Let's ruin the life of a shitskin who is torturing cats

Let's ruin the life of a shitskin who is torturing cats.

Attached: pe35o11ppvp41.jpg (595x2160, 660.89K)

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He is probably located in Multan, Pakistan and in older videos of his there is a watermark of a production studio called "Smart Studio PaharPur"

Nevermind I looked at the channel and it's clearly not the same cat every time

>he disabled comments on his vids
alright, which one of you is it


NYPA, fuck off

look into the channels they/re linking. MOST of these channels (juju, tibo coco etv TV) have footage of the same animals.
In addition to that, some footage of the healthy animals is posted before the "rescue" video on another channer channel comes out.
So either channel A posts healthy animal vid, then they torture it, then channel B posts "rescue vid" of the animal they tortured; or they hold footage of the animals they torture and upload them randomly.
Also they post vids where they put the animals in different "trapped" positions (in river, in mud, near death with flies).

>Yas Forums

"mudslimes are dirty degenerates ruining the world"

"what? a chance to get back at a mooslim for doing degenerate shit? NYPA!!!!!"