The Kraut Problem

Are there a worse group of people on the planet ?

>Always depressed and angry
>No sense of humor
>Mean spirited
>Hate physical contact
>Language sounds like it was forged in the depths of hell itself
>Fell for the National Socialism meme (bankrolled by Zionists to create the state of Isreal - Thanks Germany)
>Keep apologizing/taking credit for something that never happened
>Obedient and easy to control
>Incapable of self thought
>Fetishize all kinds of bullshit rules (Kraut society is like some kind of BDSM ritual)
>All pedophiles and sex tourists are German
>Sexually repressed (comes out in weird fetishes, like Scat which is a german invention)
>Dress like literal special needs kids (always carrying weird shit around like whistles and nametags)
>Will do anything to please authority, a race of ass licking weasels
>The quintessential golems

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>Are there a worse group of people on the planet ?
yeah kikes like yourself

D&C shill s4ge, ignore

call me a kike again and kick your face in


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Look at your little ziocucked island state you guys went from based drunkards which go to church to a degenerate bon cesspit in 20 years i think you aren’t the one to judge us like seriously how can you go down the drain that fast? Also you irish fucks are the bongs of bongs

thats a part of the unterschicht, which every country has
>muh fat murican
>muh stupid mongoloid slav
>muh aloholic russian
>muh i fuck your mother arabian
Every nation has that part of that society, and not everyone is like that
Not every irish person has potatoes in their jacket and is drunk 21 hours a day


My country militarily defeated the United Kingdom

Yours didnt

>My country militarily defeated the United Kingdom

You got your independence through voting you stupid mick cunt.

What the fuck is a kraut?


You where militarily defeated by us in the war of Independence

Always remember this

fuck off whiskey nigger. most of the world thinks you are england

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>National Socialism meme (bankrolled by Zionists to create the state of Isreal

Stay in formation, frens.

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>language sounds like it was forged in the depths of hell itself
You should hear Polish sometime

David Irving

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>Mfw when I thought this non-country was Italy

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>Language sounds like it was forged in the depths of hell itself
Does it really sound that bad?

Need more info on this. Can some non-German speaks tell me how it sounds like to you?

Rothschilds are also German.
All the evil moneymen familys are German.
Yiddish is a high German dialect

>tfw Dad is Irish and Mom is German
Whomst do I side with bros?

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I agree. It's all true. Germans are trash. At the moment Germans are on steroids because of corona. One guy in a city close to me got kicked in the head because he accidentally coughed. It's basically like in 1938 again. Back then you got reported for slightly criticizing Nazis, today you literally get reported for not keeping a distance of 2m.

I'm out of this shitty place when I have Master degree.

You wouldn't be such a bad idea if the English would pay another visit. Perhaps asking you to give them your soil as tribute.

>Can some non-German speaks tell me how it sounds like to you?
it sounds like this

jews took on german names as disguise you degenerate

It sounds really aggressive to them, we have many throat-sounds, hissing and hard klicking sounds. My Burger gf started to learn German because she wanted to learn Russian, that wasn't available and figured German it sounded exactly the same (the absolute state of McEducation). So closish to how Russian sounds to us?
When I was in Amerika most people thought it sounded really interesting and I definitely had a huge exotic bonus with girls (or american girls are just super easy), so I guess it sounding kind of aggressive can also be interpreted as masculine and alpha.

>t. People with insect noises as language

A master in advanced cuck Philosophy is not worth much bro

Why can’t they be funny it’s so weird

Ashkenazi, plural Ashkenazim, from Hebrew Ashkenaz (“Germany”)
You literally are the jews.

>>t. People with insect noises as language
Polish sounds poetic and deep, a little nostalgic, even melancholic, but at the same time beautiful and timeless.

My fav language is French though. I'd love to learn it, but it's the hardest language in the world imo

German language is the best for war, but def not for love.

>today you literally get reported for not keeping a distance of 2m.
Yes, I finally understand how we could have become the third reich and DDR. Couple weeks into a minor catastrophe and every fucking Haupt- and Realschul-Vermin is about ready to lynch you. In my area you can now only enter the supermarket with a cart, I got massively bitched at for not doing that and got pushed out when I very calmly asked why I should grab and touch something that dozens of other people had touched that day, with no saniticer around.

It doesn't sound that aggressive tbqh

I heard from a German that Bavarians think they're the best Germans, and Austrians think they're better than Bavarians and Bavarians agree. He talked about the incredibly high douchebag ratio, being much higher than anywhere in the world... I don't know if that's true.

>Polish sounds poetic and deep
>kurwa mac
yeah thank you no

>Why can’t they be funny it’s so weird
We just have a different sense of humor, you get used to it though. I made jokes in the US a number of times and had Burgers just take it completely serious or blankly stare at me with their flabby mouths hanging open. A number of times something cracked my American friends up to no end and I just kinda stood there.
One thing American never get is when a German Bullshits to make a joke, so tell an utterly ridiculous lie that no one could ever believe, but that is constructed purely for comedic value. They never fucking get it, either they are to dumb or it's just so much of a non-thing that they don't expect someone openly lying to them. Mostly the dumb part though, Americans believed every batshit insane thing I made up about Germany, despite a basic education or some level of logic refuting it.

>and kick your face in
kike nigger faggot brainlet

So, you have no proof or argument? Stupid brown eurofaggot

>You literally are the jews.

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Read Ameritard

We can solve that problem together, comrade.

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It either sounds harsh and guttural, or soft and singsong depending on who is speaking.

>I finally understand
How slow do you have to be to need a global pandemic and a new health Führer ermachtigungsgesetz to realize this? Literally all you have to do is read a single newspaper and observe random citizens in a waiting line.

Deutschland muss sterben, damit wir leben können!

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Success breeds jealousy

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Bavarians are annoying.

It's not really much higher it's mainly that Germans have a culture of open criticism and most men abhor smalltalk. Combined that might seem like somebody is a duchebag when in reality he is just honest and efficient.

How many potatoes does it take to kill an Irishman?


>I heard from a German that Bavarians think they're the best Germans
Yes, to be fair they are (or at least close) in many mensurable ways, like education and wealth.
>Austrians think they're better than Bavarians and Bavarians agree.
Not really, also depends on the Austrian, people from around Salzburg a very different from people around Vienna (who everyone hates)
>I don't know if that's true.
I can see that, but we have less of other annoying groups. Really dumb people seem rarer and so do total cucks

May also depend on the dialect, according to my gf my Bavarian friends sound like they are speaking Elvish or something.

>Literally all you have to do is read a single newspaper and observe random citizens in a waiting line.
I mean yeah germans were always terrible with that, but it was kicked into overdrive way quicker than I thought. Also every women with no marketable skills over 40 and hair shorter than 20cm needs to get the rope.

>basic education
I think I found your problem

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Compared to English or Irish, it has a lot of harsh, guttural consonant sounds, which kind of gives it a grating quality. The cadence with which it is spoken makes it sound like the speaker is either extremely angry or detached and aloof. =Ther4e's also the stereotype of Germans being borderline autistic, literal, and generally un-personable. That's all just the Stereotype though. The Germans I work with are usually polite, chill people but they do tend towards being quite frank when the situation doesn't call for it.

Cry me a river, Krautcel

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i had on my street police car blasting on speaker "stay at home and quarantine yourself" messages in 4 languages

felt kind of chilly when i heard ACHTUNG ACHTUNG


same here so this thread is pretty funny

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Being German is a mental illness that even not germanic people can get.

It is hunger for power, bootlicking and a suicidal kind of everlasting unhappiness.

hmm, I wonder (((Who))) could be behind this post.

What does David Irving say about Israel bankrolling the nazis you fucking retarded kike mutt? Just posting his name doesn’t make me automatically believe you or know what you’re talking about

Frankness is a key virtue in German culture. Wasting words and not only your time but also the time of your listeners is inefficient and rude.

I-I-i don't know how to tell you this....
It wasn't neither polish nor the police.

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Be honest, are you a disgruntled German living in Ireland?
Only a modern-day German would have this much hatred and self-loathing.


A Based Irishman

Germany isnt worth any self loathing. Just let it behind you, and you will be good

It certainly doesn't sound like French or Italian, that's for sure.

Oh, i get it. It's just there have been times where my German coworkers outright confronted someone on something and this devolved into a 2-2 1/2 hour shit-flinging contest. It's even worse when they were right and we were just going to try and cut the meeting short and politick our way out of dealing with the other party again. On the plus side it is pretty refreshing when you're their coworker because shit gets done efficiently.

Just listen to Chaplins speeches in The Great Dictator, you'll get an idea what it sounds like

German is beautiful, check your ears potato nigger. You jealous cause they got plenty of kartoffel while you are starving?

>the potato-mong complaining about other people being depressed and angry

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