Comfy Coronavirus /prep/ thread

Whats in your pantry? Any self defense? How long are you prepped for? Any post last second things you need to add to your stocks?

I'm still really short on rubbing alcohol unfortunately, but it's starting to get risky making market runs, but I feel like its now or never at this point.

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Nice try glownigger!

I see u went all in with the soup syndicate

why are you afraid of that faggot little virus?
go out and spread it

>BAT insulation in roof

lmao enjoy the rat infestation my son.

>he unironically fell for the prepper meme

Baking Powder is unobtainable in my area, as is yeast and flour. Got plenty of the last two, but almost no baking powder. It can be substituted for by using baking soda combined with vinegar, so it's whatever. But if you can get it still in your area, might be a good idea. Personally I'm on lockdown til May or June or July or something. Maybe I'll take the dog for a walk in the middle of the night or something, but other than that I'm not leaving my property.

>March 31 2020
>still prepping for coronavirus
go outside

Damn that sucks, I do think you can still make some breads without it though.

>Damn that sucks, I do think you can still make some breads without it though.

yes he can go for oriental bread. but this only tastes good for 2 hours after it was baked

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Dude shops and restaurants are open, go the fuck outside and eat something that doesn’t have a shelf life of 5 years you fucking weirdo


fuck off glowy, posting your prep on this website is the most moronic thing anyone can do.

Started prepping and then found out my employer will not be following the governors stay at home request. Stopped because what's the fucking point when I have to go out in public every day.

I've been prepping for the collapse.

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dat hanta

You really dont have enough toilet paper. The average person uses 1 roll per day. If you have a family of 4, that's 28 rolls a week. Over 100 a month. TP rolls will be worth their weight in gold in a few months, because everyone needs it.

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ammo runs only now

Nice target. In the event of collapse my roving band of veterans thanks you.
Lone prepper romantics must cooperate or their bunkers will change hands a dozen times over in a true survivalist game.

datamining thread

I have stacked all my VHS and DVDs

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If you have KN95 masks then you are fucking yourself over, they are not authorized for U.S. sale since they may not work. Get your money back

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Dude just take a shower

>but muh Apocalypse has no running water

Go outside and use a fucking canadian

I've got enough dry non perishible foods to last me 3 months.
I have enough frozen meat (steaks, hamburger, ground Turkey, chicken breasts, Cod, Tuna, salmon, Tilapia fillets) to last a few months.

the only thing I don't keep stocked up on are fresh veggies since those go bad relatively fast.

>decide to prep
>ask family to help
>they say it's a Nothingburger and call me a schizo
>fuck them
>prep anyway, get enough for all
>i can barely afford it, have to buy every week to get enough for a month or two
>ffw to last week
>they realise they need to prep
>show them what i got
>water, tuna, sardines, oatmeals, chocolate, cookies.
>It's clearly missing more because i have bought as much as i can get with my salary
>they just start complaining that isn't what they want and theat they don't like the water or the sardines
>my face when

I'm in all my right to tell them to eat shit and get their own, right?

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How do preppers deal with the date situation on tins after years of maintaining as much food as this? Do they just throw it out upon expiry then replace or do they just purely live on this stuff anyway?

cans are not supposed to be like that

of course don't let them humiliate you like that.

On a second thought, they're your family and this is a time of forgiveness. You can share but they have to get more things if they're that picky. Deenz are great.

maybe you're, still i want to pack my shit and leave them for dead

2 cans of fucking spaghetti ohs and 2 cans of tuna. I’m fucked pol. I will gladly pay you on Tuesday for a cheeseburger today.

i hope you haven't put all your eggs in one basket.
Imagine if your house catches fire.

you gonna be a deenz bitch

You should have a store called Preppers and when shit goes down store is closed.

>he didn't buy seeds

make a sourdough starter, only flour, water, a container and time is required

give them a cold shoulder for 2-3 days until they apologize

You can make fun of the poo in da loos but they do have good ideas when comes to food and food choices i.e ghee, plant proteins and portioned poultry, that tend to be somewhat stable and healthy. Though I consider that more of byproduct of their shitty habbits and over population.
I've stocked up on ghee and legumes, the lentils and beans are easy af to cook and take minimal spicing to make tasty even on the run. I gave up on butter over ghee which keeps way better and you can use it as a cooking oil for pretty much everything and tastes honestly way better.

On a side note, there is nothing unhealthy about canned food. The whole canned food = bad craze is a product of the organic food+pocessed food interests, where Americans get shitty B-grade preserved food while in Europe, packaged high quality tins of tuna, sardines, anchovies are held to a high standard.

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One roll a day? What the fuck is wrong with Amerimutts?

Oh for fuck sake. Give this stale pasta a rest, newfaggot.

Leave them for dead. We've got enough Beaners in this world anyways.

Multiple liters ethanol for disinfection
Respiratory masks
Canned food
Vitamine C for megadosing
Vitamin D for megadosing

I have also applied copper tape to commonly touched surfaces

Sourdough takes like 4 days to start

WHY THE FUCK IS MY MAIL TAKING SO LONG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

>Hording food

Knock Knock, got a bunch of hungry protected classes out here who are out of gibs.

>Little Tikes
fuck where's mind, I'll need it to haul toilet paper

>any self defense?
You’re glowing

I feel it helps to be isolated but not cut off (the option to go innawoods always exists but is not ideal ever). I live in Maine on a island but it easy to get to the mainland and the people here are all pretty based and nice and have their own prepping plans. If you don't the people around you you're prob fucked.

The people in the city imo are less fucked then the normies living in commuter suburbs where most people don't even know their own neighboors. At least in most city neighborhoods families tend to stick together.
Also as boot as it sounds you need to get a firewatch rotation if the happening really hits. Someone (ideally 2 people) have to be up round the clock watching everything that happens.

I bought a thermal imager to post watch standers around my property.

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I went to the store yesterday and made the following observations;
No tp or really any paper goods to speak of.
Basically no meat products.
Disinfectants are gone. Many cleaning products are gone.
The cheap ass, sugar rich, shit cereal are gone. The more healthy ones are still around. I do not eat cereal.
The bread is depleted but you can still find some.
Very few bullets. :-(
Storage tubs are almost gone.
The insta-meals and TV dinner shit is gone.
There is no more ice-cream (except the mixed boxes that no one wants)
Pasta is looted. Just a few boxes left.
A little rice and flour remained.
Everything else was okay-ishly stocked.

>hording because of a fucking cold
Degenerates. All of you.

Interested in some TP?

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t. loser with no food.
Haha, loser. Get fucked.

>there is nothing unhealthy about canned food.

Canning process destroys vitamin C, and most canned goods are loaded with sodium. Now you're probably saying sodium isn't bad. But if you're living on a fixed caloric intake, sodium makes you more hungry and want to eat more and drink more. Apart from that, half their volume is water. It's basically better in any real sense to have dry goods and omit canned. Also botulism.

how much tp for a can of deenz my man?
if you stick around i can also bring you 2 BIC lighters and a pack of cigs

What city?

I can trade you one can of deenz for a pack of yeast. Could do with some flour aswell if your still interested in some TP...

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Got plenty of food. Can't find fucking shit paper. You cunt.

I saw preppers at the grocery store the other day and followed them home. They live about 5 miles from me. They're all fat and old.

Don’t come here, we have enough of your people here to begin with, may I suggest Canada?

literally got 10 kg of flour
shit like that is really cheap over here

You're gonna make it m8.

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