What will be the long term ramifications for China over this?

What will be the long term ramifications for China over this?

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nothing. the modern man has the brain capacity of an ant. schlomo shekelstein will just toss another vapid consumerism plan at them and this will all be forgotten.

Countries producing their own items.

Economic warfare.

Infighting within the KP over leadership, mass riots, economic collapse, possibly civil war if no new strong player emerges.

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France literally ordered 1 billion masks from China a couple days ago. Chinks will unfortunately be fine cause we're governed by cu cks

>much solly! Maskaru machreen broked!

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The week after it ends it will be "old news"

Dunno, what's the half-life of nuclear fallout?

Jews, who caused this, will turn them into the new superpower and flee to the East.

>over this
Trump was fucking China way before this happened. And will keep fucking China after this. The only way China can win is if USA Empire falls.

>Trade war

China's manufacturing wealth is founded on american innovation and raw materials FROM THE US -- lumber and minerals.

They need us way more than we need them. Cutting them off economically, and moving on to new generation tech manufactured in the US would push chyna back to 2nd world cannibalism. China manufactures US consumer electronics and aircraft that are 50 years out of date--nothing of value was lost.

None. They'll get away Scott free.



Seeing as it seems China is currently winning the propaganda war.. and that the countries of the EU are asking for chinese help.. I'd say china is posing itself as the victor of the European heart.

Thus, the worlds favor. Norway just called America underdeveloped.. I wonder how much of their supply comes from China...

Maybe slap some sanctions on them until China can convince their citizens to stop eating bats and other wild animals that spread plagues.

they must be cleansed with nuclear fire

there is no other choice now

Everyone both private and public will pull business out of China in favor of Southeast Asia, back domestically or to more local cheap neighbors like turkey or Mexico

That was already happening but it’s just going to rapidly accelerate

China will collapse in on itself, this was already in the world that’s why XI was named president for life, that’s why Hong Kong is being stomped and why the Muslims and Christians are being heavily persecuted

China is preparing for the upheaval of the global system leaving China out

They my lash out but between the USA and all of their neighbors that hate them they’ll get btfo

Yep this is the end of Globalism.

And we can add that this is the End of the CCP. Nobody will ever trust anything coming out of China as long as the CCP is still in power.

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They will become like the USSR, and start grabbing countries, and doing what they like.

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Nothing. Trump is the only world leader who doesn't completely cuck to China. He won't be president forever and anything he does to China because of their plague will be criticized as racist by half our population, 90% of our media and 100% of Democrat Congressmen.

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A lot more American companies are going to bring their manufacturing back to the US.

What other countries do is literally irrelevant lol

If the us wants to end China, China will end, doesn’t matter if Germany wants to
Cuck to them.

Germany is an exporter and competitor to China therefore they have no impact on China’s economic lifeblood which is us consumers, middle eastern oil and garunteed free trade across the ocean

All of which America controls and could stop over night if we wished

>long term ramifications for China
you know better

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And Mexico actually.

We can make all the shit China makes just as cheap in Mexico.

Most of our value added and high tech stuff was already made here

And there are plenty of generic manufacturing companies today that work can compete with third word labor. They simply use machine and employ less Americans where a factory in China would employ 1000 slave workers as factory here would have 100 mechanics, computer programmers and a couple QC people

This. China's recent decades of success and it's proles accepting it was founded on the ccp maintaining high growth, and job opportunities.
Thats all over now, the companies have left china for Vietnam and others. China's going to devour itself, and It's going to be fun watching winnie the pooh and ccp co. get burned alive by angry mobs.

Don't Mexicans make higher quality shit than the Chinese? I know it ain't quality like made in the USA but at least it's better than that Chinese shit.

They will turn into a global pariah, nations will force their businesses to relocate either at home or elsewhere over concerns of national security.

Prosperity, courtesy of the UN.


They would make the same types of goods but I agree Mexican quality is generally higher than Asian quality

USSR 2.0

>China builds empty cities
>China forces companies to pay people who are non productive
>banks 30x over leveraged than us banks in 2007
>government spending soley propping up gdp stats

Just likes there’s no virus in China there’s no recession in China!!!!!!

I look forward to seeing how long China can run a country based on padded fake stats alone

I don't see why we aren't doing it already. I'm sure you save alot on transportation cost and you save time as well. It'll fix the immigration issue as well. Might even have illegals self deporting to return to Mexico.....the cartel issue obviously needs to be fixed before all this is even possible.

Yep, city states like Hong Kong and Macau will be free, inland southern enclaves of ethnic minorities will be impossible to control. Tibet, Manchuria and others will become independent and the Chinese heartland will be consumed by poverty and devolution back to what it was 100 years ago

Bunch of rice farmers and a massive tyrannical state

Who needs ramifications when you have the Mandate of Heaven

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It was already happening and moving in they direction even back as far as 2014 and 15

Just slowly and under the radar, Mexico was historically except for like 1995-2016 (it became China) our biggest trade partner and it is again.

Trump accelerated it and this coronavirus sealed the deal. No going back now.

The new USMCA helps too. Arizona right now is building massive import-export infrastructure both land and air to accommodate what will be massive trade with Mexico in coming decades

The state even paid for port construction and rail heads in Sonora to facilitate our new manufacturing system that will exist in North America I’ve the rest of the century

People predicting America’s decline are sorely mistaken, the future of America is bright

No one will want to risk their business having their supply chain fully dependent on an enemy nation.

People will move jobs elsewhere.

India has population, ports, and alliance.

India unironically superpower by the end of 2020

China should be destroyed from the inside

The chinks then proceed to gas them for being minorities

I suspect glow niggers will, and have already started pushing protests in wuhan and other parts of china. ccp is a paper tiger and the fire rises brothers

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China has had its dick far up Europe's ass atleast since man made global warming was invented.

Everything that has happened in europe during the last few decades is the direct result of the chinese meddling with local politics

Nothing, because China own all the politicians, organizations and companies in the world. We'll keep outsourcing all of our jobs there, producing 100% of our products there, and destroying our economies to boost theirs, forever.

The only way to change things would be to completely destroy our society, and eliminate every single person in charge : politcians, public servants, military/police, journalists, judges/prosecutors, doctors/scientifics... in Minecraft of course

Only then will humanity be able to progress.

Their best outcome is returning to pariah status.

Worst case they get obliterated by a global coalition.

China is based. Go home anglo plague. And take your homos and jews with you.

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It is clear that China must be held accountable. Reparations are in order. Their roughly 400 million women between the ages of 18 to 50 will be appropriated amongst the 80 million American men of the same age group. This equates to 5 chink woman to every man, assuming we round up, and will be bred as many times as humanly possible by their white American bxll.

In contrast, the hundreds of millions of Chinese men will then be shipped to Africa, where they will breed as many chinky-nigger slant eyes nap heads while attempting to engineer actual societies on the ailing continent—a painfully futile endeavor which will doubtlessly lead to mass suicide.

In the final phase, all African men will be shipped to Israel and the Gaza Strip, satiating the Jewish lust for black cock. The “Africanization” of Israel will be complete, the wh*tes will have successfully created a superior race poised for world domination, Africa will...well, Africa will still be infested with niggers, and Jews will be hopelessly Blacked beyond recognition.

No you won’t france

Change comes slowly then all at once

The world is going through massif seismic shifts

We won’t even realize all that has changed for years to come

Fuck of Chang

more right wing governments due to "das racist" politics by left.

they will never learn.

tick tock amerijew

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They suck jewishs dicks since centuries ago. They are even (((coomunists))).

Lol only for you, I can’t believe you stupid insects have fallen for your propaganda

China is fucked. You should try to move to Taiwan or japan or Korea while you still have a chance

No one trusted China

no, actual war

Their form of government defeating ours. Deal with it, fags.

We’ve invaded china

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Chinese own most of the US govt thru k street payments, bundling, pacs, contracts, you name it. So whst what should happen to china should come after what do you do about career politicians with dirty Chinese money.

Their hemp market will be damaged to such an extent that American hemp companies will rise to prominence and become the main source of industrial hemp for the entire world.

No it isn’t their government is failure abjectly

It’s a nation of lies dependent on foreign money to prop up its Ponzi scheme

To make China suffer their party needs to fall.
Take away all manufacturers and companies and return to home countries under threat of heavy taxes.
If China can't exploit its people for cheap labour then no one will need it.
It's people, jobless, starving, will rise up and destroy the party that will be thriving still.

Take all companies out of china

Keep dreaming. Trump would be the only one of any importance willing to call China out for what they caused, but all the other world leaders are cucked and will stop him from doing anything about it.

Only trump matters

I don't think China will suffer any ramifications. By giving medical supplies to all suffering countries they will win over all the support they need in the UN.