Landlord here

Fuck all of you renting pieces of shit. Maybe if you had decent credit you could actually buy a house. But no! You're all a bunch of fucking losers who will never own real property so you rent from me. Honestly you should be thanking me. If it wasn't for me you would all be living out on the street or still at mommy and daddy's house.

You wanna know what the best part about being a landlord is? Evictions. There's nothing better than seeing a crying, driveling little fuckwat digging through his trash after it gets thrown out on the curb because he didn't pay rent for 2 months.

There's no such thing as a good renter. They are all the bottom feeders of society. Just a bunch of good for nothing born losers! None of you will ever amount to anything in life. Now pay me my rent fuckheads.

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You're a glorified ticket scalper and deserve to get scalped. Once you abuse enough tenants, this will start happening enmasse.

This is mediocre bait at best.

>You're a glorified ticket scalper and deserve to get scalped. Once you abuse enough tenants, this will start happening enmasse.
This is why I don’t rent to zoomers and millimials.

absolutely fucking based

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Based. Poorfag tenants btfo

t. home hoarder

one time I had a landlord like this copy pasta describes. Total tool, never fixed anything, was awful at his job, sometimes tried to get us to pay rent early - I think he was into gambling. Finally our ceiling collapsed in the 3rd bedroom because of a water leak from upstairs they never fixed. They tried to blame us for the leak coming from upstairs? At the time, a friend of min in college was dealing with a bedbug infestation in his dorm. So we collected about 50 of those spawns of satan and left them in our apartment, and the 2 other buildings he owned next door. I looked him up about a year later and he shot himself. Related? idk, but bedbugs are evil blood suckers like landlords

r u mad tho

>buy a house
>debt slavery


Landlords are parasites to banks. All you landlords fuckheads do is take the banks money, buy some shitty property with it, and then make minimal payments back to the bank every month because you're too fucking lazy to find good tenants or work a normal job like every other person. Also, don't act like just owning a building with the banks money means anything. The banks money is what bought the property and it was the construction workers that built everything. Fucking parasite kys faggot

Not an argument. Get a job, landdie.

>massivr crisis hits
>everybody justifies their usefullness to their immediate group by their skills and knowledge
>former landlord's turn to talk
>i-i-i'm r-really good at owning stuff? Gib food plox

Paid my rent and other bills today, felt good to not be a nigger.

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Maybe if the human capital you and your developer & corporatist buddies used were legit American citizens, maybe we'd have a little sympathy.

You and other rich people are parasites.

So you rather pay rent and help the landlord acquire more asset? Thanks

>1 post
Larplord detected.


Why would I want to slave to banks. Much rather rent and be free of debt from a over inflated asset

>maybe we'd have a little sympathy.
We don’t need it. I could’ve flipped my investment properties but I didn’t. You need landlords more than we need renters.

I hope everyone else is contributing to the chaos by shitposting as the extremes of both sides.
>I and my fellow tenants have agreed not to pay a penny to that pos scum
>I've already spoken to my lawyer and I have eviction letters ready for each tenant who hasn't paid.

>Coronavirus is a hoax nothingburger that will blow over in a week
>Corona will have us literally shooting our neighbors in the streets in 3 days

Thanks user your rent will pay the loan and when the property is sold I get to keep your rent.

Not an argument. I just don’t rent to Zoomers and Millinials.

HAH! You are assuming I have mortgages. I don't have a single mortgage. I own all of my properties outright. Try again you little faggot.

Until the whole thing collapses, as it soon will.

The your left -500k, mean while I start from +wage minus bills.

Have fun with that gay boy

Worst of all is that he is the type of landlord who just owns the land, not the building itself. The most insidious and parasitic type of landlord.

He declared a piece of rock that he didn’t produce, and doesn’t even touch now, his own, and he charges people to build businesses on that chunk of rock and pay him for it.

He just skims a portion of the actual production from the business as tribute for letting the business stay on his chunk of rock.


Pay your rent losers.

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Ok Boomer

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noun: parasite; plural noun: parasites

an organism that lives in or on an organism of another species (its host) and benefits by deriving nutrients at the other's expense.

By literal definition you poors are parasites. Bump for OP.

>Corona will have us literally shooting our neighbors in the streets in 3 days

I live in a gated community you little pussy

weird how this board turns into leftypol when it's time to pay the rent

absolutely based!!!!!!!

NO, see, then you're just renting from the bank instead of an old white faggot.

you're not fooling anybody, LARP twitter faggot

If you’re really a landlord you’d know every fucking court in the country is closed for months due to the virus. Add in that evictions take a while to do as well.

In short, you’re a scumbag larper, which is ironically slightly better than an actual boomer landlord as the boomer has, at every opportunity, chosen to fuck over his country and fellows for personal gain.

Either way, have a sage

>t. Poorfag
I pay cash for my properties. I have no loans from any bank.


You landlords are niggers who at most puts in a couple hours of work a day to make sure each tenant has there basic housing needs met and plumbing then go out and do whatever the fuck you want the rest of the day. Be it coke, weed, 12 binge at the bar then Denny’s and at 2am. You live all that freedom an luxury just to keep a building maintained and to yell at tenants for a really short shift each day. Your lives are heaven. That’s why the name “lord” is in your name you ass hat.
God damn I can’t wait to finish the next few years of marine corps because I’m going to pull the same scam your pulling.
Want an easy ass life? Just become a landlord. Go be a dick and life becomes easy.
Fuck you!

Based and Georgepilled

This. My little rent piggies better pay April’s due or else I’ll put a shotgun to their heads and pull the trigger like cattle they are.

based, fuck tenants.

>boomer OP Btfo

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>closed for months
That’s why you’re a renter you don’t think beyond a month lol

Oh damn if your MY landlord I dare you fucker

implying you’d be able to afford the apartment building without renters

Landlords get the rope

My credit is immaculate, and I'd probably be in a house of my own by now if it weren't for you greedy kikes raising my rent every fucking year which makes it difficult for me to save for a (((down payment))).

Also I have never once been late on my rent and I keep my place clean. Stop being such a fucking jew when I ask you to fix something. That's what I'm paying you for you dumb kike.

>You landlords are niggers
Wow 1984 is strong with this one

But of course. Accelerationism all the way erry day.

Maybe if (((landlords))) weren't hoarding all the houses then we could afford to buy one.

Just remember. The rent's due tomorrow.

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Landlords can afford lots of guns....and legal fees too

All slumlords will be dealt with in due time. Hide while you can

this is why you are a piece of shit

Gated community people get the rope

You knew it was a slum when you signed the lease.

Inheritors get the rope

Honestly you people laugh at toilet paper hoarders, but you really don't have enough toilet paper yourselves. The average person uses 3 rolls per day. If you have a family of 25, that's 814 rolls a week. Over 6790 a month. TP rolls will be worth their weight in gold in a few months, because everyone needs it...


u gon die.

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Exactly Boomer. Where do you think Cleetus and Tyrone are gonna go looking first? They know us in the slums dont have much, but you lord, why, yall are fat pickins.

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>t. Entitled zoomer
Not going to rent to your kind no matter how many insults you have.

God I wish I could pay her rent every day.

This site is and always has been about personal independent freedoms. Landlords are not that

Shoot’em them Sue’em kek you’re a fag

>Landlord here...
>...the best part is evictions...

Larp harder you absolute fucking retard.

Admit it commie fags. You'll talk tough now, but tomorrow you'll tuck your dick between your legs and pay your rent.

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> independent freedoms
You are free to save money buy a house and rent them. Envy is such an ugly thing

Congrats, you grew up privileged in a decently wealthy family and you were able to save up enough money to buy a property. Considering how you characterize anyone that doesn't own property a parasite and such, you've probably never been homeless, never had to worry if you had money to eat, and never been through any significant hardship that would give you some understanding to why not everyone owns a fucking house. Kys faggot poster

That’s not the way habitability laws work chico

A weak mechanical gate that takes probably 3 people or a single car driving 20mph to force it open (if they can’t already hop it) that is possibly manned by a single unarmed security guard.

Sure nigger
Wait till the next virus comes in December and it kills 60% of boomers your prop values will plunge to 1956 levels when 30 - 40 million empty houses flood the market - you’ll beg me to buy it because everyone will now be able to afford to buy - no one will rent. You will die penniless strangled on kike loans.

Oh it’s coming.
Rest assured.
Super depression!