@realDonaldTrump @TeamTrump @TrumpWarRoom

>b-but Trump hasnt done anything!

SCHEDULE/WH Public Pool:

>TrumpTweet: USNS Comfort Arrives in (((NYC))) 3/30/20
>Pres Trump/Corona-chan Task Force News Conf 3/30/20
>Pres Trump on F&F 3/30/20
>TreasSec Mnuchin on FBN 3/30/20
>AgSec Perdue on FBN 3/30/20
>WHCorona-chanRC Amb Birx on TODAY 3/30/20
>WHCorona-chanRC Amb Birx on TODAY 3/30/20
>NIAIDDir Fauci on GMA 3/30/20
>NIAIDDir Fauci on (((FakeNews))) 3/30/20
>FHFADir Calabria on HughHewittShow 3/30/20
>ArmyCoS Gen McConville on CBSThisMorning 3/30/20
>NORAD&NORTHCOM Comdr AFGen O'Shaughnessy on F&F 3/30/20
>HHSVideo: 5 Things To Know About Household Cleaning 3/30/20
>StateDeptVideo: Assisting American Citizens Abroad 3/30/20
>WHVideo: Pres Trump's Actions on Corona-chan 3/30/20
>Pres Trump/Corona-chan Task Force News Conf 3/29/20
>Pres Trump/VP Pence meet w/Supply Chain Distributors 3/29/20

OP pastebin:

Attached: chink masks.webm (505x720, 2M)

Other urls found in this thread:


Attached: chink haircut.webm (540x720, 1.94M)


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What are you supposed to do in that situation? I guess she could shave it all off and donate it to wig makers and claim it was the plan all along.

> Tell niggers to get a job
> user chimps out

> Tells anons to STOP BEING POOR

Attached: laughing-bitches.jpg (446x400, 44.52K)

Much like slut shit, CHINESE FOOD should be illegal and subject to heavy sanctions! We must also tariff China to punish them for this!

Attached: BanChineseFood.jpg (854x367, 133.85K)

dunno how great of a measure that is. i think a lot of people are expecting a miraculous rebound that will act like these potentially three months of quarantine didn't happen or weren't that big of a deal

Attached: 1563036520350.jpg (691x691, 76K)

>there's a shitskin in this /ptg/

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Does the hair come back in this case? Or is she basically fucked?

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Attached: 1584073933688.jpg (1073x1025, 313.63K)

If they knew her hair was tangled, why did they keep fucking going? They should've just cut her hair out of the drill.

Why is /ptg/ full of CivNats?

>no one in my area is hiring
Fuck you too, moor.

He can beat The Donald. I'm certain of it!

Attached: Cuomo_Barbell_Piercing3.jpg (800x650, 134.37K)

>25 posts by this autist last thread
Low energy. Sad!

She's not that pretty

>or weren't that big of a deal
Outside of jew York and dc they weren't.

> i think a lot of people are expecting a miraculous rebound
You are putting too much faith in your fellow American. People in this very thread are expecting Trump to go right back to
> lower african american unemployment ever
before the 2020 election.

Enjoy his second term, faggot.

Attached: 1553467326513.jpg (890x876, 228.55K)

USS Chinkysinker is submerged in the South China Sea, waiting for its moment

sounds like you should find a different area then

Attached: 1572061818221.jpg (560x560, 63.55K)

Why, mister Federal Agent, are you selling some rocket launchers for the epic zoomer revolution?

If you're reading this, go get a job. You are a disappointment to your president and your economy

rude af tbqh

Attached: 1569854559758.jpg (819x1024, 529.23K)

It's a race with zero concept of danger or spatial awareness

Okay. I hope is second term isn't CivNat garbage. Wish him luck!

Sorry, Greta fan

Nobody wants a MSM candidate.

4 more years

everyone have their masks, user

Attached: 1567210219617.jpg (595x591, 65.35K)

> why did they keep fucking going? They should've just cut her hair out of the drill.
You are putting enormous faith in the ability of chinks to make a "health check" In the spur of the moment.
> webm related
The lady was walking 2mph. The bus was 5mph. The lady and the bus driver MADE FUCKING EYE CONTACT
And yet, neither of them did anything to prevent this outcome

Attached: chink almost missed the bus.webm (400x220, 2.53M)

Glowing so bright I gotta wear shades, my homie-G diggity dawg!

MAGA! I hope Trump kicks out even LEGAL brown immigrants!

>You are putting enormous faith in the ability of chinks to make a "health check" In the spur of the moment.
You're right, I forgot these Chinese have no common sense

yeah it's the latter

Attached: GretaThunbergchangesTwitternameto039Sharon039afterCelebrityMastermind.jpg (1200x630, 68.89K)

Can we live with you until we find a job?
No? You're racist.


Attached: DB54382D-2E2B-44F4-B9ED-A34DE3934654.jpg (877x1024, 112.87K)

really thought the eye-opening stuff we've seen of
>up to 50% GDP contraction
>up to 40% unemployment
>6 trillion stimulus after only 1 month of a potentially 3 month quarantine
>oil prices sinking to lowest in decades
would have shocked some people into sanity but i guess we have to wait for the cold nights outside and the hunger to do that

Attached: 1566798488036.gif (500x275, 387.64K)

Why would you question a few harmless kinks?
When what you need is a Trump Slayer.

Attached: Cuomo_Barbell_Piercing4.jpg (800x650, 121.04K)

Three things

1) stop being poor
2) unless you have a wife and white babbies THERE IS ZERO SHACKLING YOU TO THIS PARTICULAR AREA
3) I truly doubt zero companies are hiring in your particular area. Delivery and transportation are hiring everywhere and I assume so is private security and health professional

On the topic of haircuts

Attached: chink hair cut.webm (320x568, 2.89M)

God I want to eat her asshole so bad

>get laid off
>receive less on final paycheck than I thought I would
>check paystub
>"imputed income"

"Free" company benefits count as income to be taxed. Now this is some high-level jewry, I'm always learning more about kikes! Never accept anything but cash as compensation.

why is there such a huge hardon from the left for testing people?
like if you have symproms just isolate

Greta Thunberg is the reason I work out. I have this fantasy where we start talking at the UN climate summit after party. We exchange a few pleasantries. She asks what I do. I say I loved her on CNN She laughs. I get my drink.
"Well, see ya," I say and walk away. I've got her attention now. How many guys voluntarily leave a conversation with Greta Thunberg? She touches her neck as she watches me leave.
Later, as the night's dragged on and the coterie of gorgeous narcissists grows increasingly loose, she finds me on the balcony, my bowtie undone, smoking a cigarette.
"Got a spare?" she asks.
"What's in it for me?" I say as I hand her one of my little white ladies. She smiles.
"Conversation with me, duh."
I laugh.
"What's so funny?" she protests.
"Nothing, nothing... It's just... don't you grow tired of the egos?"
"You get used to it," she says, lighting her cigarette and handing me back the lighter.
"What would you do if you weren't a climate change activist?" I ask.
"Teaching, I think."
"And if I was your student, what would I be learning?"
"Discipline," she says quickly, looking up into my eyes, before changing the subject. "Where are you from?"
"Mexico" I say.
"Oh wow. That's lovely."
"It's OK," I admit. "Not everything is to my liking."
"What could possibly be not to your liking in Mexico?" she inquires.
"I don't like sand," I tell her. "It's coarse and rough and irritating and it gets everywhere."

What's with his nipples?

>Wait 'till the cases before anything happens
-Joseph Robinette Biden, Candidate for US Senate, Genius.

It's just a flu, bro. Just drink liquids and walk it off.

my 5yo nephew is more articulate than him
and probably got better policies while we're at it..

Really, his nipple piercings are going up his turnout with his main constituency: The LGBT bloc.

Attached: 1585617706309.png (613x522, 543.13K)

Very disrespectful.

Based Mike is a great inspiration.

>life was in shambles
>addicted to hard drugs
>found God and Jesus Christ
>got clean and sober
>hustled like a madman making pillows even when everyone told him it was dumb and useless
>made himself a total success

Attached: 1564865823349.gif (284x250, 614.71K)

Based gardenpathtoashitreferenceposter

Zoomer realizes (((benefits))) are never free

tl;dr ngl

Attached: OurLoli.png (600x800, 699.16K)

Think you could do it, /ptg/?

Trump is infamous for loving McDonalds, think he could do it?

Attached: 1585651690996.png (962x1266, 1.78M)

You photoshopped the little downs goblin.


Attached: 1585478002764.png (487x524, 570.17K)

> free 1200 bucks
That makes up for everything

I could except the soda

Isn't this from Maltese Falcon or something?

I could probably do it. Trump? Doubt.

And best of all
>has all his skeletons well known


Benefits are a meme though.

you're stupid
the flu is actually worse

Attached: Screenshot_20200331-103733_Chrome.jpg (1080x2280, 641.52K)

I could do it in 20 min


Pretty based, if you would ask me.

Attached: QQBClpSC79.jpg (839x1187, 224.75K)

90? Nigga this is my breakfirst
Learn to OMAD

No clue, found it on a copypasta subreddit

give me 10 and it's done
everyone knows you have to east fast or you'll fail like a wimpy little bitch

I blame white people for dis.

Apples to oranges

So you work out so that you can tell Greta thunberg that sand gets everywhere

Sick bro


the flu has killed more people in the same time frame FACTS

>hustled like a madman making pillows even when everyone told him it was dumb and useless
does he have a book? is the book good? I want to hear the pillow man's tale

easiest 3k ever made

His family is fine doing this with the guy?
Democrats know they will lose, doesn't matter who they put there so they just want to give Pres. Trump a sleazy victory?

Who wouldn't/couldn't?

Narrative control. Testing is complicated so there will never be a way to accurately test every single person., therefore Trump bad. But as the US ramps up testing the best we can, we know about more and more cases, therefore Trump bad.

yeah, if it was diet soda I'd have a chance. But that much sugar would probably kill a person.

>makes kikes kvetch hard just from praising God

Anudda glownigger that is trying to get the world to hate China, so they can be invaded and their 8,000 +tons of gold stolen, like (((they))) did in Iraq and Libya.


So dinosaurs by June then?

Attached: 20200331_103155.jpg (1080x2280, 748.39K)

>still homely

It's lifted from a noir detective novel. Just not sure which one.

am I the only person here who wouldn't do stupid challenges for money?
my diginty of worth infinitely more

>the ultimate comfy

Attached: 1563300825395.jpg (1400x1399, 404.22K)

Trump us really really fucked wow. Biden will get to own the recovery too

Attached: Screenshot_20200331-100444_Samsung Internet.jpg (1060x1329, 487.58K)


I genuinely don't get what boomers see in this guy.

Attached: le gosi.jpg (600x600, 20.89K)

Its that kino faith that can only come from having Christ personally pull your leg out of a beartrap, heal you, and tell you to make yourself great again

Dude is deaf or does not listen
why does he keep failing at this compared to Obama and the swine flu?

Attached: bgvftdcrvftgbyhnuj.png (1100x752, 1.06M)

you must have never been poor enough long enough. not being able to afford normal life eats away at your dignity all on its own.

Also from 2015:
An Italian report on Chinese attempt to turn a bat coronavirus into a bioweapon.


Gay faggot mexiturd.

>sweating man.jpg

Attached: Untitleddm.jpg (200x210, 6.75K)

>cold nights outside and the hunger
I'm getting pretty serious with my gf, she already said I can move in with her if my landlords kick me out. So my plan is to stop paying my bills and rent, save up whatever unemployment and MAGAbux I can and move in with her. Sorry to deny you my despair, but, despite all this garbage my commie governor has dumped on my life, I'm actually in a much better, happier place than I have been in a while. It's amazing what the love of a good woman can do for you, you should try it sometime.
>not you, moor, you know who I'm addressing

Attached: vagine.png (600x887, 213.08K)

dont forget the mail in ballot
that fucks the gop
they cant suppress the working vote

i's the wrong species for your kind

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Recovery? For whom? Those TBTF banks, casinos CC companies, sub prime auto loan outfits?

They'll have their debt shouldered by the (((FED))) and guess where they FED is going to dump that toxic slop?

> Peacock
Clearly they've been eating way to much of this.

>Mike Lindell's net worth is $300 million


Attached: 1571127980964.jpg (500x393, 22.69K)

>wouldn't do stupid challenges for money?
>crosses the rio grande for 8 buck and hours

Attached: vftygbhnujimnhubgyfvcdfvtgbh.jpg (440x992, 294.09K)

>n-no, see, i'm happy to be a deadbeat! y-you're just jealous
this is pretty delicious despair already

Attached: 1576563936906.jpg (704x593, 360.62K)

can we post 2016 kino?

Attached: 1478204006082.jpg (3000x2090, 551.84K)

No wonder he's always in a fucking good mood.

I hear chloroquine ain’t working.

Trump and his fans wrong again!

>Leech and a welfarenigger

Attached: E5A69857BB394BC4B52A1B4703E885D8.png (232x253, 161.15K)


Stop posting this ugly cunt

>but i guess we have to wait for the cold nights outside and the hunger to do that
I've already died from hunger 5.4 gorrillian times! why won't trump stop this!!?!?!?

Living off your g/f.

>+558 deaths yesterday

Still a nothingburger?

Attached: file.png (1454x852, 86.93K)

there's a 0% chance I could do this and I eat 3.5k calories a day. my average meal is a ribeye with vegetables, a beer or fermented fruit/flower drink, and starch once a day.

this is just disgusting "food" anyone bragging about this is a literal animal


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So he’s not racist then, Chuck?

It's mostly about preserving the downballot ticket.
Senile Sleepy Joe is a safer "more moderate" choice to the aged selfhating boomers that cuck on their own best interests because of their own twisted moral code and invisible brownie points.
They have written off the "progressives" for another year while paying lip service, assuming they'll willfully bend over as they fuck them yet again and vote with them this time to keep the house. Senate seems to be a longshot with the way these Dem Governors are single handedly fucking everyone in the country over.

pretty sure this one has a few honorary genes in her

Attached: 1585665509252.webm (584x854, 1.44M)

> Sorry to deny you my despair
JEJ, I can taste the despair from here user
> my plan is to stop paying my bills and rent, save up whatever unemployment and MAGAbux I can and move in with her
Please keep me posted, seems delicious despair to come, that even got me a hardon for everything that can go wrong with that plan

Attached: despair-everyone.jpg (500x613, 124.94K)


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>you may also like niggers
Even (((google))) knows you're a shill

Attached: 1480618803969.png (221x380, 111.61K)

This is even more bullshit than tabagism deaths
>Look, he sneezed at some point in his life, it was certainly corona, now burn the fucking body Bob.