>muh bread lines
Muh bread lines
DAMN BRO, is this really what America has become? 2 weeks without work and people are already DEAD BROKE where they line up 15 miles from a bread store just to get FREE BREAD?
pandemic vs everyday live
kys commie
>don't have money to buy bread
>have money to fill up your car and stand in line for hours wasting gasoline
'merica fuck yes
>one chink fucks a bat and brings murrica to its knees
fake and gay
It's not literally bread. Food banks just give away all the food even the lowest tier stores can't sell for profit
Time to start sleeping in shifts.
Two words:
Be Prepared.
Muhfuggas shoulda paid attention at Boy Scouts. Oh right. Ya'll lil niggas didn't have that. Ya'll had video games.
>Source: Some literally who posted this on social media so it must be true.
Despite being 13% of the population...
Over half of the country lives paycheck to paycheck.
Per. Capita.
Dindus are only 13% of the US population
A disease from a communist country is why we need communism hurr durr.
What is population density.
The whole world was bought to it's knees not America. Kill yourself commie.
the first stage is denial
Shut up white boy.
>have a car
>don't have enough money to go to the store and buy food
The value of having savings.
It's amazing that so many Americans will completely fail at living within their means or bargaining for better pay.
No, I’m still working and have 30k in the bank. Fuck outta here syrupfag
...do you know what population density means?
Even poor people in America drive SUVs
>Chang still lying about the 21 million dead
>Chang can't accept his country caused all of this
America is not "on its knees" and you are a disgusting chink for laughing at the suffering of the poor. That is who that line is, the American poor, and here you are laughing at them. If you were an American I would tell you to be ashamed of yourself and go do something about it if it concerned you so much. But you are a CCP Chang on 4chins doing your best to D&C.
Your country is fucked, Chang, it's already breaking apart at the seams and now with this second wave of infections it will be you who will be brought to their knees and no one in the West outside of your paid lackeys will even care.
Die, Chang, die
Pittsburgh user here, we have plenty of food in the grocery stores, all those cars are just nogs wasting gas for some gibmedats
cool man people are still starving
>race unknown
I need to see some examples, especially in America where people will wax lyrical off their 1/64th heritafz
There's literally a highway full of your fat countrymen waiting to receive high fructose corn syrup in boxes.
Sucks for them, right?
are you dense?
I've got dat dere 6 month e-fund, plus unemployment, plus I could liquidate my 401k if I really needed to. It's still concerning af to be out of work though, since I'm in the travel industry.
Something like 1/3rd of America lives on negative savings, and 2/3rds have less than $1,000 saved. It's risky to be responsible with money in America as these idiots will vote to rob you in an emergency.
>people are still starving
Oh the 'poor' can go a long while before they're actually starving. The underclass are what drives our obesity stats through the roof.
There's no such thing as negotiating pay in most industries. You either get a new job, a higher position at the company, or you settle for what they offer. Try to negotiate in an interview and your resume will get tossed in the trash.
Pfft that ain’t real syrup.
Snap is literally 1 of tons of government handouts people take. Plus white people make up more than 40% of the population and blacks make up less than 25%. So blacks are taking more than whites. A lot of mexicans are labeled as white also.
>food bank
Poor people gonna poor. I bought a 50 lbs bag of rice in top of all the other shit I had stored. Got it at an Asian supermarket where everyone is too afraid to go. Kek
2/3rds are Mexicans and blacks. Surprise.
Bargaining as an individual, yes. Bargaining as a collective, you have a better chance. But that's prefaced with "people need to live within their means". Bargaining usually means striking, and you have to be capable of going without a paycheck for a month.
Nonasenshul seething
They probably had people who did not need it showing up, so they can hoard more. Most food banks are handing out food that will go bad by the end of the week.
Most of these people in line for "free food" can afford their own food, but have no shame about taking from those who REALLY need a food pantry. The real poor people couldn't afford to sit there, idling and wasting gas for hours. And in the video, most of those vehicles look nice. When I was poor, I was wrapping duct tape around my car's sideboards because they were so rusted through.
Our town for awhile was offering free spaying and neutering of pets. Women in escalades would show up with their little dogs to get it done free when they could clearly afford it. They eventually shut it down, regrouped and then it was on a sliding scale based on your income.
Marxism and Capitalism are two sides of the same sheckel though
>Try to negotiate in an interview and your resume will get tossed in the trash.
That's why women get paid less for the same jobs. They don't bother negotiating.
Niggers and white women don't know how to save, also credit cards
oh no no no
witness how morons process data, its both amusing and educational for the non-idiot.
>don't have money to buy bread
>have money to fill up your car and stand in line for hours wasting gasoline
gas is pretty cheap now with all of the factories shut down. They're saying oil is going to start having negative value when taking into account the storage costs.
I'm looking forward to wearing my zhang ear necklace in occupied Beijing in minecraft
I had boy scouts and video games
imagine the smell
Damn. I guess this is Trump's America. Right guys?
The worker furloughs from the oil/gas industry will be a pretty big hit on the economy.
Just ask Kuschner how he got 10 billion
Agree with both of you.
Yep, gone every weekend on a BSA trip and playing Nintendo during the week. Plus Orchestra and sports. I don't know why people think you can't do both.
You stupid disingenious niggers.