Portugal, Italy, Greece, Spain

Portuguese, Italian, Greeks, Spaniards, what do you think about the way the EU, specially the rich countries like Germany, Nederlands... treat our countries? Not only with the Covid-19 shit, also with the 2008 crisis, the Catalan crisis in Spain... they pee on us and say that is raining.

The EU cant hold two economic speeds. They cant say the slower economies to try to keep up with the faster ones, because that destroys our reserves, our workers, all.

We should think a solution to this problem because the EU is going to be very damaged after this health crisis

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I say FUCK the EU fuck G*RMANOID and FUCK the BCE it's time for us to unite in a single glorius Mediterranean union from the Alpes to the Nile

Honestly, what is your problem?
We have competent leadership and hard working citizens so our countries prosper.
You have incompetent leadership and lazy, unemployed loser citizens so your countries don't prosper.
We give you money so you would get things running, you waste that money and don't pay your debts.
Now you keep asking for more and more money and because we won't give it to you since you're already in debt to us we are supposed to be the bad guys. And how much do you contribute to the EU as opposed to how much you gain from EU, southron?
Without us you will go homeless. Your country will be Africa-tier. You can not run a country. That is why you need to support a truly United Europe. You will have Northerners in charge. White people. Good people. Uncorrupt people. We will take care of things. We will handle everything. It will all be okay.
Stop blaming us for your own incompetence.

what about two Euro currencies, one for the stronger economies and one for the weaker ones?
And how did we piss on you in 2008, Catalonia, now? We have a pandemic here too you know... and during the Catalonia thing we backed the legal Spanish government like everyone

fuck the EU and fuck g*rmany

i love em gimmie more money to kill shitskins pls

Southern Europe should make their own union and share a common cuurency, when shit gets hard with inflation and stuff, you drop the value of that currency to be economically competitive again. They used to do that before the Euro came

If they do that they should just let their cain run parallel to the Euro and trade would't be much harder

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I think it might be time lads

Also, when were we ever great? When we invested ourselves in warfare and arts. We are a warrior race with the soul of artists.
Its time to reach peak aesthetics and emotion in the field of arts and peak military domination in the field of battle.
The world would be amazing if it was ruled by a neo-classical united southern european republican state.
Fifth empire is coming.

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If this means the official language is Latin, you have my full support.

>warfare and arts
>We are a warrior race
>peak aesthetics

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seething germ

Go back to with this cringey shit. Yas Forums is an EU board.
Go back to

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Time to leave this wretched union. Germany is strong and prosperous. It'll survive even without Italy. So don't oppose us and let us do our thing

The only solution is nuking Amsterdam.


This image sums it all up. You keep blaming the EU even though you people are incompetent yourself.

Just look at the Greek crisis for example. How they fuck was that the fault of the EU? You keep blaming them for shit that you brought upon yourselves.

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Of course Empirelets are soyjack spammers.
The level of your humour is on the same level of your positive impact on humanity.
Never has Germania brought cilization and culture to the world, never has it brought up savages out of their primitive ways, showing them the enlightned path of civilization.
It only brought destruction without progress, misery without evolution.
Germanoids will always be a barbarian race.

Hey mate, in your country live 5 million people. In mine 50 million. Stfu

>comparing a financial crisis to a pandemic
Yes, the Fl*mish are this brain damaged.

Imagine being Spain or Italy, one of Europe's powerhouses and oldest member states, with a large population and large economic outtput.

And then JVPITER comes and says nah fuck it I'd rather poor ex-commies with half the population than them.

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but regardless, claiming fame for the accomplishments of others is usually done by losers

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please stop argueing, we are supposed to be friends

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Poland is the leader of the V4.
Both Spain and Italy are usually led by France, and don't have their own influence sphere (except maybe Portugal for Spain). It is what it is.



Nigga you have an higher unemployment than us, you're not a rolemodel for nobody so close your chink eyes and fuck off

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sweden population: 10 million
portugal population: 10 million
greece population: 10 million
netherlands population: 17 million

Also how come UK was not a shithole like your country?

Germanoid wrists are so weak they cant even write so they have to come up with faggot machines to do it for them.
Meanwhile based strong dilligent catholic monks wrote 10 books a week alone, giving soul and uniqueness to every single one.
The germanoid is not capable of anything that isnt soulless mass production. American fastfood is a direct consequence of germanoid genetics.

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White Protestants are statistically terrorists who shoot up schools and take MEDs

>UK was not a shithole
...is this a joke?

actually it deosnt matter

We are. It's a thread full of Yas Forumstards so just ignore them.

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compared to meds, it is not a shithole

here's the actual scientific knowledge which I will deliver to you like I wasa fucking satellite.

ya'll some fucking nerds.

try to enjoy life, all this politics crap is not worth the trouble, what matters is love and art.


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Spain 50 million
Italy 60 million

UK has had competent politic leaders historically

Spain, after 40 years of dictatorship, still is stucked in the mud, politically talking

Not the same case again, like in ur last post

Okay, im going to break character here just to tell you how much of a newfag and a gaylord you are.
If you think anyone is fucking serious here you have a massive case of autism.
Yas Forums is banter and humourous. No one here is a Yas Forumstard except for the likes of you.
Thats the actual real difference between southern europeans and northern european (except Fingolians ), we understand that this is a place for fucking around and memeing while nordoids actually look for debates and arguments because of their autism oriented minds.
Also welcome to 4chink, its just as bad as reddit.

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Swedish population is like 20% muslims.
Also they are starting to have huge unemployment and deficit issues.
Also this crisis will put a rip on them

> Spain

As if there is such thing, you can't even keep your own country to gether you ungreatfull spics

Ah the Wilders autist is here. Go back to retard.

Es más fácil gobernar y gestionar los recursos de un país de 5 millones que loa de uno de 50 no crees?

>Yas Forums is banter and humourous
Ok, now i'm not going to break character and point you in the right direction.

Kek, german and dutch niggas are mad.
I wonder why- oh, right, they have a huge export dependant economy.
This niggas will be fucked in the ass like no other.


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Pay our debt you autist!


When we conquer the world again you nederfucks will be the first ones.

Flandes still ours


South Europe is how India was to the British empire, a fuel for their industries.

Are you really Finnish?





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Hola, una mensaje de amistad:





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cry more nigger

Good, don't let the door hit you on the way out.


Netherlands always had problems with Iberians. I wonder if it has anything to do with the elite of the Netherlands being expelled iberian jews.

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>Duque de Alba
Based and redpilled

Are we once again moving towards a future where the nations of Europe will be warring with each other?

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There is more, why are these guys so mad? Tell your Brothers to stop.

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of course trade would be harder. Germany couldn't sell as much stuff if meds can't afford it


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Well, the EU can work, (in a world like this, if we don´t act as a block than we are done) but first must be changed from the within, nationalists must take power.
Also, this is the only flag that makes sense for the EU

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How delusional are you?

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The EU is just another neo liberal institution with the end goal of preserving the status quo of muh capitalism and muh free markets.
Its not the fault of the dutchies or germans, if the roles were reversed, we'd do the same. Its the consequence of a system that prioritizes profit over human wellfare. And often, to achieve one, the other must be sacrificed.

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Based retard

>why are these guys so mad?
t. the guy seething on Yas Forums for at least three days now

I hate my country and want to move to northern europe

Fuck you freeloading motherfuckers

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Nunca serás blanco, Carlos.

No pero mis hijos cuando deje preñada a una rubia sí.


>Uses France as an example to avoid facing the fact that the retiring age has been raised in Italy, Spain and Greece too
As usual

Stop being inconsiderate to the plight of the meds, I'm sure they work very hard too plus they're poorer.

>Eurobonds are bailouts
Absolute brainlet. In fact the Dutch government is insisting on using the funds contained by the ESM, i.e. an actual bailout lmao

>contained by
contained in*

Eurobonds mean you get to use our credit rating to sell non-investment grade dogshit. Kill yourself retard.

even worse in shitaly

No? Eurobonds would be a sovereign bond issued by either the ESM or a new agency, not by Italy or any other national government
>Kill yourself retard.
Why so angry?

Kill all d*tchoid subhumans

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We dont want to become like Italy when it comes to finance


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You wouldn't. If anything it's Italy that would become more like you (which in fact is already happening, slowly but surely - our debt comes from the 80s-90s, it isn't recent)

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I spent last summer in a Romanian town doing an internship and I noticed how pro-EU everyone is. You'd see EU flags everywhere, even more than here and everyone praising it, but for the reason that they actually know how the EU works or what values it has, but because the people lack so much trust and confidence in their own government while being very much aware of the corruption going on in their own country, that they see the EU as a kind of watchdog which gives them an extent of hope. I imagine that it is the same in Bulgaria.

You'll get aid, but there will have to be some terms set. It's not that bad, stop overracting.

We're already pay more to the EU than we receive. This is fine, solidarity and one union and all, but we're not willing to gamble with the piggy bank of our nation. There are other ways to survive this crisis.

>the whole world
You don't sell to the whole world Hans, don't get cocky. Your market base is the same south you like to mock.

>We're already pay more to the EU than we receive
Same for Italy, but really that's a different issue (EU budget, cohesion funds etc)
>but we're not willing to gamble with the piggy bank of our nation
You wouldn't (eurobonds are about future bonds - old debt would not be shared)

The money gathered with eurobonds wouldn't be spent by the Italian/Spanish/French government, but directly by the EU in EU-wide projects (this time to restart our economies after coronavirus, in the future to maybe launch an EU-wide hyperloop network, or whatever project could be of common interest).

This. It's literally our respective government playing hardball so when the inevitable compromise is reach each side can tell its voters it has won and obtained the requested concessions

Maybe we can make two kind of euro bonds, one for the north and one for the south?

yeah i'm sure negotiating new trade deals with the US and China on your own would go swimmingly, they're totally the kind of markets to absorb your surplus without wanting anything in return
who needs free circulation of goods with your 2nd and 6th biggest buyer, right?

>How they fuck was that the fault of the EU?
Lol. Who fucking bullied Greece into joining the Euro in the first place even though they weren't suited?
Europe is far too diverse and different for what the EU is at this point and it cannot keep buying support of Europeans like it does.

euros getting a little tense from being indoors all week eh

Of course we sell to the whole world. At least to any relevant countries that can afford our products.

It would already be better than national bonds, but the point is really to have as big of a system as possible so we can avoid asymmetric shocks
I think it's more likely we'll see limited eurobonds. So like 70% of the debt would be issued through normal bonds, while 30% of it would be covered by centralised Eurobonds or the ESM. Over time as a true fiscal union is implemented the percentage could increase

The point is that it is not a zero sum game. For example Italy's savings with a lower interest rate would be enough to fully cover what Germany would have to pay with a slightly higher one. The money left after that can be used directly to lower Italy's debt or even shared between all members of the eurozone, or Idk put aside for some kind of risky project
You can sum the change in interest expenditures here and see that there are around 100bn left after everyone is compensated

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Oh fug we've been moved to reddit :DDDD XDDD

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>love and art
Underaged moron

In the end it's all about trusting the EU and the southern members to be financial responsible. At this moment there is no appetite for euro bonds in my country, but Im sure will find a solution one way or the other my dear Mario