18 Complaints Other Countries Have About Americans That Are Honestly Kinda Valid

1. Why do we need to emphasize the fact that tuna is a type of fish? Isn't it obvious?

2. Why do we need to douse every dish in dairy? I know we don't all have stomachs of steel.

3. Why do we not understand how large Canada is? If you take two seconds to look at a map, it's evident that Canada's a whole-ass country.

4. Why can't we process the fact that people from other countries consume all the same media we do?

5. Why do we write the date like that when everyone else does it differently? It's like we're trying to be outcasts.

6. Why do we call the bathroom the restroom, when the only time it's used for "rest" is if we're hiding in a stall to escape work?

7. Why are we always just taking a nibble out of a damn feast in every movie?

8. Why do we pronounce the "ai" sound as "eh" in Craig? We don't pronounce "rain" like "ren."

9. Why do we have so many more choices for Miss America than for the President of the United States? Just some food for thought.

10. Why do we idealize high school when in reality it's a living hell for most people?

11. Why do we not specify where we're going in Europe when there are 44 different countries we could be referring to?

12. Why do we pronounce "Iraq" like it's the newest gadget at the Apple store?

13. Why do we scour our family tree for any sign of Irish ancestry, then flaunt it as though it's the golden ticket to being certified cool™.

14. Why do we always put our food in ugly metallic foil?

15. Why are we always just popping up to people's houses in TV shows unannounced?

16. Why do we say "I could care less" when the message we're trying to get across is that we "couldn't care less"? Kind of embarrassing, huh?

17. Why don't we use E's in our grading system? Will there ever be an "E"xplanation???

18. And finally, why are all of our bathrooms designed exactly the same way? The world may never know.


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My biggest complaint is their seemingly unrest when it comes to propagating homosexuality and transgender-ism.


do these people get paid to write this stuff?

>people from other countries living and working in America, complain about America not being like their home country.


Yes, in shekels and foreskins

Why doesn't op just gtfo and stop shitting up the pol boards. O yes cause op is a turboNigger.

When is the next round of layoffs?

13 makes no sense to me. I’d be happy not to be Irish

this is some retarded ass nitpicking

This article is honestly "KINDA" retarded

I've never heard any of these complaints.

The most common complaint is "Why are you ruining the entire fucking world for everybody especially including yourselves, forever?" and "Why do you believe and obey every single lie kikes ever made and turn it into a lifestyle?

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Your silent H in herb is fucking infuriating

1. Dialect
2. False.
3. False and also irrelevant, just liek Canada.
5. Deal with it.
6. Restroom is a public bathroom.
7. What?
8. Dialect. Imagine if you criticized a foreign one.
9. Miss America is the Pussy Senate.
10. Found the nerd.
11. Because most people don't just go to one country.
12. Dialect, again.
13. Nobody does this.
14. Keeps it hot?
15. Tv isn't real you faggot.
16. Ok , this annoys me too, but you're still a faggot.
17. Imagine caring.
18. Baby boom housing was all made at once?

This entire thing is gay and whoever wrote and published this should be strung up.

neck self


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"I could care less" is as valid as "I couldnt care less." The first implies you give somewhat of a fuck, but it in the end it doesnt matter and you could give less of a fuck. The second implies you're already at the bottom.

journalism in a time of crisis.

>1. Nobody does that
>3. Canada is large and inhospitable. All the people are crammed into metro areas in the south
>4. What the fuck even is this? American television is global, but each country has it's own shows and news.
>5. Who the fuck cares how you write a date? Why does that even matter?
>6. Your personal in home bathroom has a bath in it. Public restrooms do not. Why do you call it a toilet, french for little towel? Or a loo?
>8. Are you criticizing the English language now?
>9. President requires more of just about everything. Why don't miss america candidates run for president? Why dont you? Anyone over 35 can.
>10. Nobody idealizes high school like the japanese do. Also, are you forgetting about all the nerd has a terrible high school experience but overcomes it movie trope?
>13. Oddly specific. Americans try to trace back their roots because we dont have any. That should be the criticism, that Americans lack real roots and should return to family to build a solid foundation.
>14. Literally what?
>15. Close friends do that sometimes, especially if they're neighbors ie 70s show and Friends.
>16. Those people are just dumb. Why are you criticizing colloquialisms? Everyones got them. And they're all weird. Why do Brits call it a cheeky nando's? What's cheeky about it?
>17. Actually valid. Curious.
>18. Regulations and cost effectiveness in all of the big businesses and government orgs. Go to a mom and pop shop and find a single toilet in a catchall restroom.

>not mentioning mutts posing as whites
Crappy article

Why in the fuck would I care what any of you think?

(1 post by this ID)


why americans so gay
Why americans all love jews so much
those are mine

And ffs is this really all the criticism? Its fucking nothing. How about 18 criticisms foreigners have about China
>they corrupt
>people ars unhygienic
>they immoral
>they censor the truth for personal gain
>they eat everything, stomachs arent made of steel

mutts suck

>just hate your own country and your own people goy
I'll pass

>ctrl + f circ 0/0
The fact that you mutilate your children's genitals should be the only reason this list exists

yeah you do suck

>Jewish Female Writer
>Hating America while fellating other countries

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Ya but you can assume it’s not much.

Why would you get paid in foreskins? I wouldn't know what to do with one

Amerigoblins BTFO.

19. Fucking jews

1) Cause "tune" is a term meaning to make musical instruments sound correctly.

2) Dairy helps lower or raise the pH of the food.

3) Most of it is uninhabitable.

4) Not in the same way. (See nudity VS violence, China not allowing the showing of bones, Murican anime not showing hardships and dumbing down things to make them child friendly.)

5) When someone asks when you were born you verbally say the month first, and the month is the subject of what day it is. "Today is March 30th."

6) Rest stops are used by truckers to take shits.

7) Why do Japanese things have the characters pigging out and eating a months worth of meals in one sitting?

8) Never heard Craig pronounced that way.

9) Because taste in women is more varied than leadership.

10) Same goes for work.

11) Cause we didn't get educated about Europe. To me, the UK is the same fucking place.

12) Cause the tv pronounced it that way.

13) What? Being Irish makes you a potato fucker.

14) Keep it F R E S H and H O T.

15) That's actually how things were before cell phones.

16) Cause you care so fucking little you don't care to be right.

17) No school wants kids that dumb, lmao.

18) Cause we all shit, piss, shower, and wash? The fuck else you need to do for hygiene?

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18 Complaints I Have About Other Countries That Are Honestly Kinda Valid
>1. Hey, China, if communism works so well, why would 70% of your population starve if they didn't eat literal trash animals that have been sitting at room temperature for days?
>2. Canada is gay as shit
>3. Nothing of value has come out of the middle east in 2500 years, so let's just glass it and start over
>4. Stop giving us exotic diseases out of pure negligence
>5. Quit complaining about our education system when you're more than willing to shell out hundreds of thousands of dollars just to attend our universities
>6. If I see one more goddamn Chinese spy in DC with a camera, clogging up the streets, I'm gonna break Joe Exotic out of prison and have a second Waco
>7. I don't care about whatever bizarre device you use to shit in your backwards country
>8. I'll show the bottom of my food to whoever I fucking want to
>9. Calling soccer "football" is fucking gay and everyone who idolizes soccer players most likely would enjoy aggressive surprise prostate massage
>10. The royal family is the biggest group of inbred retard shitstains to ever exist
>11. Japan is the only Asian country worth anything at all
>12. China is the illegal mexican field worker of the manufacturing world
>13. Why has Poland managed to become the only worthwhile EU country after only being free of communism for like 30 years?
>14. Suck my balls Australia, you'll all be Chinese in 30 years
>15. Remove Turk
>16. American english is the only english not for gay retards
>17. Do germans really thing that sticking seven different words together without spaces convinces anyone that they have a real, functioning language?
>18. Not a huge fan of the Irish

>? I know we don't all have stomachs of steel.
Lol fuck non whites

Thanks golem.

they forgot to complain about us not using the metric system

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>Why do we call the bathroom the restroom
What do you guys call it internationally? In Canada we call it the washroom.

So all the countries in the world banded together to come up with this list? And those are their top complaints?
user, I...

>Why do we have so many more choices for Miss America than for the President of the United States?
Thots are a dime a dozen

Zoomers are anti american
Zoomers dont care about these things
>911 controlled demolition
Zoomers are now considered OPTICSBOIS
They care more about their image and popularity then true redpills

Their leader is another zoomer who lives in mommy's basement.

Beware of these anons, they are blackpilled beyond belief and spread misery around them because their power levels are too low, too weak
>redpills cannot save them
Because they care too much for OPTICS..

They will use buzzwords that dont mean anything anymore like
>zion don

They dont have KEK anymore only BLACKPILLS, only despair

So my question is how do we save them or do we cut them off to be hardened by the world?
I feel these new OpticsBois are irreparable and non fixable as they are in a POPULARITY CONTEST with eachother and other retards

Number 5 was the only thing I know about Americans.

they were paid by the article before California protected the gig workers by putting them out of work
Content didn't matter, it was submit and get paid. Literature paid by the pound.

Learn to code

>2. Why do we need to douse every dish in dairy? I know we don't all have stomachs of steel.

Non-white detected

My IQ plummeted after the first five. I had to stop.

>The Shitter
>The Loo
>The Head
>The John
>El Casa De La Caca
>The Little Girls' Room
>I ga go pee pee
>The Throne
>The Porcelain German
>The Verizon Center
>Portland, Oregon

>I gotta build a Obama monument

Them being put out of work was a good thing but that gig worker law was and is hot garbage.

We Americans certainly do have a problem and the problem is the intentional destruction of the English language within our borders.
By catering to the weakest brains among us - easily identified by their preference of style over substance - we weaken the national dialect and weaken our own ability not just to communicate but to conceive as well.
The catering to these weak brains is intentional. Words are being destroyed and with them entire concepts.
Yes, who knows what that word means anymore and who knows the difference between the literal and the metaphorical?
Or rather, who cares? Settle down bro. This is casual conversation here.
No, it is the conversation of idiots and it must be stopped.
Ridicule seems to be the only language these types of brain understand.

Adding -ass to the end of any word you wish to highlight is objectively idiotic behavior and should not be tolerated much less promoted.
Point this out wherever it is to occur.

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>Why do we need to douse every dish in dairy? I know we don't all have stomachs of steel.
To keep away the lactose intolerant foreigners. (But seriously, who has ever asked that?)

Because fuck Israel

I cant keep up anymore. I thought diversity was supposed to be good. Now they want every country to be the same?

This is some jew cunts open mic stand up routine


>I’m irish
>I’m German
>I’m polish

No you’re neither of those, you’re American. You have part ancestry, but you’re the melting pot of the world. Nothing wrong with that, but get it right for fucks sake.

language changes. deal with it.

Someone got paid for this shit.

A fucking toilet

>ooga booga bix nood
Bix nood indeed

Someone should make a onions wojak where he's unimpressed by americans using "irish", "german", etc. ancestry but is super excited about the african american label

>18 Complaints Other Countries Have About Americans
I'm pretty sure these are 18 complaints this faggot has not other countries. Like which country proposes a question like this?
>16. Why do we say "I could care less" when the message we're trying to get across is that we "couldn't care less"? Kind of embarrassing, huh?

>why do we
>why are we
>why dont we
Because we're american and we can do whatever the fuck we want.

I've never heard anyone say "erb".

>Portland Oregon

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It's hard work

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The strangest thing for me is the ubiquity of artificial colours and flavours in American food. I was recently in the US and it was actually shocking to see the extent of this, even in things that you wouldn't expect like bread, snacks for kids, guacamole and other things. It was crazy and I now get why "no artificial flavours or colours" is a big marketing thing in the US.

Not to mention your chickens are grotesquely big and pumped full of essentially chicken stock to make the meat look even bigger. I found the overall quality of food in the US to be comparable to Canada at best but usually somewhat inferior.

I don't believe most people have even heard of most of these complaints, let alone encounter it enough to be a problem, nor are any of these American-centric even if they were.


Why is Yas Forums always right?

How about some actual complaints about America
>why do Americans need to suck Jewish cock 24/7
>why do Americans need to destroy all of Israel's rivals in the region
>why do Americans need to infest the whole planet with their cancerous, degenerate """""culture""""""
>why do Americans need to promote left-wing degenerate movements across the Western world
>why do Americans stand up to such grave threats to world peace like North Korea or Iran but not China or Saudi Arabia
>why do Americans race mix so much
>why are Americans mutts
>why are Americans slaves to Jewish financial institutions
>why are Americans so fucking cringe on every single internet forum, messageboard and anime fansite
>why do Americans shart in the mart
>why do Americans always get shot
>why are Americans so fucking fat

Dairy requires a steel stomach to digest?

Brainlet questions.


Why do niggers and now white people think it's so cool to refer to things as whole?

"He ate a whole-ass chicken"

"He was being chased by a WHOLE police department"

"Guys I think I just caught a whole carona virus"

"We went out on a boat and I saw a whole shark!"

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I only see one question there

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>Why do we call the bathroom the restroom, when the only time it's used for "rest" is if we're hiding in a stall to escape work?
Why call it a bathroom if you’re not taking a bath. Just call it the shit and piss room fuckin pedantic faggot shit these people come up with