"Capitalists" can't refute this

>"Capitalists" can't refute this

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What company has gone bankrupt?

I completely agree, we leverage too much business on short term profit and debt. We should be more self sufficient and stable long term instead of investing abroad and maximizing share holder profit

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all of them if not bailed.

The actual situation of America

Avocado is a meme fruit and tastes like shit.

This. We need to stop living on the edge of our budget or on debt. What happened to saving money and buying things with that money?

Avocado does taste like shit. But when mixed with a certain concoction..you get guac. And Guac don't fuck around.

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Wait, I thought those businesses were stealing your excess labor? I guess your labor wasn't creating value after all lmao

It does have high nutritional content

If you have to mix it with something else to make it edible, that means it isn't food.

>when multi-billion dollar corporations need a govt bail out every time the economy slows down while the taxpayer gets a ONE 1.2k cheque. oh btw. the corporate bailout has no strings attached and no oversight

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She's right.

Capitalism is a flawed concept that is all about working people to the bone. What happens when there's no people to squeeze money out of?

The system fails.

Capitalism failed
Communism falied
Democracy failed
Dictatorship failed
Socialism failed


Yeah I can.
>all these corporations going bankrupt
I see none

I bet she is really funny

It does have oversight and it's a loan, the interest from which pays for the grant money consumers are getting.

This pig is someone that THIS guy thought was funny...FYI

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which they'll use for stock buy backs and to park it in a tax free haven

all in your dime, oh and you won't have a job when this is over but hey at least LIBRULS MAD

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This is the face of leftism.

Oy vey, that's anti-semitic.

Name 1

Pick one

>government takes money from you and gives it to corporations
>this is somehow the free market's fault

man leftists are some kind of next level stupid.

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Of course she brings up food.


Well that doesn't work in high inflation countries (see my flag).

The Yas Forums shill is immunized against all dangers: one may call him a scoundrel, parasite, swindler, profiteer, it all runs off him like water off a raincoat. But criticize capitalism or Trump's pandering to capitalistic interests and you will be astonished at how he recoils, how injured he is, how he suddenly shrinks back: “I’ve been found out.”

>economy depends heavily on stocks
>buying stocks bad
Okay commer.

The government doesn't "take" money, it just prints more at the Federal Reserve whenever something like this happens. Taxes are just a means of enforcing the value of the dollar.

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social ecology

>the party of MUH SMALL GOVT and NO TAXES and SOSHULISM SUX, gibs corporation tax payer monies

Never heard of the hamplanet but thanks for giving me another reason to hate Gregg.

Stock buy backs are expressly prohibited from any business that takes a loan, as well as dividend payments, while the loan has not been paid in full. That's a significant hit to any dividend paying stock as well as a hit to compensation of its investors, and particularly insiders who hold. The businesses will live but they're going to suffer if they take the money. Its actually pretty good idea. But given that you didnt know that you havent actually read the bill.

>haha if I intentionally make myself ugly no one can call me ugly or they look stupid

Based and Ted pilled

I reckon a lot of Risk Management departments are going to be out of jobs after this

Show flag caps kike

>retard doesn't know what MMT is
>implying Dems wouldn't bail-out their Silicon Valley donors and Jewish banker co-ethnics like they did when Obama was Pres.

You're forgetting all the Dems including (((Bernie))) voted for this shit also.

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There's nothing to refute.
This entire crisis is the result of communist incompetence.

You haven't either because you don't even know the difference between a loan and a grant and that those provisions doesn't apply to the bailout grants.

The only system that hasn’t failed is the natural system that created us

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Unironically barter and trade

There are a lot of corporate bootlickers on Yas Forums that will call anyone who doesn't bend over and hold their ankles for large corporations a communist. It is criminal behavior tax payers have to bail out corporations once again in times of record profits and large tax cuts. Wages are still stagnant while CEO compensation is at record levels and the prices of goods and services continue to increase. Tax payers are also subsidizing the workers of billion dollar corporations daily through entitlement programs like foods stamps because CEO Goldstein can't pay his employees more than minimum wage.

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>working people to the bone
You're a retard. Go visit any socialist nation that's successful. Oh wait, you can't, because most of them are successful because the US has been letting them fuck us on trade to combat communism. And now europe has been flooded with low iq third worlders that still want to live as if they're in chimp land. The only ones that work are highly educated and literate societies where they don't have to support millions of leeches. And even then, the successful "socialist" countries won't strangle their economy via burdensome regulation. Go larp elsewhere you stupid nazi.

It's actually butter not a fruit

It doesn't taste like shit. It doesn't HAVE a taste.

Slow down bud capitalism hasn't failed yet

Corporations survive from leeching off gibs from the government and wouldn't exist in a truly capitalistic society

Everyone goes bankrupt dipshit, that's the nature of material life, communism, crapitalism. Neither will save you from the defects of material life.
Surrender to God.

name one

>trump gives DACA funding too

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What the fuck is the problem with that posting? Wah I want a job at a ski resort but won't buy a car that can handle snow. I have to stay overnight wahhhh make room for me!

Only so far as a state is identified with the vital interests of a people is it entitled to the allegiance of that people. Such allegiance is then equivalent to loyalty to one’s own kind, and such a state is organic in that its existence stems in a natural – one could even say biological – way from a natural community.

Any racially self-conscious citizen finds himself subject to two allegiances: that binding him to his own kind and that obligating him to his government. Of the two, the first has precedence. Only in an organic state do the two coincide.

The United States government has, through slow and nearly imperceptible change, been transformed from an organic institution embodying the will and aspirations of a free, White, and proud citizenry to a corrupt, unnatural, and degenerate monstrosity irresponsibly catering to the dissolute tastes, desires, and whims of an increasingly debased, raceless conglomerate of materialistic serfs, products of the urban jungle and the most tyrannical thought-control apparatus the world has ever known.

As the government grinds massively onward, it behaves like a Frankenstein monster out of control. It has become completely alienated from the racial elements which originally created it and gave it life.

The time has come when we must wake up and realize that the policeman on the street corner and the Congressman in Washington are no longer either our guardians or our servants. They are the guardians and servants of the System – though not necessarily consciously or with malice afterthought. More often they are only timeservers; more-or-less powerless cogs in the machine themselves.

Nevertheless, willingly or unwillingly, it is the System they serve.

The governmental structure which our forefathers built up to serve and protect us has been turned against us. Its strength is no longer our security but our peril. Its weaknesses are no longer our misfortune but our opportunity.

It is no longer possible to cure the System – to bring Frankenstein’s monster to heel – by Constitutional methods.

When the electoral process ceased being a person-to-person evaluation and choice of their representatives and leaders from among themselves by a properly qualified citizenry, the governmental forms handed down to us by a free Anglo-Saxon yeomanry lost their original meaning and relevance.

Today’s political shell game, in which the entire public herd is allowed a “choice” from an array of media-generated images, makes a cynical mockery of the very concept of representative democracy.

As long as public opinion is not the spontaneous consensus of a racially and culturally homogeneous populace but is the artificially created and manipulated concoction of a small clique of racially alien mind-molders, it is idle to contemplate bringing about, by System-approved means, any significant governmental change contrary to the wishes of those who control the System.

Yet, millions of optimistic patriots perennially convince themselves that they have found an honest politician who, if only they can sneak him past the professionals and get him elected, will outwit the string-pullers and return the American government to the hands of its proper owners. They drastically underestimate the cunning of their masters. Other millions believe that public enlightenment is the answer. They seriously misjudge the motives of the beast.

We do not need to reason with the monster; we need to put a bullet into its brain and hammer a stake through its heart. If that means blood and chaos and battling the alien enemy from house to house in burning cities throughout our land – then, by God, it is better that we get on with it now than later.

She's got a point.
If Capitalism can't even survive a few weeks of reduced income, then it's a shitty system.
Either that, or 90% of companies are run by retards who don't know how to save for a rainy day.



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Aww yes, because companies just keep massive mountains of cash ready to go for whenever their entire business is shutdown and they have to continue paying their expenses for months regardless.

I've been saying this for years. Modern corporate culture is extremely short sighted. Companies can't save money because if they do, shareholders look at their financial statements and start screeching that "MY DIVIDEND COULD HAVE BEEN AN EXTRA $20 THIS YEAR BUT YOU SPENT IT ON THINGS BESIDES ME REEEEE"

How is she connected to Opie?

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>we need $15 an hour, companies can afford it!
>oh no businesses have been closed for two weeks, they don't have enough money to survive
Not the brightest, are ya Megan?


>Because companies just keep massive mountains of cash ready to go for whenever their entire business is shutdown

If only for the past 10 years companies weren't having record profits all around, huge tax breaks and spending billions on stock buybacks instead of, you know, saving monies for a rainy day. If only those poor billionaires didn't have to depend on the American taxpayer every time the economy slows down