Yas Forums Humour Thread

Yas Forums Humour Thread

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Lmao you pathetic racists never fail to make me laugh with your "pol humor" threads

Face it, most poc will be infinitely more successful than any of you sad virgins ever will be. You are on the wrong side of history, get over it losers

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Holy FUCK bats are disgusting/scary creatures.

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You better fucking be a Canadian on vacation in Finland or something.

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Stealing or memes you pathetic mongoloids never fail to make me laugh

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I think this is art. Its self aware for sure. Just the actors aren't.

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20 years ago this would have been considered satire by everyone.

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did it go in

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what in the fuck is this?

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Lmfao Kek

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the best boy

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On what charges, I wonder.

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canada plz

Raaawwwwrrr toilet paper. Get out uh duh way! Boooommmer need toilet paper!!!! BOOOM BOOM BOOM!!!!

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I know this is bait but the constant preconception that everyone on pol are virgin losers is so laughable. Denying the fact that the opinions of pol is also the opinions of many people living amongst you. Everyone is welcome on pol but the reason pol is majority right wing nationalists is because it’s values that a vast amount of people share and many of which aren’t virgin losers like yourself

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Not handling quarantine very well I see.

based bat with the alpha dick shake

I always knew chinks were evil but holy fuck they don’t have a single empathetic bone in their body

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Holy fuck this is beyond hilarious. I’ll never understand why the government panders to these niggers.

the funny thing is, she posted that herself to someone

this is a humor thread not a gore thread, fuck

The Subhuman Torch?

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It's what the greatest generation fought and won WW2 for!!!! This is our blessed future!!!!

I was hoping that one of the videos was going to show them crash

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Anyone got the vice article writing one?

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God I hate this world and all the people who inhabit it.

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what the fuck

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Saw that in Walmart the other day
Almost took a picture but felt awkward about it

raised right

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