American Shitfuckers

Are trying to set in motion the collapse of Europe. Now EU isn't perfect, but it's better than their shithole of an union and their corrupt empire. And Euro is definitely better than their printed monopoly money. Any common sense European should support the collapse of US Empire way sooner than that of EU.

Perhaps collapse of EU, but after collapse of USA, China, and Russian federation.

Link to article:

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Godspeed, yanks.

>we have a jew run system, this is Americas fault!
Burn jew!

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Do you enjoy being a slave to American culture and their global expansionism?

Because that's how you become one.

America is the most Jewish infested nation in the world. Worse than Israel.

You misspelled Europe kike meme faggot

Enjoy collapse of your shithole. World certainly will.

China and Russia, here we come!


>His entire continent is being destroyed without uncle sam.

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>Chitters in yurofag

Fuck the EU

Your greentext quote is absolutely correct
You are kikes' golem

Stop drinking propaganda Kool-Aid, mutts.

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The EU is the best fucking thing ever. The r*ssians and the a*mericans are just mad we're going to take over the world.
Go serve israel or something you yid loving muttoids.

Cant be that great if it's so easily ruined?
>Got a loicense to even be posting here mate?

It is currently the only thing that prevents us from total financial collapse.

And Americans, destroyers of everything moral in this world, will of course have none of this.

And they have the audacity to think it is in our interest as well. Convincing some dumb fucks on European right-wing movements.

Collapse of US should be our number 1 priority.

We are not a union, you waffle lover. Trading partners, sure, but not a political entity. EU flag insults me and all those who love their kin and kith. We have our flags, those we honor.

>>Got a loicense to even be posting here mate?

Britain. Left the EU. We don't do this everywhere.

It is a geopolitical entity you dumb Croat. Certainly Croatia won't stand against such as China and USA by itself?

Perhaps Russia and their unity with Serbia convinces you it's good to stick together?

what is "per capita"?

You jews are lice....the Chinese will erase you filth!

Americans are literally Jews number 1 ally and enforcer.
Wait for a little while and we'll see where it goes.

Europe is full of out Russia bro..your country is full of them also!!

>American Shitfuckers are trying to set in motion the collapse of Europe

Implying your shithole conglomeration of a cool kids club is propped up entirely by a nation across a fucking sea is incredible. Good bait sir.

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>Stop drinking
Yeah stop kike......

While I'd be proud to take credit for ending the EU, the virus is your fault, Chang.

>euro collapses
>dollar collapses
>yuan collapses
gee i wonder what ((top tallent)) would roll out to replace the coordinated failing of all other currencies? maybe beastcoin, get your mandatory forehead chip and serial number so the Rothschild regime can monitor & control every single transaction you ever make in your life goyim


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Yeah cause they ruined you yurofags...

Trump is setting up to be a Super-Reagan. Shortly after he leaves office (in 5 years) both the E.U. and China will collapse, leaving USA as the world’s lone super-power. Again.

Fuck your authoritarian bullshit

Live free or DIE

The UK is the first. But it wont be the last.

Everything Germany is in control of ends badly.

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Who cares about this cancerous union anyway?

We all know that America is the worst. But we drink their shitty propaganda anyway. Every European with 2 brain cells can find rationality to agree here


USA is the number one exporter of every degeneracy known to man. We should first see them collapse. Like they supported the collapse of British empire.

> "10 Posts by this id"
You Chinese sure are industrious, I'll give you that.

RIP European Union.

RIP Globalism

Let them burn!


based & checked

>Are trying to set in motion the collapse of Europe. Now EU isn't perfect, but it's better

Get fucked.
The EU gutted freedom of speech for Americans by leaning on social media companies.

Now Americans are subjected to "hate speech" standards despite our own supreme court ruling 8 to 0 that no such thing exists.

I hope every single citizen dies a slow, painful death, gasping for air in corona-chan's arms for supporting that shit.

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Two sides of the same dirty Anglo-Jewish coin.

Cope. And then take the nigger dick out of your mouth long enough to put the barrel of the gun in it and shoot your faggot head off. Cunt

Good. I say, better a terrible end than unending terror.

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Fucking BASED! USA once again takes out the Germans.

Literally nothing stopping yuro countries from respectfully forming an economic area and keeping their own currencies while agreeing on standards. Your USE was fragile from the start, and the chinks just cracked your leg with a sledge.

You absolute retarded memflag.
The Euro was pushed by the mutts as a requirement to allow German unification.
Its been damaging our economies since.
Europe has highly diverse economies. The Euro totally screwed over Italy and Spain by taking away their ability to adjust their currencies, while forcing Northern Europe into serving as gibsmachines in order to keep the entire thing from totally collapsing. It literally reduced the wealth of everyone, permanently.


Drop the Memeflag, mutt.

EU becoming the United States of Europe is a bigger threat to Jewish-American domination than Russia, China or Iran. It basically comes rates anew Empire without the strong Jewish control like in the US.

My guy, if it comes to swinging dicks, you guys are seriously fucked. Don’t talk to big, I might have to do something about when I become president in 2040.

I have a pretty good idea what your actual flag is.

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If we can collapse it that easily it must have been pretty shit.

The only thing worse than pathetic Eurotrash is anime, bro

Americans are done. You have no industry. You're a goner


>without the strong Jewish control like in the US

You're retarded. The EU is Jewish control stupid.

The real enemies are China and Russia

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They really do seem friendly in this thread.

Get with times.

We both of centralized banks exclusively run by the merchants.

lel it should be a bannable offence to even post links to them here.

most people here are disgusting incels. real Americans and Europeans know that we are natural allies

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Fuck off yid, chinks and jews are the enemy.

Good for the ewes.

>Now EU isn't perfect
understatement of the millenium

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