Explain yourself, zommers

Explain yourself, zommers.

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26 is the youngest millennial age.

in my early 30s and still a Virgin
all my favorite activities are indoors and never get matches on dating apps
still waiting for my wizard powers

These statistics are usually pretty unreliable and only insecure people care about them. Being a virgin is not a big deal.

The (((porn))) generation.

Wtf? You can't cast fireball?

29 year old virgin here

Good. You should only have sex with your wife who is wed to you in front of God's loving grace. Fornicators burn.

More like they're scared of women themselves, due to most of them being judgemental turbo sluts

Pornography has destroyed the confidence in young males

How else do you expect to get sick wizard powers?

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haven’t played D&D in 20 years lol
no friends either
spend days working and sleeping. a bit of vidya if lucky

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This is what happens when "researchers" fail to understand the incel problem. It has nothing to do with intimacy, a huge number of men simply have no access to sex.

Intimacy? What's that got to do with it?

"Scared of intimacy?" Bullshit. It's because women's standards have gotten unrealistically high.
I'm old and already enjoyed my fair share of pussy, thankfully. I can't imagine being a young man in this day and age, it must suck.

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99% of woman are just sluts, an the 1% are married or have kids.
Just pay a whore or buy a sex doll.

Im 30 years old, I had a great dating life from 15 to 24 years old. But for the past 6 years it has basically been dead.
Im not sure what exactly changed in the past decade. Probably a mix of internet porn, social media and dating apps like Tinder. Genuine connections are so much harder to come by these days. I'm happy I at least got to experience the best days before it all went to shit. I feel bad for zoomies


That and they're fat as hell. It's a living nightmare

what kind of fucked up gaslighting is this?

tfw 26

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This is interesting.
Also, with sex being a topic of discussion, itself has become blase and banal. Now we get weird porn to make it 'sexy' again.

I had sex when I was 21


I fucking hate journalists trying to make small numbers seem big, no not even that, in general I hate journalists.

Because most women are fucking just one guy these days.

how do you overcome that fear?

the crazy part is when you realize no 26 year old women are virgins (even the deformed ones) and a full quarter of 26 year old men are virgins

its only real if you also dont fap ever in those 30 years.

>tfw actually found a decent girl

they're rare but they exist. The women who just give it away like it's nothing are trash and should be avoided in the first place. As crazy as it sounds you're actually doing yourself a favor by waiting for the right person instead of settling for a semi-retired whore

Same here and it sucked. Fuck sex and fuck women.

is it that, or is it that there's this weird gender bending bullshit going on and women are insane cunts right now? they sure as shit aren't super loving beings. the equation is unbalanced, this is why you dont allow women to have so much power

Mom threw me out to live with my alcholic father who beat me. Not really a good foundation for trusting of other people

37 and got locked down 10 years ago
but i feel you, seems to hold true here (idaho/oregon) as well, at least from observation

>no need for women when you got porn
>also never learned how to speak to women because i never went outside cuz i had porn
tldr porn is the problem, at least for me
>i am now 30 lol

Those virgins are all male, the 80%.
All girls are fucking the same handful of Chads.
Girls are having more sex, Chads are having more sex.

But the majority of men is having less sex, and that creates these statistics.

in 90% of the situations I have encountered, getting intimate with the girl was not worth it. Didn't help that I watched friends have their emotional well-beings completely fucked up by the relationships they ended up in. I may have been encountering shitty women for the most part, but with all the risks involved relationships in the age of Tinder are not worth it.

Just get a gf and a sex doll. I did it. You can too!

Keep chasing that dragon!

Do you want my promo code for 5 free Bluechew tabs?

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And that's a good thing

>Fuck sex and fuck women.
Now that’s the spirit

They're not scared of intimacy, women just won't screw the bottom 20% of men


33 year old Boomer here.
Haven't had sex in 5 months but my wife is 8 months pregnant ;)

Just go lift and socialize in bars if you want to get laid.

>scared of intimacy

These retarded journalists need to be taken into the streets and flogged. Absolute fucking chimps with keyboards.

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24 and still a virgin
I'm just not down with banging whores like you OP

>scared of intimacy
lol no. People are scared of rape charges. And feminism made it impossible to even talk to a woman, yet alone flirt, because rape and "sexual harassment."

This was all planned to drive a wedge between white men and women.

You don't see it, but on your right side is a better candidate waiting for the ladies. Please move to the left.

31 year old virgin here. Nice to make your acquaintance.

Modernity has killed any semblance of romance or intimacy, murdered by social media and dating apps

The average person (male AND female) are not fit to be relationship material, let alone marriage or parent material. Most of the Men nowadays are either extremely cucked or extremely childish, which is the result of the way society has treated men for almost 50+ years now. The Woman have turned into self centered, vapid creatures who think having some office job makes them superior to men, they're no longer feminine woman, they've become "pseudo men". Social media and Dating apps have also rendered them promiscous and frankly untrustworthy.

What series is this?

Std's or are you saying they are fake lols

>and socialize in bars
Is that a website?

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after three the sex is pretty barebones... well in oftenness. ive gotten into drunk fisting tho kek shes a bitch so fuck it ya know

I haven't had sex and im 26. Im a millennial not a zoomer. You can feel free to ask me anything guys. I'm 6 foot 6 btw and people always tell me im good looking. Ive never bothered trying to get a girlfriend and during my school years I barely said a word to anyone. I guess I just don't care, im also schizophrenic but I doubt that has anything to do with my celibacy.

factor out women and it's probably 1/3

Woody is that you?

>porn is the problem
no, you are the problem
>you again
Why do you keep attention whoring

>All your life you get told not to have sex
>As a kid, you are expected to act like a kid and shut up around others
>Except baby/kid is the best moment of your life to learn all the shit you need in life
>Let's strip that
>Violence is more accepted than sexual content on tv

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have you considered fucking a whore? how ugly are you?

I'm not "scared of intimacy", I hate whores and want to marry a virgin like God intended.

t. 23 year old virgin

>26. Im a millennial not a zoomer

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I'd argue 1/8 is a pretty low number although I doubt it's strictly because of intimacy. My ex is a virgin but that's mostly because she's a literal female incel and misandrist.

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>people don't want to be degenerates and fuck whatever have holes/weenis

>implying it's intimacy they are scared of
>conflating being scared of aids and other stds with intimacy
>demonstrating the article author doesn't understand love or intimacy
>author is a woman
Need I say more?

>Haven't had sex in 5 months
you know you can still shag her when she's pregnant, right?
unless it's sore for her I guess

because of the #MeToo Movement, congrats women, you fucked your self by making it a gamble with a mans livelihood just to sleep with you, cant wait for you all to get old and depressed.

12.5% can make up 50% sometimes you know

good job dude. stay away from evil people.

Ask me how I know that you're ugly

I don't enjoy sex. Everytime I tell my counselor this they act like it's a mental problem instead of a physical one. I tell them I am mutilated from circumcision and the women look at me like I'm just jerking off in my room too much and the men act like a Nazi. I am not scared of sex or intimate contact I just can't actually feel intimate. I actually end up hating my partner and wanting to leave anytime I get involved. There is no connection. No copulation. Nothing holding me there other than the will to be there. I stick my dick in a hole and she complains that I don't think she is attractive because I didn't cum in 20 mins.

Fuck this culture, fuck my family, fuck this country. I don't care anymore. Why can't women understand that for the vast majority of men fucking them in the slut hole means nothing?

I was born in 93. Im a millennial.

Faggots who weren't raised properly by their fathers don't deserve to procreate.

My entire college dating life was me finding out the girl I was interested in wasn't single.

49 here, same thing happened also ten years ago. My 40's have been void of human relations. It is over, unless one prefers 60+ women with serious issues. Well, they are easy to dodge, just say that you want children.