This is not a drill I repeat this is not a drill

The Brits have lost whatever rights they still had. This is not a drill. Total police state control has been put into law. You have no rights. You have no liberty.

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Other urls found in this thread:

>command society
>imperative of saving hundreds of thousands of lives
>worth doing
>please dont let it last too long
fucking fence sitting faggot retards
no one in our current age understands jack shit about freedom.
calling government dystopian or tyrannical while they are being dystopian or tyrannical is typical normie/npc behavior.
like calling people racist or homophobic, meaningless.
if you are afraid that government is being dystopian then stop being a breathless pearl clutcher and fucking do something about it.

so they have double police state?

they can still post here, so all good

This, dribbling faggot tearing up, call it like it is.


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>applies for police jobs


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Individuals shouldn't have choices anyway. Everyone knows but no one wants to admit it.

wow they already surrendered their daughters to paki cab drivers so WTF why not

It's not possible for the UK to be a police state without a police state loicense.


I fully support the police taking away MPs easter eggs. Maybe a dose of police state will wake these fuckers up and repeal this and all the other shit in the future.

i wish israel would do this already too
man, jews are really stupid especially the brown ones


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brits for some reason think freedom, government, nation building, and sovereignty is a game.
brexit was something, at least but it was realized in such a retarded way that it actually made freedom, sovereignty, the right to life and the pursuit of happiness look stupid, lame, outdated, uncool, and boring.
meanwhile these same people suck the dick of any shitskin looking for a better meme life in the west, touting western freedom as some sort of beacon in the night guiding the poor and oppressed to freedom.
the cognitive dissonance hurts my brain.

>falling for the classic error of thinking that the British government and elite class is representative of the British people

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>muh freedom

I think that since Europeans, especially Brits, generally don't have any real rights or even tangible holdings of their own (land, guns, cars, animals, etc.) that they can enjoy for hobby purposes, they have to live for collective memes. This is why they get really caught up in minor policy changes that Americans don't give one shit about. When America left NAFTA barely anyone even noticed, but it took Brits literally three and a half years of screaming at each other 24/7 to get out of the EU. I know the EU is more of a big deal but it's still just a structural change in the economic system that doesn't have a direct impact on individuals.

Basically, they have no fucking lives.

>Expires in 2 years
>Unless we want longer
>For any reason
>These bits arent expiring
>The bit where someone can misdiagnose you
>Then kill you for unrelated reasons
>Then burn you without medical certificate
>Or inquest
>And the people doing it are all legally indemnified

Nice bill, I love being kept safe.


Link related

why is he basically crying?

>You have no rights. You have no liberty.
you never did in the first place

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liberty is slavery

>the EU is [...] still just a structural change in the economic system that doesn't have a direct impact on individuals.
Why do I even come on this board when it has mouthbreathers like you on it. Do you think Brexit would have even happened if this was truly the case?

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Ya... the Brits have never had rights and never wanted them they are a group of weak effeminate mongoloids look at British men and women...

They bread out the norman blood line and have once again become a nation of cucks.

0:15 that woman in the front is drilling for oil.

That's the plan.

The plan;

The virus is a front for the next phase of African Cattle Planetâ„¢ since 1789. This phase is about killing boomers (in order to finish off the voting denographics as brown youth will vote for tyranny), cashless society (cash spreads virus goyim!) , bagging patriots and them dying of "Corona", repopulation with "climate refugees" and then preparing of the chipped population where you can't buy or sell without the vaccine.

The virus was never meant to last long or kill us all, just last long enough and kill enough. Pay attention to laws being passed and proposals (in the UK for example they are about to just force through 100 pages of laws in a day and Boris has proposed mas testing so people can prove they had the illness and have recovered). Blackouts soon where they will start bagging all people who have ever posted here.

Pic related. It's over.

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>people out for a walk or out for a drive getting stopped by the police
>hordes of people still allowed to cram into the London Underground
>police state
lol sure, the police are already facing criticism for having gone too far in some places, like the in the Lake District where they're following people with drones who are walking around in the countryside, if they keep up this sort of thing they're be cracked down upon for how inconsistent their priorities seem to be

>UK police officers have been told to take a "consistent" approach when ensuring people comply with emergency measures aimed at curbing coronavirus.
>Guidance to officers calls on forces to "coordinate" efforts and emphasises the importance of professionalism.
>It comes amid criticism of the way some forces have handled the new measures.
>A former Justice of the Supreme Court told the BBC one force's use of drones to film walkers in the Peak District had been "disgraceful".

>New guidance was issued to police on Thursday when officers were given powers to fine people who gather in groups or refuse to return home, following social distancing measures introduced by the government last week.
>The document from the National Police Chiefs' Council and the College of Policing, seen by the BBC, says:
> - communities must receive a "consistent" level of service from officers as well as a "single style and tone"
> - police should keep an "inquisitive, questioning mindset" when finding out why people are outside
> - new enforcement measures should not be used if people are vulnerable and cannot safely return home

He's crying over his lack of guns.

americans and their guns and obesity and low iqs

>like the in the Lake District
*like in the Peak District

>You have no rights. You have no liberty
They didn't up till now anyway.

Police state isn't about clearing the streets at all times is it you nonce? It's about wholly ambiguous means and methods of detention without trials, forced DNA submissions and retention, pervasive CCTV and grey-by-design laws and enforcement. Your own post is against you in that respect.

You can walk down the street now, today, and someone else in considering your interests on your behalf compel you to give DNA, detain you, force you into a hospital or section you, mis-diagnose you and then kill you wherein you get cremated without paperwork and with no inquest or recourse from those you leave behind.

The fact "its not happening to 4 million people in london" is not an argument you utter pleb.

>Maybe a dose of police state will wake these fuckers up and repeal this and all the other shit in the future.
theyll be protected from it already, within that document there will be provisions that make politicians and civil servants first class citizens who are guarded from the whole shitshow.
those idiots in that room wont even realise what theyve done to us all until theyre retired

I don't speak legalese, can you breakdown what exactly this means.

Neither do we. How long before our dumb politicians get panicked enough by the coronahoax to pass something similar? Our mental health bill already says they can lock you up for 21 days for any reason whatsoever and pump you full of drugs (which will fuck you up, giving them an excuse to keep you there indefinitely).

>Be you
>Dont have covid
>Cough (or dont)
>Someone suspects you have covid now
>Given drugs not related to covid in any way
>Get burned with no inquest or certificate
>Cant sue anyone
>This is law now

Meanwhile, italian and spanish anons who would never get covid since neet are missing from the board.

They have all been bagged.

V not Q
V predicted this

They still had rights to lose?

fun was still allowed there unlike germany

Suspects of Corona can be bagged, killed and burned with no legal ramifications.

German humor is no laughing matter.

It reminds me of that project zephyr thing that people were shilling on here a few weeks ago. Too bad brits don't have guns.

yeah. the guy voted for it then complained about it to get his objection on record, but he should had caused a stink before voting. if he really thinks it is dystopian or tyrannical, he should have tried to overthrow the government and taken control of the House.

who did you copy that from? im sure a german didnt think it himself


It's way more efficient that way kike.

im not a kike im a romanian ):

No, boomers think that. The average brit just wants to get on with their lives without the police breathing down their neck.
The entirety of the BBC today has been nothing but "The police are being heavy-handed retards", and that's a propaganda outlet according to mutts who know nothing about this country (not that they're incorrect)

lol you said BBC

Implying any amerilards would do jack with their guns if this was passed. You sat on your arses after the patriot act, your precious rifles are going to get grandfathered piece by piece

the Brits have always dreamed of exterminating themselves through Orwellian totalitarianism, I hope they get their wish

He's not wrong.
>Pic related

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Calm down, faggot.

israel already has mossad spying on all citizen's phones

Tracking the spread of a virus that kills people in order to be able to better monitor and fight it (like the Koreans have done) is apparently "losing our rights".

Steve Baker looks like he has some coronavirus symptoms. I guess it is time for him to be "relocated" into quarantine "centre" by the state.



If the state could simply vanish all the rights so instantly, were they ever real in the first place?

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Why do Americans think they have any freedom at all?
>there's a hypothetical situation I dream of where I fight a cartoonish tyrannical government with my gun
>therefore it's ok to have the NSA hoovering up everyones private data
>and the Patriot act is fine
>and totally militarised Police constantly executing unarmed people is fine

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