>NEW: the government is preparing to release a contact tracking app which alerts people if they come too close to someone who tests positive for COIVD-19
The plan is to put it out as the lockdown ends
Tracked like a cattle-it's OVER
how would that even be legal. Wheres my std trackers than?
In MD they're talking about issuing essential employees some kind of paper saying it's ok for them to be out on the streets
Newfag. You’re already being tracked.
> getting tested
I am pretty sure they will take your DNA for database as well.
Of course this is just first step to chipping and eventual mandatory vaccinations
put down goytrack™ 9000
>he carries his phone around everywhere
>not carrying your phone with you is a terrorist act punishable with 10 years in quarantine
by April 2020
Phone GPS alone isn’t accurate enough for this purpose. Will it also use Bluetooth to detect other nearby phones?
true, but voluntarily is still not the same as forcibly
china has already implemented this tech. the algorithm is not public and people who are red-flagged are increasingly not being allowed to use public transport or enter buildings. redflagged persons do not know how to change their status and end up being social and economic pariahs. essentially, the mark of the beast that anons have been sperging about for years.
That's how they're doing it in South Korea, I believe
>>he carries his phone around everywhere
doesn't matter since everyone else is
have you not seen dark knight. nigger?
even cape shit movies have mentioned how five eyes actually uses this shit to track people
here is one article about it in china
>opt in
So put your positive, mute it in case it makes a sound or w/e and watch people in walmart freakout as it warns them COVID-19 boogeyman is getting close!
see the situation in china. without showing your current color code from the app on your phone you will not be allowed entrance to secured public or private spaces. want to enter the grocery store? show your code. want to ride the bus? show your code. want to enter the courthouse? show your code.
I forgot to mention, the core of this tech has existed for years. Over in the sandbox the air force has a system that looks for clusters of movement they use to track down insurgent cell meetings.
>technology bad
>future bad
Being tracked since 2000
>Implying everyone owns such a horrid proprietory device.
Sounds like something right out of China. The military needs to take over and bomb the Chinese government
>cops at every grocery store necessary to enforce this
yeah I dont think so boss the US isnt China we aren't all bugmen here. So yeah imma just walk past the clerk and suggest everyone else do the same.
>memeflag faggot
>supporting kike tracking technology
kek, pathetic all around
I don’t own a phone normie.
This will work out just fine
I’m surprised the geniuses in government don’t put dog shock collars on citizens... then they can just shock people
I’ve about had it with cellphones... going back to landlines
Take the vaccine. Download the app. Get chipped. Only use digital currency. Don't ask questions. Report your family and friends if they refuse. Who's a good boy? You're a good boy!
>owning a smartphone
>using a smartphone
>carrying a smartphone
>using a smartphone
if you were smarter, you wouldnt be worried about tracking apps on a phone
What happens when a hacker releases a computer virus that causes random people to show infection?
Fun times?
I just renewed the minutes on my smartphone. I'm complicit. But it's because of peer pressure!
MD essential fag here. They already have done this.
One can only wish... but government apps are the pinnacle of quality programming, it’s not possible.
Wait, weren't the test kits pretty inaccurate? False positives, false negatives, etc? The testing would need to be quite accurate to be able to reduce transmission this way. Not sure it meets the smell test for being effective at its stated intent. Would it not be more effective and reasonable to say if you have symptoms wear a mask in public rather than install an APP? Looking at the data from Japan and South Korea that appears to be working.
Does matter. Think harder than just recalling children’s movie and you might work out why.
Landlines are more expensive. I have a disability and need at least a flip to call an ambulance. My wife can't always call me because there are no phones allowed at her work. Even the dumbphones are tracked and tuned into. Dumbphones will all soon run KaiOS, and there are no phones beyond 3g without it save for the Kyocera Dura LTE-only phones. If everyone else has a phone, and there are cameras everywhere, I'm not even save without ICP facepaint and a modified gait. It's either the ICP gait, or the facepainted landline at this point. Give me these or give me death.
It's already over.
>look at me, I am the clown now
aids/faggot tracker now !
Fat women are taking their stinky brats into supermarkets coughing corona all over everyone. The open mouth coughs I just heard from them. Is it not child abuse to take your unprotected kid in a supermarket during a pandemic. Yes but everyone’s too thick to bother. You’re all going to die from being thick.
Don’t point out any numbers to me I know them and I also know they aren’t worth much to go on.
>owning a smartphone
>using a smartphone
>carrying a smartphone
>using a smartphone
You won't be able to get work, buy anything or access any public office without one soon.
>Obligatory nigger
>is obligatory
the never fucking stop
It is getting pretty fucking bad, yeah.
The stimulus brought back obama phones allegedly as dem pork. Imagine if everyone with an obama phone has this app preloaded. Thats your mark of the best guys.
That sounds terribly dangerous.
>want to plant a bomb
>want to commit a mass shooting
>want to ram a vehicle against something
Notice how those don't require a color code. If you make all the legal things impossible to do, then the only things that people will do are the illegal ones. It's only logical.
How will showing my code work if I'm an illegal alium?
I would assume I have universal access given my status as la raza cosmica.
the only illegals will be those with red codes
We already have it and I just drive a trash truck.
So much for "no human is illegal". That's ostracism, straight out of ancient Greece. Besides that, it is contrary to Article 9 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.
Why the fuck would they need to chip anyone when people will spend $500-1000 a year to carry a surveillance device with them everywhere that gives far more information than a chip. The surrogate retard even replaces the surveillance device when it breaks. You can keep your silly chips, I'll take the camera, microphone, search history, and gps surveillance device, thanks.
Good, South Korea has been doing this since day one. We are tracked anyway so it might as well be used to help us.
Take ur meds schizo. This is necessary.
>government app
So it's guaranteed not to work then
>be coofer
>leave phone at home
>go out coofing
>app has no way of tracking you
>infect grillions
It's not being discussed strictly in the context of a supposed pandemic, rather as precedent for horrors beyond our comprehension.
Illegals and minorities will be exempt, of course.
Thank you. This is the only reasonable solution.
how is this a bad thing you retarded schizo faggot?
That’s why they will eventually implant chips into everyone. Bill gates already has the invisible tattoo vaccine ready to go
>STD trackers deemed sexist, homophobic, transphobic
Das raysis
Far more exists in heaven and Earth than in your philosophy.
So this is how they'll normalize the beast mark to normies huh.
>Wheres my std trackers than
There is one “custom” cellphone out there that only has a keypad and tiny “beeper like” display. I’m on their mailing list. They make the phones in batches. It’s literally just a phone. No text or nothing
Just leave your phone at home, breh
I have a letter from Homeland Security that says I can cross police and military checkpoints and enter quarantine zones and I'm just a union schmuck working for a railroad