>capitalists will defend this
Capitalists will defend this
Who likes the F Reserve?
Fucking nigger would just buy drugs and an Xbox.
And fucking Boing Boing would just buy back their own stocks
that looks like old rage comics
and Boing would waste those 50 billion in 15 minutes
So what's the problem? Print your own currency Mikael.
The fact that gigantic companies like this need bailouts proves capitalism doesn't work. Besides, what's the point of capitalism is the government will just bailout the giants anything few years, leaving nothing for small businesses?
If money is no longer gold backed from where does it value derive and why does it magically lower when you print more?
>what's the point of capitalism is the government will just bailout the giants anything few years, leaving nothing for small businesses?
muh economy
Are you retarded? These companies were operating just fine and needed no help until A GLOBAL FUCKING CRISIS occured. This is not a case of business mismanagement as it was with the banker bail outs. These are companies who were doing things right and got hit by a curveball from god
something something those corporations will pay taxes to goverment while giving money to costumers will increase inflation since everyone will have a larger purchase power
>This is not a case of business mismanagement as it was with the banker bail outs.
No you nigger. It was mismanagement and greed at its finest. Boeing decided to be cheap and reuse an old airframe rather than invest in building and testing a new one. And instead of building healthy cash reserves like Microsoft, Apple, Amazon, or numerous other companies, they decided to buyback their own stocks. That's why Amazon, Apple, and Microsoft share prices have rebounded back to near ATH while Boeing is still in the dumps.
>Corporativists will defend this
this is literal communism
These maymays are now normiecore.
Are we talking about the actual ecenomy here user or the stock market and its pretend money because I have very diffferent stances on both
giant corporations are not capitalism
Kys nigger.
Poor people don't deserve printed money
>this pic
top lol
Chances are they do understand it, they're just hoping other people won't.
Fucking idiot, it's complete and utter business mismanagement.
>not jew interference
>>Are you retarded? These companies were operating just fine and needed no help until A GLOBAL FUCKING CRISIS occured
lmao retard probably believes this
>Giving money away is capitalism
What is capitalist about it?
>hurr durr muh joos
>let's give him $2000 for drugs, that will surely help
Money is faith backed. It's worth as much as people believe it's worth. But when you print more you need to add more faith. Faith doesn't just grow on trees.
>It's worth as much as people believe it's worth. B
Rare actual financial red pill
We'retalking about Boeing. Boeing wouldn't have needed a bailout had they been responsible with their money. There are plenty of companies out there holding cash because they knew a recession was coming in 2020. Boeing decided to ignore all those warning and keep pumping their own stocks.
That $2000 for drugs will still end up back in the economy.
>the millions will just sit in a scrooge mcduck vault
yeah, it will just sit in some passive investment and drive up asset prices.
>every investment is passive
I hope that's ironic
>who built the money machine and how did those two pay for it? If they built it, where does tophat guy come into the equation?
right? public educated idiots preaching kike tear retardation don't understand the federal reserve is the definition of a centrally controlled economy (not fee market at all).
Holster that logic private!
>public educated idiots preaching kike tear retardation
>tear retardation
Top oof
3 million mansions in America
1 million staffed hospital beds
Under 100k icu
Look it up
>companies failing in a system that stresses natural competition and survival of the fittes prove capitalism doesn't work
Are you retarted?
Not the jew who owns the legal rights to the company but a poor blue collar.
Replace guy in the hat and cigar with a guy in a dictator hat and a cigar and you got real communism.
Smh commies don't understand human nature.
Imagine getting redpilled by a farming manga
>federal reserve printing money for corporations
Pick one negroid
Same reason gold would drop if you printed more
>government bailouts
choose one
Privatize the profits and socialize the losses!
Socialism for everyone but the worker!
One person's spending is another person's income. For most people this stimulus check is going toward rent, mortgage, or credit card debt. At the end of the day, the money just ends up in the hands of a jew banker or some other rich fuck.
The Fed has been printing money to buy up assets and keep the stock market afloat for a year. Don't know it's suddenly evil if the average person gets a little help.
Oil, the USD is backed by oil
>government/state giving money to corporations
pick one retard
>survival of the fittest
>Anything for a gigantic multi billion dollar company.
>money printer go brr
Yeah, survival of the fittest alright.
What a time to be alive
Where's the guy holding them at gunpoint?
this is the answer
KEK, you dumb.
I run a business. Certainly things aren't great at the moment, but what kind of nigger tier management can't get past a few weeks of cutbacks. I'm EXTREMELY suspicious of all of this bullshit. I have a few hundred K in contracts this quarter and no problem pulling myself and my employees through a couple of months. How the fuck do guys with yachts and access to billions not have capital to drive through a few months.
I live on a few acres in the country with a modest ~1500 sq ft home and drive Toyotas. Maybe I need to fuck over my workers and ball out for the Gov't to get behind me.
Didn't I just say that that's NOT capitalism you dunce? Why the fuck is leftie pol so deficient on reading comprehension? This bailout is retarted. Eliminate sales tax for a period and lower the cost of living for a time.
No tolls, cut quarterly business sales tax, etc etc.
Lot of other shit to do that just "muh stimulus"
Implying that isn’t what the Boeing executives did!
You are depicting socialism, not capitalism.
Boeing would be left to rot in capitalism.
pic related
Boeing needs that fucking money, their entire business has been destroyed by a natural disaster. They are the number 1 employer in the state of Washington you can't just tell them to fuck off
you own a nigger business
most giant corps already expended money they expect to make 3 years from now
and its assests are backed 70% by debt
That's more like fascist economics.
That's the fucked up part. When average people buy drugs, fancy cars, and big houses then go bankrupt it's wasteful and irresponsible, but when rich people do it the government just gives them money.
It's mind boggling.
Really though the US must have been adding faith the past 12 years because we have been printing the shit out of our fucking money and inflation has been relatively low.
The principle is true but it's obviously a relative thing.
not the fed, fuck the fed
>absolute 0 iq post
>1200$ for all , stimulus check.
Actually , just a 2020 tax return advancement
Dat's illegal now
It's not capitalism that's at fault it's the priorities of the American government.
Nah, I'm a proper capitalist who owns assets, and a means of production that will endure even if nigger fiat falls to zero.
That's now how it's described. Source or go away
You're right, they aren't, but magapedes love to defend socialism for bankers.
>he thinks this is capitalism
>it was real, in my mind
No, we wouldn’t. You’re thinking more along the lines of State Capitalism. Corporatism is simply the organisation of the economy into various corporate groups
You can in capitalism. See in capitalism companies need to adapt to stay "in the air". Instead of getting handouts they would have their workforce used in other ways. Building ventilators, loaning hangars, using supply chains etc. Imminent loss but in hopes things settle before that. Otherwise it's game over.
Proxy duck duck go
This pic was in one of my high school textbooks. That was around a decade ago, I can only imagine how much brainwashing takes place now.
qq moar
I was hoping someone would point this out. That's where propaganda comes in. Keeps people consooming. As long as everyone plays along you could print infinite money.