What would a world look like under a Chinese hegemony?
What would a world look like under a Chinese hegemony?
like it is now only much faster internet
No transsexuals,or queer people no immigration, no american hegemony, no vibrant diversity, no feminism, no female quotas, no progressive liberalism, no free drug use and so on.
You don't want to live in such a world, do you?
kikes eventually will turn that shit on again
t. Chang
China has degeneracy you retard and degeneracy doesn't mainly come from the current superpower, it comes from being too rich for too long
Yeah, Schmolowitzstein would have a pretty hard time pulling a "ni hao, my fellow chinamen!".
>boomer kvetching
You're simping for the world's dildo factory.
>more boomer kvetching
Are americans genuinely confused why everyone would chose the chinese over them?
>What would a world look like under a Chinese hegemony?
For starters, you'd be a Class-B citizen of the Empire. You'll be forced to give up your barbaric way of life and assimilate into civilized Han Chinese culture. You cannot step out of line or else you'll be sterilized and sent to the Camps to do hard labor and be reeducated. If you get your social credit score up, you'll be rewarded. For example, you'll get a free apartment at 1000 pts, and will be eligible to receive a submissive Uighur wife at 4000 pts. Although your own women will be the property of Han Chinese men, of course. Your life's purpose is to serve the Han Chinese. You must work in Chinese companies for Chinese people. You'll use Chinese social media, play Chinese video games, dress in Chinese clothing, learn Chinese traditions, use Chinese tech. If you do as you are told, you will be rewarded. If you don't, you'll cease to exist.
In other words, the perfect system.
like this.
Xi should tell us.
Changed variables make it hard to predict the future based on the past.
They run over toddlers in their own country and don't give a fuck. What do you think?
The world would cease to exist. The Chinese are a recipe for disaster.
Harmonious and prosperous. We would be lead by an elite of scholar-bureaucrats who live only to serve the people, guided by the best principles from Confucian philosophy and Marxist Leninist praxis.
I hate jewmerica but i unironically think that chink hegemony would be a much worse.
Imagine a boot standing on a human face. There you have the vision of the future.
fish head soup
This. It would be a perfectly maintained, stable system of subconscious laws and hierarchies.
it's like choosing between cancer in the left testicle or cancer in the right testicle
Thank God we'll never find out.
>half worse off than third-worlders, half aping white people
Any non-Asian uprising would cream their asses in a week or less.
>or example, you'll get a free apartment at 1000 pts, and will be eligible to receive a submissive Uighur wife at 4000 pts. Although your own women will be the property of Han Chinese men, of course. Your life's purpose is to serve the Han Chinese. You must work in Chinese companies for Chinese people. You'll use Chinese social media, play Chinese video games, dress in Chinese clothing, learn Chinese traditions, use Chinese tech. If you do as you are told, you will be rewarded. If you don't, you'll cease to exist.
To be honest this sounds A LOT better than my life in London. At least there would be a chance I would get an apartment and a wife.
Personally I'm laughing at you retards willing to trade American influence for a nation that even Africans say are worse
You're retarded if you think China wouldn't push that externally while shutting it down internally.
you don't understand, they'll deduce social scores from us if we commit crimes, become muslim or do gay shit which could mean that you don't get to travel or take out loans, you have to have a job, no criminal record and maybe even volunteer to get high social credit, and what do you even get for that? free housing, traveling, low interest rate loans? pff who needs that
their system only reward respectable members of society and punishes criminals and degenerates, and that's not okay
China isn't interested in hegemony, cause they know an empire consumes more resources, than it gives.
They are content with the multipolar world and only want free unrestricted global trade, without some faggot world police interfering into it by sanctioning everyone left and right.
China may abuse its power as a trade superpower, by picking who they do business with, but they probably won't even enforce block-wide let alone global sanctions, like US does with Iran and they sure as fuck not going to fly and murder a million of people on the other side of the globe because the chairman needed a quick rating boost and the Jewish lobby in the party said it was a good idea.
>half worse off than third-worlders, half aping white people
so americans?
like a shithole.
Clean safe high tech cities.
Low crime rate.
High speed rail connects cities and rural areas
A lot of funds spent on engineering projects and improvement of infrastructure.
Dedicated space program with orbital factories and moon colonies.
Total surveillance.
Probably some work camps for dissidents but nothing really that brutal and easy to avoid if you don't piss off the party.
Massive scientific progress in genetic engineering.
It would be better than it is now, that's for sure. We would actually start focusing on the importance stuff and progress would accelerate drastically.
Maybe instead of laughing try to understand why.
Only america pushes that woke shit internally AND externally.
You oughta be careful who you're calling nonwhite when you're closer to chinks than we are, steppehunky.
Do I need to remind you of the webms of buildings collapsing and things falling apart in china?
I rather get killed by a rock than some nigger holding a rock.
>What would a world look like under a Chinese hegemony?
Look at Tibet.
Every year in Tibet there's less Tibetans and more Han Chinese.
Move to china then eurocuck.
Tibet before China had slaves and monks were raping young boys.It was a cult-state.
>calling others cuck while defending and sucking rapefugee's cock
your boipussy is so loose from their dicks at this point.
It would be fucking terrible.
A giant network of indoor malls and shiny objects and lights with no soul, kind of like Dubai.
This. Chinese are massive imperialists. But they don't conquer by war. First, they offer to build your country great things in exchange for some mineral and oil rights to things you aren't using. Then the Chinese flood in. Then they slowly start outbreeding everyone and taking over, until you have Vancouver.
>rapemonkeys rapes an innocent girl
>nothing happens
This is a euro specific issue.
China is only sustainable because we give them money. They have done dumber things than bringing refugees over.
Learning Mandarin would be one hell of a bitch.
Our animal shelters would be empty, so there’s that
Polluted, dirty, and falling apart.
Imagine this everywhere.
cant wait to eat degenerate shit when ccp starves us all
Go kys you faggot as if everyone here hasn’t seen that Orwell quote countless times
>catshit flu outbreak from chinks eating cat shit
>Xi downplays it saying not contagious and to go about your normal day
>entire human race dies
Cao Cao > Xi Jinping
Since you put it that way,...can you post a link for bat soup recipes?
So imagine america? The chinese don't have lobby groups trying to get looser regulations, they did more to clear that shit up in the last 5 years than you in the last 50. Yeah, I know, fake news, not true etc, boomer excuses
Wow that that sounds like a really awful story ... really unbelieveable ... I cant even imagine that to happen in Europe, USA, Canada, Australia, New Zealand and every single other "free" country.
Where did you hear that from btw? They must really be a nation of strong ethnic cohesion and unity.
Are you serious? There's a shit-fuck-ton of feminism in China. And they're okay with a lot of degeneracy to a point.
No, thanks anyway.
It would be a new dark age.
Dog meat for Breakfast,Bat soup for dinner
>What would a world look like under a Chinese hegemony?
Exactly the way it is now.
Yes look at Tibet.
A few hundred years ago there were no Muslims in Tibet. Now there are lots of Muslims. China come only to revert Tibet back to its original state.
Imagine living in a country that just dipped under 50% native whites and caring this much about the ethnic composition of some mountain nigger province on the other side of the world instead.
Boomers are really trying to project this hard?
literally just a different flavor of police state dystopia
Gaslighting for miles and miles and miles
>China rules the world with trading
>America rules the world with war
So the answer is economic boom.
where you get denied a mortgage because all your minecraft flyhacking tanked your social credit score
and where if you complain about this online you just disappear like fan bingbing, ren zhiqiang, and the journalists mentioned here:
*gets welded into home*
>What would a world look like under a Chinese hegemony?
You already live in that world. Captcha is owned by Google, and Google bows to the Chinks. When this site dies it will not be through old age, but through introducing memetic credit score and even more homosexual chinko mods from plebbit.
Yas Forums is the last and only bastion of the anti-Chink method.
The final incarnation of the (Ashke)nazi, (((Soviet))), coomunist jewish nightmare sexual fetish of authoritarian, retarded and brazilifed hell on Earth. Including forced transhumanism, mass micromanagement, mass spying and the shittiest leaders humanity has ever seen doing anything they want.
Bad for anyone that isn't chinese, same applies to any other nationality, things will be wonderful for its original citizens others would be lower caste.
>oh no, you will have to act like a decent person instead of an american or retard all the time, how horrifying
didnt read lol
at least this kind of shit is outrageous in the west
and there's allowed to be an outrage in the press
Implying that's not literally a better solution
>no immigration
No immigration, except for millions of Han colonists who come in to exploit our resources, exploit our land, exploit our women, rewrite our history and culture, making peaceful protest illegal and putting anyone who resists this violently into prison camps.
Eat your burned cat alone, Chang.
>posts no proof of anything
>Implying western press isn't also propaganda
Sounds like a great reason to shoot all chinks on sight.