/cvg/ - Corona Virus General #2764

► Detected: 804,249 (+19,533) ► Died: 39,468 (+1,685) ► Reset: 11:32:13

— 3.8 billion people put under lockdown —
— 204 countries and territories infected —
— 2.1x more confirmed deaths than swine flu pandemic —
— 2,434 different strains have been sequenced —

Austria forbids entrance to supermarkets without masks

Trump's best-case scenario is 100,000 dead Americans

Japan finance minister calls out WHO, praises Taiwan

Dead bodies are loaded onto refrigeration trucks in New York

25% of Britain's NHS doctors are out sick or in isolation

Two major strains, different binding surfaces

17 year old in the US dies from infection, no previous conditions

Virus thrives in lower respiratory tract, causes pneumonia

Virus survives on surfaces up to 17 days, longer than expected

Patients infectious after "recovery"

According to CCP, the flu only kills 144 people a year in China

China changes definitions 3 times in 8 days

Brazil state has 0 official deaths but mortuaries are already collapsed

China doctors pressured into discharging patients in mass

Mayor in Italy says death toll 4 times higher than detected


13:01: 110 new cases and 2 new deaths in Saudi Arabia.
12:49: First death in Tanzania.
12:36: 160 new cases and 1 new death in Poland.
12:39: 204 new cases in Japan, including 78 cases in Tokyo.
12:29: 65 new cases and 2 new deaths in Puerto Rico, United States.
12:25: 77 new cases in Croatia.


► Previous: ► Lists:

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Happening officially reinstated, nothinburger cunts btfo yet again

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>burger lines

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Update from Lombardy
>Update from Lombardy
Update from Lombardy
>Update from Lombardy
Update from Lombardy
>Update from Lombardy

>1.047 NEW CASES

>1.047 NEW CASES

Yas Forums BTFO
Yas Forums BTFO
Yas Forums BTFO
Yas Forums BTFO
Yas Forums BTFO

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Thank you for your contribution, Angus

>imagine the smell


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rate my prep

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>802556 infected
>39012 dead
stop shilling this stupid bullshit already, this faggot little pandemic won't cause an extinction level event

Attached: soy.png (600x800, 23.32K)


>source: my ass

Noone cares about Italy anymore

We're literally all gonna die from this eventually, aren't we.

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Never, sorry swolefag.

Wet markets reopened.
They are eating bats again.

What should be our response?

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Should I even put the source anymore? It's always Reuters

>10k deaths is now at 40k
Is this anons meant by exponential growth?

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Is Now the time for Fear?

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Ok so there's a clear pattern established on the weekends with lower numbers, and Tuesdays are when the numbers go back up.

Nothingburger faggots take note, you can't make inferences on happening status between Saturday and Monday. When there's a Tuesday drop, THEN you can start gloating.

Fuckin corona Chan! Let my packages be delivered from over seas! Reeeee

We eat them

I think unironically this is the end for the Union
Mutt Balkanisation when?

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I woke up this morning with a sore throat, runny nose, and an overall weird feeling in my body
Do i have Corona?

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hong kong announced yet another infected cat
cat has no symptoms.


>total lockdown
>nobody knows when it ends
>Yas Forums btfo
No, friendo.
Yas Forums saved my life because I prepped.

Attached: flu.jpg (640x427, 111.58K)

Those muttards probably spent their whole income on toilet paper

Piss bottle and 2 vodkas?

corona chan is so cute

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Spain is the new hotshot

when will this start killing niggers in significant volumes?

you have a cold, retardbro

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Seems fake desu
How do you not have enough money to buy food for a few weeks

Italy has passed on the torch to Spain, France, US and UK. We thank you.

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>2500 different strains.
Fucking WOT?

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Meme flu general is still a thing despite europe lying about their numbers? Okay then

I think she's got 1 maybe 2 dozen good phucks left in her, I mean seriously user think about it. If you were in her state wouldn't you want just a few more orgasms?
Also I am a chic so it's not sexist

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Meanwhile, in India

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United States 164,744 (3,163) Italy 101,739 (11,591) Spain 94,417 (8,189) China 81,518 (3,305) Germany 67,051 (682) Iran 44,605 (2,898) France 44,550 (3,024) United Kingdom 22,141 (1,808) Switzerland 16,186 (395) Belgium 12,775 (705) Netherlands 12,595 (1,039) Turkey 10,827 (168) Austria 10,019 (128) South Korea 9,786 (162) Canada 7,474 (92) Portugal 7,443 (160) Israel 4,831 (17) Brazil 4,681 (167) Norway 4,599 (36) Australia 4,561 (19) Sweden 4,435 (180) Czech Republic 3,002 (25) Ireland 2,910 (54) Denmark 2,815 (90) Malaysia 2,766 (43) Chile 2,738 (12) Russia 2,337 (17) Romania 2,245 (72) Poland 2,215 (32) Philippines 2,084 (88) Luxembourg 1,988 (22) Ecuador 1,966 (62) Japan 1,953 (56) Pakistan 1,865 (25) Thailand 1,651 (10) Saudi Arabia 1,563 (10) Indonesia 1,528 (136) Finland 1,418 (17) South Africa 1,326 (3) India 1,251 (32) Greece 1,212 (46) Iceland 1,135 (2) Dominican Republic 1,109 (51) Mexico 1,094 (28) Panama 1,075 (27)…

United States +900 (+7) Spain +6,461 (+473) China +79 (+5) Germany +166 (+37) Iran +3,110 (+141) United Kingdom (+400) Switzerland +264 (+36) Belgium +876 (+192) Netherlands +845 (+175) Austria +401 (+20) South Korea +125 (+4) Canada +26 (+3) Portugal +1,035 (+20) Israel +136 (+1) Brazil +51 (+4) Norway +154 (+4) Sweden +407 (+34) Czech Republic +1 (+2) Denmark +238 (+13) Malaysia +140 (+6) Chile +289 (+4) Russia +501 (+8) Romania +136 (+7) Poland +160 (+1) Philippines +538 (+10) Pakistan +148 (+4) Thailand +127 (+1) Saudi Arabia +110 (+2) Indonesia +114 (+14) Finland +66 (+4) Dominican Republic +208 (+9) Mexico +101 (+8) Argentina +146 (+2) Serbia +115 (+7) Slovenia +46 (+4) Estonia +30 (+1) United Arab Emirates +53 (+1) Lithuania +42 (+1) Hungary +45 (+1) Lebanon +17 (+1) Bosnia & Herzegovina +43 (+2) Tunisia (+1) Kazakhstan +34 (+1) Macedonia +44 (+2) Azerbaijan +25 (+1)…


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Who cares about Italy anymore. It's already rising in the UK, France and Muttland

Dear schizos,

Back in January you all insisted that by March we'd have "millions dead". Now, it's April and we barely hit 40,000.
It's time to realize that this little virus is an over-hyped nothing burger. It is not too late for you. You have to understand that you are living a lie. There is still time to save your brain. Remember the doctor your parents used to take you to as kids?
The one who just talked to you? Help is only one phone call away. There are people who want to help you overcome your delusions. All you need is pickup your phone and call them.
There will be no "millions dead". Life in China is already normal again. The curve is flattening. Your 'happening' is over before it began.
Stop these threads, they are not productive. They help nobody. They only harbor and reinforce your delusional fantasies.

Come back to the real world.

the eu is in a better spot than the uk right now

Even here in belgium where we have one of the highest number of cases per head of the population, i'm feeling like this is a big nothing burger.

>denies the coronavirus
>has burger flag
Literally every time.

Nothingburger faggots take note, you can't make inferences on happening status between Saturday and Monday. When there's a Tuesday drop, THEN you can start gloating.
>Nothingburger faggots take note, you can't make inferences on happening status between Saturday and Tuesday. When there's a Wednesday drop, THEN you can start gloating.
Nothingburger faggots take note, you can't make inferences on happening status between Saturday and Wednesday. When there's a Thursday drop, THEN you can start gloating.
>Nothingburger faggots take note, you can't make inferences on happening status between Saturday and Thursday. When there's a Friday drop, THEN you can start gloating.
Nothingburger faggots take note, you can't make inferences on happening status between Saturday and Saturday the week after. When there's a Sunday the week after drop, THEN you can start gloating.


I'm literally not getting anything anywhere

sore throat, runny nose AND weird feeling? That's the fucking trifecta son.

Attached: symptoms.png (371x369, 121.58K)

How are doctors and nurses coping with the incredible choice of choosing who to give safe and who to give a slow painful death?

> 1585538883657.webm
What an ugly creature?

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Isn't that very bad news? Can the virus be jumping from human-to animal-to human again?


The show is finally getting started! We're almost done with the *clacks* before the big drop!

Attached: happyface20.png (1920x1080, 1.77M)

Why so much confusion?
Detection is confusing
Death due to this is confusing
Recovered from this is confusing
But pollution levels are down globally
So there is that

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> you all insisted
Wrong, you gaslighting faggot.

Everybody's heard about the

You're starting to plateau though.
Good luck pasta bros!

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I care about Italy.
It's peaking btw

if total military lockdown for 3 weeks doesnt stop coronachan, nothing will


Is that the boss monster in final fantasy 12?

I predicted 20k deaths by ~10 April 3 weeks ago. I was wrong.

Hopefully this will break the UK in part as well and we can finally get the fucking Westminster yoke off our backs

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What did you do yesterday?
It's probably common cold.

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fear isn't okay

stay calm and just kill everyone who tries to steal your toilett paper

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when will restaurants in london be open

I want the full english breakfast and a yorkshire pudding and a fish n chips

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>India won't report their real numbers
Feels bad man

It's working Italy is already peaking.

id love to fingerbang the shit out of her


damn would anyone else fuck her? they wouldnt do an autopsy to find out you strangled her to death during orgasm

>numbers going down after countries have been in lockdown for 3 weeks
lets not act surprised, besides the real happening is building in the US and Brazil

>user doesn’t know what exponential growth is.
I better not see you begging for toilet paper in a couple weeks.

Fucking hell Shinji

United States (+0.46%) Germany (+0.34%) France (+0.30%) United Kingdom (+0.85%) Italy (+0.66%) Switzerland (+0.27%) Spain (+1.25%) Austria (0.00%) Poland (+2.58%) Netherlands (+1.21%) Hungary (0.00%) Russia (+4.75%) Greece (+0.00%) Brazil (-0.35%) Japan (+0.04%) Hong Kong (+1.95%) China (-0.17%) Australia (-0.53%) Singapore (+2.52%) India (+4.90%) South Korea (+2.15%) Taiwan (+0.71%) South Africa (+1.51%)

Sydney (-6%) Tokyo (-11%) Beijing (-18%) Wuhan (-11%) New Delhi (-66%) Dubai (-23%) Moscow (-59%) Rome (-36%) Milan (-15%) Berlin (-32%) Munich (-38%) Brussels (-52%) Paris (-48%) Madrid (-17%) Barcelona (-21%) London (-26%) Johannesburg (-50%) Sao Paulo (-58%) Buenos Aires (-57%) New York (-33%) Washington (-50%) Miami (-41%) Toronto (-38%) Chicago (-23%) Houston (-22%) Mexico City (-66%) Los Angeles (-67%) Seattle (0%)

India (1.3b) China (760m) United States (261m) Pakistan (211m) Mexico (129m) Egypt (97m) Germany (82m) Philippines (70m) Brazil (66m) France (66m) United Kingdom (66m) Italy (60m) South Africa (56m) Colombia (49m) Spain (46m) Argentina (44m) Ukraine (42m) Poland (37m) Morocco (35m) Peru (32m) Venezuela (32m) Malaysia (31m) Nepal (29m) Australia (24m) Russia (20m) Romania (19m) Netherlands (17m) Ecuador (16m) Rwanda (12m) Belgium (11m) Tunisia (11m) Czech Republic (10m) Dominican Republic (10m) Greece (10m) Portugal (10m)…


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ahhhhhhhhhhhhh i cannot stop eating


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Cases in Japan have pretty much doubled since a week ago when they cancelled the Olympics.

Can you catch coronas if you finger this chink? I kinda really want to desu senpai

Based argie baker

yes, but just wait for the sine wave function to kick in

>the eu is in a better spot than the uk right now

Stayed home mostly except for when I went running

It has just started my dude. There is no way we hide numbers here.
Biggest happening in India right now! Read the news.
The Timeline:
>16000 people of religion of peace meet in conversion cult seminar in Malaysia despite social distancing rules.
>A 2nd meeting of almost 4000 happens in Delhi 3 weeks ago(Feb 25-Mar15, breaking the rules regarding gatherings issued by the govt.),people from this meeting spread all across the states here. 800 people from Malaysia,Indonesia,Philippines Thailand etc
>Almost all deaths in the last few days in India from Corona are attendees from this event(these deaths happend in 10 different provinces showing the extent of the spread).
>only 1100 traced so far 24 positive, 20 dead,441 symptomatic. More than 3000 are still untraced and hiding in other religious shelters.
>massive spread likely in the country all from this one group, similar to S.Korea.
>This also means the Malaysia meet was infected and superspreaders everywhere in SEA.

The whole of SEA is fucked
WE ARE FUCKED !! FUCKED FUCKED FUCKED! Expect atleast 3 different types of happenings that Yas Forums has wet dreams about from this event.

393 dead bongs in a single day, shit getting real

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Worst apocalypse. Everything is closed and everyone stuck playing vidiya at home.
4/10 do not reccomend.

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I must have gained 10lbs after stress eating these past weeks

I'm wasting all my prep

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Trust the plan euronigger, Coronachan has much more experience at this than you do.

Runny nose is not a symptom of coronavirus. And I have no idea what a "weird feeling" is. Be more specific.

Coronavirus is a hoax
I live in Boston and don't know anyone who has it or who has died

>two cases in city near you
>one is in the large company where your brother works
>company cannot use social distancing due to sheer amount of people there

>But pollution levels are down globally
That's nice.

What a meme. It will just stop growing and then steadily go down.

you cant finger a pile of ash

Attached: d17.png (993x1405, 655.66K)

Hahaha based jap stole my comment.

>Life becomes to good
>Russians upset

same, i don't know anyone from Boston either

>even during a lockdown I don't want to play any of the stupid games I bought on steam
what a waste of money

viruses are detoxification. not infection. i

Ok, I'm gonna be the fag to say it.
>a runny nose is not a symptom of corona chan
>no fever
>no dry cough
Fuck off faggot!
Here's your "you"

Have you had any contact with anyone within the past few days?
Also, check the numbers of confirmed cases in your area. You worry too much about yourself, you negligent fuck.

Even if the restaurants were open, good luck finding any of that in london

why are so many tubes stuck in her?
doesn't she only need a respirator tube?

how come sweden's doing just fine and they are going full herd?
maybe the true happening is everyone losing their shit and overreacting while the virus itself is not that dangerous

>I live in Boston and don't know anyone who has it or who has died
Which is very likely, do some math...

Just let me live long enough for my packages to arrive

india is unironically a worse country than china


> Andrew Jack, the actor behind Major Caluan Ematt in The Force Awakens and The Last Jedi and the voice of Moloch in Solo: A Star Wars Story, has passed away after a brief battle against Coronavirus.

Oh noooo!

Attached: Caluan Ematt.jpg (800x451, 248.2K)

Get Chibnall infected please

>how come sweden's doing just fine and they are going full herd?
Very low population density.

>coughing but no fever
am i still ok

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this will be the wake up that the flu does not kill milions of people every year, its the flu + unhealthyness.

where were you when pharmaceutical industry was kill

in german television a virologist said in january, there are no flu deaths counted. they take the number of people that died in a quarter and take flu lethality and thats the number

According to CCP, the flu only kills 144 people a year in China

>two right hands

If Corona kills all patients at once the virus will be wiped out inmediately.

Coциoбляди SOSNOOLEY

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since it came from humans, yes sounds logic

overall extremely bad news for everyone who wants to stay alive, because the animals are afaik not affected by the virus (just like bats, no matter in bioweapon or not!)

so they will bring back the virus again and again

and people where mad when they saw chinks killing dogs for having the virus...
now it makes sense...ALOT OF SENSE

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Give me a week off already. I don’t want to karoshi.

that is very hopeful user, that will only happen if we have military lockdown for many months and wait for the virus to totally burn out

if we alleviate quarantines too early it WILL be a sine wave logistical with reseeding clusters

Dragon dildos?

It's not Sweden alone though, cases/deaths are rising in the UK, Spain, Turkey, Portugal etc...

>italy plateauing
Ya, china, italy, and s korea all followed a similar trend. The course of the virus is pretty predictable from here on out

i would assume they'd be pumping her full of anti virals to try and beat the virus too

>Andrew Jack
Fuck bros...

>muh spooky op pictures hehe

you guys are cnn posting. you have the same agenda as cnn right now. fear and doom. fucking rekt

fucking mentally malnourished retards mad because the virus is literally nothing. the gov response is clearly something but you idiots are too stupid to talk about it. now that would be interesting..not your tired fabrications and exaggerations and just two weeks bullshit.
>m-muh ACE2
you don’t understand microbiology or virology you stupid faggot
>m-muh reinfection
see point above
>muh two weeks
it’s been nearly half a year with this shit in the wild
i hate you faggots so much. cvg posters are brain dead pedos from r9k you arnt even polacks.

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Worldometers says it's 400

>massive spread likely in the country all from this one group, similar to S.Korea.

"Gold is the money of kings, silver is the money of gentlemen, barter is the money of peasants - but debt is the money of slaves."

Norm Franz, "Money and Wealth in the New Millenium"

Israeli Rabbi Shalom Arush corona virus is for non Jews (Goyims)


Attached: CoronaJew.jpg (1012x480, 46.2K)

No. Call your loved ones while you still can.

How does one self isolate if you have the virus and there is 7 ppl in your house? Do they keep you in the hospital? Do they send you somewhere?

Just blast this

I still don't get why is everyone so freaked out about this virus, it has a very low mortality rate, I'm tired of this quarantine

Yeah bro, I have a friend in Sao Paulo and he is not dead

What job still isn't letting you work at home?
Everyone I know now works at home.

Boston is a hoax
I don't know anyone from there, or anyone that has been there
In fact as far as I know, no one has ever even seen Boston

delicious cvg tears

>Just a sore throat
Am I ok?

Post any white European healthy man with no pre-existing conditions dying from this little faggot virus.

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Do you know anyone who has it? That's the shit is getting real test for me. So far no one I know has it.

is UK still on team herd?
I thought they closed down schools and pubs and all other gathering places

First act is waaaaaay too long.
Good thing the second act kicks off T O M O R R O W

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Meant to quote too

cats are affected by coronachan, they can be coofers too

This artist actually made corona Chan porn, bless this man

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You wouldn’t believe me if I denied so sure, let’s go with that. Among other things like high quality tea and some knickknacks I commissioned to sit on my shelf

Bhaad me jaa, maderchod!

ill be seeing you soon bro..

>why are so many tubes stuck in her?
She needs food, water and drugs...

>imagine dying from a placebo meme flu

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>to good
Bruh it's like the first week of sunshine this year in S. Petersburg and I can't even go to a bar or a museum with my friends. And also my package with anime figures is stuck in the mail and I don't know how to get it before they send it back to Japan. This apocalypse sucks big time.

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>half a year
3 months retard and it only just popped off in March in the rest of the world.

My source (the same one who gives me italian numbers early) said this to me.

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Go drink vodka with your neighbor girl. You're stocked on vodka aren't you?

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Checked and foodpilled


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Игopь тoнeт!

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go watch some more redditkur and buy a hat while you're at it

I don't understand why you guys act so surprised that drastic isolation cuts the numbers 2 weeks later

Is there a site that tracks pollution?


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Fuck off newfag
Stay in your /ptg/ npc containment zone

Yes she is

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predictions of the total italian numbers?

teri maa ki