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Ugh plz no. Vidya is the only thing keeping me sane

nukes gonna fly already? cmon man cant you wait a couple years more

You gotta wait a year or two, then I'm ready.

Do you have anything of value to share?

fake and gay


From the expiration date on the the badge, plus the phone camera, they can find out who you are. Not too bright

another schizo slide thread.
What shareblue and adl never managed to do, the local asylum with wifi access does easily.

If anyone cares, I live in walking distance of CERN, shall i look out of the window occasionally to make sure the illuminaty/lizardmen/blacks/jews have not suddenly blown it up???

The EMP happened right before China tried to nuke us.

>time police



Ahhhhh. Holy shit its happening.
Time Traveling Mandela's just flew over my house

your fake card is upside down

Friendly reminder there are two types of "lizardmen"

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The predictions were right

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>Please, we've been waiting you know

Any cool insights from an intern OP?

>teh memeflag

Id really appreciate that.

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blamed on the sun or a weapon?

get that pussy tucked baby, get that pussy ready, for your next illegitimate fuckkkkk

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time stamp with badge would be impressive otherwise LARP

Hey be careful with that dark matter out there. We can't half this planet by an accident.

Post time stamp newfag


I'm guessing that's going by Swiss time? Also I agree with the bong, timestamp would really seal the deal.

Stop trying to open a gateway into hell you crazy crazy people.
Also RIP, they already killed the mock murder ritual leaker. Sorry pal.

OP is btfo. And a faggot

Literally makes no point or convincing proof at all. I can go make one of these too.

Zoomers dont care about these things
>911 controlled demolition
Zoomers are now considered OPTICSBOIS
They care more about their image and popularity then true redpills

Their leader is another zoomer who lives in mommy's basement.

Beware of these anons, they are blackpilled beyond belief and spread misery around them because their power levels are too low, too weak
>redpills cannot save them
Because they care too much for OPTICS..

They will use buzzwords that dont mean anything anymore like
>zion don

They dont have KEK anymore only BLACKPILLS, only despair

So my question is how do we save them or do we cut them off to be hardened by the world?
I feel these new OpticsBois are irreparable and non fixable as they are in a POPULARITY CONTEST with eachother and other retards

>Expires on the 29th month of 20XX

Fake and gays.

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OP is a mop jockey


They’re opticsfags and they’ve always been opticsfags, and you’re a faggot too. Checked.

From what I've come to understand hell is being trapped between dimensional space, and demons are the things that destroy order so that the flow of the universe begins to deconstruct itself.

I'm not trying to say Alex Jones was correct but he was a little bit right. These "multidimensional" beings inhabit earth to purposely cause chaos so that humanity can not incur perfection, or heaven.

They detest ideas like Zion because the very concept of perfect destroys them.

Thats a visitors pass

Midnight GMT?
Im serious break the fucking berylium wave guide if you have to, dont let them open the fucking portal

Get ready for judgement.

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Checked. OP is a fucking faggot

It happens to me too user

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Are people in your town scared of the particle accelerator?

Holy fuck I don’t know who shits up this board more; chinkflu-general prepcsels, or faggot larpcels.

no because they are not stupid.
It has been there since the 50s and nothing could possibly ever happen. this cute little particle accelerator is nothing compared to what happens every day in the uppoer atmosphere when cosmic rays strike its molecules.

People are worried about no housing, too many foreigners, overloaded infrastructure, not enough foreigners, corona... but never ever about the CERN

Gross, bright saunas feel cheap.
They need to be dark and hazy.
How could someone relax in that?

OP is full of shit.

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Hell is different for demons and devils compared to humans. Demons and devils reject God so hard that His presence then burns them eternally. Because they are ultimately still just corrupted versions of His original creations, this is why that happens. But humans were made from a combination of the dust of the Earth and the breath of life of God. Humans' "hell" is absence of God. Time does not exist outside of this material realm. Khronos a representation of Satan is the deity of time. Thus, the punishments for both demons and devils and humans occur outside the existence of time. Eternity.

just download what games you want, and if your rig is off/unplugged when it hits, it will still work fine. People who don't understand how EMPs function always think they're doomsday weapons, but it's not really that hard to protect against. You can also build a Faraday cage. Hell, they make paint for it.

Will they justu not get used to burning tho?

No. Because their hatred and rejection of God is WHY they burn in His presence. Their own choice, their own pride in themselves and their belief in being above God's Word and his domain is what causes the burning. What separates man from God? Sin. What's the only thing that can take away that Sin? Jesus Christ, Iesous Christos. Who are the only ones that God bestowed this gift of salvation to? Mankind.

Yeah you say that but if you have ever seen lightning brick everything in a house you wont be assuming an actual EMP will do nothing.
Oh and that comes under act of god so you cant even claim on it.

No lol nerves don't die in hell, pain is eternal

>2 posts totalling 8 words
>Yas Forums will take this to 300 replies

Just 2 more weeks, bro?
The dragon's belly will drip semen, bro?
The ring and the rod will strike, bro?
Trust the plan?
2 more weeks.
2 more.
Just 2.

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>What separates man from God? Sin.
God’s the biggest sinner of them all. Read any Bible and you’ll see that.

Dubs, like time, always reveal.

You're a cocksucker. Find something more constructive to do with your time than steal photos for slide threads.

Demons are langoliers?

You just know little blurbs from the bible and have judged what cannot be judged based upon your own perspective which is rooted in your own Worldly pride. For the bible clearly states what Sin is, and where it came from in the bible that you claim to know better judgement of. Satan's acts that is all about trying to ruin mankind in the eyes of God. But He never succeeded. If he had, God the Father would have never sent Jesus Christ, Iesous Chriistos, an aspect of Himself, to die on the cross for all Sin.
You have Hubris. And foolish Pride. And what does pride always come? Before the fall. In this case, yours. This you have chosen for yourself. For you were warned, but you ignored the warnings.

I would firmly plant my Wurzel in her, if you know what I mean

Why!!!!!! Are you purposefully doing it or is it coming from space?

is this the mw2 timeline

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