Say something nice to him Yas Forums so he gets better
Coronachan kisses CNN journo Chris Cuomo
Regardless of your party, fuck China
He’s the guy who said it was illegal to read Wikileaks and got called out for lying by other journalists
fuck china
Fuck...who would have thought cheap hookers
were spreading the Chink AIDS?
>celebrating when your enemies even catch this evil Chinese-Created Wuflu
Absolutely shameful...
Ohhh noooo
I had to check that this was real!
Fucking based Coronachan. Please take him for good.
dont let someone named coomer work from home
This is now a 2016 Nostalgia thread.
Ohhhhhh noooooooooooooooo
another ACTOR got it. color me surprised.
just think of all the people he infected in the past two/three weeks
Frefo fredo fredo
Time to put Fredo down.
Probably got it when Don Lemon gave him a cheese finger.
Fake news. These TV fags all get the virus but none of them ever die from it. Utter BS
I came here to post this picture. Professional Leaf in action here.
> Ooooooh Noooo, that sucks!
>gets coronavirus
Not at all surprised, they have been behaving with gross irresponsibility. Every day you see the journos out reporting from the street, while criticizing others for being outside without a hint of irony or self-awareness.
Now Corona-Chan will take them. They should have learned to code while they had the chance.
Coof Fredo coof.
Will Americans realize they need to stop hating each other and united against the chinks?
>File: chrisCum.png (288 KB, 541x544)
>just think of all the people he infected in the past two/three weeks
I bet hes ordering up some Hydroxychloroquine and Zithromycin right now
>tfw its real...
Die alone
>My brother Cuomo is positive for coronavirus, he is strong, NOT AS STRONG AS HE THINKS, but he will be fine.
I have a feeling that Andrew Cuomo actually kind of dislikes his brother and it's not just an act. Maybe not dislike, but he sees him as someone who is inferior to him.
Wow, another worthless celebrity has the kung flu! I'm so surprised.
>Good goy, its all the chinese people's fault. Now keep printing money for us chosen people!
Good, this lying muckraker deserves it after the shot he pulled on 2016.
"Oh, noooo, that sucks."
"It's illegal to read Wikileaks unless you're us"
Fuck this piece of shit and his faggot brother too.
Fredo on suicide watch!
His own words
How much more proof do you need that this shit is 100% FAKE AS FUCK
Nice place. how does he afford it?
>who said it was illegal to read Wikileaks
He said: It's illegal to possess stolen documents.
He's a fucking senior White House correspondent. His main duties include getting ass-raped by Trump on a daily basis from the White House. How the fuck is he supposed to work from home lol.
Andrew definitely seems like the type of dude that wouldnt like a bitch like Chris if they weren't related.
This. Can’t we call a truce or do you want another virus?
DNC and their media are chink slaves. I have no problems with standing united against the chinks, but don't act like the people taking money from them and spouting chink talking points aren't worth hating just as much.
He's a chad, he'll be fine, but yeah. Fuck China. Drop an EMP on Beijing and send them back where they belong.
Lmao, they threw him in the cuckshed
oh, no, that sucks
>Say something nice to him
Top kek.
Fredo ...nooooooo
Thats not even close to what he said, you retarded Muslim shitskin
poor fredo, he never had the makings of a varsity athlete
Boy you guys sure are fucking stupid. This dude is rich and well connected, he'll be fine. You can survive this shit if you're taken care of by doctors, it's the poors and the middle class that'll be fucked by this. This dude will be fine as will every other rich fuck who gets it... They won't be bumping beds for these people, it'll be you and me and your stupid fucking pedo uncle.
Can he take his faggot brother with him? New York is fucking up the entire country right now.
Isn't that guys brother the one who screeched that Trump wouldn't send NY ventilators... but then it turned out Trump did send them but this guy was hiding them to make Trump look bad?
digits and coronachan will avenge Yas Forums by taking chris's life
Whoever infected him is gonna pay!
It's just the flu, though. Why is he so worried?
Oh no. That sucks
Digits and his brother's got it.
Awh no, not Fredo!
>you have been visited by the faggot of lies
>health and prosperity will come to you, but only if you type "Oh no! That sucks!" In this thread
How could you not believe in QAnon at this point?
All the Cuhomo men are trannies.
he's fine. this is fake news to take the focus off of his brother's nipplegate.