
What the fuck is he doing? 2 trillion more dollars? Are we crashing this thing with no survivors? What the hell is phase 4?

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Yet the dollar keeps gaining he trying to weaken the dollar to help exports?

>He doesn't know
Welp, good luck to you user. Best wishes.

>America has started a great works project

The thing about money is that, when things are going to shit, it’s fucking worthless.

He's taking advantage of the situation. Making lemonade as it were

Thank you boomer. We would be lost without you.

if the country is is bankrupt it would be better to have a crash with new roads and utilities and ports and trains and airports

better than printing money for wall street
my concern is that these infrastructure jobs are going to benefit beaners more than whites
or worse, mass imported pajeets

regardless of future demographics most of us still have to live here

who cares at this point, shop till you drop!

This. He's doing the classic "run up the credit card if you're going to declare bankruptcy anyways" strat. The difference being you can't reposes a bridge.


With a projected 30% unemployment, I imagine it will be those people.

no one sent me a check. it's time to start dragging people into the street and cleaning up society.

this is how trump saves us

Pretty much. We could see a 1950's style boom with this unironically.

They need to rebuild the sewers in ft lauderdale. Shit breaks out evdry week.

This means Qanon is BTFO.
Qanon highlights a tweet from someone who wrote an article for bloomberg Opinion claiming that Trump had structural changes to the Fed put into the coronavirus relief bill, which was published on the yahoo finance site, and spent some time on the drudge homepage
Trump would not be encouraging this much borrowing if he did indeed plan on ruining the Fed by moving to a gold backed currency, and then cause chaos for all borrowers in the aftermath. of course they may have gamed out a different scenario where all the borrowers also win in a currency migration, or competing currency emergence
i'll cite the tweets and qanon drops if asked too lazy to do it rn really

It's a great plan. Lots of dead end service sector jobs are probably gone and people could get real jobs building stuff. It would renew people's pride in themselves and their country. He is actually going to make America great again.

>Globalism shut down due to virus
>China is getting blasted globally for fucking everyone over
I mean is there a better time to crash the fake money machine and restore manufacturing and infrastructure?

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why wont he give israel that money instead?

The loan will be at zero interest rates. Hes literal Hitler and we will in short time become literal Nazi Germoney. Get your shit and get ready, this time the right side will win.

>beaners and pajeets waking up and going to work for 9 hours is a bad thing
Wtf are you going on about? Are you saying we'd rather have them sitting around on the streers demanding gibs?

>INB4 they have to go back
Well, yea..

>tfw Im with Israel on this one.

Everywhere is a total shithole.
Everywhere in the world. Only places that aren't are outgunned 1,000,000x by the USA.

This is what everyone forgets when saying USA will fall.
Now we use our strong dollar to rebuild ourselves, everyone else goes bankrupt way worse and MURR-IIIII-CAAAAAAAAAAAAA!

Phase IV: We go full hivemind.

>rather have them sitting around on the streers demanding gibs?
no, i'd rather they go back to mexico
but what im afraid will happen is that it will turn into some sort of amnesty thing

yeah bibi needs another private jet while we israelis starve to death

He's a boomer, what do you expect? They don't give a shit about the future for Generation Z.

Meanwhile, in other news:
Right now under our noses, the primary dealers are getting trillions in reserves through the Fed’s recently resuscitated Primary Dealer Credit Facility (aka the PDCF). The Primary Dealers (aka the big banks) are receiving funds in the form of reserves (not cash) from the PDCF for their now worthless treasuries, stocks, corporate bonds, mortgage-backed securities, etc. In 2008 the big banks were supposed to, but DID NOT, lend out these PDCF reserves to smaller banks, which drastically increased the Big Banks' balance sheets over the last decade. This allowed them to simultaneously collect interest on these excess reserve funds from the Fed via the IOER (Interest On Excess Reserves) rate, while screwing over the smaller banks and withholding much needed liquidity for regular people and small businesses.
Unfortunately, today’s new PDCF operation makes the 2008 PDCF operation look like child’s play. Trillions in reserves are currently being added to the Primary Dealers’ balance sheets each month (in the form of repos) with NO OBLIGATION TO PASS THIS LIQUIDITY ON TO THE SECONDARY MARKET, once again.
We are AGAIN bailing the big banks out RIGHT NOW, to save them and their cronies from financial firms holding junk corporate bonds and trillions in futures contracts in interest rate swaps (all under the guise of a solution to the coronavirus pandemic), right under all our noses and at our expense.
Can the American public be this dumb twice?

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>muh jobs

Start digging ditches and getting paid $15/hr. Enjoy your opioid addiction when you fuck up your back.

>y-your just scared to pull up your bootstraps! Better men before you did it!

They got paid enough to buy a house and raise a family on one fucking income.

Not me

Forgot to mention these jobs are all temporary, so add another layer of shit to the crap sundae.

I've already seen road work being done on usually busy streets in a large city. Might be a good time to do all of this desu. We come back and everything is fixed yay!. But is phase 5 when we get rid of the darkies?


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phase 5 is when the darkies get rid of you

His distracting you from exponential casualties

He's embraced the funny money FED train

i get paid in usd, so the stronger it gets the better (assuming I still have a job kek).

that being said, the CRC went up a couple of points today (after a week of losing around 16 points).

Based and FDR pilled.
I sure hope he doesn’t want to cancel student debt too.

This theory isn't from Q user.
I don't know why you morons are even trying to conflate the two.
I don't follow Q and was the one that cut the screengrab a number of people around here are using.

They did it differently for a reason.
Take your pick of reasons.

And does it have anything to do with the Fed now effectively being part of the US Treasury and being headed by Trump himself?

>Are we crashing this thing with no survivors?
Unironically yes. Trump is destroying the Fed right in front of our eyes.

Politics aside, Trump rising to the occasion, becoming enshrined as the 21st century FDR, and memorialized in statues and monuments from coast to coast, would be the fitting conclusion this timeline deserves.

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>Donald Trump has resurrected fdr with new deal 2.0

ok fuck this shit I'm voting for joe

>Can the American public be this dumb twice?
Surprisingly, the answer is no.
That's why we have a huge hoax covering up all the news.

Damn will Trump be the one to truly bankrupt America like they all said he would?

Money thrown into the economy without increased productivity creates inflation

If we spend on infrastructure and create dollar for dollar productivity, then there is no issue

based trump taking down the world with no survivors.

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Shut up faggot we’re going to build shit.

All "banking" is nonsensical wizardry and should be banned. Trading goods and services does not require such a dizzying array of moving parts.
Debt is not an acceptable tradable good, this is an act of scammery.

All banks are Charlatans and you buy their nonsense along with everyone else. Burn the money priests.

Phase 4 = profit??

So the debt just doesn't even matter anymore


He’s referring to the 4th stimulus bill.


The elites love money.
They abuse children and cause wars just to get more money.
If you crash the value of money, the middle and working classes will actually be better off.
A literal fucking 9D move

Anti-Q shilling is as high as it's ever been lately, and I think it's because the virus is demonstrating exactly the kind of circumstances under which Q's "plan" could finally come to fruition. It's going to be one hell of an April.

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Imagine this- 10trillion to rebuild america, right before removing the old currency and issuing a new one.

If banks can create money from nothing whats to stop them from buying/owning everything? Nothing

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dollar is too strong
nerf dollar plz
peso is best currency

>Surprisingly, the answer is no.
>That's why we have a huge hoax covering up all the news.
this is the best answer i've gotten so far
>Trading goods and services does not require such a dizzying array of moving parts.
pic related

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> he doesn't know

The fed now belongs to the US Treasury, you are in fact in the best possible time line, have the champagne chilled and ready for announcement.

>They abuse children and cause wars just to get more money.
I think you have their motivations wrong m8.
Power. Libido Dominandi.

Put in another way.
By going brrrrrrrr a billionaires money will be 100 times less, so they only have 100 million.
But minimum wage workers will still earn minimum wage.



Just pay you bills, take the rest of this shit out, along with the 30 percent of the people who just got laid off. The Fed can only insure 2% of withdrawals. If it comes down to it, the banks will freeze your withdrawal limit and lock you off from your own cash.

Good shit. A well working infrastucture is very important.

The anti-Q shills are enough to push me towards it. But that could also be a pysop so I stay out of it.
I've been around far to long to need a Q.
I'll believe this stuff when I see it and for the time being I'll just keep plodding along spreading actual information.

>2 trillion
>can completely rebuild our infrastructure
>already gave kikes 6 trillion
What the fuck are they even doing with it? Pretending to be Scrooge McDuck?

the world is not going to allow trump to print 66 gorrillion dollars you retard.

its going to be hell

Phase 4 is right-wing death squads.

When a man can buy everything he wants how do you get leverage on him? I think the paedophilia was introduced as a way to control the elites by a higher set of elites. By controlling them you can maintain the status quo.

M o d e r n M o n e y T h e o r y

so close but i still believe it




>Yas Forums
>in charge of literally anything

Imagine shipping US parts around America by solar powered trains. It will be a new era.

That's because white people are too lazy to work construction.

This site just ignores this fact, day in and day out, that the vast majority of whites in our countries have never worked an honest day in their lives.

> He doesn't know about the gold nesera/gesera

>get rid of

Beaners in fast food got mass laid off by all this, so we've already lost a few million of them.

That's because the pay is too low.

romanians are white and arent lazy

Next phase is the declare bankruptcy and absolve all our debt.

What happened with the nicaraguans? Did they fuck off?

Wait, is that Fed repos or the entire repo market to include the big 4 banks? If it's Fed only, it would seem like Wells, Chase, JPM, and Citi are taking care of the load and only resorting to the Fed when the shit hits the fan.


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Trips of truth checked. I've been around since Q started and was basically a part of it. I'm looking forward to the future. One way or another, Q is no LARP. And no, I didn't pick up my phone. Bad times means wasted opportunities.

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>t. seething chang

>issuing a new one.
excellent idea
We can also save ourselves $5T off of our $17T US Public Debt by eliminating the Fed.
pic related
Why are the debts on the Fed's balance sheet the taxpayers' responsibility, but the taxpayers never benefit from the interest obtained from the Fed's assets?
What are federal reserve shareholders? Hint hint, it's not you, we the taxpayers are only on the liability side of the Fed's balance sheet, it seems.

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Imagine driving without having to worry about potholes


>I've been around since Q started

he's preventing the stock market from going do by saying random shit.

fuck feds
kill cops

I wish Americans all the strength required to fuck the central banking system
Go all out, reduce every stone to dust, things can only get worse for everyone as long as that system still breathes
We will rebuild, it can't be worse then whatever they had planned

Many of my white friends did/do concrete.

>muh gunz
can't even beat rice farmers lol

The entire repo market it is.
Funny thing you mentioned that, because pic related shows the banks are stronger than ever, supposedly. Then why would they need to have no capital requirements and why are trillions/month greasing the already insolvent financial sector. the Fed and its shareholders have been bankrupt since 2008.

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you know a lot about losing wars

I was also around when Yas Forums was doing barrel rolls on Tom Green and Hal Turner's shows, romanigger. Your country is and always has been trash.

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He's going to fuck up the dollar then re institute the gold standard.
have you seen his new fed chairman?

I say do it.

What's the worst that can happen?
That the US continues to not pay off its eternally growing debt to itself?

I want a new superhighway system that's better maintained and designed for 100mph speeds.

As Americans we deserve nothing less.

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>What the fuck is he doing?
Transitioning to the next FDR.

Our country has wide ranging climates and I am a good driver so I can avoid them in most cases.

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No violence please, Agent Provocateur.

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You think waiters, baristas, and journalists are going to join the job corps to do physical labor?

No, this is going to be a boon for the nigger and spic communities.

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Millions out of work. Fix unemployment by giving everyone a job

(((They))) are looting us again. Trump is on their side, as he said he was in his election campaign.

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>designed for 100mph speeds
why so low and not 200mph like in Germany? After all USA has long ass motorways, you might as well go fast. Also throw something to help autonomous driving in there too.

but cops are faggots
like, im trying to stab this dude why they always gotta get involved

Whatever you say amerimutt. I support Trump, but after he walks in 2024 you're fucked.
Enjoy a gay, black, trannie, commie president.

But if all old debts are considered predatory lending and everything gets wiped we may see why he's taking massive stimulus packages. Get what we can and torpedo it.

Pay well and I'll work

>dollar keeps gaining strength
kek sorry to break it to you but bond yields are at record lows

He was attacked with a manufactured crisis of COVID19. He is doing his best to deflect and also of course taking advantage.

Trump knows exactly what he's doing.

Nigga he's going full FDR with the CCC. Kinda based.

I'll say it again...the dollar keeps getting stronger

nah, there's some concern about them leaving and coming en masse in Semana Santa, but the borders are closed and they government put a rule that any resident (non citizen) that leaves the country these days will automatically lose their resident status.

but they still make a large part of the people that are still working and in crowded shanty towns and shit like that.

We are fucked now.

Anyone who has looked at the numbers understands legal immigration [white genocide] has been the primary tool used to replace us. Over a million a year pouring in decade after decade since the 1980s. They have already replaced us. Our children are under 50% of the students under 18 now. We have quite literally already been genocided and it is now a slow decline, managed by opportunist psychopaths such as obama or trump. It is over. We lost. More legal immigration is just nails in the coffin.

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imagine not having understood the fact that Trump is the Federal Reserve

by the way, hee's implementing Modern Monetary Theory MMT.
tl:dr is
Private debt bad
Public debt ok as long as you control your money (like the US does)
Public debt created for jobs (such as 2T for infrastructure) actually helps because the money goes to jobs for private citizens

>thinks two term limit will remain
RomaNIGGER. Such a fool.

He’s priming everyone for war with China. That is phase 4

This is Jew talk for "we're installing 5G towers under cover because we know none of you wanted it and the science is backing up its dangers, so we wanted to beat that too"