As if this steaming pile of Chinese rat shit couldn’t get any worse, they just rolled out a shitload of site wide censorship

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Other urls found in this thread:


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Are you able to post/view with a VPN?

It's their only recourse to maintain what little advertisers they have. Doesn't matter, the economy will shrink their revenue dollars and they will become another tumblr. It's already happening

What pages are they?

What the fuck is wrong with you autistic zoomers where you leave out what part of reddit this is specifically? This tells us nothing. Seriously, KYS.

What did they block? Also how isn’t that shitty site dead yet?

Not the Heckin Frontpagearrino

Everyone, just fucking stop using that shit tier site. Find alternatives, or fucking create your own.

Who cares? Only retards browse reddit anyways.

reddit is only useful for my beginner programmer questions. stackoverflow users rape me when i post there

Just fucking stay there.

You don't even need to ask questions. Your problem had most likely already been solved by someone else so you can just find the answer on google.

I wouldn't touch Redddit with someone else's cock.

What are you trying to access. Let me try

>Use alternatives
Like the one everyone here is posting on? The only acceptable use of plebbit is saltmining the faggots there. That is it. That is all.

go back

I'd love to say that you should go back, but frankly, I am happy to see them getting called out on Yas Forums

What a flaming shithole that site (and community) became

Reddit is going down down DOWN DOWN

Kek. You really thought that Reddit was anything else other than a clusterfuck of leftards?

You’re just trying to drive traffic to Reddit. Fuck off.

fuck reddit
one of the worst
it's where NPC go congregate

Based on facts


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Maybe hes partially retarded and needs to ask more indepth questions than jewgle providesM?

come on. It's not that bad. Last time I was there, Conspiracy, it was a hell lot better than here. Informative posts with valid links. You don't find those here. Reddit is informative whereas this place is pure reaction consisting of a line or two. So quit trying to be trendy by knocking Reddit because for sure, most of you either post there or poach from there. Enough honesty for you?

>when the only way to kill Yas Forums is by censoring r*ddit.

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Oh no! r/cuckold is blocked in Canada.

What about help with my vidya games?

why the fuck you lyin'

>oh no I cannot Reddit
And nothing was lost

>Blocked in Canada
ofc its the Chinks

Reddit has some decent communities but the site overall especially r/politics or anything politically related/news related is pozzed as fuck

Not my golderinononos!!!

those faggots don't offer help on vidya

what sub

hahahahaha censorship by Canada
you leafs are censored as fuck

Why do you care what reddit does

Fuck off faggot

Reddit also has the benefit of having user-moderated forums. Here we are moderated by trannies and feds, who make sure it is a cesspool of shit. That was also a reason behind 8ch's superiority. Except for the fed part, fuck the feds hit that place hard.

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Reddit is so unbelively cucked it used to be cool af. The breaking point for me is if you go on r/gasmasks the pinned post is saying "masks dont help stop the pread of coronavirus" let me dig it up its so retarded, harmful and smells of chink look at this. Instead of helpful advice like. /k/ would give ya.... Look at this cuck shit

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>did you see my new Chyna redpills Yas Forums xDDDDDD
>nooo im not a reddit faggot your are the reddit faggots Yas Forums

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The average slavabo on /k/ will tell you a gp5 is still effectuve asbestos be damned and youd have to be a retard to thing a fucking nbc gasmask is someone completely useless against a airborne pathogen. Chinks want you to just die

>mass reply, seems to support chang
reddit is cancer, but you're a kike

Plebbit must die.

I don't give a shit, you have to go the fuck back and take anyone concerned in this thread with you.
You faggots are fucking annoying I wish the mods would ban all reddit related discussion

Whoever made the original of this is fucking stupid. That woman in the back holding up the fat guy like gravity would yank her right off the ground even if she was strong enough to lift him.


we all know better than that

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lmao and now they're screaming that everyone should wear masks now that all the docters have all they need.

shitit is bought by china and israel
fuck off

Figure it out yourself

>Anti-evil operations team
Haha what the fuck

no lol
I lost it, thanks friend. But really reddit is censored and that rustles my jimmies but I just don't visit that place and anytime I encounter someone who appears to frequent reddit I make it my mission to put obstacles in their way to allow them to struggle that they may see the value in hard work and give up their shit leftist ways.. but really I just love those sweet tears

Asian Women continue to beat their beta white husbands.

typical unreconstructed feminist ragelord

This. It is censorship central. If you want bland, boring and censored, then Reddit is the place to go. Gotta keep Sears, McDonalds and Good Housekeeping ad revenue flowing. Gotta play dirty tricks like shadow banning too. Fuck them and their Jewish ass-cancer website.

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>they will never go back

The leddit scum are too numerous, it's become terminal.

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Dreaddit and Yas Forums are the only real discussion boards, maybe kiwifarms too

Which communities were banned? Another incel woman hating sub, or something actually interesting like rally racing?

Not the Heckin upvotetrinos!

We should never forget all the people responsible for all forms of censorship.

Why do you keep going there?

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>stackoverflow users rape me when i post there
Rightfully so. If we still did on Yas Forums we would have a hell of a lot less newfags.
Git gud.