Brit/pol/r nhs edtion

>Goats take over empty streets of Llandudno

>Police told to stop being overzealous wankers during "lockdown"

>Foreign Office links up with airlines to fly stranded Britons home

>Prince Charles out of self-isolation

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Other urls found in this thread:

why are britpol posters so stupid

First for are Mozza

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This is a good essay about the negative effects of being a male raised by a single mother. It's written with black American males in mind, I think, but it's still a good read.

I relate quite a bit to what he says, to my shame.

why are you such an attention seeking namefag cuck?
here is your (you)
now get tae fuck

>390 deaths in one day
this is what exponential growth looks like

Anyone else cut their own hair at home? I was due to go to the barbers the weekend of the lockdown, don't want to look like a scruffy cunt when on conference calls.

coz we all lost r eds!

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Lord Sumption weighs in on police state

my outrage grows exponentially

180 yesterday. We're on Italy's tangent
Ayy lmao

>Lord Simpleton

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why would you give an attention seeker attention you dumb fucking cunt? proving my point that britpol posters are so stupid.

Fucking brutal

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Under the Boris regime, NHS security services would arrest anyone who didnt clap on Thursday nights, colourised 2020

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there are voices in the street i'm calling the police

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italy has had 4-10x more deaths than they've been reporting.

Listen, don’t let that uncle tom get to you. Single mothers are strong, independent and powerful, they don’t need some layabout man. There are many single mothers doing totally great jobs raising their amazing kids, working fantastic careers and living their best life.

they are recording people who die at home now thats why

Would you marry this girl, even though it meant you would have this Welshman as your stepfather?

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Just wear a hat mate.

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not smart enuff to know r ya

I heard blastbeats reading that

just buzzed it off yesterday

Is that Sheen's daughterfu? Hot.

It will soon be like in the film Contagion when people stop even batting an eye lid when they deaths were in the tens of thousands everyday.

Really recommend that film to people, scarily predictive programming for the current situation.

Incel rage yes, but it does contains a grain of truth when you consider that an average, non-pretty woman gets hundreds of messages on a dating app per day, often from men that are objectively better-looking than she is

Yes in most cases it might just be interest in nsa sex on the men's part, but it's still attention
Attention that the average man could never dream of getting from so many women

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The plan;

The virus is a front for the next phase of African Cattle Planet™ since 1789. This phase is about killing boomers (in order to finish off the voting denographics as brown youth will vote for tyranny), cashless society (cash spreads virus goyim!) , bagging patriots and them dying of "Corona", repopulation with "climate refugees" and then preparing of the chipped population where you can't buy or sell without the vaccine.

The virus was never meant to last long or kill us all, just last long enough and kill enough. Pay attention to laws being passed and proposals (in the UK for example they are about to just force through 100 pages of laws in a day and Boris has proposed mas testing so people can prove they had the illness and have recovered). Blackouts soon where they will start bagging all people who have ever posted here.

Pic related. It's over.

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>A Coronavirus Vaccine in 18 Months? Experts Urge Reality Check
it's interesting that they mentioned the HIV vaccine failures, since SARS-CoV-2 has some HIV genetic code in its RNA structure. none of the SARS vaccine candidates got anywhere either, they all caused ADE in the host and killed them with cytokine storms.

Now she’s a top little slag

How do I join the glorious dead?


>he hasn’t took the growing your hair pill

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That narrator in the first video needs to shut his mouth forever. What a fucking rancid noise he is.


My dad goes to a Turkish barber despite living in a predominantly white area
How do I convince him to go to a white barber instead?

>A total of 1,801 people have now died with the virus across the UK, including 367 more in England, 13 in Scotland, seven in Wales and six in Northern Ireland.

>The Acts of Union 1800 (sometimes referred to as a single Act of Union 1801) were parallel acts of the Parliament of Great Britain and the Parliament of Ireland which united the Kingdom of Great Britain and the Kingdom of Ireland (previously in personal union) to create the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland. The acts came into force on 1 January 1801


I havent seen that one, the last film i watched like that one with the black guy, and its from the 90s

I'd go for it.
Whenever dad takes Lily Mo out, i'll spend some quality time with mum

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>we got a problem
He needs elocution lessons.

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>What am I doing here, so far from nature and from family? What was so important?

Tell him Turkish barbers are laundering money from drugs.

STFU Bert is based and redpilled.

>he hasn't taken the skinhead pill

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Kek, you sound like an episode of Will It Blend where he jams buzzwords he doesn't understand into his blender.

tfw two minutes hate in reverse

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what you mean by that?

>Coronavirus does spread through the air and lingers in rooms long after patients have left, study finds
/cvg/ proven right yet again. it can travel through water pipes too.

>Privilege, as I see it now, in the midst of this emergency, is the ability to roam in the open countryside. I’d lost touch with that, over the years, despite my childhood climbing trees, hiking up the sides of mountains, and swimming in the pools above waterfalls.

romantic pilled

>he hasn’t took the growing your hair pill

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>93% CFR
>7% "survival" rate
the uk strain seems to be continually mutating to become deadlier and deadlier.

Yeah worth a watch, my gf stopped watching it said it reminded her to much of real life.

Been using this one for a few years, it's great and so easy to use. It's saved loads on haircuts.

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Havent been to the barbers in 16 years, as a i have no hair to cut

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Because they are all rural and suburban retards or police.
If you want real political conversation with the best and brightest I hear /r/ukpolitics is good.

If you're wearing a pair of black denim jeans, with a shirt and jumper over them, do you tuck the jumper into your jeans or allow it to hang out (a few inches down your crotch)?

>muh NHS
>muh NHS
>muh NHS

you are embarrassing

Takes quite a few months to half a year though, and you still need to trim it

Bald man have higher testosterone than average, so there’s that.

right dumbo baggins you are

i know a family that stayed in coz Boris said and they all got the virus and got sick ans they all died coz they wouldnt leave to get help. tru story

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thanks lad, been wanting to get a new one and didn't know what was decent

>welsh gets fucked by the goat, and not the other way
weak bloodline, that one

no pubes either you coward

Not all of us have lukemia though

tuck in the shirt, but not the jumper, or you;ll look like a spastic

Let it hang

There is no mutation about it, China just hid the true scale of its death rate from the start.
Hubei Province Lockdown is over, and Wuhan is open for business.
Millions are going to die.

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michael sheen is really ballooning into a sweaty fat blob

Depends how thick and fast your hair grows. Mine is grows fast af.

Do other European countries with free healthcare systems (i.e. all of them) revere theirs as much as the NHS is revered in the UK?


its gunna take me like 2 years to run out

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Isn't it formal to tuck in the jumper though? I always have, but I tend to feel like a manchild for doing it. But alternatively, letting it hang feels slovenly.

I work in the NHS and drove past a banner someone had made saying "thank you NHS" with a LGBT rainbow. Made me sick tbqh.

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boris deserves to be jailed for life if he survives this.

social distancing and self-isolation was my life before this virus started

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No worries

The rainbow is to represent hope apparently, but I’m not surprised the gays will jump on it. ALOT of gays in the nhs.

oh you

she cute

fucking hell

Hello lads

>Isn't it formal to tuck in the jumper though?
no lad, normal people don't tuck jumpers in because it looks fucking stupid

As this has what to do with an Asian lady?

Dam that's nasty, should I start stockpiling?

There are two types of people

Why are unions like this. Why don't they see that the strong arm tactics and hissy fit walk out have always been a bad move?

>500 workers walk out of Asos factory after company fails to enforce social distancing

>The latest study, which has not been peer-reviewed by other scientists yet or published in a scientific journal, took samples from 11 patients' rooms after they had been placed in isolation following a diagnosis.
>which has not been peer-reviewed by other scientists yet or published in a scientific journal
they could be completely making shit up for all you know

lol you truly are fucking retarded
if you checked the government dashboard and stopped wanking over worldometers, you would notice why the recoveries figure hasn't been increasing:

>* A new process for collecting numbers of recovered patients is in development: the figure shown is for 22/03/2020.

once again you prove how clueless you are about the entire scenario
please explain why boris deserves to be "jailed for life"
that is complete loony talk

Leave the jumper out but it's important that the jumper is the correct fit to look smart. It shouldn't come down any further than the bottom edge of your belt buckle. It shouldn't flare out at the back or sides either. Round neck goes better with collared shirt.

I'm a manager in the Civil Service. I have no idea what you have to do to get fired here. In the last two years I have:

>Started an electrical fire after failing to fix a photocopier
>Turned up drunk at least one day a week
>Locked an autistic employee in the post room after accidentally deleting his pass from the security system
>Parked my car in the secure car park for a fortnight whilst I was on holiday
>Broke a 65 inch TV
>Added some guy to the spam list on the office email inbox who later tried to chain himself to the building because no one ever replied to his emails
>Accused a member of the public who was having a fit of faking it
>Made an enemy of various people
>Breached GDPR on a daily basis
>Fucked up the holiday calendar and blamed it on someone else

If you want something that's fairly well paid for absolutely no effort whatsoever I can recommend it

Afternoon italianon.

Reminder that the flu is worse.

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Hiya Pizza pal.

Oh me what?

And women. It's a feminist organisation just like teaching. Both have been hijacked.

turkish barbers are honestly some of the worst haircut experiences I've had.
>come in, get glared at by twenty plus turkish lads
>barber is full of 10 IQ british lads with a total net worth of 80 pence all getting skin fades up to the top of their head
>place smells like cheap perfume
>ask for fade, they just cut your shit right to the top
>try and put in 1 pound wax/hairspray after they're done massacring your trim, literally try and fight you to put it in
>try and meme you into nose or ear burnings to justify the shit haircut

never again

Fair enough, thank you. Looks like I've been doing it wrong.

Hope summer is cancelled for brit tards who go to places like turkey and egypt and help prop up their tourism industry


if they come for you
just say you're "stressed"
this is the magic word for civil service comfy paid time off

As someone who didn’t bother at school and ended up with shit grades could I get in? Also, do you have spare time?

Boris deserves to be jailed for life because he’s a kike puppet, simple as

>who later tried to chain himself to the building because no one ever replied to his emails


your dad left you

also is it schizo to think that COVID was engineered by the illuminati or some shit

The arms fit, but the lower end reaches down to just about where my jeans diverge into legs, obscuring my groin?

But the governments are lying, we all gonna die, I should get some toilet roll and bread.

Attached: Screenshot_2020-03-31 Department of Health and Social Care on Twitter UPDATE on coronavirus (#COVID19) testing in the UK As[...].png (616x439, 49.4K)

Where did he leave me?

no user
this is an obvious false flag for technocratic rollout

Oh of course, with the nature of women being careers (was previously for their own children) they fill these roles right up.
What going to be annoying (as it is now) is the feminists will go on forever saying how women basically saved the NHS

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Yeah loads of it. I do 37 hours a week. Sometimes I do a Saturday at double time. They don't give a fuck about your grades and even if you have to go in at a lower level theres loads of extra earning and learning opportunities.

Nah it totally is

i unironically believe Amazon helped engineer it

I think a lot of it is how worldometers uses data, or more importantly how much data is released regarding serious/recovered cases that the site has to work with, compared to other countries.

Since when were Turks associated with cutting hair anyway? Seems to be a thing that's only appeared in the last 10 years.

in Toys R Us

>Locked an autistic employee in the post room after accidentally deleting his pass from the security system

lmao, give it another 15-20 years lad and we will be calling you 'Sir'.

No fucking way, how do I sign up? I basically want a job where I do fuck all for the most part. I hate wageslaving so if I do get a job I want to take the piss whilst doing it.

>Saved the NHS

You mean the UK and the world


+400 in UK

Sit him down and watch Midnight Express (1978)
Great film.


>full film (to watch here Yas Forums embedded)

>full film

What about the Chinese phones though?

Are you well lads?

the length of the jumper isn't necessarily a problem, depends if it fits you properly overall.
if the whole thing is baggy, then it's too big for you

check out a Jewtuber Jeff Censored
hes got a few channels and has laid it all out over the past few weeks
so many coincidences

>why are britpol posters so stupid
Asks the Brit/pol poster.
In Brit/pol.

It's too long for you lad. I've had the same problem with some fits of jumper. Arms too long whilst torso is too short or vice versa. I'm 6'3'' tall, broad and slim so end up a hybrid L/XL fit on most clothing. Its a pain especially when clothes are designed for the 95 percentile manlet or fatlet in each size. You can get away with the style you're describing in an informal casual setting like a coffee shop but if you want to look smart try and find a different jumper.

Why he gonna do that though?

Lol, nice government job, and people wonder why their sneered at for being wastes of taxpayer money. Coomings will be coo ing for you and your soon soon, apparently

>U.S. spies find coronavirus spread is hard to chart in China, Russia and North Korea
it's almost like china is covering up tens of millions of deaths

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>I'm a manager in the Civil Service. I have no idea what you have to do to get fired here

Just find some serious corruption mate.
That'll do it.

probably closer to 500. the death figures are 25%+ higher than they say they are.

my mate had blisters all over his ear when they fucked up the ear burnings one time

Either use the civil service website or find an agency that hires from them. If you go the agency route you'll be doing the same job and just wait until a permanent one comes up. If you can use a computer properly you are ahead of the curve.

Don't take the piss too much at first but just get an idea of who does what. Always be polite. If you are polite and on time it will make anything possible whilst there.

not very bright are you

>british lads with a total net worth of 80 pence
turk barbers are deano hives

The thing is with all this worshipping the NHS is that they’re basically doing their normal jobs but with hazards suits on now.
Not like they’re in the fucking Somme.

because like all children you were slowly sucking the life force from his veins

That's gay as fuck, state of ARR NHS flags at the Cenotaph.

Yeah I don't care. Good. I can probably talk my way into being part of the rampaging mob. I'll let them in the back door whilst I take two months of leave because my mates dog died.

What will I be doing exactly? I don’t even know what a civil servant does. I’m shit with people.

Prison barbers

Only thing Turks are usually know for is the non-greek, non-euro inferiority complex, hellhole prisons, hot tar coffee and dirty loud scam-filled arabia markets

>Super-fit dad is taken to hospital after falling ill. He's diagnosed with coronavirus and given hours to live. His family has a gutwrenching choice - only one person can watch him die. What they saw will break your heart

i still have nightmares about that trim, my hair was ruined for a week by the cheap as shit, sticky, smelly hairspray the barber suddenly started using on me without warning alone let alone the haircut itself which was -1/10