread:

>the LULZ
Cringed hard

This is literal russian propaganda. They are trying to get the most damaging person possible in the White House. They thought it was Trump, but then they found that he was worse for them than the democrats.

Wait until he finds out we created the virus.

Not bad. Have a you.

They keep saying the internet is important then the entire internet is surprised when Biden won the black vote in SC by 44%.

Thx share blue.
>.01 cents deposited in your account.

no we aren't. the only thing we hate more than the establishment is the lefties.

Biden is a pedo.

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Jealous that he can feel up some young cunny and gets away with it while you can't? Imagine having access to women in their prime while in your 70s.

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Anyone else starting to think that Jill Stein is based?
>clueless boomer white woman
>disrupts democrats campaigns
>secretly works for the Russians (according to Hilldawg)
>basically a cool wine aunt
Probably gonna vote for her, bros, you should too

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incredibly based

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>one man literally ruins all the fun
Good job faggot

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Definitely with you there fellow heckin based Democratorino heh eh heh heh

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i like biden cuz hes kinky like me.

ps i am russian



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You're fucking retarded.
Die in a fire
No one is electing your brain dead candidate.

this is true

iam russian myself xD

I'm an oldfag and I don't think anyone's unironically said "for da lulz" in like 8-9 years. Is he gonna say shoop da whoop next or something?

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>hello fellow Trump supporters...
fuck off faggot

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>Biden is silent generation
Silent generation are all dead. The generation preceding the boomers was called the greatest generation. Biden is what’s called a war baby, babies born in between greatest and boomers.

Where did all the Bernieniggers go?

They spammed that old bastard for weeks

Attached: bernie pol.jpg (934x1245, 419.63K)

dont you worry, joey will win you will be sorry xD

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Something that no one said ever.

>forced maymay gaywad biden
How'd that clown shit work out, faggots?

>Silent generation are all dead. The generation preceding the boomers was called the greatest generation.
wrong: you're mixing them up

Oh shit, the normies know!

Being hard on the middle eastern countries in the list you mentioned is the exact evidence you would want in order to prove he will not be hard on Israel.

> Biden was tuff on the enemies of Israel therefore he will be tough on Israel.
I know this is a joke but come the fuck on.

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>how do I open PDF
Holy fuck I'm dying LMAO

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Okay, fat

Listen here fat. My passion for presidential candidate Joe Biden is unwavering, uncontested, it is real as the sky is blue and the air we breath. Hell rain slate or shine and fire will not keep me from that voting booth. Biden2020. Amen. God bless the United States and nowhere else.

i can has cheezburger?

>traced image of biden
Literally as reddit as it gets.

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Now that's a guy who gets it W E T!

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Could you be more wrong?

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He's a Zionist & a Jew stooge, so no. I don't like Drumpf, but he's the only option we got.

>Anyone else here starting to think that Biden is based?


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Probably out with the Tulsifags or the yangbux retards blowing each other.

I’ll vote for anyone but the King of Israel.

At this point I’ve become a nevertrumper.

This kike must go.

Watch it jack.

Serious question, does anyone in this thread have the video of Joe Biden literately saying it's a good thing that European whites in America are dying? Someone post the link.

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Image verify on chan is a sure aneurysm one day. My God..

We were easily amused back then.

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>people are getting behind it
>the "how do I open PDF" one is there

Welcome to literally a fucking month ago, holy shit. Fucking slowpoke.

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Biden is hidin his schlong balls deep in Senator Sanders

Eezy famalam tbqh over 9000 internets approve
