In this battle between Christianity and Science which side are you on Yas Forums?
In this battle between Christianity and Science which side are you on Yas Forums?
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False dichotomy.
Are you talking about Christian Science?
That's religion.
I'm always on my side.
Imagine believing the Jewish lie that Christianity and science are at war
Do you know how much they've been able to contribute to each other?
Science exists as concrete laws because God made it so.
MIGA! Let's crash the economy with no survivors.
I know which side I’m not on, and that side is Kiketianity
Unlike the church, science has never lied to me.
Christian science
Christian don’t reject science. They like novel cancer therapies and electronics same as anyone. They just get defensive around evolutionary science because some militant atheist neckbeard thinks it disproves creationism. In truth evolutionary theory and creationism are non sequitur. ET is how we think life was built. It doesn’t explain by who or why.
Science is observation based on what we can see. Religion is belief in things we can’t.
If I could I would make my own religion/philosophy that venerates and studies technology and also intellect/being and how it can be manipulated
technoccultism or something
For instance I have a theory that whenever something "functions" e.g a mechanism you can just breathe on it while meditating to fix it by feeling a "field" around it and arranging it so it will "repair" itself.
Mostly I just hold my new mouse that broke in my hands and try to repair it with my mind/biolectrical field since i like it but i can't open it up since its one of "those" mice you're supposed to toss out when it breaks from use. Sometimes it works and the left mouse buttons functions for a few clicks then it stops until i do it again.
Also electricity. Being able to think with electricity that's around and inside you. I think "consiousness" is in fact electricity looking inside/at itself somehow
You haven't studied evolutionary theory if you think that. Evolutionary theory explains the development of complexity in nature though chance mechanisms.
It is fundamentally at odds with the notion of a intelligent design.
It's my belief that God used controlled evolution as the mechanism for creation
Both are full of jews and retards so neither one.
>can't even spell the word
Here's an example:
Why do giraffes have long necks?
Design Theory: To reach to the top the tree. (i.e., the purpose of the long neck is to reach to the top of the tree).
Evolutionary Theory: Giraffe ancestors with long necks survived and reproduced better than ancestors with short necks. Over time random mutations resulted in giraffe's with longer and longer necks. That's why giraffe's now have long necks. (i.e., the purpose is not the reach the top of the tree... they have longer necks because of their history).
If God was real (and he isn't) he would have made giraffe necks the perfect length moron
That is at odds with the evolutionary story.
Evolution is not a mechanism for design. Its an explanation for complexity through random changes.
"Controlled evolution" isn't evolution. Evolution is by natural selection. When you add God to it, its not natural selection anymore.
Natural selection is by definition not controlled.
Just say... I don't believe in evolution. I believe God made gradual changes in animals over time resulting in stuff as it is now. That is your position.
Its not a scientific one though.
If you mix science and faith you'll get something better than both.
For instance being able to turn yourself or any retard into a genius.
What's the point of knowing stuff if you don't know what knowing is? What's the point of any achievement when there's only two that matter
1) starting from stupid and ignorant(chaos) to becoming smart and wise(order)
2) helping someone stupid and ignorant become smart and wise from understanding what it means to understand and teaching them how to do it for themselves
The only way to test yourself is trough other people. Keeping people ignorant about something is no different than admitting fear and ignorance and if I could I would show them everything I know and why I wanted to know it.
For instance the demiurge.
There's always the Demiurge but even if it's god-like it's not really God.
The demiurge has managed to isolate what would consider as "god" and that's "nothing".
God is literally nothing because nothing doesn't exist and everything else does. If you literally believe in nothing and not just denying there's a god you're doing the impossible by demonstrating true faith.
Poor design shows that there is no creator.
Take the appendix. It doesn't do anything. Why would a designer put it in the body?
Like if you were designing a car would you put a small device in it that didn't do anything EXCEPT every once in a while it exploded killing everyone in the car.
Only a moron would do that. So, why would a designer put the appendix in the human body.
He wouldn't... there was no designer.
False and/or logic there Jew.
Understanding the glory of God means exploring the mechanisms of his creation.
Only Jewish media has you believe otherwise.
>Like if you were designing a car would you put a small device in it that didn't do anything EXCEPT every once in a while it exploded killing everyone in the car.
what are emission control systems for 400, alex?
>Poor design shows that there is no creator.
There's no such thing as poor design just focus and coherence in the form of symmetry and assymetry.
Symmetry is assymetrical in it's inflexibility and assymetry is flexible in its symmetry.
Just admit it, you're only atheist because you're ashamed of your grandma.
it is not a battle between christianity and science, it's a battle between christianity and people who claim science disproves religion
>We don't understand the function of the appendix but it malfunctions sometimes therefore God doesn't exist.
People like you are why we find skulls with holes carved into them.
This, Christianity founded science. But, if it ever came down to anything vs Christianity, I'm battting for Christ
Sticky should here be the 15 most used logical fallacies.
You don't need science to disprove any religion. The simple fact you have to read or have someone tell you about God means it has nothing to do with it and that person doesn't know a thing.
You can't quantify or measure God because it's nothing. It's impossible. Nobody knows god because it's the only thing that's not real.
Why you should become christian NOW:
>Disunited and shattered faith
>Constant argument amongst each other, maybe a bit of war like in good ol days
>Most christians are non Europeans
>you get to be brother with niggers, mexicans, bugs
>Its ok to breed black african cuties and racemix
>you get to worship best god in history, one that ordered circumcisiom
>You get to kill anyone not your type of christian regardless if they are white, black, good ol religious wars
>You get finest wisdom in the world in form of Bible, written by...well..umm..newermind, god, yes, god
>you get to turn the other cheek
Join now!
Fuck catholics, protestant, orthodox, evangelical, presbyterians you are heretic and my christianity is right, as heretic you will be murdered if you dont accept jesus in the right way.
>My way!!!
Europe on abrahamism, divided and sad.
>30 year war
>French religious wars
>Saxon wars
>Wendish crusade
>Livonian crusade
>Danish crusade
>Cathar crusade
>Hussite crusade
>War of three kingdoms
>80 year war
and more...
>Religious wars in pagan europe, complete list:
Zero, zip, zilch, nada, niente
>Christianity founded science
Nope they just furthered it. You could say science and technology started when the first primate to ever exist grabbed a stick and used it as a tool.
The proof of evolution and that man continues to evolve is right in front of you or in your hands in the form of a computer/phone.
Christianity and Science are both bogus instruments of totalitarian indoctrination
don't get sucked into killing jews
don't get sucked into doing experiments
I don't kill jews.
I don't do experiments.
>We don't understand the function of the appendix
Oooo.... another great religious mystery. The mystery of the appendix!
Sorry dude... its no mystery in science. Its an evolutionary leftover.
Take your silver solution and you be fine!
Jesus's followers said he was God in order to get the government to kill him. They were just run of the mill anti-semites who made fun of religion in a lethal way. Christians are the original Yas Forumstards. Go to church if you don't believe me. Actually, don't go to church for a while, see if your church has online sermons and online congregation instead.
Both, I support Christianity for the community and cultural bonds it makes as well as the individual spiritual aid and I support science for the betterment of people, not fake science like anti vax, but real sciences that are over looked and key to humanity.
Jesus is the Truth.
Christianity is great at promoting cultural bonds and community unity. Indeed, its emphasis on service to those in need is quite admirable. It cultivates some very virtuous activity and helps people psychologically as well.
That being said... science should drive political policy. Not the invisible people in the sky.
>Christianity is great at promoting cultural bonds and community unity
34Do not assume that I have come to bring peace to the earth; I have not come to bring peace, but a sword. 35For I have come to turn
‘a man against his father,
a daughter against her mother,
a daughter-in-law against her mother-in-law.
36A man’s enemies will be the members
of his own household.’
In the future science, religion and philosophy will be unified. None by themselves can explain total reality.
The spirit created the flesh; the flesh creates the soul; the soul can become one with the spirit and there is your story. A story that will enter into eternity. Humans do have a beginning but with the spirit there is not end.
You do know that truth and fact are not the same, don't you?
Science answer how it works, religion why it exists.Just not the same purpose.Opposing science and religion is a false dichotomy.
>Christianity and Science
desu, I don't think Trump believes in either on
That's wishful thinking. If you wanted it to happen you will work on yourself or better yet ask yourself why you want it. Humanity doesn't know what it wants. Some people just want to live forever in peace yet worship something that shortens their life and drags them in conflict. Some people want to be smart but only because they want to tower over others in something and not find a way to elevate them out of fear they might surpass them instead of being proud and learning from them.
>Christianity and (((Science)))
Thank you neckbeard bro for jumping in and proving my point. Discovering how evolutionary mechanisms work is not the same thing as proving/disproving the existence of intelligent design. It’s simply better understanding the mechanism. Is there a way for organic life to spontaneously occur? Yes. Is that spontaneous event possible because of an intelligent designer who shaped the universe in such a way that those events would be possible? Who the fuck knows.
>we won't prohibit churches from holding service and letting large numbers of people congregate and breath all over each other while singing, but we need to forbid abortions because that wastes protective equipment, never mind how much will be used by patients the congregation will create
Every church I've seen that isn't insane has cancelled service, but why give any institution the chance to harm their members? Even the pope is telling people to stay home. Your religion isn't under attack unless it's the only thing canceled, but one might draw the conclusion that they're trying to get you killed by letting you congregate.
The Urantia Book
>[Paper :Section. Paragraph]
IF MAN recognized that his Creators—his immediate supervisors—while being divine were also finite, and that the God of time and space was an evolving and nonabsolute Deity, then would the inconsistencies of temporal inequalities cease to be profound religious paradoxes. No longer would religious faith be prostituted to the promotion of social smugness in the fortunate while serving only to encourage stoical resignation in the unfortunate victims of social deprivation.
When viewing the exquisitely perfect spheres of Havona, it is both reasonable and logical to believe they were made by a perfect, infinite, and absolute Creator. But that same reason and logic would compel any honest being, when viewing the turmoil, imperfections, and inequities of Urantia, to conclude that your world had been made by, and was being managed by, Creators who were subabsolute, preinfinite, and other than perfect.
Experiential growth implies creature-Creator partnership—God and man in association. Growth is the earmark of experiential Deity: Havona did not grow; Havona is and always has been; it is existential like the everlasting Gods who are its source. But growth characterizes the grand universe.
The Almighty Supreme is a living and evolving Deity of power and personality. His present domain, the grand universe, is also a growing realm of power and personality. His destiny is perfection, but his present experience encompasses the elements of growth and incomplete status.
Over here churches are opened but last I heard they'll hold easter outside and let few people go in. If someone wants to play with fire and they've been warned, let them because there's no other way to learn until you get burned by it.
It's great and all you wrote a book but how exactly does it help someone? Did it help you in some way other than give you something to do to spend your time?
>Nobody knows god because it's the only thing that's not real.
Isn't science, science fiction first?
Nobody knows about what future science will discover. Does that mean that it doesn't exist?
Why in your analysis of reality discount entirely the unknowns?
Isn't a common sense to be open to possibilities?
>Isn't a common sense to be open to possibilities?
No, because everything is possible and the only impossible thing is unattainable, unknowable, unreal. It's not God of any religion but THE god and that's nothing.
You don't need to learn nothing
You don't need to be told nothing
You don't need to touch nothing
You always knew nothing and that's what god is.
You don't need to be smart, holy or anything to notice the obvious just choose to stop distracting yourself from that which you don't like e.g being a nobody and nothing.
Without god there would be no limits thus none of this would be possible to be made by the demiurge.
>thinks he is smarter than omnipotent God
cringe and bluepilled
You could say the demiurge built the dream/reality/sphere to study nothing/god and fashioned it out of chaos.
I can actually do two things it has authorized me first one to prove its not "evil" and second show you the obvious "exit" in case you ever want to take a peek at what's outside or wake up there.
You know how you wake up either in the middle of a dream, during a lucid dream or in the morning after a dream? Replicate this waking up feeling as you are now and try to hold it while finding ways to intensify it and you will start seeing what's outside and if you do it for longer and with more intensity it will get so easy and you will want to wake up.
It's fine if you decline you did in a way ask for this opportunity and the choice is yours. You, like everything were always free.
I didn't write the Urantia book.
Science advances when someone writes books. Are you anti science too?
You can't escape from experience. We are experiencial creatures.
What is the demiurge you talk about?
nobody is smarter than nothing
the most powerful you can get in reality is to become the demiurge or realize you always were
"I know that I know nothing"
It's ok to lie to me because your ignorance doesn't allow you to see I tell you this out of admiration not because I want to reduce you to something in some way.
You can always take a peek or wake up or remain as you are until you grow old and die in this limbo of a wandering between self-affirmation and being too close but not enough to truth that was under your nose.