I can't stop fucking smoking bros...

I can't stop fucking smoking bros. I've tried to quit so many times in the past but I have absolutely no self control and a HIGHLY addictive personality. Even the fear of dying from the ching chong disease isn't helping me stay away from buying cigarettes. What the fuck should I do? Should I get a Juul? Patches are out of the question, too expensive and they really fuck with me.

Are you a smoker? Ex-smoker? If the latter, how did you quit?

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Just smoke and stop being a fucking faggot

Just stop.

Fuck you bong, I don't wanna keep being a slave to the tobacco jew

Its easy. Just don't buy cigarettes, retard.

Light up, goy!

Use a vape, control your nicotine intake, wean yourself off, start smoking again when you run out of juice, realise it tastes like shit and makes you smell like fuckin garbage, go back to vaping, wonder why youre smoking, realise nicotine is for faggots, stop vaping and smoking altogether.

also do something that you can observe the effect of your cutting down. take up cycling or doing cardio, jog, go for a bushwalk, feel your body improve as you cut back on smoking and realise there's a tangible link between smoking and how your abilities are affected.

Just move to pipe smoking op you'll still get a nicotine fix even if you dont inhale.
Personally I haven't exactly stopping smoking but every few months ill buy a pack

Allen cars easy way to quit smoking. Shit works. You can torrent the audio or video.

Try nicottine spray.
You spray it under your tongue when you feel like smoking. You will get your fix, you wont need to smoke or have craving. Use that and eventually you will quit.
Also its eew so that will make you quit and less you smoke more your lungs and throat will recover and smoking will also become eew.
So get the spray, spray it and lower doses as you go.

Vape you dumb nigger

Get some snus.
It's this weird Scandinavian thing that you put into your mouth and it gives you an insane nicotine rush. My Danish gf gave me a pack and I quit smoking. I haven't touched or craved a ciggerate since and it has been months since my snus pack ran out.

smoke cbd instead of cigs

Vape didn't work for me. It's too easy to use over and over again.

This. Learn how to retrohale and get some quality tobacco. You will only smoke like a few times a week and you will not inhale

then you lack self control

>can't quit
>giving in to primitive instincts
what are you, a niger? I smoked entire secpndary school, highschool and college. Once i finished kawlejh i stopped smoking because i just wanted to stop. I felt urge at the beginning but i'd refused to it and it simply went away aftera week or two. I ocassionally do snuss or tobacco but that's nothing, like once in 2-3 months with my best neets
Dont be a pussy

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>Easy to use

Sounds like it’s working just fine

If your goal is to quit nicotine consumption, that’s an entirely different thing from quitting smoking

Don't buy jew brands then.

Fuckint die, if you cant even quit because of coronavirus then perhaps you deserve to die, natural selection and shit

You did this to yourself retard, just smoke and die of lung cancers already might as well enjoy your last days if you have no self control over anything its obvious that your weak minded.


I smoked from age 15 to age 35. Chantix had me quit and done in 6 weeks.

If you're really serious, just do the Chantix. It works.

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you won't quit unless you actually want to.

With somethings yes.

Smoke organically grown tobacco, it has has almost no addictive properties for me, the car smells better, and there are fewer toxins in it.

I smoke maybe 1 or 2 pack per yer

What also works is to not smoke

You can‘t quit an addiction without fixing what caused you to need a coping mechanism in the first place.

this or grow your own, nigger
perfect time to start
I'm ordering some heirloom tobacco seeds this week with the coronapocalypse on

a smoker lacking self control? go figure
you're in quarantine. just fucking stop you nigger. its easy to stop, just don't fucking smoke. try shooting up dope you fucking idiot pussy.

Chantix is a fucking meme, idiot. It's like viagra.

Ammonia is a hell of a drug.

It’s a process. Just try to do a day without smoking. Then try to go two days, then 3, then maybe a week. Developing disciprine takes time.

>off toppic blog post

Seconding this... Zyban with Patches + 0% Nicotine Vape worked like magic

Quit January 1st cold turkey. I've had two smokes since then. Started using nicotine toothpicks from a company called Pixotine (a little pricey desu), and nasal snuff (not helpful during allergy season) to alleviate some neurodegenerative symptoms I have due to MS. Just ordered some organic snus from Bali to see how it works out, pic related. Nicotine is helping with my symptoms.


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Quit cold turkey. It's a big waste of money . Think of what you'll treat yourself to on saved money. A downpayment for something? Trip? New computer?

That’s not how chemicals work

Call your states quit line for free patches or gum for one month or just start vaping.

Walmart sells the cheapest nicotine gum.

Thanks Ray Liotta

I quit smoking on bupropion ( wellbutrin - it's cheaper than zyban )
Fags don't taste anymore and you cannot have that pleasure feel after a quick smoke.
Now it's 8monhts+ since my last fag

Switch to nicotine pouches, or even snus. Safest and cheapest way to get nicotine. I spend 70 bucks every two months.

i smoke 2 packs a day, dismiss this life, worship death, huge fucking faggot

if you don't buy them, you can't smoke them. It really is that damn simple.

Vape to quit the cigs and just keep vaping those clouds nigga and get you a subaru.

Not a smoker but I’m going through a similar thing with alcohol. I think the only way to quit is to just do it.

>All these people saying 'just quit bro'
Yas Forums really is full of retards

all brand, ultimately, are jew.

Look dumbass, patches aren't too expensive. What does a pack of cigarettes cost? $10? What does a box of patches cost? $50. There's two weeks worth of patches in a box so you're saving $90 over the course of two weeks assuming your a real smoker and smoke a pack a day. Suck it up and slap one on in the morning. Don't sleep with them on and you shouldn't have the crazy dreams. And they kinda feel cool when the nicotine seeps into your arm throughout the day.
I've used them three times in the past twenty years to quit and am about to do so again tomorrow because I started smoking again about two months ago and don't want to.

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For what it's worth OP I switched to Juul and just passed 2 years without a cig.

Still addicted to the crack juice but it's certainly less unhealthy than cigs.

I got prescribed Chantix in 2009 and one day after starting it I just absolutely lost it. I was having lucid dreams after my second day on it. For no reason I started beating my gf while she was sitting on the couch watching tv I grabbed her by the throat with my left hand and threw her on the ground and thats when I started punching her as hard as I could. I later found out that I broke her nose, fractured her jaw, knocked out a tooth and cracked another one, gave her a black eye and several bruises all over her body. After about 1 1/2 minutes of beating her I stood up and came to my senses I had blood on my knuckles from her nose and realized what I had done. She was on the ground sobbing and when I reached down to try to comfort her she recoiled and begged me to stop. I tried to explain to her that I had no idea why I did that but I just couldn't find the words to say. She looked me in the eyes with an expression I will never forget, pure fear. My heart was beating out of my chest and I started to panic. All I could do is say sorry over and over while trying to help her up but she jerked away from me every time i tried. She started screaming and crying hysterically I could barely make out what she was saying. She grabbed her cell phone and limped to her room where she locked the door and called 911. At that point I was still trying to process what happened and I just sat on the couch and zoned out until the police and an ambulance arrived 20 minutes later. The police officers who responded were really aggressive to me. They threw me on the ground and handcuffed me in a position that hurt both of my arms even though I was trying to cooperate with them. When they started asking questions I just stared at them and told them the truth, I had no idea why I snapped and beat her. I had never so much as yelled at her before that night. I got sentenced 6 years in prison but I only served 3. Didnt even think it was related to the chantix until after I got out.

>Wypipo discover nicotine
>Conquer entire fucking world

>Anti-smoking campaigns rise
>Anal feminist nigger earth commences


I switched to vaping over a year ago and never looked back. Thing is, all the mod devices and consumables for them are manufactured in China, and vape shops are, for the most part, shuttered.
It's going to become an issue as this lockdown drags on.

Just stop. I smoked for 10 years. I still occasionally would like a cigarette but I don't CRAVE them anymore. Just have some will power.

Italians are the closest a white man will ever get to being a nigger.

Feel you a lot fren. Quitting smoking myself, been a little over two weeks now. It takes a lot of will power, but just use corona paranoia to keep you inside. Finish your pack and shelter in place. I believe in you user

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This. I just up and quit dipping 8 days ago. Nicotine withdrawals last like 2 days, just get over it.

I know lots of people that just quit. Some after 30 years. Cold turkey is best way. DO NOT BUY THEM. Take a week off work and utilize self control.

I quit when my wife got pregnant, you just stop buying them. If you dick around and try to make deals with yourself it won't work; Shit like: "Well, this will be my last pack, this will be my last 10 and I'll save them for emergencies... this will be my last one..." etc. etc. it doesn't work, you just throw what you have away and then you don't buy any more (throw them away where you can't get them or destroy them.)

And that's it. You just don't anymore. It suck for a while but before you know it it's over and then you start to realize you've been stinky as absolute shit when you smell other smokers.

If you don’t buy steal or borrow cigarettes you literally cannot smoke. No human being goes into a trance where their body walks itself to the store and buys them.

smoke weed

just spent 100 euros on cigarettes, fuck me

>Patches are out of the question, too expensive and they really fuck with me.
patches are like $26 CAD ($18 USD) here for a week, I don't know how much you smoke but they can't be that much more expensive than your weekly habit

But it‘s how humans work. Smoking isn‘t just nicotine addiction.

will grows by trying. you just need to try.

Don't go for the disposable gas station variety.
Get a proper vape with a fat battery and where you load the juice yourself.

Then start on the highest concentration of nicotine (in the US, it's 21 mg/ml) I believe. Huff that whenever you get a craving and you'll actually be increasing your nicotine intake, which is satisfying.

Then step down the nicotine concentration every 3-6 months by one step.

t. Former pack-a-day smoker who quit cigs completely, and now vape at 3 mg/ml concentration (lowest available)

There's nothing wrong with smoking enjoy it, it's always feels good to smoke

u jus stop. don't watch tv with depictions of smoking. go to gym. replace with better habits.

You've made the first step and that is good. My ex wanted me to quit and it wasn't an issue for me. I mean, I tried for her. I got to 10 days
I'd try again for me, but it wouldn't be a good idea to get nicotine withdrawals during lock down


make a fucking choice and commit to it. Otherwise get help for commitment issues or some shit.

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as a former opioid addict, who has also quit smoking, it's fucking easy.

Why do all you faggots fall for the Juul meme?

Buy a real mod, if you're serious about quitting. $100 setup for a kit, buy juice that fits your craving and taper off to 0 nic

If the habit of smoking something is what keeps you on it, at least 0 nic juice doesn't have shit in it, and with a kit you don't have to jew out money on pods. You can even make your own juice at home (which most people should do anyway)

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Former smoker here
Hang in there user, it ain't easy but you feel great once you've stopped. I used a e-cig and slowly reduced the nicotine level. After about a month I no longer had the cravings and my lungs feel so much better.
It's tough, but will pay off. You can beat this.

nicotine gum is great for me

But honestly I wont really stop smoking untill I find some hapiness in life. Even despite the fact that I will get cancer just like my father did - I have nothing to live for, except for that quiet moment when I can have a smoke

I haven't smoked a cigarette in over a month. I bought a out a dozen of these bad boys. Sucking on one now, good head rush. You can get them at any gas station. You can quit user, I believe in you.

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You can start smoking just for fun, because someone offered it to you, or for any number of reasons that don’t involve seeking a crutch, and then you get the nicotine habit. The driving impulse is a purely chemical reaction.

Are you, me? Haha. Same vape.

Get a vuse alto, they sell them at a lot of gas stations, way better than a juul, you'll have an easier time quitting with the alto than a juul

>Don't go for the disposable gas station variety.

Juul is pretty decent though. But in the long run a lot more expensive than buying juice and a good unit.

Do cigars and pipes smell as bad as cigarettes? I want some input. Also how does the smell of mass produced cigarettes like marlboro or camel compare to that of roll-your-owns?

Hey bud. I am now nicotine free and was a serious smoker. Here's how I did it.

I bought a e-cigarette and started on 18mg nicotine. Everytime I ran out, I went down 2mg. By 4 mg, I would just go down 1. When I was halfway through my 1mg solution I just added more mix progressively, and intentionally tried not to think about that fact I was getting no nicotine. I felt a little irritable for a few days, but the crazy thing is, my brain didn't really notice. I would just vape neutral solution, and somehow that helped.

Good luck bromosexual

Weak af, bro.

Your mentality has lead you to seek help on a mongolian goat herding forum with a high percentage of literal zoomer retards. What are you expecting to happen?

Get an electronic cigarette. Use menthol liquid. Give it five days and you'll be all set.
Ignore faggots who use meme words like "vaping", and put your discipline to the test. Good luck, and don't fail.

t. person who quit this way

This thing is a fucking tank, I love it. I had a reuleaux rx300 before this and it felt so breakable, this thing is essentially an electronic rock that gives me nicotine

This is true, mods are more reliable and chances are problems are fixable. That being said, any cheap vape is still better than a fucking juul. Fucking cartriges are retarded.

smoked for 10 years
juul 5% for 2 months -> 3% 2 months, cold turkey

I chew smokeless, 10x the nicotine without the lung damage, doctor told me if you don’t always chew it in the same spot it’s actually not very risky for oral cancer.

>electronic cigarette

It’s not a cigarette. It’s a vaporizer, hence vaping.

How do I stop drinking bros?
All everyone cares about is height and niggers now.
I’m sad.

recommend me a fat battery vape my man

>HIGHLY addictive personality
This just means you have no willpower bro. Quit shifting blame from yourself. The problem becomes apparent when you instantly, without thinking engage in an activity when you get physical urges, like a fucking animal. What is the difference between animal and man. THINK! This post will most likely be ignored cause I don't pander to retards but it's honestly the best advice out there. Think about everything before you give in and do it. Develop willpower.

Flag officially changed

>doctor told me if you don’t always chew it in the same spot it’s actually not very risky for oral cancer.

Aren't throat and stomach cancer equally as common for people who chew?
I could never get past the taste or smell myself, I don't really get the appeal

How do these compare to a standard dip? Love nicotine but quit cause I don't want the cancer. Tried a can of nicotine free fake dip but it was fucking awful, didn't pack right, didn't taste right, didn't burn right so I've just been sucking on tea bags to keep my mouth busy. How much did you pay a can?

get a juul, alto vuse, or some other vape and change the nicotine levels down eventually

unironically tobacco jews, come buy more cigs goi, one ain't gonna kill ya

>I want a cigarette
>Why do I want a cigarette

Acid reflux is a huge cause of esophageal cancer

Thank you user. I wont get it now.

Yes, i agree. But for those people it will also be easier to quit since they only have to keep their discipline up for a few days till they have got the nicotine addiction out of the system. For people with an emotional dependence on a habit, it‘s not that easy. Given OP‘s struggle i assume there‘s more to it than just the chemical addiction.

Get a vape. I have the Aspire AVP. And get Vapetasia Milk of the Poppy, best juice around.

Make your own cigarettes with pipe tobacco

Go for a one hour run, and keep running everyday. If you don't feel your lungs hurting or burning when or after running, then just don't quit, there's no reason. I used to want to quit and every time I felt my lungs dying or I was having really bad palpitations I threw my pack away, I must have wasted over 40 packs with at least 15 cigarettes in them in a year, that's how bad I felt.

And use the nic salt juice not the free base boomer juice.

get a salt nic device, i started 6 months ago and haven't smoked a cigarette since. start with at least 35 nic and you will be fine. Sure vaping isn't the best for you either but its at least better then cigs.

>Vapetasia Milk of the Poppy
I actually stopped going to my local vape store because they stopped carrying Vapetasia and tried to sell me on Excision's brand juice lol

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Same here.
Except, it's weed not tobacco.

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I smoked for a year, then quit, it was easy for me because i didn’t make it a habit. Only sucking on cigs when I drank

What about my drinking problem lads?
10am and I’m sloshed

To be clear, you probably (definitely) shouldn't use high concentration salt-nic on sub-ohm atomizers

I guess it's personal preference but it always feels like I'm vaping bug spray