
So they installed rotating lights on the Empire State Building while a pandemic is sweeping the world?


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Probably to show a pandemic is sweeping the world and the city is in a state of emergency, fucko

Of course it would never be to induce more hysteria and anxiety, right?


Yeah this is fucking weird.

they are signalling to aliens that its safe to land

Is this this shit for real tho ?

Yes, go search it on Twitter

It‘s so the plane can aim better

This is insane and scary as hell.

dimension merge

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They are calling alien-batman

Shut up, it looks cool.

So that's what the SUPER rich are busy doing, inducing stupid deadly amounts of anxiety and stress in the population and driving people insane.

I usually have not much about filthy rich individuals as long as they leave me alone but this is fucking irresponsible at the minimum.

daily reminder that Christopher nolan Batman movies were based on JFK Jr faking his death and fighting evil from behind the scenes.

Ya, seriously. Stirring the pot. Maximizing agitation so the eventual mass chimp out does max damage.

The timelines just shifted is all.
Its gonna get bumpy.

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Got any literature on this?

Ha ha Mario is on the wall.

that's actually really fucking kino.


Cuz reasons.

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The eye of sauron sees all

It’s to signal that they’re in control

Good for the immune system too.

because we live in the cyberpunk future now and the stage set had to be upgraded.

it goes well with the robotic voices telling you to keep your social distance when you are at the pharmacy.

based and redlightpilled


y...you know that the light isn't rotating right user? Like there's nothing physically spinning up there.
It's a set of lights changing from red to white to create this.. sort of like how movement is created on your television screen when the lights change on it as well. Right user?

They didn't install anything it's just a programmable array of lights.

Which one of you made this?
>Oh my gosh, just like Ghostbusters.

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Is it true that there's a siren going on? Way to go gov PR!


did you know that airport beacons are still literally lights that mechanically rotate?

I will admit, it looks pretty creepy. What ritual is this for? Or is this some kind of psychological tool for influencing our behavior? Maybe to keep us in a state of panic and remind us to submit to authority. Either way its unsettling.

If it wasn't put up for that reason, who in their right mind would think that it benefits anybody at all. Is there a logical reason we need this right now?

They didnt "install" rotating lights, the Empire State Building has had programmable lights on it for years. Buildings like this use their lights to put on shows based on whats happening in society. Like big sports ball team wins championship, change lights to team colors; etc.

Bored virtue signalling rich people.
>Muh solidarity with the health workers.

If I was a health worker, these lights would just make me think I'm living in a cyberpunk dystopia.

it's the universal "just a flu" sign

"tributing the workers who help in the pandemic"

who knows or cares what kind of satanic shit they're up to now in jew york city, they could be fucking eating each other there and I wouldn't care

literally impossible
if the glownuccas weren't the cause of it they would have examined the bodies themselves to make sure it was really him

That's it... Sit nice and still Noseberg...

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>[Caramelldansen intensifies]

>man that cyberpunk atmosphere would be awesome
>New York alters already existing led scheme

Haha what fags you niggers are

we're all very sorry about your micropenis

Does this mean I can fag out and have sex on the streets?

Don't people already do this in NYC?

We must form fellowship to throw king David's foreskin into the furnaces below to defeat them forever.

What the actual fuck are they thinking?

Feels kinda like a cyber-punk dystopia. really cool. really gives the "big brother is watching" kind of feeling.

Babylon has fallen.

Bold move Cotton, let's see how this plays out

Why is it so damn comfy tho

>beg for happening for year, decades even
>happening happens
>beg for it to stop
kek you guys are like a man's vagina.

>air raid alarm
is Trump finally going to bomb NY?

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Not gonna lie but that looks Hella cool.

If you shave back those nigger pubes you’ll gain that much needed visual inch.

I'm pretty sure the lights were already there user

Embrace the Happening faggots.


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someone edit this for NY

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>"Energy, passion, anger, inflammation, lust, strength, protects against psychic attacks. Mars rules the red. Revenge, anger, pure sex drive, physical gratification, courage, determination, confrontation with the enemy. Red is used to incite incidents, fires, and injuries. Red can also be used for self-esteem, athletics, strength, magical energy to create black magic (good for the strengthening of themselves before performing black magic) and inducing intensity. Incites lust, energy, strength, sexual energy, dynamism, passionate love, physical desire, courage, willpower, athletics (especially racing) and vitality. Used in the black, red, unlike the black door immediate attacks, accidents, blood, violence and hatred. The red can be used to incite war, anarchy and cruelty. Mars rules the red. Red is the element of fire. Both red and white rule the base chakra."

Yes, this is an occult mega ritual. Get ready for a lot of chaos and death.

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Checked 2020

They probably just used the existing lights to simulate one.

People have no idea about the Chinese virus so the empire state building let them know.


You don't have to put on the red liiiiight

Those days are ovahhh you don't have to sell ya body to the niiiiiighhhhtttt