Why did the American shitskins support islamic albania instead of Christian Serbia?
Why did the American shitskins support islamic albania instead of Christian Serbia?
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Because the Serbs were in tight with the Russians. So we gotta play the other side.
Bosniaks are whiter than serbs.
Beats fucking me. We don't even learn about this in American schools, and a majority of people don't even know it happened.
Because Serbians are white niggers.
fuck off muslim subhuman
have you ever met albanians?
Who are we giving money to this time? We support whoever is going after the kikes. Atleast the muzzies are solid kike haters--while you Christians ignore the problem as if it isn't real.
I am not muslim. Its just true. The Turks blacked the serbs while they left the Bosniaks alone.
Serbs are great people, but still many of them are brainwashed by ultra-nationalist and fascist ideologies that lead to wars. Fascists are weak totalitarian bootlickers that need Big Brother to control their lives because they are incompetent and Serbs should lose this mentality first to be accepted by West
This is the shocking truth. I didn’t even know this happened until I came to Yas Forums. Had I known, I would’ve been against it. But when does our gov care if we agree with their wars?
half of bosniaks look like shitskins
serbs were the white ones
albanians are easier to work with, and Kosovo is an excellent location for a base. Do 1+1
oh please, you will never stop with that meme, will you?
diaspora trash, most assuredly
No. Southern Slavs are basical the same people, but the Bosniaks willingly choose Islam over Christendom, so they werent forced to be blacked by their Turk Bros. The Serbs were.
I guess youre a Serb, youre arguing very emotional, like a pussy.
>bosniak shitskins really believe this
The true fact why US supported Bosniaks was because the Russians supported the Serbs. There was never a religious unity in Europe.
Albania is rightful Italian clay.
Americans aren't christian.
Their religion is capitalism and their church is the government.
What the hell is with all of this Bosnian and Albanian shit I keep hearing on this god-forsaken site. Can somebody fill me in?
An average american cant show, were Italy or Germany is on a map. An average western european cant show, were Bosnia or Serbia (is this a country?) Is.
I can point out Serbia, but definitely not Bosnia. Nobody has given a shit about Bosnia since the 90s.
The same reason American conservatives support Israeli Jews and not Christian Palestinians
Albany is great, go kill yourself jew
Albany is in New York state you fucking idiot
>tfw a good chunk of ALL of our countries population is brainwashed
were fucked bratec
Isto važi za vas. Al otom potom, potpuno si u pravu. Dosta međubratskim ratovima, pogoto kad se zva ((ko)) ih podstiče.
Good question but remove memeflag
Grk je. Stalno postuje sa fašističkom zastavom
Im pale as hell but mostly hungarian so don't really qualify but still.Your reply shows that you have never stepped foot in bosnia
>Willingly choose islam
Another muslim fantasy tale majority of countries that are muslim have been conquered by islamic invaders and were made to convert by the sword.
Bosniaks took the religion for the host of benefits it gave them
You're turkish aren't you?
I am Greek
and i dont care what either of you malakas say other wise
That’s the joke, nigger
Da, da, isto važi za nas, nastavi živjet u lažima koje ti serviraju. U Hrvatskoj nema autoritarizma, nema fašizma(osim ako ne brojiš klince koji ne znaju šta je fašizam da su fašisti zbog slova U), nema radikalne desnice(2% potpore nije dovoljno da uđu u Sabor), u BiH i Srbiji sam svojim očima vidio neke od ovih stvari, od neo-nacista kako sa svastikom šeću Beogradom, do Hrvata u Bosni koji kao konstitutivan narod nisu imali pravo na tv na svom jeziku. Nemoj me krivo shvatit, u Sarajevu mi je bilo super, i drag ste narod, ali nemoj me zajebavat ovim s glupostima
How does that contradict, what I said? They chose Islam for benefits, yeah whatever, the fact is they choose willingly and thus werent cucked by Turks.
Not, I am not a Turk.
America always supports the under dog, so at the end of the day the entire region is left in a shitty power position, making everyone a puppet
Your life is a joke cuck.
Why is balkan dick so big?
samo skinjare se pale na nacizam/fasizam iako ne znaju da objasne sta je to
The Bosniaks converted to Islam to preserve their race you autist.
Znam, ne kažem da ste svi loši zbog tih debila, samo kažem da tih debila ima i da očito imaju nekakvo mjesto ako ih ima
Serbia is the world's troublemaker.
jbg ne mozemo nista da uradimo oko toga posto imaju neki delovi u Beogradu gde ih ima pun kurac i samo peru mozgove klincima,bio sam i ja medju njima ali samo sto nisam imao nikakvo drustvo tad
>Not, I am not a Turk.
I seriously doubt that
Znam jednog lika koji valja vutru,ima tetovazu slovenskog sunca i crta svastike svuda
Setajuca kontradikcija
because hillary clinton has a private state on kosovo, cya in the next thread
nationalism is good and balkan is better off under authoritarian states.. nato is fucked but what they did in Serbia and Libya was especially heinous
Exactly because we were Christians not allowing LGBT pride parades,liberal faggots and not allowing EU capital and Chinese slave labour taking our jobs we were bombed. Analbanians opened their mouths for globalist to cum inside them,just like Croatians ,Ukranians and other sellouts. We were the last country in Europe protecting Europe. Just like in medieval times against Turkey. The war against Serbia was a symbolic war of ending sovereignity and globalism rising. All of our industry was destroyed after that war,and replaced by Chinese,and who is behind China ? Washington bankers and millitary lobby. Plus we were betrayed by Russia.And this is the Europe you have now
u mojoj srednjoj skinjare iz drugih krajeva su se konstantno tukli mogu reci bilo je dosta krvi i hapsenja zbog heroina i hladnog oruzja
dobro je sto ja to izbegao na vreme negde na betonu izboden sto sam slucajno pogledao nekog retarda iz Kumodraza ili Banjice ostrim pogledom
Because Slavs aren’t people and it was funny?
>dobro je sto sam ja to izbegao na vreme inace bi na betonu izboden zavrsio samo sto bi slucajno pogledao nekog retarda iz Kumodraza ili Banjice ostrim pogledom *
jebem ti telefon
You now that because CNN told you that ? Go finish your burger dont be upset. Your disgraceful faggotry of a "country" .Bombing Japan and supporting Chinese insects.Supporting Saudi Arabia. I piss all over on UK and USA and Germany,the destroyers of white civlisation. Just like the 4th crussade,when you destroyed Byzantine. But USA isnt even a white country anymore
Nedavno su onog maturanta koji je trebao na ETF da ide prebili devet degenerika na smrt
Imamo veliki problem sa low IQ populacijom
Ne verujem u neku tesku autoritarnost ali takve ljude u radni kamp
Bio sam u tim navijackim scenama, uvek nekom izbiju zube, slome vilicu, uvek 5 na 1.
Ne mozes izaci za devojkom da te ne smaraju neki likovi.Celu srednju skolu sam nosio noz i jednom sam potegao na 3 pijana lika koji krenuli ka meni i ako ih nisam ni pogledao.
>Chinese insects
The japanese are arguably worse than hitler.
They look at me(you) as subhumans.
The nuking was based
>Islamic Albania
You know nothing of my people and you guys are hardly Christians.
You support every vice just as equally as every other Balkan shit hole and larp as gods holy warriors while trying to commit genocide for gibs.
Serbs are truly a scum culture.
ma kod mene u kraju ima jedna grupa muskaraca od 30 godina i navise koji biju osnovce samo zato sto ne navijaju za Rad,a nece niko nista da preuzme oko toga
Believe what you will.
I am not here to please your people, my people or anybody else. I believe Bosniaks are whiter because of the mentioned historical facts.
nobody likes russian asslickers
yeah they are, but they have unhealthy white devilish skin, not normal human skintones
The US decides if you live or die Serb. Your whole village is at our mercy. Everything you do is at the US, Russia’s or China’s mercy. Your life has no meaning. You aren’t even a Europoor, you are lower than that. You have less meaning than the lowest Chinese or Russian. You are essentially a colonial slave.
the historical facts that they could've mixed with the other Muslim communities in the Ottoman Empire while the Christian ones couldn't?