Reminder that it’s OK to punch Nazis

Reminder that it’s OK to punch Nazis.

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Fuck off you antifa faggot.

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“Far-right” = right of Lenin

Reminder it's ok to punch back

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I punch communists.

It’s okay to punch Republicans and Neolibs too.
This but unironically.

Remember, thumb OUTSIDE of the fist. We don’t need any comrades breaking fingers on Nazi noses.


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the right didn't go more right
the right even got more centrist
the left went full retard to the left that it looks like the right went more right

Sure bud. Just make that first hit count because it's going to be total war if it's not a knockout

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A thread died because this faggot wanted to throw bait. Sage

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Remember, each "nazi" that you punch, three new crawl out of Yas Forums.

antifa why are you on Yas Forums? shouldnt you be blowing your wife's boyfriend?

try that shit on an ab nazi you kangaroo fucker. see what happens

Its obligation to knock out degenerate coomy

>1 post by this ID
reminder that if you go against the establishment be ready for the establishment to go against you

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try that in romania

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So it's ok to punch you?

Speaking of antifa: ; ; ; - Proof that Antifa is connected to Israel - Antifa is not anti-fascist, they are a paramilitary arm of the DNC and Israel and they simply justify their violence and political suppression of people who disagree with them by calling them fascists and nazis.

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Pic related is how people go far-right.

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What are you, racist?

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I don't see any NatSoc in this thread, only faggots.

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Please do so I can be justified in shooting you in the face.

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See, the thing is these guys are not smart. They go out and wear the swastika and put on some BS cosplay and that's who everyone sees on the news and on social media. The rest of us, play it smart, and slowly slip ideas in here and there while hiding power levels. Most people agree with it, but they don't understand it, have been discouraged in every way imaginable from trying to understand it, and they only see the unfit, unkempt LARPers to look up to.

Method on how to turn all Blacks against Jewish collective power and Israel here:

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Why not non-essentials that are breaking quarentine, they are doing more harm, why not punch them also.

>Reminder that it’s OK to punch Nazis.

Reminder that OP is a nazi

>play it smart
you mean cower in fear like hitler did before he blew his brains out?
follow your leader

Reminder, it's OK to shoot communists.

Good goy

>Proceeds to push normal people to the far-right by forcing drag queen story time and trans children bullshit propaganda

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If that's what you want to call it. I call it biding time and planting seeds. But if you think we're all just frightened, then you shouldn't see us as a threat. And that only makes things easier.

>Antifa = ClA funerary
>(OP). spewing literal reddit copypasta
It's all so tiresome

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>it’s OK to punch Nazis.
And my friends from the CIA would like to tell you about the wonders of peacefully making Communists speak and then disappearing them with aqua magic.

They will not like it if you threaten to assault one of their right-wing honeypots. Should I go tell them, or will you be a good Soros-shill and bend over?

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>hates nazis
>advocates violence in the name of [arbitrary]
>is a nazi

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As if there's any significance between them and you, Authoritarian faggot.

>Shit brown eyes
>Shaved head to hide nappy, curly hair
>Off White skin
>Pudgy, round, mutt face
White supremacists, everybody.

Now that's what I call good content

I wish you would try.

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I'm glad you could organize the shilling so quickly, Steven ;)

Try to punch me and I'll kill you.

Look at all those retards replying to a bait thread.

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There are far more thinking it, than larping it, moron...

Why? Because they're wainting patiently for that right, inevitable moment to lash out.

Punch us then. It's just easy justification for murder.

Reminder that "nazis" punch bag.

>Reminder that it’s OK to punch Nazis.

Sure, as long as *I* get to define who the nazis are -- we good, bro?

lol he flat

You will not divide us.

I laugh every time.


Reminder that it's ok to kill commies.

I'm going fishing for some Jewtrat, keep the beer cold for me.

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He was a larper anyways

Heroic counter protestor punches bigoted white bitch appropriating black hair

This is more satisfying than porn

Reminder that it's OK to be a Nazi

yup this
moving on
all fields

I never realized how much he pulled that punch. Slow, uncocked, hit her in the forehead so as to not crush her bone structure.

Why was she larpong anyway?