Flu has killed 100,000 people worldwide in the last 3 months It's been around circling the world for centuries and is well established and there are no physical distancing measures for it.
Covid-19 has started from a single person and isn't established at all. It's already killed 40,000 people despite worldwide quarantine
>b-but it's just the flu! No one I know has it! You're a jew if you say otherwise
There are many layers of lies and jewish psyops behind this, if I gave a shit I would dig further... but I don't. Fuck you, jews.
Josiah Torres
there are 310 cities in the us with 100k+ people. at 200k deaths, that's only 645 per city. that's assuming the worst case scenario and that there are no cases anywhere else, which is obviously not true. so say every medium city on up looses 500 people the vast majority of which are 70+ woth an average of nearly 3 underlying conditions. grandma dies a little sooner than she would, a couple of deaths would seem to come out of nowhere, but other than that hardly anybody would even notice.
Matthew Allen
>REEEEEEEEE anything that causes mass deaths is a jewish psyop!! Dont argue with me or your a jew!
>Why can't some polacks refute this? People have a resistance to the flu. The medical establishment has a vaccination against the flu. The flu has an R Naught of like 2. The flu has a death rate of like .1% before other factors.
People don't have a resistance to covid. The medical establishment doesn't have a vaccination against covid. Covid has an R Naught of like 4. Covid has a death rate of 1% before other factors.
Blake Perry
Is it even possible to rape this women
Christian Perry
All while the virus has only made its appearance a month ago and everyone is on quarantine
US currently has 3431 deaths to 6241 recovery ratio. That's a 55% kill rate if you go off of death/recoveryfor you fat diseased americans and your hospitals arent even at full capacity yet
You're either a braindead zombie or a total faggot germaphobe, please KYS, tia
Ethan Russell
What does this mean? I don't understand. Please dumb it down
Jaxson Reyes
Is coffee good for you?
Jose Rodriguez
how may days until the US has more deaths than Italy? I'm guessing with their super fast growth rate the deaths will cascade soon.
Nathan Brooks
But it pretty much only kills old people who would have died in few years tops anyway, that;s the bit that I'm unsure about. How long are we supposed to keep literally everything shut down to stop geriatrics from dying? It'll be at least the end of the year before there's a vaccine for it by current estimates. And then it might make a comeback next year. Are we supposed to just stay in lockdown permanently?
Also the fact that the mainstream media and normies on facebook are being self righteous virtue signalling hard about how seriously they're taking the virus that adds a layer of just wanting to react against them because they're so obnoxious.
Isaac Ortiz
Valeria something? I know shes russian but cant find it on reverse search
>What does this mean? The flu isn't a big concern because we've been minimizing it via treatements for decades.
Covid is new, we don't have anything to beat it and that's why it's so currently dangerous.
Think of it like a battle in the civil war. Imagine if the South all of a sudden had AK-47's. The North would get fucked up initially until they figured out how to combat against the AK-47's.
Parker Collins
It probably killed about 20 million in China, but that's something you can only infer from urn purchases and cell phone service cancellations since China refuses to tell the truth about literally anything
Oliver Rodriguez
If we were serious about this everyone who tests positive would be locked in a coof camp. The only people allowed out in public are those that test negative. Anyone trying to jump the border is shot. All jews deported no exceptions.
Aaron Turner
>>less than regular flu So you're trusting China's numbers?
William Gray
>How long are we supposed to keep literally everything shut down to stop geriatrics from dying? Imagine thinking that old people must die so you can go outside.
Aiden Perez
Hmm. Makes sense.
Levi Ross
2018-2019 flu killed 80.000 people in the US alone and nobody declared a state of emergency.
this is a political thing not a medical one. governments across the world declare a war against an "invisible enemy" because they lack all legitimacy and are scared of their own citizens... as in the case of France, Chile, Iran, Iraq, Lebanon etc...
Brayden Moore
>40,000 deaths isnt mass deaths if it's a virus. Especially if it only started spreading 3 months ago >Flu also doesnt cause mass deaths
Giorgio Agamben: “Clarifications” TUESDAY, MARCH 17, 2020 ~ ADAM KOTSKO Translator’s Note: Giorgio Agamben asked me to translate this brief essay, which serves as an indirect response to the controversy surrounding his article about the response to coronavirus in Italy (see here for the original Italian piece and here for an English translation).
Fear is a poor advisor, but it causes many things to appear that one pretended not to see. The problem is not to give opinions on the gravity of the disease, but to ask about the ethical and political consequences of the epidemic. The first thing that the wave of panic that has paralyzed the country obviously shows is that our society no longer believes in anything but bare life. It is obvious that Italians are disposed to sacrifice practically everything — the normal conditions of life, social relationships, work, even friendships, affections, and religious and political convictions — to the danger of getting sick. Bare life — and the danger of losing it — is not something that unites people, but blinds and separates them. Other human beings, as in the plague described in Alessandro Manzoni’s novel, are now seen solely as possible spreaders of the plague whom one must avoid at all costs and from whom one needs to keep oneself at a distance of at least a meter. The dead — our dead — do not have a right to a funeral and it is not clear what will happen to the bodies of our loved ones. Our neighbor has been cancelled and it is curious that churches remain silent on the subject. What do human relationships become in a country that habituates itself to live in this way for who knows how long? And what is a society that has no value other than survival?
Ryan Baker
The other thing, no less disquieting than the first, that the epidemic has caused to appear with clarity is that the state of exception, to which governments have habituated us for some time, has truly become the normal condition. There have been more serious epidemics in the past, but no one ever thought for that reason to declare a state of emergency like the current one, which prevents us even from moving. People have been so habituated to live in conditions of perennial crisis and perennial emergency that they don’t seem to notice that their life has been reduced to a purely biological condition and has not only every social and political dimension, but also human and affective. A society that lives in a perennial state of emergency cannot be a free society. We in fact live in a society that has sacrificed freedom to so-called “reasons of security” and has therefore condemned itself to live in a perennial state of fear and insecurity.
It is not surprising that for the virus one speaks of war. The emergency measures obligate us in fact to life in conditions of curfew. But a war with an invisible enemy that can lurk in every other person is the most absurd of wars. It is, in reality, a civil war. The enemy is not outside, it is within us.
Ryan Robinson
>2018-2019 flu killed 80.000 people in the US alone and nobody declared a state of emergency. Because we have treatments for the flu and we have inoculations for it. Not so with the C-Virus.
Leo Green
What is worrisome is not so much or not only the present, but what comes after. Just as wars have left as a legacy to peace a series of inauspicious technologies, from barbed wire to nuclear power plants, so it is also very likely that one will seek to continue even after the health emergency experiments that governments did not manage to bring to reality before: closing universities and schools and doing lessons only online, putting a stop once and for all to meeting together and speaking for political or cultural reasons and exchanging only digital messages with each other, wherever possible substituting machines for every contact — every contagion — between human beings.
Giorgio Agamben -Italian contemporary philosopher
Xavier Howard
>Hmm. >Makes sense. Latte next year we'll have an inoculation for corona, we'll probably get it with next year's flu shot. Though they'll want to give it to the medical professionals and at risk people first like they did with swine flu.
Until then we'll still be at risk, even when things have gone back to "normal."
Ayden Hernandez
Fuck you leaf! It has been in this country since at least December, maybe even November.
Isaiah Miller
You fucking mouth breather you didnt nottice that it was only the first 3 months of this year? Are all americans at this level of reading comprehension?
Old people die. That's what happens when you get old. And we're not even talking about 65 year olds here. Median ages of death for covid are late 70's to early 80's. That's a pretty good age to go, and is around the average life expectancy in developed countries.
Levi James
The fact that its been circling the globe since November & only managed to kill 40k is laughable. We've had single flu seasons here in just the US that blows that away.
Two, the "peak" is modeled to be in two weeks, and our hospitals are nearly empty. For this peak to reach anywhere near what they modeled for, a shitload of people will have to start dropping dead immediately.
Three, testing methods are all over the place & those PCR tests likely show positives for ANY corona virus (like common cold). When someone dies while tested "positive", they mark it as a " covid19 death" without telling you exactly what that means. No explanation, no underlying condition, age, nothing. They did at first, now they don't. And people drop dead in this country every single day by the thousands. Sprinkle in some Covid in those numbers from a virus that's been hyped to hell & you get panic.
And four, this fucking guy. I could go on & on like Germany, Japan, etc walking around like nothing's going on, but you're likely a shill anyway or someone who's brain is fried by Jew TV.
Aaron Phillips
Keep lying, faggot. Too many people know this is bullshit. House of Cards about to implode. And go punch a governor and show them who runs this shit
>old people must die so I can go outside No. Old people should quarantine themselves so I can go outside. If I get sick In all likelihood I’ll recover. These old retired people need keep themselves away from everyone else. When my child was born and didn’t have his shots we kept him away from people and gatherings because we didn’t want to risk him getting sick. I still went to work and I still need to go to work. These old people should just sit in their fucking houses, avoid contact with people, and wait until this shit is over or whatever.
Hungarian Parliament passes bill that gives PM Orbán unlimited power & proclaims:
- State of emergency w/o time limit - Rule by decree - Parliament suspended - No elections - Spreading fake news + rumors: up to 5 yrs in prison - Leaving quarantine: up to 8 yrs in prison
I’m a believer and I’m waiting for it to destroy Africa so we can then send all our black people back.
Connor Morgan
>if "we" have treatment for it why so many dead and why no State Of Emergency? Because the flu is manageable and it doesn't spread like wildfire unlike Corona.
We have inoculations for the flu. We have built up a resistance to the flu. We have treatments for the flu. The flu has a lower R Naught value than Corona.
>this is The War On Terror 2.0. a war against "an invisible enemy" that might be lurking in every one of us. The difference being this is a once in a multi-generational event. Last time anything remotely like this happened was the spanish flu.
This also will be done with in a year and a half. Government is trying to reduce the number of the dead. But regardless of how many die, this still ends in a year to a year and a half.
Alexander Scott
>Old people should quarantine themselves so I can go outside. So you only care about yourself? Got it.
William Jones
>. It's already killed 40,000 people despite worldwide quarantine
No. Those 40,000 people are dying after contracting the virus when the world wasn't in quarantine.
>Old people die An you think they should die sick, terrified, medicated, in a hospital and hooked up to machines just so you can go to a movie and a pub.
You're a horrible person.
Tyler Butler
>telling someone to do what is in their best interest is selfish Based low IQ moron
Jordan Ortiz
A week or two. About the save time the extent the peak.
The left wing media is gonna circle jerk so damn hard about this, I really hope this admin is ready to deal with this.
Liam Robinson
>72E99999-CA9E-4424-93E7-B(...).jpg Very retro feel from those pics. Looks like they were taken in the 70s.
Thomas Parker
Needs updating. Now 41,249 deaths as at 31st. i.e. another 20,000 deaths in the last 6 days.
Lucas Powell
nobody actually knows who or how many died because everyone is inside watching jewish media, except for a few nigger nurses and the jewish doctors.
Josiah Brooks
this is a forced State Of Emergency you idiot. its effectively a coup. people like you are ready to submit to an all powerful government and have your life entirely micro managed so that the government protect you as a living breathing body and nothing more.
Nicholas Torres
>>telling someone to do what is in their best interest is selfish You want others to quarantine themselves so you don't have to do a thing. When in reality everyone should be quarantining themselves to save everyone else.
You don't care about anyone else when you should be caring about your people.
Hudson Watson
It makes sense, but my mother still goes out more than me. She did, and she will. She thinks she has to go to AA meetings for the other old people that don't listen and risk their lives instead of just having a drink and shutting the fuck up about their "disease". That means that if I get it, like I get the flu, it's because boomers delivered it, like the state of the economy that makes it so people can't take a few weeks off from work.
Cooper Morales
death to cases is 1.2% user
Angel Morris
>its effectively a coup. Coups don't have an end. This will, even if it takes close to a year.
Camden Davis
You lost me at abortion. Opinion discarded.
James Cook
>US currently has 3431 deaths to 6241 recovery ratio. >I'm going to come up with a retarded way to estimate "death rate" >can't into the fact that people die much more quickly than they recover (old people) >can't into how all we can estimate right now is CFR >can't into how only a tiny % of the population is tested >can't into how the only people who are tested show up to the hospital with symptoms (biased sample) >can't into why is the mortality rate were actually 55%, half the infected people on the princess diamond would be dead (imagine a floating petri dish full of old people) >can't into how the only deaths on the princess diamond were over 70 >can't into a can't into how the peak death rate occurs 5 days into infection tl;dr you're a gullible dumb fuck
Samuel Cooper
Why would deaths to cases be more relevant than deaths to recoveries?
Jaxson Wood
>Because the flu is manageable and it doesn't spread like wildfire unlike Corona.
what makes the Corona Virus "unmanageable"? its basically a flu, we dont even know the death rate because we dont know the percentage of the people that are a-symptomatic. and we dont know how many people has such weak symptoms that they confuse Corona with a common cold. it might turn out that the death rate of Corona is as low as a regular seasonal flu
Brandon Sanders
The deniers are all Trumptards and schizophrenics who've been conned by Jewish and Russian (RT) propaganda to not take it serious. Lambs to the slaughter. The jews hate whites (Duh) and Russians want the West crippled and bankrupt like them. Notice how RT has all of these English-language denialist, justaflubro articles, but their own people are being told to stay home and Putin is going to hospitals in full hazmat gear.
There is no point talking to these retards. Just let them get sick and suffer. Hopefully they're sterilized after this and can't reproduce more retards like them. Maybe we can dodge the idiocracy bullet thanks to coronachan.
David Gomez
Everyone quarantining means everyone suffers, economies tank, jobs never come back & lives ruined, divorces, suicides, kids who were fine a month ago now grow up in poverty, etc. All for boomers. So get fucked.
Dominic Rodriguez
Scary. I've been sweating and coughing and shit. Also very dizzy. Hope im not dying
Matthew Gonzalez
And the rest of those numbers have tracked up as well....still a nothing burger. Especially given those that are dying.
Watch, next year, the total deaths of flu and the Chinese virus, will be about the same as the avg flu deaths from previous years.
>Thinks statistical facts are opinions Hungarian education everyone.
Henry Cox
>you want others to quarantine themselves so you don’t have to do a thing No I want the fucking HIGH RISK people to quarantine themselves so they don’t die. You sound like an idiot. >me: “people who don’t reach the height requirements for this roller coaster shouldn’t go on it.” >you: “yea right you are just being selfish and just don’t want them to go on it because YOU want to go on it.” >me: “but they are the ones in danger. It doesn’t make sense to shut the roller coaster down for everyone because a very specific group can’t go on” >you: “ok do you only care about yourself. Got it.”
Wyatt Ross
TWO MORE WEEKS! stfu doomer faggot, we aren't buying it.
John Robinson
Translation: I do what big daddy government tells me, and they never lie.
For the record, Trump's a retard for letting them influence him so much. His first inclination was correct. Now he's gonna be king of shit mountain when we come outta this at record unemployment, and everyone blames him anyway
Daniel Kelly
Makes you wonder how many of the 100k flu deaths weren't actually the flu though. Most the world wasn't even taking it seriously until the past 2-3 weeks.
Easton Davis
So society can function. Do you honestly expect everything to just go on like this indefinitely?
Lucas Miller
>what makes the Corona Virus "unmanageable"? 1. There's no resistance to it. 2. There's no inoculation for it. (Yet) 3. There's no (official) treatment for it. (Yet) 4. It spreads much easier than the flu.
> its basically a flu, If we didn't have a resistance to the flu, if we didn't have an inoculation for the flu, if we didn't have a treatment for the flu and if the flu infected twice the amount of people it normally does.
>we dont even know the death rate because we dont know the percentage of the people that are a-symptomatic. And that's what makes it so dangerous. You can get it, infect people and not even know you have it. And those people can get it and die from it.
>it might turn out that the death rate of Corona is as low as a regular seasonal flu And it might be much, much worse.
how the fuck do you know that? has the War On Terror ended? the Corona Virus can easily mutate. or it can lay dormant in the summer time and lift it head in the winters like any flu/cold viruses.
you dont get it - this is a "War". the enemy is inside, not on the outside. anyone of us is a potential "terrorist" or "Corona Carrier"
governments across the world are fearing their own citizens. this is why things like NSA, Biometrics, Facial Recognition are becoming so common
>Everyone quarantining means everyone suffers, Suffering is preferable to death.
>economies tank Lives matter more than the economy.
> jobs never come back & lives ruined, divorces, suicides, kids who were fine a month ago now grow up in poverty, etc. All for boomers. So get fucked. Typical cuckservative. Doesn't care about his people, only cares about his shekels.
World population: 7.700.000, infected 800.000 = 0,01% Dead 30.000 = 0,00038%
Charles Foster
>No I want the fucking HIGH RISK people to quarantine themselves so they don’t die. And you don't care if you get infected and you don't care if you spread the disease to others.
You only care about yourself.
Chase James
but i have to think the opposite of what normal people think or else im not epic
Adam Sanders
>The fact that its been circling the globe since November & only managed to kill 40k is laughable. We've had single flu seasons here in just the US that blows that away. The fact that China is fudging their numbers and that worldwide lockdown is in place and theres already 40k deaths is worrisome.
>Two, the "peak" is modeled to be in two weeks, and our hospitals are nearly empty. For this peak to reach anywhere near what they modeled for, a shitload of people will have to start dropping dead immediately. >Go to New York, Italy or Spain, that's what the rest of US is about to look like if the lockdowns arent more strict
>Three, testing methods are all over the place & those PCR tests likely show positives for ANY corona virus (like common cold). When someone dies while tested "positive", they mark it as a " covid19 death" without telling you exactly what that means. No explanation, no underlying condition, age, nothing. They did at first, now they don't. And people drop dead in this country every single day by the thousands. Sprinkle in some Covid in those numbers from a virus that's been hyped to hell & you get panic. Because they dont have enough testing equipment and staff to properly test people I those areas. That's what this whole pandemic has been about, it kills people with underlying conditions and older adults. Same thing could be said about the flu numbers.
>And four, this fucking guy. I could go on & on like Germany, Japan, etc walking around like nothing's going on because they have a great healthcare system and we don't but DA JOOS ARE BEHIND IT AND THEYRE GETTING AWAY WITH IT!!! ITS ALL A GRAND PLAN BY THE REPTILIANS FOR WORLDWIDE DOMINATION!!! ALL OF THE WORLD LEADERS ARE IN ON IT!!!! Take your pills, schizo
The thing deniers forget is that its not all about the kill rating. The virus effect overloads the healthcare system due to fast infections causing a domino effect. People forget that we already have patients in the hospitals for other issues and this WuFlu is compounding that stress.
When every hospital at max capacity, pallative care disappears and death will increase. Goodluck.
Connor Young
>So society can function. You don't care about society though. You want entire swaths of people to die because they're "old".
> Do you honestly expect everything to just go on like this indefinitely? This won't though. At the worst it'll burn itself out in a year or so. This is how pandemics work. Look at history. Look at the black plague. Look at the spanish flu.
Already had it I think, was a ruff few days but now I’m immune. I must have picked it up a week before the quarantine (in SF area which was the earliest quarantine)
Juan Gonzalez
i wonder how they measure those "flu" deaths since they don't even dare test all corpses for covid19 because that is "unethical" and would "bloat the numbers"
Lucas Price
>how the fuck do you know that? Because unlike with terrorism, the virus will run its course and there'll eventually be an inoculation available for everyone.
You can't keep people indoors indefinitely once the virus has run its course and there's an inoculation. People will just start going outside en mass and the police won't be able to stop them.
Joshua Gray
> It's already killed 40,000 people despite worldwide quarantine Yeah, if you believe the officials numbers. China, France, Italy and Germany have non-medical "tricks" to keep those numbers down. It's very likely that other countries does it too, like the USA.
Noah Wright
>Prove it bitch Kushner
Ian Roberts
No, everyone is not on quarantine you faggot leaf. Everyone is out playing golf, having beers, and afterward getting their dicks sucked by their side-bitch whilst eating prime rib. All the deaths are from fat diabetic boomers with heart disease. Maybe.001% are healthy younger people. You only see those cases on the news, cause ORANGE MAN BAD! They aren't doing 15 minute segments on every 130 year old who dies from it cause its not a part of the agenda.
No I don’t care if I get infected and I don’t care if I spread the disease to others because the ONLY people who I should be in contact with and the only people I could possibly spread the disease to are people who feel the same way. Please make a better effort to read what I’m posting.
Adam Gomez
>When every hospital at max capacity, pallative care disappears and death will increase. Goodluck. Which is why the government is prepping for that. They have the Army Corps of Engineers prepping and building hospital beds. Protection gear crafting is ramping up. Respirator gear is ramping up. Treatment meds are being researched and once a good one is determined, it'll be mass produced.
The whole thing about the response is the government wasn't ready for a national pandemic because it simply hasn't happened in several generations.
Adrian Evans
where are the flu morgue trucks?
Nicholas King
>No I don’t care if I get infected and I don’t care if I spread the disease to others because ...You're a horrible person.
Henry Anderson
You dumb fuck. The cdc's OFFICIAL tested numbers have age 54 and unders with a mortality rate between 0.1%-0.5%, and that's just the tested cases (ones sick enough to get it) so its highly inflated.
Eli Brooks
>1. There's no resistance to it.
wtf are you talking about? people get well after contracting the virus you know. yeah some people die but some people die after contracting a "regular" flu
the resistance builds after enough people contracted the virus and got well, those that died died just like 80,000 people died in the US from a non-corona viruses between 2018-2019.
a virus infects bodies, most bodies fight it off and recover, some dont. the virus mutates constantly and the cycle repeats itself. this is how it was, is, and always will be. there is nothing new about whats going on. and the death rate is not even dramatic.
so tell me now, why are we under a POLITICAL State Of Emergency?
Joshua Howard
>that's assuming the worst case scenario and that there are no cases anywhere else, which is obviously not true. Trump literally said it was the best case scenario. The worst case scenario is, according to him, 2 millions dead mutts.
Noah Rivera
You sound paranoid. Turn your devices off for a bit. When this is over they'll be a lot of people feeling very silly for reacting so alarmingly.
Connor Murphy
>so you can go outside. When I go outside it’s primarily boomers I see, and they have not ceased normal activities. If they won’t isolate themselves, why should any young person?
Adrian Rodriguez
Let's try two weeks ago then, when you guys had like, what 10k people infected? Good times.
Curious to see what happens in those two more weeks,
Ryan White
Those are flu season rookie numbers
Adrian Morales
It is estimated, just like the Chinese virus. The thing is we have been living with Corona for centuries. Never tested for it because it's so common. Ever had a cold? That's the rhino virus. Ever had a really bad cold? Corona virus. Now, I'm sure lots of deaths attributed to the regular flu, were probably because of the Corona, and pneumonia, and it also gets blamed on the flu. The only thing that is going to change in the future is that deaths attributed to the flu in the past will be blamed on Corona in the future. But, if you add those together I wager the total will be about what the avg is for the flu in the past.
Dylan Adams
Don't listen to this glownigger, do not obey any restrictions on your freedom. They are proving up this fake ass pandemic to prevent the dollar from going tits up, while moving the military to quell unrest when people realize this. Respect no authority but God right now.
How can people in New York be dying by the literal truckload from not having ventilators when there are ventilators sitting around in hallways bagged and unused?