Attached: 1585669100994.jpg (1080x1134, 312.94K)
Hydroxychloroquine SALT
Adrian Ross
Other urls found in this thread:
Jack Gomez
Nolan Lopez
Nathan Scott
Lincoln Sanders
Easton Peterson
Lucas Hernandez
Noooo you can't just take a cheap and proven safe cure, you have to take vaccine you antisemites!!!!
Caleb Foster
Gavin White
Luis Johnson
Eli Gutierrez
Why do they hate it so much? Are these bots made by the pharmaceutical jews?
Jacob Sanchez
they really shown themselves to be a bunch of vile, disgusting fucking cretins. They already did before the virus but even more so now, they just wanna see thousands of people die so they can lay it all on trump.
Nicholas Garcia
Jace Parker
That or just a run of the mill case of TDS.
Orange man says hydroxychloroquine good > Everything orange man says is bad > hydroxychloroquine is bad
Easton Flores
because it'll fuck up your liver and your eyes.
Jordan Evans
Robert White
Why do they all talk like the same annoying faggot?
Chase Gray
Nathaniel Long
Except the dose is much lower and only for a few days instead of the long term usage required for other indications. Stop spreading utter bullshit you useful idiot.
James Nelson
enjoy falling for the big pharma jew.
Joshua Long
I had to take mefloquine on deployment which is a less harmful anti malarial. It fucked me and many others in the head.
The VA is coming around to the conclusion that many PTSD diagnosis' are made not because of PTSD, but the side effects of mefloquine.
Hydroxy is far worse with side effects. Blindness, anger problems, night terrors, cold sweats, diarrhea, are just a few of the symptoms. Some of the symptoms persist years after the drug has been stopped.
I personally won't take it and will earn others of the harmful nature of it when I can.
Do your own research on it before taking it anons, a little flu isn't worth brain damage.
Bentley Nelson
Because Orange Man Bad. I've heard it said that if Trump cured cancer the Democrats would protest and demand more cancer. This is not quite that far but still closer in that direction than it should be.
Jayden King
I don't get this.. There's no real profit margin on HCQ, and other countries are using it in early caught cases of the disease
Daniel Foster
Why aren't we treating more people with this drug? And why isnt this being talked about more? My facebook is being fucking spammed by boomers turning doomer. Nonstop circle jerking about the pandemic & quarantine. If we began mass treating people with this shit it'll be over.
John Thompson
Media will boycott it because the likes want a vaccine not a cure
Colton Stewart
Leo Morales
Literally this
But the opposite : it gives psychic powers and x Ray vision
Isaiah Taylor
Samuel Phillips
Enjoy drowning in your own lungs retard.
It's the pharma jew who's trying to stop this decades old, well known NON PATENTED drug.
David Thompson
He looks like he's struggling to support the weight of that pan
>profile pic lmao wtf
Jose Sanchez
>trump cures cancer
>cancer is a human right!
Nicholas Myers
I saw some stuff that pointed to hydrofagottine working but what are the side effects of it since malaria medication is known to cause vision problems?
Because fda bullshittery and the fact that it's not profitable.
James Roberts
>source: this one time in band camp
Aiden Green
>China says it doesn't work
>French study said 200mg 3x daily with certain antibiotics
>China did 400mg 1x daily
You can't trust communists since they aren't people
Anthony Miller
Read recently that hospitals are refusing to administer hydrochloroquine without federal approval. Even though we have a "Right To Try" law stating that a patient is able to try any medical treatment so long as they consent to it. Big pharma is keeping this drug under control so they can force their vaccine for the NWO and make trillions for themselves.
Brody Russell
They're so fucking stupid, the science says HCQ works.
Austin King
>my facebook
>in 2020
Fix yourself.
Henry James
I have lupus. I’ve been on hydroxychloroquine for a year now. I haven’t had any side effects apart from some hair loss. Eyes and liver are fine. Less than 0.1% of patients that take it long term develop eye damage. Hydroxychloroquine is safe, especially the way they are using it short term.
Parker Martinez
it still wont work but ok.
Alexander Powell
>China says it doesn't work.
>Believe the country know for killing millions of their own people numerous amounts of times.
Isaiah Wilson
I can't believe liberals are still believing China, after they've fucked EVERY country along the way throughout this whole pandemic.
Caleb Brooks
Thank fuck. If Italy or France start mass treatment then it'll be hard to cover.
Ethan Richardson
HCQ is a public domain drug, any drug company can make it. Plus its cheap, so big pharma cant make a profit.
Gavin Allen
>You're not using the COOL WAY Government uses to track you in 2020
Yeah, go fuck yourself.
Michael Cook
>being a (((social media))) user normalfaggot
Day of the rope for you too
David Hernandez
>believe in science
Ian Moore
I'm politely asking this; how new are you?
Parker Clark
Holy shit these people really are objectively retarded.
There is no money in generic drugs. No one is shilling hydroxychloroquine. People are shilling against it
Easton Peterson
That only happens after 5 years of chronic use. Coronavirus patients only need it for 1-2 weeks.
Jordan Roberts
>3 posts
Older than you, homosexual.
Parker Gomez
it still wont solve your problems but ok. I guarantee you, in a month, no one will be mentioning these drugs and everyone, including you, will not be mentioning it either.
Jack Scott
>244 million people in USA use social media
>including US Military
Lucas Rodriguez
>haha lol antivaxxers so retarded
trump: here's some medication for corona
Mason James
Cucks: "I won't take this drug because I believe in science"
Science: "hydroxychloroquine treatment is significantly associated with viral load reduction/disappearance in COVID-19 patients and its effect is reinforced by azithromycin."
Gavin Rogers
Medical researchers have been talking about HCQ since February.
Xavier Carter
and they're gonna stop talking about it
Isaiah Brown
Why are they so averse in trying news ways to solve this meme pandemic? Maybe it will work maybe not, but it's important to test and try new ways so we can finally end this bullshit. Better than expect some bullshit miracle without doing nothing.
Kevin Brown
Same here. Primaquine and mefloquine. Had horrible nightmares, sleep walking and minor hallucinations while taking the meds, and for several years after.
Andrew Taylor
I find that anyone who says they love science don't actually love science, they use it as a way to develop bias and reinforce their beliefs, and these beliefs are always group think.
Tyler Garcia
>but we can trust a rockefeller to provide us vaccines, even though he has talked about population control
They will have a very hard time waking up
Gabriel Ward
Jayden Cooper
This is so fucking retarded. You took it twice a day for over a year, totally different stfu.
Anthony Torres
>Why do they hate it so much?
Hunter Morris
you'll see buddy, you'll see.
Ryan Fisher
Ending the pandemic is a secondary goal for these clowns behind inflicting maximum political damage to Trump.
Jayden Thompson
>"AZ man ded after Zoltard Blormft tells MIGA boom-boom followers to chug aquarium cleaner to cure coronavirus!"
This has to be, bar-none, one of the dumbest takes that keeps getting reiterated over and over again all over the internet, clearly coming from people with absolutely no background in pharmacology whatsoever.
This is a website which sells pharmaceutical grade antibiotics & antivirals, direct from the same manufacturer which most likely supplies the local Walgreens by your house! Now because antibiotics/antiviral require a prescription in order to purchase, coupled with the fact that these meds just so happen to also prove effective for fish, as well, and at the very same doses that are standard for humans, no less, it starts to become clear why these places become extremely popular & convenient for people who require pharmaceutical-grade antibiotics/antivirals but cannot procure a doctor's prescription, for whatever reason.
Now obviously, all of the suppliers label these products, "NOT FOR HUMAN CONSUMPTION," both for legal reasons, but also because it really isn't sold for human consumption (even if the drugs/formulations are exactly the same as any doctor would write you).
Hunter Powell
>i know i'm smart
>I have no argument for my statememt though, sorry
Thomas Hall
I've heard people saying that the product that the AZ couple consumed wasn't solely pure chloroquine phosphate, and that it was most likely "cut" with some type of cleaning agents. Then there are the claims that the active (really sole) ingredient in the purported "aquarium cleaner" (still chloroqine phosphate, btw) somehow differs from the same chloroqine phosphate that's given to patients around the world (though I've never actually heard any of these people explain how exactly they supposedly differ). Even worse still are the claims that chloroqine phosphate itself is actually the """wrong""" type of chloroqine, usually accompanied by some grug-brained, statement of "fact" about how chloroqine phosphate is only for fish, whereas "regular" chloroqine is the one that's used on humans.
Here's two of a near-infinite amount of the same, regurgitated talking-points:
>They bought Chloroquine PHOSPHATE... an aquarium cleaning agent. And ingested it. Not the medication.
>They ate aquarium cleaner dipshit. The dumbasses bought it from a pet store (it's used to clean aquariums)and OD'd on it.
[I censored the profanity]
And it goes on and on and on like this...
I challenge anyone to find even just one source of powdered, chloroqine phosphate, sold as "aquarium cleaner" (or something to that affect), with a purity of anything less than ~98% and/or purposefully--or hell, even accidentally--diluted/cut with any additional cleaning agents. I think you'll be extremely hard-pressed to conjure up even one solitary example that even remotely fits this criteria.
Furthermore, chloroquine phosphate IS IN FACT, an FDA-approved drug, sold under the brand-name, Aralen!
Robert Campbell
That was my reaction as well.
"believe in"
I hate these people. They'd be better off just believing in God, at least that way they wouldn't be fucking with actual science.
Cameron Taylor
"I fuckin' love science" people just love the imagery of science, or the authority of "science" when it isn't open to new information (e.g., "the world is on fire, bigots--climate change is absolutely real and man made"). Something that is inherently anti-science.
Aaron Williams
can´t we just all take the red pill which is known to be the most cost-efficient medicine out there?
Lucas Barnes
Saying this man chugged a bunch of """FISH TANK CLEANER""", while I suppose could arguably be considered technically correct, at best (in the most vague, opaque meaning possible!), it is still nevertheless purposefully misleading, as it strongly implies the husband & wife were literally consuming volatile cleaning agents like bleach or glass cleaner or something, all supposedly because Blumpft said, "GUIZZE! DRINK DRAIN CLEeNER! IT'S CURE, I SWER!!1"
What's worse, thins kind of rampant bastardization of the facts fools people into believing that chloroquine phosphate has no efficacy against viruses (COVID-19 in particular) and that Cheeto Man, Koltard Slormpft is literally just pulling drug names out of his ass at random and saying they might be promising treatments against the novel coronavirus based solely off of either intuition, instinct, premonition/clairvoyance or literally nothing whatsoever, any/all of which makes absolutely no sense (not that that's ever stopped anybody from spouting misleading disinformation before...).
Here's just one of thousands of comments placing the blame of the man's OD squarely on Trump:
>Your president is giving people fake medical advice during a global pandemic you clod. You really don't grasp how bad this is going to be for America do you?
Fuck you niggers! I myself have 10g of chloroquine phosphate right now (purity 98.8%; Independently verified by GC/MS test), just in case I acquire COVID-19 and cannot receive medical attention from whatever reason, kind of like a "break glass in case of death-bed emergency" precaution (and yes, I'm aware hydroxychloroquine is preferable over chloroquine phosphate in this/most instances).
Jack Williams
Ryan Long
last I heard she killed him. Fake news gets even more fake.
Elijah Wood
>self harm
Just cut your dick and balls off, goy.
Camden Roberts
whats after? flat earth and nephilim?
Kayden Sullivan
Sadly, it sounds like the deceased most likely tried to "eyeball" a dose and ended up taking too much, something which surprisingly is not very hard to do given the extremely narrow therapeutic index of chloroquine phosphate...
Basically, 1 gram can save your life...
...but ~2 grams can kill you.
And I quote:
>Based on in vitro evidence and still unpublished clinical experience, the panel recommended chloroquine phosphate tablet, at a dose of 500 mg twice per day for 10 days, for patients diagnosed as mild, moderate and severe cases of Journal Pre-proof Journal Pre-proof SARS-CoV-2 pneumonia, provided that there were no contraindications to the drug.
I'll just conclude by saying, "fish" amoxicillin literally saved my life in the past; However, NEVER, EVER "EYEBALL" A DOSE OF ANY DRUG, ESPECIALLY ONES WITH SUCH A NARROW THERAPEUTIC INDEX!
And finally, in case there's any doubt about the scientific versatility regarding chloroquine phosphate/hydroxychloroquine as potential treatment options in order to combat the effects of COVID-19, please have a look at these research papers I've compiled in the following post.
Jonathan Sanders
The media told them orange man was wrong, so orange man is wrong.
Luke Gomez
A relative of mine has already said that if her mom gets the virus, she won't let her take hydroxychloroquine and that Trump murdered the people who are fish tank cleaner. These people are real.
Hunter Wood
Time travel, teleportation, stuff like that I guess
Henry Gray
more like
>makes argument
>everyone makes up an excuse as to why "argument" occurs but it wont occur in this scenario because "muh trump said so".
>people already died due to this drug
>"b-b-b-but we wont die because trump is promoting it"
Landon Wright
either use effort or don't post
Eli Murphy
My brother in law runs a fish company, he sets up aquariums for rich people and restaurants and handles cleaning of these aquariums.
He carries the product for the purpose of cleaning fish tanks.
So stop trying to confuse the boomers. Okay?
Jayden Lopez
>The VA is coming around to the conclusion that many PTSD diagnosis' are made not because of PTSD, but the side effects of mefloquine”
Jace Peterson
>star wars
Liberals are not intelligent enough to realize that
Jonathan Robinson
Even Dr. Guuk is gettin in on it
Michael Taylor
That guy is a vegan I can tell by the fact he is balding and can barely lift the pan lol. He has to use two hands LMAO.
Leo Roberts
Shame we are so divided. Monsters everywhere to be fought and wrongs righted.
Aaron Morris
Yes they also love the authority of science and put peer review on a golden pedestal. I tried explaining to some that you should care less about the fact that it's not peer reviewed and more about the data and methodology, but they didn't seem to care about that at all.
Cooper Garcia
1. Clinical Toxicology Review: Chloroquine [pg. 2; under 'Clinical Toxicology']
2. A Systematic Review on the Efficacy and Safety of Chloroquine for the Treatment of COVID-19 [pg. 6-7]
3. In Vitro Antiviral Activity and Projection of Optimized Dosing Design of_Hydroxychloroquine for the Treatment of Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome__Coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2)
4. Chloroquine and hydroxychloroquine as available weapons to fight_ COVID-19
5. Aminoquinolines Against Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19): Chloroquine or Hydroxychloroquin
6. New Insights on the Antiviral Effects of Chloroquine Against Coronavirus: What to Expect for COVID-19?
7. Remdesivir and chloroquine...Letter to the Editor
8. Breakthrough: Chloroquine phosphate has shown apparent efficacy in treatment of COVID-19 associated pneumonia in clinical studies
>Additional Chloroquine Phosphate/Hydroxychloroquine Studies
Benjamin Sanders
You never gave an argument in that post. What's your argument, why won't people be talking about it in 1 month?
Cooper Allen
There's nothing to get. A stupid person arrived at the wrong conclusion.
Jackson Morales
Luke Anderson
>makes argument
Where, in your head?
Brayden Barnes
No, no, no! We can't have an inexpensive drug saving lives.
Dylan Rodriguez
because a new drug will come out that actually works and isnt a meme drug.
Hydroxychloroquine is an immunosuppressant drug. Corona would thrive if you suppress your immune system. Thats why people who are immunocompromised tend to die from coronavirus. Sure it prevents your immune system from going haywire but thats part of the process of your immune system fighting corona virus. If it stops fighting, the virus will flourish and actually unironically flood your lungs and make you drown in your own lungs.
Logan Rivera
It's a higher-resolution graphic of what you posted.
David Nelson
>Orange Man say China bad
>China good
Easton Perez
They hate Trump and care more about making him look bad than they do about saving lives.
Landon Torres
I honestly don't see what your issue is. There are a bunch of drugs that have been suggested and are being tested on more and more people. Why are you so against this one specific drug? Wait for the studies, then make up your mind.
You seriously come across as some pharma shill here.
Austin Green
I think all of this salt is coming from bots...
Jason Fisher
Isn't that the guy that had his license to practice medicine revoked?
Jordan Hill
Anyone here drinking tonic water with zinc to help stave off viruses?
Leo Garcia
speaking of high resolution graphics
Lincoln Turner
lol fucking moron every drug has possible side effects, there are countless people online saying they have taken those drugs for years due to stuff like lupus and they have had zero side effects.
Jace Williams
inb4 but the quercetin dyhydrate dough
>A study published by the University of Tennessee and Oak Ridge National Labs used the most powerful IBM supercomputer to model which FDA approved compounds or supplements might interfere with the coronavirus binding to cells. To review, the coronavirus uses the ACE 2 (Angiotensin Converting Enzyme) receptor to enter cells. Once in a cell, the coronavirus virus empties its RNA contents and hijacks the cell to start producing more viruses. So preventing the coronavirus from binding to the ACE 2 receptor is a good thing as it means the virus can’t get into your cells. The study modeled various compounds and clocking in at number 5 on that list was Quercetin.
>Another computer modeling study that has yet to be peer-reviewed also demonstrated that Quercitin and other compounds also showed promise in blocking the SARS-CoV-2 novel coronavirus from entering cells.
>...The novel coronavirus is in a family of coronaviruses that includes everything from other SARS viruses that cause serious respiratory problems to the common cold. As a result, Quercetin has been tested against other viruses in this family. For example, a 2004 lab study showed that it blocked the entry of another SARS coronavirus into cells. A 2012 study basically concluded the same thing.
Christopher Rogers
Heh, sounds like you're deflecting to China to absolve ORANGE MAN of his culpability in all of this!
Jonathan Bennett
because Hydroxychloroquine shuts down your immune system. What keeps corona virus from killing you is your immune system. If you shut it down, it'll reproduce and kill your lung tissue without stopping. The studies already exist in general about the drug. They're shit and sketchy. Go read them yourself.
Just go research what Coronavirus does. It infects your lungs, procreates in your mucus membranes in your lung tissue which ends in that lung cell dying off which creates permanent scarring. When your immune system comes into contact with the virus, it goes into a fury and kills healthy cells along with the infected cells and the viruses.
If you shut down your immune system with Hydroxychloroquine which is an immunosuppressent, the virus will grow without stopping.
Any doctor that actually graduated within the USA would say putting two and two together is not a smart idea.