He Was Right

You guys finally ready to buckle down and really earn your way now that times are getting tough? Work ethic is king.

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Zoomers have no future. Zoom zoom.

what a shitcunt

no im ready to buy everything for pennies on the dollar though

I should have become a plumber instead of spending 4 years and taking a 5 figure student loan to get a film degree

Mike rowe is an insufferable faggot who hasn't worked a day in his life. He is a faggot opera singer. Actual working men dont suck corporate dick and boot lick like fairy boy opera singers.

Homosexual opera singer who pretends to work and reads for a living lectures about hard work.

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>work ethic
>being a kike's slave
Pick one schlomo.

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Nothing is stopping you from getting into trades. They are piss easy and you will be smarter than 99.9999% of the shitheads you interact with. Enjoy lifelong body aches and dogshit pay that maxes out in like 5 years. Trades are a meme

He's right in spirit, but if you follow his protocols to the letter you'll never get a raise, unless your boss is a generous dude.

Also as gay as it is, office politics are part of the job.

>inb4 Capitalism is gay
In National Socialism or Communism, it IS ALL office politics

Sick of this bootstrap crap. The only thing you need in life is connections. Work ethic isn't shit, hard work isn't shit. These are the same cunts who say life is what you make it but lose their absolute shit if things don't go exactly their way.
If I could live over again I would concentrate on making connections. Skills, talent, hard work - throw all that shit away and make as many friends as possible. Once you're 21 you are out there and it is almost impossible to do everything yourself. I wish someone taught me that before instead of figuring it out myself.

Boomers stole my bootstraps

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No, he's wrong in spirit too. Being a good guy will get you nowhere and everyone will hat you.

Mike Rowe is cool as shit. I've talked with hin 3 or 4 times about his work programs. Dude gets it and actually believes in the blue collar worker. He uses his platform to promote the everyday guy. As a small business owner I appreciate him using his fame to voice support for us.
God bless Mike Rowe. God Bless blue collar workers. God Bless THE United States Of America.

good goy*

Cringe doomer mindset. kys yourself faggot

This guy would be singing a different tune if he didn't get famous for doing what other people have done for decades with no recognition. It's amazing that he can even talk around that silver spoon in his mouth to lecture others.

This is bullshit unless you're in a field that is completely divorced from the market. Those fields only exist due to your dumb socialist policies.

Reminder this faggot has never held a real job and larps as a handy man

Eternal NEET here, you know what changed for me during this shitshow?

Absolutely. Nothing.

Keep sucking your bosses dick and doing extra. Maybe one day he'll notice and let you fuck his sister. Probably not though.

Yeah ok dude, I wasn't making shit till I started really taking shit seriously. In 6 months I'll be well in the 1%.

>TFW all the loser NEETS come out in the afternoon.

1 and 10 are contradictory

>Instantly starts projecting homosexual fantasies
You by your own stupidity have won me this argument, fool.

If you take what he says seriously you will be taken advantage of and kicked to the curb as soon as the going gets rough. Being a good goy is cringe bro

The sad thing is that I wasn't implying you are a homo. I was implying that you begrudgingly suck off your boss, but is sounds like you've started enjoying it if it's a fantasy for you.

>Walk into store and give manager a firm handshake
>Get shot by security guards for breaking the social distancing ordinance

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You're the kind of guy that reminded the teacher he forgot to assign work for Christmas break. Everyone hates you man. Your employees especially. Seeing people like you and fag rowe larp as workers for a day just infuriates real men. Just watch Mike's operas and be a faggot quietly. No one wants to hear about it or watch you queers get dirty.

Retard, connections ARE the market. Relationships are the fundamental underpinning of any business, and your highest possible value is determined by the age of 21. You can remain the same value or go down, but you cannot restore it. Work hard, go back to school, become an "entrepreneur" - it doesn't matter any more. Whether you're a famous artist or a corporate lawyer. There are plenty of skilled tradespeople and graduates who have fucked their lives because they don't belong to a network, and most of the time that's something handed to you. You can't become successful playing this game if shit wasn't handed to you from the start. That is the cold truth, something republicans hold in such high esteem without demonstrating they have the power to grasp it.

Can you explain user? I have spare monies...

This. I started as a tech writer in a small business and have moved up considerably. I'm running a department and making six figures. I was hired 5 years ago at about 60k. I've gotten raises 4 separate times, and only because I started doing more than what I was hired for.
It doesn't work this way everywhere. You can't always advance, especially in heavily corporatized companies where there's little opportunity to do more things than what's in your job description. But in smaller businesses (10 to about 150 employees) you often have to wear more than one hat, which creates opportunities.
If people want to believe that they're stuck where they're stuck, fine. Sorry. But it's not like that for everyone.

But if you are a plumber or something, you'll never be unemployed.

You forgot to bless Israel, baka goy.

You're not wrong user, I just try to keep people's expectations realistic. This board is so full of people "making six figures" welding or some shit I actually worry people fall for the meme. Yes, depending on the situation, you can make insane money in trades. You probably wont though and you will never get rich.

He has $45 million from making TV shows where he pretends to work, and doesn't have kids.

Why should anyone listen to this faggot?

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Been doing it all my life

this nigga is way smaller than I expected.

His dads a big name if I remember correctly so that’s not even from nothing with his own bootstraps , fuckers a trust fund plant.


>no kids
How much of a failure can you be? My father is 59 and he has EIGHT

No goy, he just shook his bosses hand firmly and didnt complain goy. Just do what your told and make sure you report on any labor organizing activity. You'll get your 45 million shekels too goy. I promise

It's obviously because he's a fag dude. The guy is an open opera singer. You think he's interested in pussy? Mike likes dirty jobs like eating the poopoo or whatever fags do

People always forgot what happens to Boxer the horse at the end...

Roe has maybe the kernel a good point, but smothered in so much boomerism, prod prosperity theology and fake American mythology it’s no worth it.

nah i'm gonna keep living off disability checks and drawing furry porn under the table


A film degree? Tell me you're lying.

no fuck that shit bunch of lazy fat fucks and dumb thots making 200k a year dicking around while all the hard workers make like 15$ an hour

fuck that shit we need a whole new system.

the lazy have created their own class and live of the sweat of the good goy hard workers.

fuck off nigger

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I'd like to see an actual successful individual refute Mike Rowe instead of some bitter faggots on Yas Forums that refuse to make changes in their lives

What? Yall dont follow this? I didnt know I was surrounded by lazy niggers and other degenerates!

I too will be heading off to Sugar Candy Mountain when I am of no use to the company.
Thier sexual market value will plummet. There is no other system. There's too many dumb niggers and billions of transactions that happen on a daily basis.

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Man I'm glad I got a CS degree. Literally everyone I graduated with had a job set up before graduating. Making good money. All my coworkers are awesome kind people. My bosses care about me and make sure I'm happy. Tech is the future.

Sure thing, rabbi. Bootstraps strapping.

Mother fucker I started as a gofer at 17. I am 25 now and own my own plumbing company. Luckily I am still running all 4 trucks and 12 employees still working. You mother fuckers are nasty in this quarantine.

2020 grads are going to have a hell of a time.

>I started as a gofer at 17
All that means is you already had an in.

cant wait to see you fat lazy fucks crying at the bread lines soon.

You're nigger-tier if you can't appreciate opera.
Mike Rowe might be a faggot but it isn't because of opera.

build for black cock

84kg is a perfectly normal weight for his height

Calling me lazy? I've been putting in the work since I was a child in school. I sure didn't feel lazy working summers and studying my ass off to get a full ride to college. Then working my ass off in college making good grades, hunting for an internship and doing personal projects in my free time to land interviews. I never stopped looking for opportunities to make my life easier when I got older. Now I'm reaping the fruits of my labor and all you see is the now. Not what I did to get here.

Ah I see I am dealing with a bitch that obviously has no natural skills and probably interviews as a future office shooter. Fuck I am sorry, user. Continue with your miserable existence.

Maybe if you're lanky. 6ft tall and only 170lbs? He could put an extra 10-20 on by actually practicing what he preaches with his hard work shtick.

Don't cry to me because I pointed towards the flaw in your bootstraps logic. You started on second base with this.