Hello you are alll fucking losers. I think you are all pathetic. Why are you all so hateful like what is the end game here? You are going to grow old and die and you will be remembered as that tool that never got any puss and ate boogers. Do you want this to be your legacy? There is more to life than policing what other people can do with their life. Do you realize that your reflexive hate is a defense mechanism of your own lackluster and boring life? If you have nothing better to do than berate marginalized people maybe you need some friends :( Also you smell bad and are a slave to capitalism. Fuck you god isnt real trump is a moron and so are you
Everyone on this website loooks like this
Other urls found in this thread:
>stop hating non-whites and let them take over your country goy
Fuck off faggot nigger
More like this
Youre crying and spitting through your teeth at projections in your head.
"hey dude theres this cool party going down tonight with girls and weed and a live band do u wanna come w me?"
is something u never hear. plz argue with me when wwas the last time ur parents told u they loved u? :,(
I look like Nikolaj Coster-Waldau
Your friends host parties where they have a live band performing? Damn nigga you're rich.
A little work and you could transform this into a stunning trap. The teethgap and the lips double alone will make dicks diamond
like you even kinow what you had for lunch today.
>everyone here except for me
What a hateful faggot.
>discusses politics
>rainbow flaggot: HA! You're all LOSERS to ME and you all are ugly too! GOTEM!
I think the reflexive hate is coming from you. You're projecting pretty hard.
What did he mean by this?
no lmao i was one of you Yas Forumstard idiots when i was a kid like you are legit all fucking losers and i can say that as a certified fact because i used to be one. legit have u ever met someone in real life who goes on Yas Forums? they smell and play yughio. suck my asshole and eat my shit pea brain
>Dental Plan
>5'11 king of manlets
>decent-looking face
>7 inch dick
I'm doing pretty good.
lmaoo plz take a video on ur mobile go into a gas station and say the n word legit ur some fucking white kid who think black people are cool but not cool enough to earn ur respect
Attacking Praune2forever like that? Whats wrong with you?
You're crossed some fucking lines
At least I fucked girls unlike you faggot. Go take your weed since you're already a braindead shitskin who can't even write properly.
bro u cant say faggot in real life go tweet faggot and call someone a fag and go to any place in real life and call someone a fag i bet u will feel good and cool B)
Never disrespect SexMan!
yo, cum on my balls and shit on my chest grow a spine and express some solidarity with ppl who actually have to earn their place in society coward
Not a hint of hypocrisy or irony in this sex cases op.
'Faggot' doesn't even carry stigma anymore. I remember during the 90's some people would break down in tears if they were called that. The internet popularized insults and took away their meaning
ya know objectification is the first step towards violence!! don't kill urself plz i know u are weak and cant talk abt ur feelings. do u have any other cool qualities besides having a slamming cock and not being 6 feet tall
Lol at that
You're just an outdated cotton picking machine, nobody likes you or needs you since the slavery days nigger
yeah like how i can watch a child in real life get ripped limb from limb or watch an old lady get shot in the head or some puppy get beaten with a shovel bc i went on Yas Forums and saw gore as a kid it doesnt make it right like who the fuck would do something so cruel? you are just desensitized to this bullshit get ur head out of ur ass.
you shame us for marginalizing people... while marginalizing us. Eat a dick fagoo
If you wanted attention, just post nudes and be frank with it.
cum on my balls tweet this plz plz tweet this and send me ur twitter i will retweet it so you can have more friends!!!!! plz plz i am a white boy from the suburbs i want to make other cool white people like u have more firends lmao
...I looked nothing like that when I was 12 in 1994.
But what does that have to do with responding to your pedophilic degenerate death cult with disgust? And that's the main point. It's not hate, it's disgust.
Nigger nigger nigger nigger
I don’t see the problem, i think he’s kinda hot
I've been using the word faggot for 40+ years and no faggot like you can do anything about it.
OP’s ID tells you how much attention to give him.
lol u are not marginalized you represent the majority of morons on the world with archaic logic and molasses brain cum syndrome who cant pleasure a woman successfully and cant pleasure a man bc ur a closeted homosexual lmao come on come on swing at me whaddya got virgin bitch??
Come on man... No one cares about insults on the internet, and if you do: I'm sorry to break it to you, but you're a faggot.
Look at we are doing to you niggers. Hahah what pathetic apes you all are
please quantify this facebook meme for me. did u know that 95% of violent crimes are committed by men?
Fetal Alcohol Syndrome Mutant
Literally the definition of a burger mutant made out of spare pieces left over from the factory
Fuck off rootbrian
you'll never know what I got.. and you'll never have it yourself. loser
holy fuck are you for fucking real whats going on in ur brain man are u okay this shitss fuckkedd virgin loser. legit i work in a black community and volunteer my time working with black children because they don't have the same resources or federal funding as white people like what is ur problem.
This thread would’ve been a lot better if OP was an actual nigger and not some LARPing incel
>everyone looks like some kind of asian slave fin
Breh, Yas Forums is mostly brown. Kek. Your nufag is showing
rip me
I'd do her.
>be Yas Forums internet man
>write the n word in reply
>hits post
>leans back in chair and sips some cold dew from the fridge-o
>the desolate atmosphere of ur cold bedroom suffocates you and then OH wait anime tiddys hehehe ill just fap fap fap fap and make a rage comic and post on redddit and play vidya xD i wondder that my friends on the internet are playing hahahaah11h1!!!!
What’s up with your obsession with black people?
Kill yourself motherfucker. You will go to hell you fucking racist. You disearve what you got. I hope "white" people will disappear as soon as possible. White american are just white fat trash ass hole. You fucking fag shit..
Just end your days and jump from a bridge mother fucker.
You fucking virgin ass hole. just kill yourself fat fuck.
More like this
Fags get the rope.
made me kek
Heh, what are you gonna do now?
>France flag
More like Pruane2fornever
dude this is such fucking bait
yo for real are u poor or just a bum who drives a chevy nitro and chews dip whats ur favorite bass pro shop or cabelllas also do u like to read guns and ammo and omg whats ur favorite gun to kill animals and and are u a virgin lil bitch or nah
Holy shit that was such a wild ride. Good times man, good times.
>fellow internet antifa
This has to be a trollpost KEK
zomg no way!
>there is more to life than policing what other people can do with their life
Then why are you on here trying to control what other people are doing?
hahaha Yas Forumsosers BTFO by a sodomite
he told you fucking coomers!!!! Now what?!?!?!"?
sry guys my girlfriend is calling me i can't respond anymore just remember! ur a loser!
This shit was wild times, brother. I miss those days.
Ummm, try again sweety.
>(you): You're all ugly! Ugh, BE A MAN AND HELP ME BECAUSE IM GAY AND THAT MAKES ME SPECIAL! You obv wont help because you're poor and I'm going to persist in stereotypes of people I don't like so I can dehumanize and project them onto you. That way I can feel morally justified in my poor behavior. Also u virgin and bitch lmfao!
Type like a fucking human being, retard.
The thread’s already over?
Too bad, the bait was sooooooo good!
Turner syndrome?
Hello discord tranny
>this is what you all look like
A nigger?
hqdefault? is he related to max res?
Actually, no, i got baited. Good b8 m8 i r8 8/8
>i look like this, guys!
Kek. Your parents should have taught you bettet than to put your picture on 4chins, user
Why are you bullying some poor kid? What's wrong with you? Seriously.
Speak for yourself
>Everyone on this website loooks like this
What is it like having such a low IQ that you can only think in terms of monolithic groups? Is it comfy?
>You are going to grow old and die and you will be remembered as that tool that never got any puss and ate boogers. Do you want this to be your legacy?
Also fuck niggers, fuck jews, fuck trannies and fuck jannies.
wow jawsus
very cool!
oh I get it now, you are like 15 or something.
wow dude looks like you found tumblr and are trying to fuck some of the trannies and 20 iq whores. don't worry you'll be saying nigger and faggot again in time.
>Why are you all so hateful
The irony of making that accusation while writing a hateful post. Wew. Self-righteousness is a hell of a drug.
>eat my shit pea brain
you have a shit pea brain? it is kind of obvious but glad you admit it.
"You are going to grow old and die". Well, I sure hope so user. At least I'll die not being a faggot like you.
what, you are afraid to say nigger? i have said it so many times, either i get someone laughing, or smiling. can you say the same?
go dilate tranny, we don't want you here
>you will be remembered
Feels goodman
>tfw blond with blue eyes, a decent hog, and say nigger publically
its just bantz you fucking faggot.
How come you fall for this obvious bait