Why is MSM promoting trannyism to kids?

Why is MSM promoting trannyism to kids?

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Because the media is filled with them

Do you follow Nickelodeon on Twitter? Where do you get these from? That's weird.

Jewmerica needs to be fucking nuked

Why should I give a shit?

Never posts Christian holidays.... oy vey!

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>OK Groomer

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MSM is designed to:
-dismantle everything white, masculine, Western, traditional and free. if it can't be dismantled it will be degraded or colonized and changed
-promote everything multikult, feminine, "Other"/SWPL, postmodern and government-centralizing
Any questioneroos?

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What the fuck is with these faggots

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I never hated trannies until they started to push this shit everywhere. Now I'm glad to hear whenever some one kills one of these disgusting creatures or they kill themselves

oh I'm so glad we have literal dick suckers on pol to join our little discussion.
kidding, /thread

it is not a virtue to cut off your dick or your tits
it is insanity manifesting itself in a very visible fashion

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because there are transgender children
I don't see what's so hard to understand

ok groomer

most are white

Coming from the nigger with the pedo flag

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We need to start killing these fucks, I mean the higher ups not the trench fuckups


Aka Jews.

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>all those anime profile pictures supporting trannies
Go figure. Anime turns you into a tranny

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Whew thanks for not buying cable when i was a kid. Love you mom and dad

How come 0.2-0.5% (trans) of the population wields so much power?

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I've never understood this but I always see the groomer meme and it doesn't make sense. Gays just want to be left alone but the trannies are schizo freaks convinced that everyone is a tranny.
Gender confused?
Don't like traditional gender roles?
Hate trans?
Trannies are the real groomers

>Now I'm glad to hear whenever some one kills one of these disgusting creatures or they kill themselves
Transgender people who transition during childhood have a much lower suicide rate than those who grow up in bigoted households and can't transition until adulthood
There's a very big difference between dysphoria and a kid just saying "I wanna be a princess", you'd have to be retarded to think otherwise

Credit where it's due. The black woman was talking sense.

Pedo Jews and groomers

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Found the groomer from discord

Nice try Chang

If you hate freedom of speech and freedom of expression stay in China

>to live THEIR truth
little things

Yeah trying to save my friend from the tranny meme. He's always been troubled and he's susceptible to their cult.

OK groomer

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Everything they do is calculated to bring the world closer to the day on which jews rule as a spiritual nobility over an endless horde of beige golems smart enough to work but too stupid to demand a raise or ever even think of freeing themselves from the mammon machine they were born into.
It is the reason they want white genocide, which is achieved sooner if more white kids are removing themselves from the equation entirely.

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trannies should hang by their guts in the streets

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You fags don't see a big difference though.

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...How the fuck do you know?

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Ok groomer

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I'm a groomer because I don't want trans people to grow up in a body they hate and end up killing themselves?

They are demons bent on human destruction.

Why do you think? Child molesters evvvverywhere.

>live their truth

its so fucking gay and insulting how corporations try to pander to us and people eat this shit up.

also guaranteed a nigger wrote this tweet.

Child abuse documented.

Chang>some discord tranny gooming kids

Good luck, if they fall into it it's a coin flip chance of suicide if they stay out of it and get help they'll get better

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Remembers anons, bring back okay groomer

You're a groomer because you want children to be taught to hate their bodies so they will get themselves mutilated and fuck their hormones to the point where they hate themselves and end up killing themselves.

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Abortions are the gateway drug to all from which is before you. The ability to kill life has lead to the ability to mutilate your tits penises and vagina and has allowed the degenerate nature to flourish. Abortionist original purpose was protectionism or to save. Now it is to kill at will. Which leads to all that you see today backed by atheism and Liberty. It’s like the movie Frankenstein except much worse.

There was an excellent response to pimozide 2 mg daily, with a cessation of both cross-dressing and the wish for sex reassignment.

If you're born in a body you hate I don't think you were meant to make it.

Who's the blond one?

This is /pol the most homosexual place on the internet.

OK discord tranny

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>Tasteful and family friendly
Drag should have died as a thing long ago


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>You're a groomer because you want children to be taught to hate their bodies so they will get themselves mutilated and fuck their hormones to the point where they hate themselves and end up killing themselves.
Firstly, dysphoria does not always mean hating your body, could just mean feeling out of place or discontent with it. Secondly, nobody wants to teach people to be dysphoric, only to help the ones who already are