What does Yas Forums think about him?
What does Yas Forums think about him?
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He glows in the dark.
He was a lone psycho who didn’t really wanna hurt kids
FBI says he’s a glow nigger
FBI says he’s a white supremacist
Who knows what to believe but after watching Waco documentaries he’s a hero if he wasn’t a glow and if he’s a glow he did good job keeping quiet
Then he sucked at scouting his target.
The other convicts on "bombers' row" in federal prison bullied him for being a virgin and called him "Virgin McVeigh". Uncle Ted was his neighbor in prison and was nice to him but after Timmy was executed he told the media he thought he was a retarded faggot.
So did the government
FBI handpuppet.
Timmy literally went to the Waco standoff to handout pro-gun pamphlets. Not kidding.
He did nothing wrong, but he also glows
Admirable dedication, but stupid ideology and terrible execution.
whoi the fuck is that mutt looking wigger'
American hero 100%.
Timothy McPatsy ? Misunderstood.
He also smoked meth
Sits by the side of God with Jesus on the other side as Saint McVeigh.
How come PATSY Kline don’t make no new records?
He is a faggot POS who deserved the death penalty.
He killed kids and bureaucrats, the two kinds of people who are the least likely to be in the alleged "NEw World OrdEr" and looked like a fucking nutjob (which he was).
He set back the conspiracy theory movement at least 30 years because now every alex jones listener looks like that faggot.
Remember, be peaceful, ZOG wants you to be violent so they can take advantage of it.
>Whether you wish to admit it or not, when you approve, morally, of the bombing of foreign targets by the U.S. military, you are approving of acts morally equivalent to the bombing in Oklahoma City -Timothy McVeigh
Who took that picture?
And you’re a puritan?
No I just think he's funny lol
The new reporters were filming asked him so questions check YouTube
Baby killer.
Most undercover cops do drugs to ...
He was a sheep dipped special operator.
Kys, we see through your turboNigger shit.
There is a difference between "We targeted a building with 400 insurgents and 4 innocents in iraq" and blowing up a federal building full of children.
Don't give me that false equivalency shit. McVey was objectively in the wrong.
Again with false equivalencies in this thread. There is a huge difference between smoking a joint to take down a drug operation and sucking cock for meth by the 7-11
not really sure who this is, some guy who did something, blew up a building? stupid fucking american either way, but i repeat myself
You know him personally?
Last American patriot.
He sold lame-assed bumper stickers. At least get your fan trivia right.
This will tell you everything you ever needed to know about him
killed glowniggers in the making
Patsy and participant, was part of PATCON, and yids wanted to use mudskins to cause Clinton to invade Iraq and finish up...in the midst of it, the US gov flipped the script and used the patsy for the mop up...Israel was behind it...
He was a very motivated Patriot-Tard who rejected racism and embraced mainstream society while waging war against the government said society had created. He wasn't stupid, but he wasn't smart either. Still, after learning all about him I sort of liked the guy.
>OY VEH!!!!! Someone shot back at AR BOYS IN BLU! Better point out that the AFT were using children as human shields and pretend that patriots are evil!
The founding fathers, if confronted with the decision to blow up a British building, would have done so.
If the British hid behind children, they would have blown it up anyway.
But Tim McVeigh didn't even KNOW that you feds are such filthy cowards that you hide behind children. You are a disgusting, worthless traitor to your nation. You are not a patriot. You are a traitor.
Someday, American patriots will drag you put of your cubicles and hang you. I don't know if you are literally a fucking fed or just a slimy cuckservative, ZOG worshiping piece of shit. But if you are a fed, you will pay for your crimes and no amount of children will protect you.
>muh innocents
You are a domesticated faggot. Your sentimentality is a product of the modern world and will be dropped by the masses the moment the next serious conflict arises.
cowardly asshole who killed kids in the name of something
good riddance to the loser
Does not glow. Repeat: Does NOT glow.
A cell of 3 took out a ZOG building in Oklahoma. This is what really happened. Nitrogen kills. It is also trivially affordable.
He set an example and fired a shot across the Jew's bow. He was way ahead of his time, because most patriots wouldn't even think of confronting the Jewtard so boldly until 2015.
Reminder he was recorded on base a year after he was discharged.
you more mad at timmothy then at the feds for killing children aren't you?
fuck off cia nigger
Are you trying to say he was Bad Company?
That’s what the fbi says
That’s not the same guy
>rejected racism and embraced mainstream society
This is why he reached to the National Alliance which was known for its strong anti-racist and pro-globohomo stance.
According to a voice analysis it is extremely likely that it was him.
He called the kids collateral damage. This is perfect justice for the kids killed at Waco.
I hear Alex Jones was at Waco
Yea, not same dude, altho he WAS there...JD#2 was likely Jose Carlos Parraga: a "revolutionary" working within CIA via DF...from El Salvador...there's also a JD#3 that no one talks about...
was getting caught part of his plan?
Alex Jones was part of a thing to get a rebuilt church for the davidians...this vid is from 95-96...
He was a deep state operative carrying out his orders to help push the 1996 Anti-Terrorism Bill. It didn't pass and then 9/11 happened and now we have the same bill, The Patriot Acts...