I have nCOV-19/covid19

I have corona, I am so mad I wish I washed my hands.

Please wash your hands.
My temperature is 40 degrees Celsius or ~109
I must of touched something I didnt leaved my house for two weeks!

Attached: screenshot_calalit.png (1054x820, 266.16K)

Other urls found in this thread:


109 degrees Fahrenheit****

>thread where reptile jew doesn't realize that 109 fever would make it practically incapable of shitposting on a taiwanese bottlerocket forum

Attached: 1581548557228.jpg (400x300, 28.22K)



how does it feel like a flu ?
do you know how did you get infected ?


I dont have pneumonia yet

Shit bait, get new material

>109 degrees
is that high for reptilians?

>109 degrees Fahrenheit

>109 degrees

He did the conversion wrong. 40 Celsius is 104 Fahrenheit.

I had it, its fuck all. you will be ok in a week.
don't believe the bs about it.

What were your first symptoms?

t. don't know if I have corona or an anxiety attack

Stop sucking nigger dick you dirty whore.

>oy vey, got me a temperature of 6,000,000 degrees, stay inside goy.

>corona jew
>comes back in a week
Nice try, agent.

they just let you stay home and rot ?
they don't take you to the hospital ?

Haha I haven’t even showered in two weeks.

>or ~109
>109 degrees Fahrenheit****
nigger you'd be dead.

fuck yeah
spread it

A- blood type?

>My temperature is 40 degrees Celsius or ~109
Hey man, I got corona'd last year, it wasn't cool. I have some tips for you if you're interested in hearing me out.

he meant 104

>109 degrees F
>Normal body temperature ranges from 97 to 99, with an average of 98.6
>100 - 103 = fever
>109 = u ded son


Its airborne. How anyone has not figured that out yet is beyond me.

I am AB negative, I heard its one of the rarest I donated a lot of times my blood..

>he meant 104
I have a Fahrenheit mode on the thing too I know there is many americans

FAST! To the local synagogue and to your magic wall! It will help to defeat the virus! Human contact also improves your health!

They told me to stay home because there is no where to put me in since I live in the northen part of Israel

synagogues are closed hans


Always do the opposite of what the jews say ;^)

Coloidal silver in a nebulizer will help clear up the cough. Cgcsforum.com tells how to make it.

Zinc and vitamin C are good supplements.
Take whatever OTC or prescription meds you need so you can get a good night's sleep.

Also, stop denying your Messiah in case you go meet Him this week.

Attached: I Am Rainbow.jpg (2550x3300, 512.8K)

>107 degrees: multiple organ failure can occur, and the high temperature itself might bring on seizures
>treated with fever reducers and cooling blankets
At 109 you'd be approaching world record tier for surviving, idiot. You would not be capable of posting on here.

Hurry up and die kikes.

just wait until the oven if preheated

Start hitting the baking soda, bro.

9/10 chance you are being punished for secretly keeping an idol in the house.

Am I wrong?

Attached: OrangeJews.jpg (500x400, 46.58K)

If you die, can I have your GF?

Attached: 1584888382507.jpg (1080x1349, 137.75K)

>in soviet russia, furnace is you

Attached: 1583611515340.png (600x750, 272.95K)

Would you please describe all symptoms you have been feeling this past week up until diagnosis and beyond, no mater how insignificant they may seem? Was there a hot sweat before the illness? Diarrhea, mild dizziness, upset stomach, change of appetite, sneezing? In great detail, please.

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Trust sessions

>109 degrees Fahrenheit

Attached: haha.jpg (250x245, 16.83K)

Hey look it's the spainfag shilling the German quack doctor again

Get well soon

Are you a beer? How can you not leave your house for 2 weeks?

You must be a non jew, Israel jews even help jews in Italy. Spread the love, you can be a hero now.

Read Origins of Totalitarianism
This book is so important that nobody even thinks of not making it available for free. It's like copyright just dissolves before your very eyes. That's because it's an act that's impossible to follow.
Start your own totalitarian movement
Tell lies in order to make yourself and those around you feel better
Jews are invincible
Jewish death is a hoax
The only human progress is in horror fiction
On the Jews and Their Lies is a treatise that contains the blueprints for Hollywood
In all places at all times, anti-Semitism is not to be taken seriously unless profits from entertainment operations are topical

111222 Counter cultural Values \ \ Thanissaro Bhikkhu \ \ Dhamma Talks
Give it a try
don't listen too hard
just turn it down and put it in the background
take it easy

So much for Corona-chan only being for the goyim

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Don't worry, jew bro. It'll all be over at 110.

Thanks muhamad, allah whaky bar

U R ded.

109 countries it is a sign.

Fake. Fuck off kike.

Hey Kim Jong Un, how are Supreme Leader duties going?

go out to the local synagogue and spread it you pussy

I have suspected that we have more than one virus hitting us. One with really long (4 --> weeks) incubation time. Even if you buy the offical "one virus, two distinct strains" -narrative you still have possibility to incubate way longer than 2 weeks.

gas yourself. it's the only guaranteed cure.

Rare flag OP

The proteins in your liver and pancreas start to denature and “cook” at 108F. You’re full of shit.

I think he meant 104 he said ~

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I hope you die jew.

All of this is your fault