Euros, what is the gun politics and home defense laws of your country like?
Do you own guns?
Are you satisfied with the laws?
Euros, what is the gun politics and home defense laws of your country like?
Do you own guns?
Are you satisfied with the laws?
Germany and France have a surprisingly high amount of guns wtf lol
that list is such bullshit, it never takes into account of the weapons left from the Yugoslav wars, so many people here are packing heat
no it sux, you have to larp as a hunter to get a carabine
that stuff it's still rollin around even here, although it's starting to show its age
yea a lot of households in their countrysides have rifles or guns
here you just need to get psychological evaluation, fancy way of saying gun license since they give to everyone
Guns are very rare in Denmark and I don't mind, seeing as we don't need to compensate for overly high levels of estrogen with a firearm.
it gets the job done, just keep it clean
What about home defense laws in your countries?
Nothing says "high test" more than fearing tools for defense
how come lithuania and romania have such low numbers?
>Romania and Poland
Same with Sweden too; maybe they aren't as fucked as I thought
Statistics show only legal weapons.
If illegal weapons would be counted then all countries would have much more armed citizens, Balkans would stand out definitely.
Hunting or shooting club. Them you can get a gun
And no I wouldn't buy a gun. I'm out on the lake with my boat too often
>Euros, what is the gun politics and home defense laws of your country like?
Pretty shit
>Do you own guns?
>Are you satisfied with the laws?
no but it could be way worse
Am I REALLY the fearful one, gun mutt?
>muh guns to keep oppressive govment in check
>muh guns to defend home against black looters
>muh guns if the walmart/school/whereever gets shot up again
The only necessity you truly have for owning a gun is the shit country you refuse to fix.
Germany has a very long tradition of shooting clubs, called "Schuetzenvereine" and "Schuetzengilde" and the like, some dating back hundreds of years. Especially in rural areas, small towns have an annual "Schuetzenfest" (shooter festival) where the whole town comes together, with booths and rides, while the shooters fire on some sort of wooden eagle, wearing traditional uniforms and the like.
So they do have a strong bond to the shooting sport, but laws get stricter every few years, doesn't help that the youth is totally pozzed and feminized. Oh, of course there's not only the traditional uniform-wearing kind of shooting, but developed from that the regular shooting sport with large caliber weapons, AR clones etc. But it's under constant attack and sadly without a influential lobby like in the US.
Implying that's not an incredibly valid reason
Gun ownership isn't always out of necessity.
You are because you associate self empowerment with fear; and wish to rely on police instead of taking care of you're own life. You're fooling no one
Please send Ratko, I want a yugo ak
We are so low because it’s not worth getting a gun license if you can just buy a bad boy like this from Ahmed across the street
Where do you see it going in the future?
Kawaii desu :3
There is a hunting culture here, but no gun culture.
and get raped by Abdul in jail when they cops find it kek
There's a German guy who's a member at my shooting club. You guys really only hunt, nobody is into shooting cardboard?
>you are scared unless you do the police's work for them
Or perhaps my country just fucking works.
>t. american
and that's when i knew the response was autistic
Works at producing manbabies by the looks of it kek
What a shit rebuttal. Go clean your guns with those 3rd world tears.
Will do, The cops will clean your brains off the walls when they show up 2 hours late
Your cops aren't faster than any others.
Imagine legally owning a gun lol
“d-daddy goberment, can i please defend myself?”
DVTCH ARYAN BVLLS can’t relate
I thought CzechRep had the second highest per capita gun ownership rate in the world, how old/reliable is this graphic?
Stop embarrassing yourself retard. Who the hell do you think you're fooling with the mental acrobatics of trying to meme gun ownership into something that isn't masculine? Reality isn't as malleable as your delusions are.
Taking ownership over one's own and others' protection is always a masculine virtue.
>Imagine legally owning a gun
>number of *registered guns per 100 inhabitants
The East is overflowing with war-era guns. Rural folk actually give them to kids to play with in lieu of plastic toy weapons
It's better that way. Who the fuck needs guns?
What? You don't know what you're talking about lol. There are barely any shootings in Denmark all year (and those few are almost always gang related in which no one dies). Danish cops are also excellent unlike hyper-aggressive mutt cops shooting everyone because of their horrid training. I know mutt education is shit, but you can't compare functioning countries to your own.
Considering that the EU has now taken up the issue with the (rather clear, but not outspoken) goal of "no guns in private hands", it will get successively worse, especially after another shooting. The German government is always eager to comply with this shit and even take it a few steps further, while some other, way more based countries (like the Czech Republic) are fighting to keep the EU out of their laws.
Worst things to come in the future: laws against keeping firearms at home (shooters will have to keep it at the shooting club, which is totally impractical and nonsense, but they don't care because they want to make it impossible to shoot without outright banning it), banning of semi-autos, banning of large calibers. The goal of the leftists/Greens is to get rid of all firearms and let the shooters have "light guns" (not light as in "not heavy", but fucking laser tag shit), or just BB guns.
However, there are efforts to create a gun lobby, and if this can become a European thing, networking across borders, that might end up having some influence in Brussels. But honestly, unless they (Brussels) are forced to rethink their approach and priorities, they will continue down this path. They want a disarmed populace, for whatever reason.
>t-thanks so much goobermint for allowing me to defend myself with this..
Is there anywhere in Europe where you can get a gun as easily in the US? Here even in über liberal Oregon, I walked in and got a shotgun and handgun within 20 minutes.
Who said anything about "need"?
No, but my homocide rate isn't as high.
>Who the fuck needs guns?
americans so we can kill you leaf fucks
what even is that,
People love hunting here, especially the rich and aristocrats. Guns make it happen and that's why you see comparatively high numbers in Austria
> Shit country you refuse to mix
Yep, just let me find a way to feasibly deport 40 million+ people peacefully and with no repercussions who cause nearly all of the gun-related problems.
Shouldn't owning guns be fine if your country works already?
How about you add some of America's 'non-Danish-looking population' and we'll see how well it works. If it's so nice right now what would adding the right to own guns exactly make all that worse?
America failed to invade Canada twice (three times if you count Fenian Raids). Americans are incompetent retards.
Some antiques and all black powder guns are unregulated here, you just need to show an ID to prove that you're 18.
Once you have a shooting licence or hunting permit you can buy pretty much any manual action long gun in a matter of minutes as well.
Most of the gun "crimes" are suicides and gang bangers; your glorious education is left leaning propaganda meant to keep you easy to control but you're too stupid to understand this. Keep seething keklord
"Canada" during those times were British garrisons; without them you're nothing- which is what you are now
It is more up close and personal using your hands, watching the light goes out in the eyes.
>1.3 in my native Poland
Sad :(
Ive read gun ownership used to be fairly common in Poland. Nazi and then communist occupation changed that, and it never came back.
Canada 1 USA 0 simple as
Easy for you to say, not by me.
Using twitter speak is a very Canuck thing to do, simple as
I've coming on here for months and talking about this. There needs to be a global coalition that's fights for gun rights. Just imagine a worldwide lobby to ensure everyone everywhere has the same access to the same quality and quantity of hardware.
How else would you pay a polish carpenter, a hammer does the job
Couldn't care less about other countries' laws tbf
The only countries in Europe with gun rights even vaguely on the level of ours are the Czech Republic and Estonia, they both have Shall-Issue concealed carry. Austria also recognizes a limited right to own guns for defense. Lots of other European countries technically allow ownership of all guns including machine guns but the licenses are very hard to get and you have to leave them locked up at home, the legal reason for owning them has to be for sporting purposes. The weirdest case is Switzerland, because a whole lot of people own guns there but they have a near total ban on carrying them for defense in public, and even have rules restricting keeping ammo at home. They're just range toys.
one of the safest countries in the world
Do Balkan governments serious enforce their gun laws or do they just accept that a lot of people are going to concealed carry black market pistols and not make a big deal about it if they spot one?
The camel fuckers has guns, just surprise them while they sleep, no need for guns to retaliate
So Jamal and Tyron decide to break in to your house, both with crowbars, and you want to protect yourself from the inevitable rape with a hammer ?
>tfw the UK is higher than 0
License is piss easy to get here. Can't even talk about "obtaining" it, it's really just signing up for a range membership.
Shit fampai, I care about yours, hell at this point I'm a bit concerned about shit in burgerland. That's the problem with fun owners today, no solidarity. That's how it is here.
>who cares about commiefornia, I got mine.
It's a slow boil fren.
I assume it is harder to get for 'military style' weapons
That only happens in America; nowhere else.
Alot of countries (for example australia) dont consider self defense a valid reason. Its so counterintuitive. A handgun is litetally for self defense. Thats its purpose for existing. So when you ban that you essentially ban guns.
A government that bans self defense is a government that needs to be overthrown, in minecraft.
Yeah, a few summers ago I visited Croatia, Serbia, Bosnia and Montenegro. Guns from the war were everywhere, sold to anyone who had the money. In Mostar I went to a market and this dude openly sold old guns from a shitty stand. The police came to check the stand out and he got really nervous because it obviously was illegal. But they just complimented him on his sweet collection and bought a few pieces themselves at discounted prices.
Dude really wanted to sell me guns, but I couldn't as there would be no way for me to bring it home legally. Oh no problem, he had contacts all over Europe so he could have them shipped. He then asked me where I was from and when I said Norway, he started speaking fluent Norwegian like he was a native. Turned out he had lived in Norway and Sweden and knew a lot people in Fredrikstad who would be willing to smugle guns lmao. Didn't take him up on the offer, but had an interesting chat with the dude.
bunch of degenerates with no respect for life all of you
fuck off kike dane
How sick do you think the camel fuckers are here?
rape a dude?
thats fucking sick?
do you have pictures of your wrongdoings?
besides a hammer is the right tool to make brain bolognese!
The main difficulty I'm concerned with in Europe is their home defense laws
You have to prove without a doubt that you used equivalent force; so if somebody breaks into your house and you shoot them when they had a knife; it's the defender that gets in trouble, which to me is utter bullshit since the opposing party shouldn't have been there in the first place
That'd be nice, but I guess the countries with a strong gun tradition need to act first, build a strong bond between them, secure their own rights and then branch out, truly "liberating" other countries. The goal must be to interest the youth for the shooting sport or hunting, we can't let the leftist teachers indoctrinate them with deep hoplophobia. Once the numbers grow, so does the opposition to gun grabbers.
They would have to go from door to door to take peoples guns and they cant, its easy to get, everyone knows someone who has it, i can get you a AK for like 100 dollars, ironically pistols are more expensive cause everyone wants a concealed weapon, but you do not want to get caught with a weapon. most people have a license to carry pistols, and its easy to get. and a lot have illegal AKs at home and that's really where you need it
Yeah but don't you have to renew it every so often or they can confiscate your guns?
It's just a waiting game. You go to a range, pay your membership for the year, 2 weeks later you get your licence. With that you can buy manual action long guns and as much ammo as you like.
If you want a handgun or any semi auto it's not any harder but you need to be a range member for at least a year, fill out some request form for this or that gun, and provide proof of purchase of a safe.
A bunch of old geezers at my range have AKs and other stuff like that. Even a Bren gun converted to semi auto.
Part of that Dane's point is that we wouldn't need guns if we would just fix our country i.e. remove niggers, spics, fix our soulless culture that drives people to such despair that they feel the need to shoot up schools, etc. Frankly he's right, but we have our priorities ass-backwards.
Guns are totally banned and you can get jail time for using them in home defense. I have 6 automatic rifles in my shed. The laws are fine as they are.
Its not that hard to get a gun here, just bureaucratic annoyance.
Alot of father of family tend to have one, especially in countryside.
We have a big hunter culture too, even if its declining.
The based Dane is right.
Category C guns (manual action, barrel length 45cm minimum) are registered but even if you don't renew your range membership you can keep them forever. Category B are handguns and semi autos, for these you need to have some kind of logbook with stamps that prove that you go to the range at least once every 3 months
They like getting steamrolled by Russia, I guess.
I find it much more stupid and offensive to allow guns (especially 'real' guns like semi autos) but make everyone who gets one swears they have no intention of using them for defense and requiring them to be uselessly locked up in their closets than to just ban guns outright on a value judgement that society is ultimately safer without them, I disagree with that notion but I could at least respect why someone would think that. If you're going to take the middle ground and allow some guns for some people then obviously the priority should be for people you reasonably expect to need them for protecting human lives, not people who like putting holes in paper.
Maybe I met your dad?
bullets were counted back then, my blue hammer was just a tool no one cared about it
Its true, but isn't it the case in some US states too?
aye, i know people in the 70s and 80s who came their, they say it was a peaceful place before we showed up, people didn't even lock doors at night, at least for Sweden i dont know much about Norway
Hunting is a popular sport in the countryside.
I'm a /k/ gun laws nerd and I hadn't understood the Balkans to have readily obtainable carry permits, but there isn't a lot of good info on how it works there. Could you give me a rundown?