Bill Gates wants to implant every American with a mandatory chip that will track you and be used for financial...

Bill Gates wants to implant every American with a mandatory chip that will track you and be used for financial transactions. We need to fight back. Help stop ID2020.

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Good, this is how Antichrist is appearing in history.

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Not good. Evil. Accelerationism is not something we should be fighting for. Don't accept the mark.

Have any of you retards actually read what ID2020 is about?
It's a lot more reasonable, private and secure than the current form of ID we use today.
Case in point: my employer currently knows my name, date of birth, address and personal email. There is no way of preventing that data from being shared with third parties or leaked in a data hack.
With ID2020 this wouldn't be the case, as my ID would be kept by me at all times and with the help of encryption and block chain technology, it would only be shared and viewable on platforms authorised by me.
So, say my employer needs my name and date of birth, he would need to have an ID2020-specific platform installed on his machine to be able to view that data upon my authorisation. If someone tried hacking into it or if he tried to share that info with someone without my consent all the malicious party would see is encrypted gibberish.
It really is a genius concept that will make everyone's data more private while also keeping them more reliable and forgery proof.

You're fucking retarded. It wouldn't be kept with you. In would be kept in you. This is nothing less than transhumanism. It's not reasonable. It will be able to track you wherever you go, moniter you, and I'm sure it will eventually be combined with Elon Musk's Neuralink to read our minds as well.

Fucking shills posted this same pasta yesterday!!!!!!!!
Fuck you!!!!!

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The official website dumps a bunch of marketing speak bullshit like this shill here. At no point does it actually mention that you're actually signing up for a subdermal chip like a dog. Why do you think that is?

Just don't get it done. Refuse. Chant "PIKE BILL GATES!" instead.

Bill Gates is the probably the most evil sick bastard to walk this Earth. Figures he's so rich.

To fight this we need to stop the panic from the coronahoax and take back the narrative. #filmyourhospital and statistical memes are good for the right. We need to push fear on the left. They love the police stat, so we should meme pets needing to be euthanized because they’re corona carriers and how trump is using this panic to stop the elections here like they’re already done in the Hungary.

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Your soul will be raped in perpetuity

Based and ID2020 pilled

No I don't want this, but is the alternative to have some fucking chink make a super virus we are all instantly irradicated to.

If you don't have an alternative to ID2020 what is the solution to global bio warfare?

So your only opposition to it comes from satanic superstition?

Everyone is falling for this corona virus nonsense and it's driving me mad. I'm glad anons have woken up.

If it is "Satanic superstition" to not want to have a fucking piece of silicon in my arm that tracks me wherever I go like I'm a prisoner, then yes.

Global nuclear warfare.

So your only support to it comes from vaccine efficacy superstition?

I understand you, but why an implant? Why does it HAVE to be implanted in my flesh?

So an implanted microchip contains an encryption key. Why not simply have that encryption key embedded in an ID card instead of in my flesh like I'm human cattle?

Exactly. We already have phones. Why do they need it in our skin?

>ooWoo big world is such scary. Please gib me chip in my ass daddy. It’s better this way

>a mandatory chip
It will never be mandatory
Even pozzed to hell NPC retards will refuse to be chipped no one wants this

>get sick bad
begone shill

Are you retarded?
Digital identity doesn't imply it's a fucking chip implanted in you.
Digital means ones and zeros, or in this case a string of alpha numeric characters that reside in a (hopefully decentralized) database.

I don't believe in any of that hibbity jibbity but no I don't want that subdermal government tracking chip implanted in me against my will, thanks.

you've sold me in the name of convience and fear brah! getting the mark of the beast. asap brah! thanks brah!

Because an ID card can be easily lost or stolen. Same reason why pets get microchipped: it's more reliable than having their data written on a collar.
This is not to say you're a pet, I'm just illustrating the principle behind it. A lot of CEOs and executives of western companies who are sent to work on projects in dangerous countries in Africa for example are implanted with a microchip in case they are kidnapped.
The hysteria around id2020 seems to come from the fact people don't like Bill Gates, which is ridiculous because internet hatred towards him INCREASED after he left Microsoft, go figure.

What could it possibly mean other than that. Social security card 2.0? Phone Number 2.0. Of course not. It is an implanted chip. Even the shills in this thread agree with that.

>So your only opposition to it comes from satanic superstition?
Same fucking response from shill yesterday!!!!!
Are you fuckers even trying anymore?
At some point, you have to realize you are a bad person who works for the bad guys.

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really nigger

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>This is not to say you're a pet, I'm just illustrating the principle behind it.

Please, kill yourself.

Yeah, I'll sign it.

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Anything helps.

>trusting bill gates

>just go get chipped like a dog

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>>You have a right to be tracked with a "digital identity"

Lol how Orwellian

That's a good counter argument - I can't have my hand stolen or lost without having bigger issues than a loss of privacy. If a program such as ID2020 is adopted, will there be a non-implant option for those of us who wish to preserve the privacy of our bodies?

If not, what is the reason for denying a non-implantable option for the service? Surely ID2020 realizes the stigma associated with human implants (not to mention implants that are de-facto mandatory for functioning in a "safe and vaccinated" society). Do you know if ID2020 will offer a non-implant option for their certificates? The privacy of information *concerning* my person is MUCH less valuable than the privacy *of* my person. To violate the privacy of my person to protect the information concerning my person is kind of defeating the purpose of privacy, don't you think?

April fools hasnt started yet

USA time is internet time

>basic human right
>its your basic human right to be tracked by the government!

Everyone this faggot has posted this exact same bullshit.
Post by post even had the same pasta responses yesterday.
This guy is Bill Gates.
Or is a shill/bot who works in Microsoft headquters in China.
Fuck you!!!

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You are an absolute moron if you don't see the perils of this. Will we be police stated the moment they are introduced? Of course not. Think 15 years ahead or more.

>go to store for your weekly groceries
>get to register
>wave your hand over the scanner to pay
>balance: 0 dollars
>because you called this administration cunts on the government regulated discussion forums where you have to sign in with your RealID

eat a bag of dicks you bluepilled faggot

I won't be tagged like cattle, faggot.

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Don’t forget cloud, agile, big data, omni channel, device agnostic, self healing, AI driven, machine learning,... when trying to sell shit to other people or trying to convince suckers this is the next big thing.

spotted the anti-vaxxor. because cards, like money are super carriers for all sorts of nasty things. think of the children and the elderly user. their deaths will be on your hands if you dont except this mark! i mean chip.

>uses the perfect illustration unironically
>you’re being hysterical!
Get chipped like cattle, goy

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Are u talking about bill jew gates? Billo cazzo here he's knowed

Oh god a.. a s-super carrier? i need to get super marked. R-right now! Thank you based user

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Did you never though about implant a idid2020 chip into the deep inside of your motherfucked ass?

Mind of a shill.

Anglokik please stfu

Retard, search Bill Gates and where he donates his money.


you're welcome brah. just doing my part in helping people keep calm and to spread facts amongst these trying times to ease fears. #alonetogether #2moreweeks

He wants to implant every fucker on earth
Never enough power for people like that

Lol go back to twitter and instagram.

A pole with 1k isnt going to do shit. Meme army needs to assemble and spread the info to normies.

Yeah, like everyone who trusted bill gates with their companies went on to endless sucesses
And the fuck I'd trust someone wanted to steal shares from a cancer victim with my fucking life, fuck off you fucking worthless piece of shit and go back to your shill farm and have a fucking coughing orgy

Time for a new wave of meme wars.

I think we should aim to have a general thread every day to share our best memes to push back on this agenda that is coming very soon. Pick some good quotes from Gates’ AMA or illustrate how this can and will go wrong for the nonchristians and use #markofthebeast for the Christians. Whether we personally believe in something or not, we need to think of every angle and hit every demographic. This agenda is good for nobody except the elite.

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>So your only opposition to it comes from satanic superstition?
Yeah a superstition that John Q apostle predicted over 2000 years ago. Funny how the prophets of today cannot even get their global warming right.
Even if I did not believe, I do formly believe in my rights to not be a part of fascio-communism.

You don't need to insert it into your fucking arm. And it still gives bill ultimate control over that information.

hey brah. this is fucking serious brah. i'm raising awareness brah. wtf you doing brah? enjoy eating those tendies brah. 2 more weeks brah.

giving power over me to people I don't trust

Kys faggot

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>Lol superstition
Superstition is often right. That's what they don't understand.

>Because an ID card can be easily lost or stolen
Lol watch that petty thievery escalate to aggravated assault.

Their single mommies must be proud. Also willing to bet they are college educated as well.

seethe harder brah!

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Of course the chip is going to be convenient as fuck. Satan tempts everyone. If you take it you go to hell, simple as.

He couldn't even keeps cameras on there xbox.