Crohn's disease

red-pill me on Crohn's disease
back in the 1920 and 1960s it was called a Jewish disease.
now its seems way more non-Jews than Jews are getting this.
why did they get it first? and what has happened to the rest of the world now that everywhere else has it?
serious discussion please,some intelligent shitposting will be tolerated.

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dude it was literally called a Jewish disease up into the 90s and 2000s....
the past decade or two the CCFA (run by Jews in NY who literally used to tell sick children "I own Crohn's disease now fuck off" like a mobster... they probably are mobsters btw their numbers are cooked) and drug companies (who want to advertise Humira, the #1 money making drug in the world right now, to more than just Ashkenazi)

>Google "Crohns' Jewish disease"
About 506,000 results (0.41 seconds)

These increased genetic risk factors seen in Ashkenazi populations appear to be rooted in a history of migrations, catastrophic reductions in population, and then re-population from a small number of surviving founder families over many centuries, suggests Dr. McGovern.

does this fall under "jewish genetic disorders"?

We got rid off joomers and Jews, etc and etc.

It happens when you eat the wrong food for your species.

is this gluten related? I had crohn but it disappeared completely after I stopped eating gluten.

No, it comes from eating pork and masturbating too much

childrens blood is said to cure chrons for about 2 weeks

based kim

I ought to congratulate you on the way you handled corona Chairman Kim

Fuck off corona


its a bit more complicated than direct gluten allergy but yes, no complex carbs seems to help a lot maybe by limiting gut flora diversity
yes this is generally a huge factor, also stress.
but why was this disease associated with jews for nearly 100 years before it went global?
it kinda mimics the story of stomach ulcers, a misdiagnosis for decades perpetuated by the pharma lobby.
Kim you seem so cool, even if you're just IP spoofing and not really Kim, or actually in NK and not Kim, I salute you (in minecraft)
but seriously red-pill me on Crohn's disease now South Koreans get it too, and surely they aren't Jews (at least genetically speaking)

Neuroticism drives it. Jews turned everyone else into jews through social engineering.

that is what I am implying and I even have a background in microbial infection/immunology and stress/guilt weakens innate immunity.

It's caused by antibiotics.
The antibiotics kill off beneficial gut bacteria, allowing harmful ones to establish and cause infections.

Found the cause

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>Google "Coronavirus' Jewish disease"
About 29,400,000 results (0,46 seconds)

>Google "Covid-19' Jewish disease"
About 17,300,000 results (0,59 seconds)

>Google "Flu' Jewish disease"
About 5,980,000 results (0,50 seconds)

>Google "Ebola' Jewish disease"
About 2,980,000 results (0,54 seconds)

Great proof you've got there, retard.
>inb4 kike or equivalent

the issue is way more nuanced
for 100 years it was considered nearly an exclusively Jewish disease....
the past 20 years you've got South Koreans, Egyptians, Saudis etc gettting Crohn's.
What the fuck happened?

Jews used eugenics to get rid of it a good idea. But no eugenics for you, goy because hurr Hitler

look up the history of crohn's disease... litearlly everything I said here is true.
also France has about 4% of its country as Jews while the rest of Europe has about 2%
you got both the Ashkenaz and the Sephardi so I'm gonna assume you're a literally butthurt one of them upset I am pointing out the facts of the matter.
Who memed neurotic-ism all over the world via pop culture? not me.

I'm not sure if this is true but yes it is true over the decades there are less and less Jewish patients I am meeting, some of them are dead now.... but that tends to happen with Crohn's anyway.
I think there was an active decision at some point to disassociate Jews with Crohn's because its a bad look for both parties.

Fun Fact: the CCFA and Wikipedia used to list Joe Rogan as a famous celeb with Crohn's.
but he's been denying it for at least 8 years now.... who sent Joe the memo?

Kim come back I need you to help me solve this mystery behind the goyim getting Crohn's disease...

Crohn's disease has possible links to Neanderthals DNA. They had a much stronger immune system so it's possible the strong immune reaction is linked to there. Cows also get something similar, so it could initially be triggered by drinking cows milk.

Point to note is that Alfred the Great and Albert, Prince Consort were suspected to have had Crohn's disease.

It is not higher in Jews in general but it is in Ashkenazic Jews which essentially ARE Europeans. They have a tiny percent of DNA linked to the Middle East. Around 3% so they do not have roots in the Middle East. They are some European (albeit fucked up) group.

I agree with you in part but Ashkenazi too have a strong middle eastern background but it is to Persia (east turkey now) not the Levant.

literal fake disease invented by jews to profit. kys if some jewish doctor convinced you that you have it and you created pyschosamatic symptoms as a result

Easy, its a dietary caused disease.

Things like Crohn's disease, Celiac Disease or leaky gut syndromes show up in people with bad nutrition.

So often in Vegetarians / Vegans. They always claim to have Gluten Intolerance.

Well the reason they are intolerant to gluten is because their digestive system is destroyed. If they ate a proper diet with the right amino acids, and vitamins they would not have a fucked digestion system and they could tolerate gluten just fine.

The gut needs Collagen to heal itself, Collagen is made from amino acids and Vitamin C.

These vegetarians dont get any Collagen in which is broken down into amino acids and used for repair. They get plant based amino acids and their body suffers from it.

To reverse this kind of damage you need good proteins and lots of vitamin C.

And here is where we run into another problem, these people think it needs to be plant based vitamin C from fruit that contains alot of sugars. But no they need Sodium Ascorbate to heal.

They cant get enough vitamin C from fruit.

Many thousands of years ago but they have spent a long time in Europe and have mixtures thrown in. It still makes calling crohn's a Jewish disease wrong and it's likely to have existed in Germanic tribes and the Saxons etc. It's likely there is some negative reaction to milk and neanderthal DNA causing a strong immune reaction. The East Asians groups listed also have some neanderthal DNA while crohn's is much more uncommon in Africa which have no neanderthal are furthermost away from white groups so it's most definitely a "white thing" mainly

>red-pill me on Crohn's disease
>back in the 1920 and 1960s it was called a Jewish disease.
>now its seems way more non-Jews than Jews are getting this.
The kike bastard seed is spreading.
That promotion/job she got, she passed the exams being so stupid, she had a sugar daddy etc etc your father was working 12h/day almost never touched your mom but all of a sudden your mom was horny and desperate one night and got a promotion at work and 9 months later you mutt kike popped out.

>dietary caused disease.
>least common in africa and rare in india with poorest nutrition

Oh OK. It's genetic related. Nothing to do with poor nutrition.

>has Crohn’s disease
>mother is 1/3 Jew
You’re telling me the Jews are why I’m this way?

Two types of Chron's disease:
>Jewish inbreds; and some Scottish inbreds
>auto-immune triggered by childhood vaccines

wtf am i looking at

Its common among picky eaters who wont eat a balanced diet.

People in poor countries dont have the luxury to be picky eaters. They eat what is around not what they choose to.

Not being a picky eater and eating some bland foods with no real nutrition does not mean you will have good nutrition...

Your claims are not medically backed up whatsoever. I've being involved with this kind of thing for years. It's likely from cows Johne's disease and bacterium found in milk is passed onto humans which the immune system in the gut attacks and overreacts to. As to why that only happens in some is a genetic factor and possibly linked to those with a higher neanderthal dna percentage.

Diseased intestine.
It was a Jewish disease but they seem to have passed it onto their enemies via memetics and possibly food borne microorganisms.
>I wish I was joking.

Now look up who suppresses M. paratuberculosis research in humans? The CCFA, Johnson & Johnson, Abbott... etc etc.

It's the elk meat bro

People with any intestinal inflammation will lack appetite and even avoid drinking water... this is because bad food or water was very common evolutionarily speaking.

Joe Rogan used to claim he has Crohn's, then his publicist called.

Listen carefully, i explain it.
We didint have it because of our traditional food. They did promote that away and our modern diet is very bad for our digestion: In particular: Unsaturated fats, fiber, secondary plant substances, plant based diets.
Read weston a price foundation, ray peat or a bit over the top sv3rige to fi nd out and thank me later!

Hmm can't say I have ventured too much into that area. It more than likely is the origin of that disease though.

More nonsense. It has been around for thousands of years, only it didn't have a name. The great Anglo-Saxon King Alfred the Great very likely had crohn's disease.

Yeah people used to have it always, especially in bad times where not a lot of animal food was availabe. But 100 to 50 years ago it wasnt common at all. Or would you say digestion problems didnt rise the last 50 years....... Then 100s of statistics disproof you

The reason as to why it has increased more in the last 50 years is because of the amount of milk mass produced everywhere and how most families in the West have a few bottles a week. Certainly not what they would have had 150 years ago.

Also facts of the past are not reliable as they would have been misdiagnosed or lived with it as best they could.

My wife's dad has this and she has Khazar milkers but their family converted like 200 years ago.

It's not that implausible of a claim, you fucking illiterate shill.

Ever heard of Tay Sachs or Cystic Fibrosis? Both are very prominent in the ashkenazi community.


Vegans have more crohns disease and milk products have always been used.
And i speak of a risse in problems the last 30 years. 30 years ago wayyyy less people had problems with some foods, like glutenintoleranz or allergies

Here is what medical science says...

>Crohn's has a genetic component
>siblings of known people with Crohn's are 30 times more likely to develop Crohn's than the general population.
>Crohn's is associated with an increased intake of animal protein, milk protein

So if you think it's simply diet or not milk related, prove it with actual data that you believe the medical community is not aware of. What do you know that they don't?

I agree with you drinking milk is bad, ok. People didnt used to do this, they maily used cream, butter and cheese. Laktose is now in so much foods and it can be bad. But again, traditionally laktose wasnt used that much.
>siblings of known people with Crohn's are 30 times more likely to develop Crohn's than the general population.
Yeah and silblings have similar diets, so it supports both claims
>Crohn's is associated with an increased intake of animal protein, milk protein
>What do you know that they don't?
They are not honest.
I just dont believe their shit that veganism cures it, you just have to look at real humans to see that they are lying

It's not the lactose though, it's a bacterium found in cows that is passed on and that's what the immune system tries to attack.

>Yeah and silblings have similar diets, so it supports both claims

It runs in families and things like cousins who can have very different lifestyles and diets. It's the same with say heart disease, in that it's genetic. If your Dad and Uncle died of 40 of heart attack you are in a risk group no matter your diet.

I don't think animal protein is the issue, just milk. This is all we know about it and you can;r replace all the medical science and data with something like "it's just down to diet" because that alone ignores that genetic factors must not exist when clearly they do.

It's likely the genetics in some people triggers the immune reaction when it comes into contact of the bacterium found in milk. That's it. Diet will not change any of that.

>I just dont believe their shit that veganism cures

Oh and this isn't true either, a vegan diet with a lot of fibre is very bad for someone with crohn's. They will most often have an easier time eating steak and chips. The only people pushing vegan diets as some cure are vegans themselves and not the medical community.

The red pill is that I have gotten so adept at managing the pain from it that I hardly react to any pain stimulus anymore.

Because bobs

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Let me give you the ultimate redpill on Chron's. Mike the heal your gut guy, look him up on youtube by far has the most knowledge on this.

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Three days ago I operated on a nail bed inflammation on my own. No problem. Looks pretty nasty, though.

Ok sure genetics play a role, but when something is inceasing in the same population, genetics is not the reason for the increase.
>Oh and this isn't true either, a vegan diet with a lot of fibre is very bad for someone with crohn's. They will most often have an easier time eating steak and chips. The only people pushing vegan diets as some cure are vegans themselves and not the medical community.
Yes fibre is bad like i said, but search crohn disease vegan and you will find promotions of veganism.
Well some bacterium might be a problem, but i dont believe that. Most people dont have problems with milk and like eveyone is using milk products