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only strip clubs are esssential

Exterminating black babies is an essential service

Doesn't the church prevent unwanted pregnancy as well but just without the murder part? I don't understand.

Abortion is still illegal here and it's great watching women SEETHE about it, really recommend you guys repeal Roe vs Wade. Trust me you would get 10/10 keks

Yes, church handles preventative measures, abortion clinic handles treatment.

Only guys who want to make abortion Illegal are virgins who can’t get laid so they want to “punish women “ for the lack of confidence with women

>”conservative” blonde bimbo that is too ugly for Fox News
Why do people listen to these walking pairs of tits?

killing babies is an essential service

Only in Trumps America

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>I couldn't bother to write more than one word for my pathetic low-effort OP because I need to focus on huffing as much cock as possible


I've got two more pre-paid pole dancing lessons, and I'll be damned if I miss them.

>only niggers abort
Keep telling yourself that
Shut the fuck up, hole, and make me a sandwich, you fucking cunt

No some of us don’t like the idea of killing babies. The dudes knocking em up are guilty too.
Keep your legs closed or use the pill, condoms.
If it gets through that then they get to be parents.

That, or they actually think that murder is immoral. Either or.


Goddamn all twitter threads and goddamn you op

What's your reason for being appalled? One tells fairy tale to adults. The other provides a vital service.

Inspiration, generosity, compassion, love, faith, spirituality, these things are not needed in these uncertain times. No, what we need is more baby murder. Serve em up hot!

Churches tell fairy tale stories to grown adults


Ok, but why is that a bad thing? Religion does the same job as law without having to wait for something bad to happen. Your 100 iq understanding of religion is laughable, midwit.


kek, blown the fuck out

These are the standards that Jews have placed on society.

It's fine to be morally against them, but please for God's sake, don't ban them, it keeps the populations balanced

Abortion clinics are the new churches.

it's technically healthcare, so this whore can go shut the fuck up

Roasties must be seething that they aren't making money off lap dances and BJs much anymore.

Kek, have any examples or stories?

And people who oppose child sacrifice

Show us some tits and stfu or gtfo

Married mid 20's here. Ban abortion. Oh and suck start a 9mm

>I dont believe in fairy tales
>believes men can chop off their cocks and become women
the very definition of a fairy tale

Elites getting low on baby organ jello obviously, the chrome must flow!

Abortions are the peak of immorality, those involved should be imprisoned for murder and thinking that a dead jew on a stick will somehow protect your from a plague is retarded.

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Gas soon kike

I love how for the eternal loser, copulating with a woman is regarded as the ultimate goal and end in life. do you have posters on your wall?

Wait until you get an EU-mandated population of niggers.

Who else aborts?

>Keep telling yourself that
it's not about the discord tranny convincing himself, it's about convincing the underage b& lurkers who are reading this

>Inspiration, generosity, compassion, love, faith, spirituality
I guess these are fairy tales, then.
I can murder you for fun, then.
I can chop you up and grill you, then.

Based and enlightened-pilled

Even though abortion clinics should be shut down, the issue is clearly the size of the gatherings. Your religious liberty is not being violated by being told that large public gatherings are banned for a few weeks.
Churches usually have large numbers of attendees, many of them old.
I fucking hate MIGAtards almost as much as I hate leftoids

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I hope you realize only cuckolds partner with women in countries where they can legally kill his children at any moment and without him knowing and she won't face any punishment. The only men who think abortion is okay are the types who think a woman's role can be replaced with sex robots. If you want to kill off a population, then do it, aborting your own people isn't the way.

I was surprised to see the local pool store was considered essential desu

Yes, protecting the live of a mother that would die otherwise is an essential service.
Churches, society gatherings are essential too in normal days, but during the time of a pandemic the protection of the life of the church go-er has to be protected as well.
Studying the bible in a smaller family setting can be fun to and Bible-TV/Internet can provide guidance without risking health/life.

The government, the college, the media tell fairytales to everyone.

Those old people need to be secure in their faith & go to heaven after their purpose is accomplished.

Besides jesus heals the faithful

Evangelical hucksters are going to have to get a real job now

It's even funnier because you can't do it across state lines and a repeal would mean only Blue states could do it.

Roasties would literally have to move.

they probably just moved to onlyfans

I always find the atheist hate of religion funny. Put yourself in their shoes.

>Don't believe there is a God.
>Believe Religion is the most powerful political force in world history.
>A method to control even foreign populations.
>Able to manipulate women, soldiers, even enemies!
>Control politics, economics, even war.

No no, we should not be involved in it. We should let the Jews have it. Surely the irreligious will magically start making non-selfish, strategically sound decisions any day now.

Total big brain take.

Am Churchfag.

This take is 100% true.

Don't get yourself infected you God Damned retards.

why do christians have to go to church?
is god not powerful enough to hear prayers from the home?

>temples of christ are non essential, temples of baal are essential

Are abortions performed in significant numbers because they are life threatening to the mother tho.
Because I’m pretty sure the emergency room would admit in that situation?
I agree with you about smaller home churches being ok.

I unironically support Abortion due to it basically being legalized Eugenics. Literally the only women who get abortions are niggers and roasties who shouldn't be breeding in the first place. Hell the founder of Planned Parenthood founded that group for the strict purpose of eugenics against niggers and the Irish but especially niggers. She also did speeches at Klan Rallies about how America only belongs to pure white people and not niggers.

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abortion should be legal.. but the mother must die too.

That’s right. Churches are not essential. Go cuck yourself in front of your rabbi god at home

>Why do leafs have to go on Yas Forums
Its fun

White Leftist Roasties who shouldn't be breeding anyways.

What if they can get an abortion but they have to get a teardrop tattoo for every baby they kill.

trust the plan

Abortion should be a shameful thing that causes excommunication in our culture, but our enemies should be told it's a rite of passage in their culture.

Can you ever TRULY be a Jewish woman if you haven't sacrificed at least one son to the sink of Moloch?

Banning abortion is cross burning! Whites do it to make places unlivable for womyn of color!

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Im concerned because my mother was a whore who put me up for adoption after being unable to care for me. Im concerned for a system that tells me I should be killed as an inconvenience while niggers are allowed to live.

I'm at similar risk. My mother was also an abortion happy leftist whore.

Sadly, I got raised by her, which is probably a worse fate.

The problem with legal abortion tactic is, how many good kids are we willing to let slip through the cracks? No pun intended.